Does having long hair = having confidence?

Boadicea, I know what you mean. Some people are very rude. I had "long" hair when I was a little younger, and I got similar treatment. Now, my hair isn't short, but I don't consider it long. It only hangs a little under 3 inches above brastrap (3-4 inches below shoulder), and when I wear my hair out, I still get the stares, and the uninvited touching and the "Is that a weave? That has to be a weave:rolleyes:" It really sucks. It makes me feel bad.

As for long hair being equated with confidence, It doesn't for me. I am confident with myself from the inside. Also, my hair's health and appearance is what is most important to me. As long as my hair is healthy and well groomed, I am ok. The length will come. I like long hair however, because it is what suits me best. My hair has never been shorter than chin length, and I don't know how to deal with short hair. I do like short hair better on some people though, it just doesn't look good on me. I admire women who rock the TWA and the bald fade :).

It gives me confidence to know that I am genuinely being myself, the woman that God created, and not trying to be someone else. It gives me confidence to know that I am one of God's own, and he is with me always. I know I have many flaws - none of us are perfect- but, I love and respect myself, I am comfortable with who I am, and I work to correct my shortcomings daily. That gives me confidence ;)
pookeylou said:
I am with the confident short haired ladies. I have had both: Long relaxed hair, short relaxed hair. I was definitely more outgoing with the shorter hair. I got more compliments with the longer hair...but they were simply compliments on my hair. As a shorter hair person...I was more myself. There was more of me to see. More fun, more outgoing, more vibrant and alive.

Now that I am natural, I find that natural hair does for me what short hair did. Because it is still not widely accepted, it forces you to accept yourself. Gain self confidence real quick. Because natural hair is gives me the freeness to be me. I care less and less what people think of me and I find myself just being myself.

I think if you have long hair, what a luxury. I love it and want to grow and keep my hair. But should I lose to illness or whatever, I hope I have the wherewithall to know that I am still beautiful without it.

Excellent! And let the church say "Yay-men!"
I've never equated having long hair with having more confidence. I wore my hair long for years and decided to make a change and had it cut into a cute lil' pixie style. Nothing changed for me except the length of hair that was on my head. I am the same confident woman now that I was then. I do think that taking care of myself physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally gives me confidence because I know that I'm honoring God by taking the best possible care of this temple that He has blessed me to have.
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I'm picturing Halle Berry with short hair and then with long hair. With short hair her face stood out, which made made everyone notice her face and then her hair. Almost everybody copied her short styles. Knowing that people are loving your short hair cut make you more confident even if you are not loving your hair.

Now, that she has long hair I notice her hair before her face, and not everybody wants to copy this style.

I can't wait until Halle goes back to short hair cut it fits her face. Also, not everyone can pull off a short cut which can makes them feel less confident. Some people are more confident or comfortable hiding behind their hair.
Boadicea said:
For me, it's because there's too much of it.
Yeah I thick that Halle has to much hair too. Amel Larrieaux has alot of hair too, but it looks nice on her and people want it. I want it! I guess in order to determine a good hair style or length depends on the shape of your face.
Frankly, yes and no. No because i've been at this length before, and unfortunately my confidence still isn't that high. So technically, the length of my hair does NOT make me confident.

I also said yes because my hair is growing to the point where it's the longest it's ever been and i'm PROUD of that. it's healthy for the most part, so that makes me confident. Likewise, i'll be able to sport cute hairstyles that I don't do now and not feel self-conscious about it. I can also wear it down and fling it to the side if I wanna, so yeah, it'll make me feel a bit more confident.

but OVERALL, there are plenty of other factors that contribute to my level of confidence.
I don't equate have long hair to confidence. I think that confidence comes from the many different circumstances and your upbringing. I think that there could be someone who can have extremely long hair, however, if they haven't done the inner work to be and exude confidence than it means nothing. I have done the shortest of short do's and loved every minute of that. Do I look forward to my hair reaching great lengths, yes. However, that will not make me more confident--there are other personality traits that I could be working on in order to do that.
I have had my hair at just below shoulder length, the Halle Berry short cut, and every length in between. I have to say that I have more confidence in my PHYSICAL appearance when my hair looks good, whether it is long or short. My OVERALL confidence does not come from my hair, but in my beliefs in my own abilities.
I think whenever you're able to display your best -- whether it's long hair or a nice figure, you always have more confidence.

