Spinoff #2: Ladie's over 35 and single what are you doing in....


Well-Known Member
How are you handling the social and romantic parts of your lives? Are you still open to marriage and starting a family? Or are you focusing more on carreer goals and retirement goals.

I wll say that I'm still open to marriage and having children. However as the years go by I am now starting think more about accomplishing defferred career goals and aggressively planning for my retirement. I don't want to be working when I'm 60.

Let's discuss....
Single, 38, no children but I have been married before. Marriage, eh, a life long companion seem more my style right now.

I am a very social person, I meet guys all the time, I date, I have fun, vacation and do everything to live my life to the fullest. If and when the right one comes along, I will be down for it, if not then so be it.

I am not pressed, but most my age who haven't been married before, seem to be a little more pressed for marriage then I am. I completely understand.
Single, 38, no children but I have been married before. Marriage, eh, a life long companion seem more my style right now.

I am a very social person, I meet guys all the time, I date, I have fun, vacation and do everything to live my life to the fullest. If and when the right one comes along, I will be down for it, if not then so be it.

I am not pressed, but most my age who haven't been married before, seem to be a little more pressed for marriage then I am. I completely understand.

I'm over 35, divorced and have a 14 year old daughter. I am loving life right now!

Though my daughter is able to function independently of me in alot of ways these days, and I have a pretty active social life. At present I just really focus on her.

I have male friends, but I am not looking to settle down with anyone. I kinda like playing it loose for now anyway.

I am looking forward to the next few years of my daughter finishing high school and starting college, before I really embark on a more active social life.

Perhaps by then, the man that I will settle down and live the rest of my life with will have found me.

In the meantime, I am focusing on maintaining good health, good looks, and making money.
Thanks for the responses ladies.

May I ask what type of social activities you all are engaged in? I must also say that as I've gotten older all my friendships have changed also. I don't have many girlfriends that I can call on for spur of the moment shopping, lunch, dinner etc. Most now are married. Everything must be planned in ADVANCE. I do understand the reasons why. So I do most things on my own and that's cool. But I miss the sponteniety of just hanigng out with friends.

I'm just trying to figure out how I want to live the rest of my life, marriage and children or not. I seriously want to be at peace with my lifestyle as I get older. I don't want to live with regrets and dissapointment.

Can any of you relate?
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It is a challenge as you get older OP. I'm a hopeful for marriage family in my life and with the economy and social security as it is I don't foresee retiring any time soon. I have a few single friends in the area and like you we plan ahead but thats ok. I check the city paper every week for DC activities then send out requests to see who's interested in what. I go to concerts (going to one tomorrow night), festivals, and art galleries/ museums. I've attended yahoo group events for Northern Va. I'm on the list for the Black Professionals of DC events. There is a monthly DMV event for board game fanatics (I'll come back with the link) that was written up in the Post. I haven't given up on dating so that's a way to get out too.
My social life right now aint nothing to write home about. I socialize with my family a lot....very few single males around those gatherings I would date. I have not been to a club, a dining out experience in some time:ohwell:. I'm at the point of seriouslyin the so-called red zone to semi-retirement. Don't want to sit at home daily but work a few days a week. Sex after Marriage is my aim but now I'm starting to rethink a few things. Marriage as I grow older may lessen my Social Security benefits{no, SS is definitely not my only retirement nest egg!} and no way am I going to let the gov't steal the money I was forced to give up for all of my working career.
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