Spinny:" Its something my husband wants and needs"

Would you do it for your husband?

  • Yes. I would do these things for my husband

    Votes: 40 61.5%
  • No. He needs to take me as I am

    Votes: 7 10.8%
  • Depends on my mood.

    Votes: 18 27.7%

  • Total voters

My Friend

New Member
On Toddlers and Tiara's a pageant mom mention that looking beautiful was something her husband wants and needs from her and she was going to give it to him. She also teaches her daughters this so they can give it to their husbands.

Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband?
Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it?
Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)?

ETA: Not every woman does these things for themselves or their husband. Take a look as your walking down the street or just look at some of the threads on this board. Let's not turn this into a I am woman, hear me roar thread. :lol:
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Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband? yep :yep: I will stay slim cuz he is only allowed 10-15 lb of wiggle room his damn self! lmao

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it? hell yeah lol If I put in all this work to get my hair long and he falls in love with it i would keep it for my husband

Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)? this is iffy more like 60/40 :lachen: I promise to look nice whenever we go out. But he has got to be realisitc about the mornings and lounge time at home.
1. I'm trying. I hate that I ever fell off. 2. Yes I am. I'd be lying if I said he didn't play a part in me deciding to grow my hair long.
3. Only if I had a maid or nanny.
Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband? I will stay (try to) the size I was when he met me. But he has to give me room (babies, life, etc). But I will give him restrictions as well.

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it? Sure. I like long hair. If I want to sport something short, I can wear wigs and weaves.

Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)? No. No one is on point 90% of the time. But I will look good/beautiful every time I walk out of the door. But he needs to help with the kids, so I can put myself together.
Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband? Yes.

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it? Yes.

Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)? And Yes.

I dont think its an unreasonable request and you want to do as much as you can to please your spouse.

I'd do it for him but I'd be doing it for myself too. When I look good, I feel good. :yep:
First--she should want to do it for herself, because her comment just implies she would be overweight if her husband didn't express the desire for a skinny woman.

The answer to all those questions would be, no...not if that wasn't who I was as a person PRIOR to marriage. I wouldn't make myself unhappy by trying to please my husband. My husband doesn't really care about the length of my hair...just as long as it is growing out of my scalp, and not on a weft.

I stay on point because it's within me, my dh is just reaping the benefits.
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I'm not sure if I would solely for dh. If I were to do it for him rather than for myself I don't know if I'd be able to keep it up. Looking on point 90% of the time isn't in me, however, DH thinks I'm conceited enough as is so my head probably wouldn't fit through my own door if I was on point 90% of the time:giggle:
First--she should want to do it for herself, because her comment just implies she would be overweight if her husband didn't express the desire for a skinny woman.

The answer to all those questions would be, no...not if that wasn't who I was as a person PRIOR to marriage. I wouldn't make myself unhappy by trying to please my husband. My husband doesn't really care about the length of my hair...just as long as it is growing out of my scalp, and not on a weft.

I stay on point because it's within me, my dh is just reaping the benefits.

Pretty much how I feel...
I'm not sure if I would solely for dh. If I were to do it for him rather than for myself I don't know if I'd be able to keep it up. Looking on point 90% of the time isn't in me, however, DH thinks I'm conceited enough as is so my head probably wouldn't fit through my own door if I was on point 90% of the time:giggle:

Love it :yep:
Yes to all of it! I guess I'm roaring but I stay on point 95% of the time even when I'm lounging around the house. I own nice pieces to lounge in and my hair stays neat and I'm usually wearing diamond studs or pearls.

I do this out of habit, not really for me or anyone but this is just the natural order of me. I spent this past weekend with my parents and woke up Sunday morning to see my mom fully dress (earrings, lipstick, hair did) at 7am with nowhere to go.

I've never once seen my Mother dressed down or frumpy and I’ve noticed my siblings and I have followed suit. My step dad brags about how pretty my mom is, yes he tells her she’s beautiful but he’s always bragging about her looks 19 years later. I’m rambling but um, dressing down or looking frumpy isn’t an option for me and this isn’t something that requires extensive effort on my part. My world is set up to where it all falls into place.
Yes to all of it! I guess I'm roaring but I stay on point 95% of the time even when I'm lounging around the house. I own nice pieces to lounge in and my hair stays neat and I'm usually wearing diamond studs or pearls.

I do this out of habit, not really for me or anyone but this is just the natural order of me. I spent this past weekend with my parents and woke up Sunday morning to see my mom fully dress (earrings, lipstick, hair did) at 7am with nowhere to go.

