Does having long hair = having confidence?

I'm a shy girl and I love the attention I get having longer hair. Something in me changes when I have my hair down. I feel more confident in my appearance and I do have an extra bounce in my step. I also dress differently.

When I have my hair in a protective style I feel different. It's not that I don't have confidence, it's just that I don't feel as sexy. Like, I never wear my glasses when I have my hair down (it's only down for like six days out of a month) but if I'm sporting a bun I don't care. I still do what I can to look cute, but I don't put in that extra effort as I do when I'm wearing my hair down.

I hope I said that right. I don't think that having long hair is the only way to be sexy. I just FEEL sexier with it. Don't know why. I just do.
for me it does equal a higher level of confidence since i had problems with my hair in my childhood. even family(female relatives) would make comments or smart ass remarks about my hair. but within the next year, that's all about to change. my hair is now 1.5"-2" PAST my armpit. no one knows because i've been wearing weaves consistanly for the past two years. it isn't past BSL like i want it, but it's gettin' there. my main "nemisis", my cousin sheronda, will be floored when i sport my lengths.(which are already longer than hers as of now)

i feel proud that i've worked hard to get the hair length that i want, and for me that has elevated my confidence level.
MizAvalon said:
In my case yes. Honestly, I don't like short hair(for the most part) and feel that I look much less attractive with it. Why would I feel confident if I feel ugly?:lol:

Amen, MizAvalon. My hair has been short ALL my life. I've done the short hair thing. I'm ready for long hair!

I have a story. Until my junior year of college, I wore my hair relaxed and it was a little shorter than the length it is now. I was inspired by my adventurous sister, and got brastrap length mini braids and wore them off and on until I graduated. As a girl who had never had long hair before, my confidence in my beauty SHOT up during that time. It was a gradual thing. When I went out and was actually getting talked to, holla'd at, etc., I didn't expect or believe it at first. Plenty of times guys would holla at your girl, and then do that "oh, you're just gonna ignore me" thing. I didn't even realize they were talking to me! So the long hair did for me what nothing else could do. It put a bounce in my step. For the first time it allowed people to SEE the beauty, sexiness, I always KNEW I had.

The wonderful thing about it is that after I took the braids out, I still feel confident. I think that it's because I know that the only thing holding me back from my own ideal of myself is long hair. Knowing that I have total control helped me out.

I am never going to put braids in again, b/c my hair suffered some from the braids. But I am going to continue the "braids" mentality - I'm a cutie :)
Longer hair, less body fat, a closer relationship with God all make me feel more confident. Why? Because those are my personal goals. Who doesn't feel more confident when they are accomplishing their goals?