Spin off --- Does having long hair = arrogance?

I don't think that I'm more arrogant persay -- but it's kind of like when you're havnig a really good day, your fit is nice, you got a pedicure, your skin is clear and you feel fly -- having long hair just adds to the general euphora. Now - catch me on a day when I feel bloated, I got a big zit, and I'm holed up on the sofa with a big ol bun, the long hair isn't really making a difference! :lachen:

I do think though that other people are more likely to assume that you are arrogant or that you think you're better than them b/c you have long or especially pretty hair. I don't go places with a chip on my shoulder, but if I catch somebody mean muggin me b/c THEY have a confidence problem I'm not going to go out of my way to prove anything to them -- they can think whatever they want. :look: I'll even mean mug back on occasion -- even though I'm usually cracking up inside!
Man i was thinking about how I was going to handle myself at waist length. I know I'm gonna be unintentionally poppin my collar.

I've gotta figure this thing out before i get jumped.
Sometimes it is arrogance and sometimes it's just people's interpretation because you have long hair. Sometimes your hair doesn't have anything to do with a situation, but people will attribute it to your hair anyway. That speaks more to how they feel about long hair and power/beauty dynamics.

It's similar to the way people treat a person who has recently lost a lot of weight. Before if the person said something off-the-cuff, everyone just chalked it up that person being witty, sarcastic, or funny. But once the person loses weight, their remarks are b*tchy/catty and "they think they're cute". They probably thought they were cute a long time ago, but others just didn't see how that was possible because they were "fat". :shocked: Whoever heard of such a thing? But now . . .

Positive affirmation of how you look does impact confidence - regardless of your hair length. It's just that sometimes people begrudge you that confidence because they feel diminished - for whatever reason.
It's similar to the way people treat a person who has recently lost a lot of weight. Before if the person said something off-the-cuff, everyone just chalked it up that person being witty, sarcastic, or funny. But once the person loses weight, their remarks are b*tchy/catty and "they think they're cute". They probably thought they were cute a long time ago, but others just didn't see how that was possible because they were "fat". :shocked: Whoever heard of such a thing? But now . . .

Thats a REALLY good point. Never thought of it like that...
Well I think that having long hair is
DEFINITELY an accomplishment,
and I am sure if I had it, I would be very proud of it
and I am sure it would show.

Is the arrogrance? I dont think so.

Will some people take it to be arrogance? This I can be sure of :ohwell:


You got it. It's not about the confidence that is already there. It's about how you fell accomplishing a goal in your life. Accomplishing something that you didn't have before. Yes be proud but it's doesn't have to mean you are arrogant about it. I think a lot of people mistake being proud for being arrogant.
welcome to my world...

even before i went natural (and my hair was around SL), something about me causes people to stare. i guess i figure if they're gonna stare, i'll give them something to stare at! :lachen:

I feel yall 1000% especially being here in NM and it ain't too many of us. Let alone with hair like mine and then my complexion on top of that. You would think I was purple and had a third eye. Many assume I am dominican. I'm like darn it I am black. But to answer the question I don't think I could get anymore confident. When I had my fro 2 years ago I was rocking it and now that I am back to brastrap, I am rocking it again. People who don't know me would assume it comes from having long hair but no, that is just me Queeny all day evveerrryday!! I love myself and everyone should love themselves too. Q
This was a very thought-provoking question! I think when I finally reach my goal I will be very proud. That will definitely be taken as arrogance, and if so, fine! I can't compete with people's thoughts of me. Like some already said, most people are just going to assume you're arrogant because you have long hair even if you don't act like it. But I do think it will be hard for me not to get a little "uppity" when I'm having a good day. :grin:
The longer your hair grow the more confidences you feel. Does that mean your confidants will be mistaken for arrogance or everyone favored word stuck--up. Do you think you will be more arrogant mix with confidence? Do you know anyone who grew a lil bit of hair and start acting arrogant or stuck up?

I had confidence long before I learned to grow out my hair. Confidence comes from within. We can feel more self-confident when we know we are looking good, i.e., dressing well, hair is on point (no matter what the length), body image is good, etc., but true confidence is developed from inside. People who are arrogant are no matter what length or condition their hair is.
Sorry but I already have mucho confidence/arrogance with a good natured twist but hair just adds to it in my honest opinion! I was wondering when your spinoff pf my comment was coming!

ETA:When you have women constantly asking if this is your hair and all this other stuff, its kinda hard not to develop an air of arrogance with your hair!

You're hair is pretty! It looks healthy! :yep::grin:
I was just about to type something very similar when I scrolled down and saw your comment. This is exactly how I feel. It's equivalent to saying that money makes people arrogant. It does not...the person had that in them before they made money the money just gave them the 'confidence' to start acting a complete fool---that's been my experience in dealing with people over the years. I know a few people like this...lol. However, I know many people with money who are some of the greatest, most humble people you would ever meet. Same with hair.....that person just had this in them to begin with and for some reason they think that hair is the 'icing on THEIR cake'. I'd think this person had severe esteem issues honestly and their is nothing confident about that.

:clapping: I concur!