I've never once seen my Mother dressed down or frumpy and I’ve noticed my siblings and I have followed suit. My step dad brags about how pretty my mom is, yes he tells her she’s beautiful but he’s always bragging about her looks 19 years later. I’m rambling but um, dressing down or looking frumpy isn’t an option for me and this isn’t something that requires extensive effort on my part. My world is set up to where it all falls into place.

Oh my! Wow <Mixedberry looks around, waiting for an "lol"...no? Mixedberry then slowly walks away into the darkness.......backwards>
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Yes to all of it! I guess I'm roaring but I stay on point 95% of the time even when I'm lounging around the house. I own nice pieces to lounge in and my hair stays neat and I'm usually wearing diamond studs or pearls.

I do this out of habit, not really for me or anyone but this is just the natural order of me. I spent this past weekend with my parents and woke up Sunday morning to see my mom fully dress (earrings, lipstick, hair did) at 7am with nowhere to go.

I've never once seen my Mother dressed down or frumpy and I’ve noticed my siblings and I have followed suit. My step dad brags about how pretty my mom is, yes he tells her she’s beautiful but he’s always bragging about her looks 19 years later. I’m rambling but um, dressing down or looking frumpy isn’t an option for me and this isn’t something that requires extensive effort on my part. My world is set up to where it all falls into place.

My Mama keeps me on my toes too. :yep:

ETA: Do it for yourself and they will think you are doing it for them and appreciate you for it. They just see that you look good and like it, ha.
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Weight and long hair, already doing those for myself. Super glammed up everyday isn't going to happen bc that's just not what I'm on. I try to look decent on daily or cute casual even in my errands running clothes/loungewear. I just think id feel resentful putting on lashes and two tons of makeup or something like that every day just to please a man.

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For the most part I say yes to all. However the percentage of looking on point would probably have to be more like 80/20.

I would not, however, put this in the mind of a child before they're grown enough to understand it. But this is why I hate pageants.
  1. Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband?
  2. Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it?
  3. Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)?

I would do number 1 and 2 for me first of all, but also for my SO/husband. :yep:

Number 3 is more difficult for me, it depends on my mood and life situation. I try to look decent most of the time though and I love dressing up!
I would definitely try and maintain a healthy weight for my (future) husband. I want to be sexually desired by him throughout the relationship. I have had long hair before and am currently growing mine out but the focus is on health and vitality and not length. I'm not sure I'd be willing to keep my hair long if I wanted to cut it..I would make sure that i had a fly cut though or my hair at least looked sexy/desirable.
I see no problem with trying to look my best 90% of the time but I'm not wearing stilettos to a PTA meeting. I will try my best to look pretty and dress nicely though but I'm no Kim Kardashian LOL
I think that it's important to look good for your mate and so I will. I see no problem with this.
First--she should want to do it for herself, because her comment just implies she would be overweight if her husband didn't express the desire for a skinny woman.

The answer to all those questions would be, no...not if that wasn't who I was as a person PRIOR to marriage. I wouldn't make myself unhappy by trying to please my husband. My husband doesn't really care about the length of my hair...just as long as it is growing out of my scalp, and not on a weft.

I stay on point because it's within me, my dh is just reaping the benefits.
:yep::yep: thanks!!!!!
Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband?
Yes. I do it for me, however being real for a second... Sometimes weight can creep on sometimes for various reasons. Some people are blessed with a high metabolism or are on top of diet and exercise through good and bad times. Not every woman is like that.

I am into fitness and monitoring my weight now, but that is partially down to going from underweight to overweight in my first relationship:blush:

However, I met my ex after I'd lost the weight and showed him a picture of me when I was 30lbs heavier. He went quiet for a while and eventually said "I prefer the way you look now".:look:

I had no problem with that at all tbh and created a memo to self lol. The thing about emotional eating is all it takes is a 3-4 ferel months and its piled on:perplexed. Very enjoyable process at the time lol. I monitor myself for me and the partner thing is an added incentive not to severely cross my "wiggle room".

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it?
If I could grow it lol
Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)?

Outdoors I'm well dressed all the time. indoors I like to lounge. Although a lot of men like women who dress down sometimes and have a fresh face indoors. Depends on the guy.
Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband?

I am working on doing it for me and would hopefully keep it up for me. Staying slim (barring babies or health issues, fine. Getting slim (provided I'm not heavier than I was when we were together) I cant promise

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it?

Yes I would. I don't like short hair and would feel some type of way if I was dating a girl and she cut it off, so I would understand

Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)?

Probably not. I would agree to be on point when we go out (and even that depends on the definition of on point)

Of course saying this, he would also have to maintain a proper shape and keep his appearance (hair and the other) the way I like it as well.
Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband?This is really funny because my ideal size is actually smaller than my husband's. So if I would be doing anything for him it wouldn't be slimming down..perhaps toning up..but not really losing weight. I'm trying to lose 25-30 for myself..I like the borderline underweight look.

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it? Only if that is something I liked,which it is..so I guess he can consider himself lucky.

Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)? Again..hubby is a different kind of man. He doesn't like makeup..so for me it would be putting something semi-cute on and making sure my nails are clipped and I smell good..which is something I like to do/be anyway.

Tutorial plez.

Basically for me, I know what my best look is and I continue to feed it with my arsenal of things that keep me fly.

For my hair, I don't like for my hair to be plain. I like for my hair to look crisp and fresh every day. When I bun I have long bangs on the side that I put flexirods in so it's curly in the morning to give my style a bit of flair and I add some oil and go over it with the curling iron so it'll look shiny and fresh.

If I wear my hair down I use flexirods as well and pretty much do the same thing and it looks as tho' I press and curl my hair before leaving the house but I don't. This works for me and it achieves my goal of my hair looking on point at all times. If I'm going out at night sometimes I'll flat iron it all the way thru just to change it up.

As for my clothes, I barely wear pants. The pants that I do wear are to work and are pants that I've had for awhile b/c I haven't purchased any in over a year; I only buy dresses and skirts. I have a variety from high-end boutique dresses to carefully picked run of the mill dresses from Marshall's and Ross. The key for me is to accessorize them properly and buy the ones that accentuate my body. When I’m lounging around the house I’m usually in a set, a cami top with the matching bottom. I use to get them from Victoria Secret but that was too expensive so now I get them from Target or Burlington Coat Factory.

I have tons of accessories that are actually in my closet in one of those accessory hangers that way I can just glance over and pick out something quickly. If I'm going on a date, hanging with friends, on a trip etc. I'm more detailed and I plan out things in my head and pack accordingly. I'm aware of what make-up I'll wear, shoes etc. all in my head before I pull it together.

I work out faithfully, I do a lot of running, I’ve been a vegetarian for almost 7 months now so I feel as tho’ my health is at its peak. I have dumbbells behind my bed and I work out my arms or do crunches while watching TV.

Overall, without dragging out every detail, I’m spot on about my health, beauty and style. If my skin is not up to par I do what’s necessary to correct it, I don’t wait around and wait for it to get better I hit the derm or do whatever I need.

I oil and moisturize my body from head to toe so that my skin is supple and glowing. Perfume is a must, not body splashes or sprays but perfume I can’t leave the house without it. I wear just a lil’ makeup only for color and it’s RARE that I ever do a full face. I do my own manicure and pedicure (maybe once every two months I go and get a pedicure)…I have a special foot cream that does wonders for my feet. If something is slippin’ I do something about it and don’t let it linger, I can’t function feeling shabby.
I stay on point at home for dh and when I'm out for me. When I was single I would be in sweats and a scarf all day if I wasn't going anywhere. I don't think it's good to do that as a married person.
Are you willing to stay and/or get slim for your husband? Hmmm, I like stay slim for myself, but I do think it *can* be a loving gesture to want to look good for your partner. It really depends on the circumstances.

Would you keep your hair long if your husband requested it? Again, I looove long hair so this is not an issue for me. If my husband wanted it short, then I'd have to say no way!!

Would you be on point 90% of the time (ex. Kim Kardashian)? I like to keep myself up, but I don't do makeup all the time. I think I dress in a way that flatters my body, but I don't look overly dressed up at all times. So I guess I make an effort to look good at all times, but not the best I possibly can at all times. Hope I made sense!
First--she should want to do it for herself, because her comment just implies she would be overweight if her husband didn't express the desire for a skinny woman.

The answer to all those questions would be, no...not if that wasn't who I was as a person PRIOR to marriage. I wouldn't make myself unhappy by trying to please my husband. My husband doesn't really care about the length of my hair...just as long as it is growing out of my scalp, and not on a weft.

I stay on point because it's within me, my dh is just reaping the benefits.

I love the way you think.