Alabama's BC

well dang! TOTALLY unexpected! have fun w/ the super easy regimen! seems like the more hair you get, the more you have to do!
Congrats! Now you have a beautiful clean slate:yep:. Your hair is going to grow out so fast and beautifully.
Me too! Nothing against transitioners...:look: but I love people who arent slaves to their hair and length....congrats girl!!!!! Your hair grows super fast it will be back in no time.

Are you going to stay natural once you get some length back?

thanks and yes I'm going to be natural for life now. I might as well if i'm not going to be bonelaxed then why not stay natural :lol:
well dang! TOTALLY unexpected! have fun w/ the super easy regimen! seems like the more hair you get, the more you have to do!

I'm already turning into a PJ. I already bought products to try, little clips and flower thingies for it. My BFF was like where are you going to stick those, you need hair first :lachen:
That looks great! Good for you! (And the short hair goes well with your face, my big round head on the other hand...:lachen:)
Wow, you're brave. I saw the title and thought it was a joke or something, lol. It looks nice! And your head does not look big, either. :)
I feel great! I've learned my lesson with chemicals. I can't have my cake and eat it too. I think I'm going to be natural for good now. :yep:

Shoot I would hope you wouldnt texlax right away....I never knew people were serious about having their hair texlaxed...I always thought for most it just so happened they never went bone straight and if they did oh well because your 1/2 way there anyway (meaning your relaxed I didnt know going all the way there would make anyne feel know? no offense to anyone)

But are you going to color your hair anymore or anything? Do you plan to use heat when it gets longer?

What did family/friend/SO's say?
Wow!!! Congratulations. You are so brave. Your hair was beautiful before the cut and even more beautiful afterwards. You rock that short hair do! I'm sure your hair will grow back in no time.
I think you look crazy cute! It really suits you!

I don't blame you one bit! If I had gone for a texturizer and ended up with relaxed hair, OMG I would have chopped it all off also. I don't like relaxed hair (on me) I love love texture and the versatility.

I love the texture of your natural hair.

Happy hair growth!
Wow, didn't see that coming! I guess neither did you. Two cuts in 1 day, that's bold. But you look good with it, no need for the uh oh face.
Shoot I would hope you wouldnt texlax right away....I never knew people were serious about having their hair texlaxed...I always thought for most it just so happened they never went bone straight and if they did oh well because your 1/2 way there anyway (meaning your relaxed I didnt know going all the way there would make anyne feel know? no offense to anyone)

But are you going to color your hair anymore or anything? Do you plan to use heat when it gets longer?

What did family/friend/SO's say?

My hair isn't as full when it's bone straight. I loved the thickness that texlaxing gave my individual strands and having the ability to wash and go.

I don't plan to color my hair at all. I've dyed my hair black for 8 years and I've decided to just let my ashy looking hair be. It looks dark right now b/c it's so short but it's actually a medium brown with red. (3 in weave shades) I have also decided to not use direct heat for an entire year. I will use indirect heat to DC but that's about it.

Everyone was really supportive. I had been talking about it for weeks so they weren't surprised that I was going to do it but surprised that I didn't wait until December like I said I would. Most of the women in my family are natural and I was natural for most of my life. They were happy about my decision but they wish that I would have waited until I had hair. :lol: My girls bought me some hoop earrings and some new eyeshadow. I don't have an SO but my main man friend had the screw face at first but he came around. He bought me a set of clippers and showed me how to use them properly. He said I have the wolf gene. I just got a line up and hair was already down my neck :lachen:. He also went to Sephora and bought some Carol's Daughter products that I had been talking about. (They do listen :eek: ). I got the healthy hair butter and the milk. So far so good :grin:
I ended up BCing the same way. I was stretching my relaxer and said what the hell? I wasn't consciously transitioning or going natural. Welcome to the natural side. Your hair will grow out in no time. :yep: