Spinoff: Strip clubs and Pornography


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! I am doing a project for my Sociology of Sexuality course. It is about strip clubs and porn (as stated in the title) and how you feel about it. The first survey is for women who are married or in a committed heterosexual relationship ONLY! If you are dating more than one man, divorced, are in an open relationship, or single, then the SECOND link is for you.

First survey- Thanks! I've received enough participants!

Second survey- http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=27mtywk1bvri7sm794505

You are also free to discuss your answers in this thread if you wish! Thanks ladies! You all are AWESOME!

ETA: Here's the original thread that prompted me to do this project, along with answers I received on facebook

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OH well I don't fit your target group but definitely keep me posted... this related perfectly with my two majors. Last semester I took sociology of Sex and Gender and in the fall I'm taking Psychology of Human sexuality, so I definitely love to hear stuff about this.