Spinny: To Hustle or Not To Hustle


Well-Known Member
The Flex Alexander Thread got me thinking. I was amazed at how he is being down graded for being in the commercial. I have read countless of posts here talking about how your SO/DH went above and beyond to make sure you were taken care of when times were hard and that makes him a King in your eyes. Seriously, what is Flex supposed to do? Times are hard and he has a wife and children. Is he supposed to chill at home waiting for gigs to come by and then when he defaults on his bills, we'll be the first ones SMH all over the place?

Isn't this the kind of man we are always saying we want? The one who has our back at all times, the one who we know will give us the last shirt off his back to make sure we are safe. We don't like deadbeat lazy men yet, we complain when they hustle legally to make ends meet because of Pride. I really wonder, what do we really want from our men? We'll never be satisfied as women will we? I'm glad I'm not a man. The expectations are so high that even the ones who are doing right by their women cannot meet them. Kids do not understand Pride. All they know is "Dad/Mum I'm hungry." What happens then? Pride does not pay the bills.

Forgive me if I'm over thinking but hard times have been too real for me in the past.
I'm all for anyone hustling. A real man will do anything to provide.

Pride looks really stupid when you are being evicted.
Um . . . definitely hustle. It's crazy to sit and let your family starve or be evicted because you think a job is below you.

Also, I am always surprised at how many people think a TV or movie star doing an ad is a downgrade. This is why so many US stars do ads in Japan etc . . . they make tons of money for very little effort and they don't get stigmatized for doing an ad.
Um . . . definitely hustle. It's crazy to sit and let your family starve or be evicted because you think a job is below you.

Also, I am always surprised at how many people think a TV or movie star doing an ad is a downgrade. This is why so many US stars do ads in Japan etc . . . they make tons of money for very little effort and they don't get stigmatized for doing an ad.

Because they don't get looked down on by the Japanese. They worship Western stars.

Brad Pitt would never agree to do a coffee commercial that would air in America or Europe. All very calculated.
Definitely legal hustle!

There are far too many men that will let that be the woman's job to work her fingers to the bone while he chases his dreams or turns down jobs because of his pride.
Definitely legal hustle!

There are far too many men that will let that be the woman's job to work her fingers to the bone while he chases his dreams or turns down jobs because of his pride.

Any man who lets his woman work herself into the ground because he thinks he is above doing a certain job isn't prideful, he is lazy.:nono:
I just read that thread..and many posters in there simply don't have a clue regarding the commercial world for big name brands. Being a principle in a national commercial just ONE time can pay you a *lot*. Now once you add in each time it's replayed, that translate into more and more paychecks that are mailed to you.
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I just read that thread..and many posters in there simply don't have a clue regarding the commercial world for big name brands. Being a principle in a national commercial just ONE time can pay you a *lot*. Now once you add in each time it's replayed, those are more and more paychecks that are mailed to you.

Totally agree. National commercials can pay in ranges of $30'000 dollars. Also people in SAG receive royalties each time their movie/ episodes are aired. Its probably nice to walk out to your mail box and have a check just waiting for you.
Totally agree. National commercials can pay in ranges of $30'000 dollars. Also people in SAG receive royalties each time their movie/ episodes are aired. Its probably nice to walk out to your mail box and have a check just waiting for you.

:yep::yep: and Flex is definitely in SAG. You MUST join SAG/Aftra after two national paying commercials/tv shows/voice-over, etc. So he is definitely receiving royalties.
Totally agree. National commercials can pay in ranges of $30'000 dollars. Also people in SAG receive royalties each time their movie/ episodes are aired. Its probably nice to walk out to your mail box and have a check just waiting for you.

Agree. You can film a commercial in one morning, worth 30,000 at a base rate, and be back to your house by 1 pm. Also, work for actors runs in ebbs and flows, but longevity is what's important. We would all be talking about how much of a damn fool Flex was if he had made a statement about NOT doing commercials because he had a CW series about 10 years ago. Can't win.

My man needs to hustle (legally) if that's what it comes down to. Of course we all want that great opportunity with glamour and perks, but when that's not available, put in work.
No one downplayed JLo for being in Loreal's or that car commercial. Or that guy from Rules of Engagement is now doing Hondas commercials. Nothing negative said about him. As long as its legal, hustle hard.

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Like someone said up-thread - hustle and hustle hard as long as it's legal.

If we have to downgrade for a short-time, then so be it.
Huh? This is all assuming that Flex was hustling - no other viable options - in the first place. Y'all got his wife selling off her jewelry, his kids going hungry, etc. Maybe it was just convenient and paid nicely.

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Huh? This is all assuming that Flex was hustling - no other viable options - in the first place. Y'all got his wife selling off her jewelry, his kids going hungry, etc. Maybe it was just convenient and paid nicely.

Sent from my VM670 using VM670

I agree with you, but I think most of the other posters in the thread feel like you do too in that we/they don't necessarily see it as an "oh Lawd :whyme: poor Flex is doing commercials. Is this what it's come to!? :whyme:" But at the same time, even if that's what it was then it's good that he's not proud and too stuck on himself to do something that might have his fans giving him the sideeye if that's what it takes to support his family.
I just read that thread..and many posters in there simply don't have a clue regarding the commercial world for big name brands. Being a principle in a national commercial just ONE time can pay you a *lot*. Now once you add in each time it's replayed, that translate into more and more paychecks that are mailed to you.

The "Can you hear me now" guy is laughing all the way to the bank.
The "Can you hear me now" guy is laughing all the way to the bank.

Right!? As long as he didn't go on a spending rampage after the number of commercials he did... THAT dude will never have to work a day in his life again. If he was smart...invested in a few things, he is set for LIFE.

What folks don't realize is that the measly STYLISTS on these sets are paid $350/hr on national sets. The assistant to the stylist are paid between $200 - $175 an hour. Now that is just the STYLIST. The first assistant to lighting are paid $300/hr. (on main commercial sets there are usually 3 lighting assistants.) So imagine what the talent receives? (..no they are NOT paid by the hour..and honestly the talent--unless we are talking about Angelina Jolie---is most likely NOT the highest paid on the set!!!!) National ad campaigns, on AVERAGE, have budgets in the $80 million range. Think I am just making that up? Just register for an account on Adbrands.net and you will see the HUGE budgets these companies provide. Just type in the name of any major brand you know. The info is readily available to the masses.

Verizon has a huge budget. In 2010, they had a mere 2.5 BILLION budget for JUST their advertising. I can do a screen shot of that info from my Adbrands account for anyone happens to doubt me. The commercials, photographer, talent, and anyone anyone who is PRINCIPLE involved in that marketing campaign is PAID, from just 2010 alone. Im certain those same people command the same amount of money they made from Verizon from other major brands. It wouldn't make much sense to command anything less. Why would Flex take peanuts from Verizon when he KNOWS the budgets that these major advertising companies have? Trust..he was paid well for his time, and the residuals from that commercial is mere icing on the cake.

I could go on and on, but people on the outside (like on LHCF) start to count money based on who receives the "visual" recognition. Those behind the scenes are getting paid major bread. When working with national brands...anytime you provide something that is copyrighted protected (...be it your likeness, or a product/service/thing that is your own, and only YOU can produce..), there is major, major money behind it.

If you're behind the scenes, and have a name in the industry...well you're laughing your way to the bank while people who don't understand the industry, who are sitting at home unemployed and BROKE---think you aren't making any money...and are fake. :giggle:
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