Spirit Controlled Woman


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else read this book by Beverly LaHaye?


My family used this book for a Bible Study when I was a teenager.

Although I was familiar with personality types - this book was really eye opening to me. It helped me to understand that we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made by God" but we are all "made" differently.

It helped me to stop taking things personally when I was involved in a conflict or disagreement with someone.

Spirit Controlled Woman explores 4 basic temperaments and even has a companion workbook to help you identify your temperament....

I highly recommend it.

I'd love to host a Bible Study or create a Social Group for anyone that would like to study it together... :yep:

Has anyone else read this book by Beverly LaHaye?


My family used this book for a Bible Study when I was a teenager.

Although I was familiar with personality types - this book was really eye opening to me. It helped me to understand that we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made by God" but we are all "made" differently.

It helped me to stop taking things personally when I was involved in a conflict or disagreement with someone.

Spirit Controlled Woman explores 4 basic temperaments and even has a companion workbook to help you identify your temperament....

I highly recommend it.

I'd love to host a Bible Study or create a Social Group for anyone that would like to study it together... :yep:

No, never read the book. Sounds good...thanks, momi.
I've never heard of the book but thank you for the recommendation! I'm in for the group study .... :yep: