Have you ever seen a bad spirit leave someone?

I have seen someone be "purged" as well, and to see them coughing up this black stuff the 1st time was very shocking. Purging is very real.
I've never seen it happen in church but only at home prayer meetings/bible studies which tended to be more intimate/intense and everybody's usually on the same accord.
After that I began to understand spirits better and understood why saints were so protective over the children in the room when praying spirits out cuz it was said that the spirits would leave the afflicted and enter the kids if not careful.
I'm still extremely funny about who touches me especially in church. I belong to a large church and there are several ministers who I won't allow to lay hands on me.

I've seen this happen also, and have been purged myself. It's very real and you have to be sure to fill yourself up with the word right after to make sure you don't leave that place void.

@ bold i used to belong to a church where i didn't trust the majority of the ministers on staff. I have since changed my membership. There is no need for me to attend a church where i don't trust the ministers to pray for me or lay hands on me. :yep:
I believe that if you have the holy spirit within you then no demons can enter that home. Didn't Jesus say that when a bad spirit leaves someone, it goes looking for another home? And if they can't find one it comes back to the place he left with 7 more demons (I believe stronger than himself). But if you have the holy spirit in your home then they can't come in.
I've seen a bad spirit living inside my brother. He used to live w/ me and I knew it wasn't really him looking @ me, it was an evil spirit. My uncles and pastors prayed for the spirits to leave and they did but they returned and are stronger than ever in him. I'm scared to be around him. :sad:
this happened a year ago at a church my parents visited my mom and a few others casted demons out of this woman. she fought so hard and was trying to walk out the door and she had 5 people fighting with those strong demons 4 men and my mom. my sis said she heard the demons saying get off of me in a scratchy voice. that woman was so sweaty after she was set free:yep:
I believe that if you have the holy spirit within you then no demons can enter that home. Didn't Jesus say that when a bad spirit leaves someone, it goes looking for another home? And if they can't find one it comes back to the place he left with 7 more demons (I believe stronger than himself). But if you have the holy spirit in your home then they can't come in.

This is what I thought, too.
I'm coming back to this....

There's something I need to say, but the Lord hasn't released me to say it yet. But it's coming. :yep:
I have never experieced it. However, I have been told if something like this goes down and you are in the room. Be sure that you know that you now that you are covered. The demon will look for another vessel.

I have read that when spirits leave. There can be vomit, belching, coughing.

I am not sure if a spirit and demon are the same.

I went to a healing service a few weeks ago. Later when I arrived home I was coughing. It may be coincidence.
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Patiently waiting for you to come back.... ;-)

This thread being bumped up is very timely for me...

Bumping again.

I would too love to hear from you Shimmie. Your posts give me such insight.
:kiss: Hi Angels. I was at work when I first read this thread and I couldn't respond; the Lord wouldn't let me. He wanted me to be still and wait; to not react to this subject, which is indeed a 'spirit', a spirit of Distraction.

Jesus didn't waste any of His precious time with satan nor any of his cohorts, who trembled at the very name of Jesus and His presence.

I know it's been told and shared by thousands, the stories of demons who were cast out of a person, and the manifestation of demon possession was the evidence of vomit, blood, wretching/writhing, screams, fighting, scratching, animal behavior............. ahhhhhhhh the list of 'what they did'/do is endless.

While everyone is 'DISTRACTED' with this, the real demonic activity is quietly taking place catching too many saints unawares. satan loves an audience, but even more, he loves a cover up... a fall guy. Someone/ Something he has planted to distract us up front from what he's really doing from behind. Just because we're in prayer doesn't stop satan from keeping us unaware; it depends on whom/ what / how we're praying.

God doesn't want us to be caught unawares or caught up in wonder with occurrences like this. :nono: There is nothing fascinating about any of it. Just because a person throws up bile, doesn't mean that they have been delivered or even needed to be delivered. There's no 'wow' factor here. But there is more going on outside of these demon-strations than what we see.

Whenever God has released something to us from Heaven, or when the presence of God is about to fall upon us under a heavy annointing, that when the distractions occur. Ever be in the flow in Praise and Worship, and all of a sudden you get interrupted by a tap on the shoulder or someone wants to move past you for the restroom, or whatever the reason, it's still a distraction and it takes you forever to 'get back' into the flow.

Think about what happens at many of the conferences, camp meetings, rallies, and all of a sudden someone acts up. Anyone who has ever experienced seeing a person under satan's control, think about how you felt afterwards. The message was missed; you are exhausted, you can't truly focus on anything else except what occurred and it's all that's being talked about. Major Distraction.

demons 'know' their place in the presence of God. We don't have to exhaust ourselves trying to cast / pray them out. They are 'subject' to us and all it takes is a word, for them to flee.

I don't doubt the sincerity of our precious OP who began this thread. Actually, I believe God lead her here to expose the devil for what he's really doing as he continues to attack the Body of Christ.

Do we continue to pray when we encounter 'spirits' such as this? By all means yes. But with the awareness that something more is going on behind it and to put a halt to satan's behind the scenes, and distractive endeavors with those prayers.

Nehemiah as he rebuilt the wall, always had a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other. He was well 'aware' of the underlying enemy below and behind the scenes schemes.

I love this......my 'boy' the Prophet Elijah :yep:
And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD.

And, behold, the LORD passed by, and

a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD;

but the LORD was not in the wind:

and after the wind an earthquake;

but the LORD was not in the earthquake:

[FONT=arial,helvatica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica] 12 And after the earthquake a fire;

but the LORD was not in the fire:

and after the fire a STILL SMALL VOICE.

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it,

(I Kings 19:11-13)

[SIZE=-1]Angels... this is the whole key and the measure right here. God is not in the brashing / thrashing, the screams and the vomits. While all of is going on, satan is using it to distract us from the most powerful of all weapons that we have as Christians...... "God's Voice", that still small voice, that we are missing while satan is loudly hissing.

Beware when we see demonstrations of such, for it's only a distraction from hearing what God is trying to say to us.

I love you.... :love2: Thus saith the Lord :yep:

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Think about what happens at many of the conferences, camp meetings, rallies, and all of a sudden someone acts up. Anyone who has ever experienced seeing a person under satan's control, think about how you felt afterwards. The message was missed; you are exhausted, you can't truly focus on anything else except what occurred and it's all that's being talked about. Major Distraction.

Thank you for this.
:kiss: Hi Angels. I was at work when I first read this thread and I couldn't respond; the Lord wouldn't let me. He wanted me to be still and wait; to not react to this subject, which is indeed a 'spirit', a spirit of Distraction. .............................

Whenever God has released something to us from Heaven, or when the presence of God is about to fall upon us under a heavy annointing, that when the distractions occur. Ever be in the flow in Praise and Worship, and all of a sudden you get interrupted by a tap on the shoulder or someone wants to move past you for the restroom, or whatever the reason, it's still a distraction and it takes you forever to 'get back' into the flow.

Think about what happens at many of the conferences, camp meetings, rallies, and all of a sudden someone acts up. Anyone who has ever experienced seeing a person under satan's control, think about how you felt afterwards. The message was missed; you are exhausted, you can't truly focus on anything else except what occurred and it's all that's being talked about. Major Distraction.


I don't doubt the sincerity of our precious OP who began this thread. Actually, I believe God lead her here to expose the devil for what he's really doing as he continues to attack the Body of Christ.

Do we continue to pray when we encounter 'spirits' such as this? By all means yes. But with the awareness that something more is going on behind it and to put a halt to satan's behind the scenes, and distractive endeavors with those prayers.

Nehemiah as he rebuilt the wall, always had a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other. He was well 'aware' of the underlying enemy below and behind the scenes schemes.

I love this......my 'boy' the Prophet Elijah :yep:
[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]And, behold, the LORD passed by, and [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]but the LORD was not in the wind: [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]and after the wind an earthquake; [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]but the LORD was not in the earthquake:[/FONT][/SIZE]

[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvatica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]12 And after the earthquake a fire; [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvatica]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]but the LORD was not in the fire: [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]and after the fire a STILL SMALL VOICE. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica]13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica](I Kings 19:11-13)[/FONT][/SIZE]

[/FONT][SIZE=-1]Angels... this is the whole key and the measure right here. God is not in the brashing / thrashing, the screams and the vomits. While all of is going on, satan is using it to distract us from the most powerful of all weapons that we have as Christians...... "God's Voice", that still small voice, that we are missing while satan is loudly hissing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Beware when we see demonstrations of such, for it's only a distraction from hearing what God is trying to say to us. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]I love you.... :love2: Thus saith the Lord :yep: [/SIZE]

This happens sometimes in church. It is usually old people. Sometimes I want to turn around and say would you shut up!!!!:wallbash::wallbash: You are quiching the spirit. Bu that would not be Christ-like.:nono::nono::nono::nono:
I enjoyed going through this thread especially shimmie's comments. I have seen and heard of many events and I always wondered what the "POINT" was. Like how were lives changed or was it business as usual afterwards. I have been in intecessory prayer and have felt VERY troubled when led to pray for a woman who was experiencing demon opression/possession (unsure of which). I always want to know more about the subject but dont want to get caught up in the awe and excitement or storytelling...
This is a awesome thread. Shimmie, you were on point about the distractions, especially during praise and worship. I'll elaborate on some things later...

Love and God Bless,
Auntie Gettis
This is a awesome thread. Shimmie, you were on point about the distractions, especially during praise and worship. I'll elaborate on some things later...

Love and God Bless,
Auntie Gettis

I'm looking forward to your post... :bighug:
This happens sometimes in church. It is usually old people. Sometimes I want to turn around and say would you shut up!!!!:wallbash::wallbash: You are quiching the spirit. Bu that would not be Christ-like.:nono::nono::nono::nono:
:lol: Been there....... :yep: I look at a lot of reasons why things happen in Church. Have you ever noticed that this doesn't occur in 'quiet' Churches and yes, I'm speaking of many (not all) but most White Churches.

In the Charismatic arena, you will witness a lot of 'activity'. It's good :yep: and it's not so good :nono:. We have so many 'gifts' of the Holy Spirit, yet they have achieved not the full potential and effect that God has intended for us.

And it's because of so many 'Distractions'. And how we react to them can make us or break us or cause delays in our spiritual levels as a whole and as indivuals.

But....... we live and learn and we learn and live; thank God for his undying mercies upon us. God is always filling in the gaps for us no matter what. The gaps in our prayers, the gaps in our discerning, the gaps in our achievements, our families, our marriages, our finances. God is always there to fill in, what satan has devised to leave us void.
I enjoyed going through this thread especially shimmie's comments. I have seen and heard of many events and I always wondered what the "POINT" was. Like how were lives changed or was it business as usual afterwards.

I have been in intecessory prayer and have felt VERY troubled when led to pray for a woman who was experiencing demon opression/possession (unsure of which). I always want to know more about the subject but dont want to get caught up in the awe and excitement or storytelling...
You've said it all right there. "...Not getting caught up in the awe and the excitement or storytelling."

Have you ever wondered, why has so much time been spent on just ONE devil? And none of us are making light of the person's life or need for prayer / deliverence. If a person is need of help, that's what we are to do, help them. But 99% of the time, satan is using this opportunity as a cover up for something else that God moving upon us and we 'miss it' or it's been delayed.

And you know what happens? Doubt moves in.

Distraction Breeds Doubt and this is exactly what satan wants. For this gives him an opportunity to move into our lives with more stress, more mess, more confusion, and we leave these meetings, or gatherings not knowing why God had us there in the first place. I can tell you, it wasn't for the purpose of spending the entire service deliverning someone from a satanic fit. :nono:

Many have been deceived into thinking that when something like this occurs, that it was always a move of God and we get all hyped about it and it's all we talk about. Well for that much excitement, all one has to do is watch a horror movie.

People do have spirits in operation and they do need deliverance, but not at the expense of being the star of the show. And vomiting up a black subsance is not evidence of deliverence. demons are not in the contents of ones stomach or bile.

demons are spirit beings and when they are in the presence of God, they leave. Period! When a demon sees God, they leave. They don't argue, they don't dispute, they don't hesitate neither do they shake and quake or even do a 'shimmie'....Noooooooooooo :nono:.

When a demon sees the presence of God, they LEAVE and do not put on a show. It's not dancing with the Stars, or a hip hop finale, neither does the orchestra do a fan fare.... demons simply leave. They flee. All God does is 'BE' who He is and He does it without a sweat and no regret.

And we are to be the same. When devils see us, they are to just flee and not utter a word nor an argument.

As parents, we can walk into a room and our children will immediately stop what they are doing wrong because they 'KNOW', it's not a game.

As Christians, we have that same authority over the devil and his distractions. This was the point that Jesus was trying to get across to the desciples when they came to Him and said that the demons were not 'subject' to them and they were not able to cast them out of a person.

Jesus replied with 'preparation'. He shared that these demons come out by prayer and fasting. Meaning that we are to be 'prepared' ahead of time via regular prayer and fasting and with the word of God 'ready' within our hearts. And when these demons see us, they see God and they 'Flee', without wasting a moment of our time and energies.

Personally, I'm not there :nono: Yet I have learned not to waste time with 'Distractions'. I have to depend upon the Holy Spirit to lead me and keep me in perfect peace and speak only what He tells me when confronted with a 'spirit.'
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i can truly understand the distraction that shimmie spoke of. last sunday i was in church and toward the end of the sermon i got this overwhelming feeling of dizziness,sweating,gasey (sp) sensation and black out feeling. the sermon was ok but i had to keep praying to God open my heart so i can hear the message. i was kinda sleepy since the night before i had just gotten back at 11 30 from famu. i had to drop off my son and i drove back to miami.
anyways the ladies lead me to the bathroom and i laid on the floor they insisted on calling the fire rescue but i didnt want them to, finally i relented because they said for official reasons to protect the church they had to call. right after that i got up to move my bowel and i felt much better until i got up but i waited a minute or so because i felt dizzy when i stood up. the fire rescue came and took my vitals and said everything was normal and i felt better and i told them i didnt want to the hospital because i felt better. i got home and told my brother and he told me it was food poisoning. i thought back from the day before and i remember the cashier at kfc was really giving me a hard time. when she finally gave me my food after a long wait i said to myself i hope she doesnt put anything in my food. sure enough that was the culprit because i didnt eat that morning. i only had juice.
so if i would have never got sick i could have heard a message but because of that episode i lost out.
so big ups to shimmie for breaking it down once again
Question: Why are people being delivered in the sanctuary and not in private? I'm on a deliverance team and we've never done it in public. Maybe i'm missing something but is that "normal" for deliverance ministry?
i can truly understand the distraction that shimmie spoke of. last sunday i was in church and toward the end of the sermon i got this overwhelming feeling of dizziness,sweating,gasey (sp) sensation and black out feeling. the sermon was ok but i had to keep praying to God open my heart so i can hear the message. i was kinda sleepy since the night before i had just gotten back at 11 30 from famu. i had to drop off my son and i drove back to miami.

anyways the ladies lead me to the bathroom and i laid on the floor they insisted on calling the fire rescue but i didnt want them to, finally i relented because they said for official reasons to protect the church they had to call. right after that i got up to move my bowel and i felt much better until i got up but i waited a minute or so because i felt dizzy when i stood up. the fire rescue came and took my vitals and said everything was normal and i felt better and i told them i didnt want to the hospital because i felt better.

i got home and told my brother and he told me it was food poisoning. i thought back from the day before and i remember the cashier at kfc was really giving me a hard time. when she finally gave me my food after a long wait i said to myself i hope she doesnt put anything in my food. sure enough that was the culprit because i didnt eat that morning. i only had juice.

so if i would have never got sick i could have heard a message but because of that episode i lost out.
so big ups to shimmie for breaking it down once again
Mitcy, I'm so glad that you're okay. :kiss: Gee whiz, food poisoning is serious. I'm so sorry that the woman in kfc gave you such a hard time; I don't think that she put something put into your food, so much as the food itsself was simply not up to standard with food safety.

