Stay away from CHB's!!! Venting...


New Member
We all are aware of the dangers of Scissor Happy Stylists(SHS), but I wanted to make everyone aware of Clipper Happy Barbers (CHB). I went to my DH's barber this weekend to get the fro "evened up" a bit and he put me back three months!!! He got very happy with the clippers and when I told him I didn't want my nape lined straight across, he made the remark that I need something back there, because it's "raggedy". :mad: What does that mean???
I think my hair is even shorter than it was when I did the BC!! I'm quite upset, but trying to remember that it's just hair, it'll grow back. :nono:

I had just gotten to the point where I had a small, cute little puff...but no more. I can put away the headbands for a while. :cry3: :cry3:

I hate setbacks!!!
Sorry to hear that. :(

Never let a barber cut your hair. They are used to cutting short hair for men (like u said, it was your DH's baber). ;)
Poohbear said:
Sorry to hear that. :(

Never let a barber cut your hair. They are used to cutting short hair for men (like u said, it was your DH's baber). ;)

Lesson learned. :yep:

Your hair looks beautiful, btw!
poor thing, i just wanted u to know that i've been there. You are not alone. I can SPECIFICALLY remember at least 3 times when i told my stylist i wanted a trim of no more than 1 inch (1 inch is generous enough, although i really wanted 1/2) and i remember seeing at least 2 inches lyng on the floor. So i know how it feels, but now i'm avoiding a stylist trim like as if it was the plague. Don't sweat it, now that it happened, you can continue moisturizing the heck out of your hair and by july you will be back to where u were.....
Hey JenJen, at least you look nice with short hair, if that's any consolation. I'm sorry this happened to you. I read that barbers sometimes have a hard time with the idea that a woman wants (generally) a softer cut...and doesn't need to be lined up like a dude. Hang in there...even while you're reading this, your hair is growing back. I'm sure it'll be longer in no time!