Spinoff: Wind does damage hair


New Member
Blow in the wind hair is nice but.....Even if your locks aren't long enough to tangle, they're still susceptible to damage caused by individual strands rubbing together. It can cause enough friction to damage the cuticle layer, weakening the hair shaft and leading to breakage.

So, the moral to the story is: minimize the exposure of your hair to wind.
Well, I'll cut and paste the rest from this site: http://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/bellemag/hair/damaged.htm

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT]"Wind tangles the hair and causes individual strands to rub together. This can cause enough friction to damage the cuticle layer, weakening the hair shaft and leading to breakage. Using conditioners and leave-in treatments reduces the friction between strands and helps prevent tangles."

I CW daily and use leave-ins. My hair never tangles in the wind. I love feeling the wind in my hair. It goes right back into place. I don't too many people are going to be standing out in roaring, whipping winds without having their hair secured.

The gentle breezes ... they feel harmless to me ...but I do understand what this site is saying... and it's good to be warned...
This is a true statement!

Over on this island, the wind whips out of nowhere! Beats all the curls, body , and if you're not careful, the actual hair right out of your head!

I may need to wear scarves (lookin' like an old woman), but I don't like my hair getting beat up.

Good point.
This is very true. Before I was married I dated a handful of bikers and when I rode around with them (without a helmet, like an idiot) the wind whipping through my hair did serious damage.:ohwell:
Synthia said:
Well, I'll cut and paste the rest from this site: http://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/bellemag/hair/damaged.htm

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT]"Wind tangles the hair and causes individual strands to rub together. This can cause enough friction to damage the cuticle layer, weakening the hair shaft and leading to:ohwell: strands and helps prevent tangles."

I CW daily and use leave-ins. My hair never tangles in the wind. I love feeling the wind in my hair. It goes right back into place. I don't too many people are going to be standing out in roaring, whipping winds without having their hair secured.

The gentle breezes ... they feel harmless to me ...but I do understand what this site is saying... and it's good to be warned...

I am with you, i can go in the wind just fine without any tangling after flat ironing my hair it all just goes back into place, but i do notice a little drying from wind
I recall those days going to school looking like a little old lady:)

Girl when I was younger, my grandma used to always make us cover our heads up and wear caps and scarves whenever it was windy outside (I'm talking about as early as elementary school) and she used to always used to say "those March winds will take your hair right out your head":lol:
rdm said:
Blow in the wind hair is nice but.....Even if your locks aren't long enough to tangle, they're still susceptible to damage caused by individual strands rubbing together. It can cause enough friction to damage the cuticle layer, weakening the hair shaft and leading to breakage.

So, the moral to the story is: minimize the exposure of your hair to wind.
Yes this is true, but I think the original "blow in the wind hair" post did not literally mean having the wind "blow" their hair. They were looking for movement and that "swang" and bounce of the hair that occurs with natural movement, not necessarily that they want the wind to whip the hair into disarray. No offense.