Bottomline, God 'covered' you with His loving presence and His protection. No weapon formed against you was able to prosper.

In Jesus's name, the curse causeless shall not come; it shall return from whence it came.

Love you little sis. :giveheart:
Question: Why are people being delivered in the sanctuary and not in private? I'm on a deliverance team and we've never done it in public. Maybe i'm missing something but is that "normal" for deliverance ministry?
Primarily to keep 'order' in the ministry. Pastors are accountable for the responsibilities which he delegates to his members. There are guidelines that must be followed and carried about within the Church that he heads.

The Church Sanctuary represents just that, a place of 'Sanctuary' and a place of order; the Altar of the Lord. Services of deliverance requires much prayer and consecration and a place of order. Too many have gone out on their own and were not under the covering of their Pastor or under the direction of the Lord. Deliverance ministries are exhausting and require much sacrifice. You never know what spirit is next on the agenda and you have to be forever ready and on target. The Holy Spirit will definitely empower you.

God bless you richly for allowing God to use you in this ministry. It is needed. :giveheart: It will also teach you much about 'Distractions' and true deliverance.
i can truly understand the distraction that shimmie spoke of. last sunday i was in church and toward the end of the sermon i got this overwhelming feeling of dizziness,sweating,gasey (sp) sensation and black out feeling. the sermon was ok but i had to keep praying to God open my heart so i can hear the message. i was kinda sleepy since the night before i had just gotten back at 11 30 from famu. i had to drop off my son and i drove back to miami.
anyways the ladies lead me to the bathroom and i laid on the floor they insisted on calling the fire rescue but i didnt want them to, finally i relented because they said for official reasons to protect the church they had to call. right after that i got up to move my bowel and i felt much better until i got up but i waited a minute or so because i felt dizzy when i stood up. the fire rescue came and took my vitals and said everything was normal and i felt better and i told them i didnt want to the hospital because i felt better. i got home and told my brother and he told me it was food poisoning. i thought back from the day before and i remember the cashier at kfc was really giving me a hard time. when she finally gave me my food after a long wait i said to myself i hope she doesnt put anything in my food. sure enough that was the culprit because i didnt eat that morning. i only had juice.
so if i would have never got sick i could have heard a message but because of that episode i lost out.
so big ups to shimmie for breaking it down once again

WOW, I am so glad that you are ok. That must of been awful feeling that way. I thank God for his Discernment for you. You Found out the culprit! I am glad you are feeling better!((((Hugs)))!
Thank you Shimmie, for again your humbled and insightful posts here on this forum. Thank you for helping us see the truth for what it is and how we as Sister's in Christ have to handle these situations. It is so important to stay covered! No Matter what. Do not gt caught up in all the hype and at the Sound of the name of Jesus! Over and Over situations Change and are broken!
I haven't seen it for myself yet but I am currently seeing a demon or demons at work in someone:nono: He acts totally crazy. When we go to the front to pray he can't even move to the front and when the Pastor tries to bring correction he rants on things that don't make sense. It really seems as if someone else has control over his body. We are praying for his deliverance. But I think we all need to fast and pray for like 40 days to cast those out for real.
I was about 9 y/o when we were at a revival and there was a girl in the back being very disruptive and talking loud and then she got up and started cursing. The pastor asked someone to bring her to the front and they prayed for her hard, the the pastor stopped and told all that wasn't saved and the kids to touch a bible and they prayed for that girl for about 2 hours and like the the OP said, she threw up and was was crying. She came back the next night and she was drop dead gorgeous, I mean, we all were talking about, she is so pretty. I will never forget that and that's why I don't fool with folks who dib and dab because this is real, demons/spirits are real.

I'm listening to some old Tramaine now "Changed" and the line where she says "i'm not what i want to be but I'm not what I use to be" i just teared up in this office and raised my hands to the Lord. I have been having these private worship services since Sunday night and I meant to share with you all Donald Lawrences "Seasons", that has been in my spirit and I'm dedicating that to each and every one of you.