I thought I was confident with short and then neck length hair in college.

After college when I first grew my hair a several inches past my shoulders...I was in a whole other ego-sphere!. (not arrogant, though-- and that's not even super long)

But more than how I felt, I noticed men and WOMEN would treat me differently-- with more attention and kindliness surprisingly.

Especially when I was shopping ...I was used to being ignored by many clerks as a black woman, I'm sorry to say.

But suddenly, I'm shopping ...and the girls are all smiles offering me help. So funny. I thought, what's different today? OH-- i wore my hair down ...:ohwell:
I hate to dissapoint the queen of long hair. -- Sherry, but for me it does. When I have longer hair, just like when I dress up, I feel more confident. It's like an accessory for me.

I definitely notice it too when my hair is natural and curled up to my shoulders-- short vs. straightened out BSL-- I get more attention.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that long hair EQUALS confidence for me, but it definitely contributes.

Honestly, looking good is important to me, and I feel that I look better with longer hair. I found that out the hard way when I cut my hair short a year ago... I hated the way short hair looked on me, and decided to grow my hair back again (I reached that goal... now I want more :)).

Like many of the ladies said already confidence doesn't depend on one factor... it's made up of many things. For me how I feel about my looks is a significant contributor to my confidence, and long hair is part of looking good... to me.
Having longer hair would definetly increase my confidence. I do not equate long hair with confidence. I believe it comes in a package: your inner being and outer. (with inner of course having most importance)
When I had my short Halle Berry cut, I had more confidence, I had to because I could no longer hide behind my It made me wanna enhance other things on myself. Clothes, jewelry, personality. etc
The only time I didn't feel confident was when I was trying to grow cut out. I looked like a shaggy
My hair has never been much longer than shoulder length, so I can't say for sure. But I don't think longer hair will give me more confidence. I still felt confident when I had a TWA, so I don't think hair length equates to confidence for me. I do think that having longer hair will give me a sense of accomplishment, though, because it will mean that I have achieved one of my goals.
Mainly, I think long hair will add to my confidence in the area of my appearnace. Long hair will just opens up more options for styling and a show a level of dedication to grow it out that disproves that Black woman only wear their hair certain ways.
sylver2 said:
When I had my short Halle Berry cut, I had more confidence, I had to because I could no longer hide behind my It made me wanna enhance other things on myself. Clothes, jewelry, personality. etc
The only time I didn't feel confident was when I was trying to grow cut out. I looked like a shaggy

LOL! That is me right there. I was so confident with my pixie. I was trying so many new things and I was never more outgoing than at that time. I think cutting my hair taught me that I was so much more than what my hair looked like. I loved it when people would say, "I can't believe you cut all that hair off," and I would say, "It's just hair!"

I think long hair is an accessory. It can make some people's faces look better, or complete a look, or attract attention, or set you apart from others in the room, but that's the extent of it (for me).
I'll be honest and say that i'd be more confident with long hair. I would feel more in touch with my feminine side. I've had people tell me i have a cute face and to wear my hair in a shorter stylei. Personally, i feel more empowered like i can take over the world or seduce anyone with long hair. My attitude changes with the different hairstyles too. sounds weird right?
Ayeshia said:
i wont does make me more confident. Not that I solely rely on my hair for my confidence but you get my drift. For instance I cant just leave the house without a pair of earrngs on and Im working like a maniac to keep my skin relatively clear. With hair this short, all of your features are out in the open and you can't hide behind your hair. I find that I am getting less attention than I was a few years ago and I know that it has a little bit to do with the length of my hair.

Amen to that! When I cut my hair last year to just above shoulder length, I noticed less attention from men. My hair is not long now, but I do get more attention, all other things being equal. As far as confidence, because I've always had below shoulder length hair, I do feel less confident when I cut it. This is silly, but we all have our idiosyncracies. I actually think that I look better with my hair up, no matter what length.
I have to send shout outs to the women that have sported very short crop cuts - now that's confidence!!!

I wouldn't say long hair makes me confident, but would agree that it's just an accessory as someone else mentioned. Twice I have cut my hair in a blunt bob to chin length and neither time did I feel less confident; just figured I had more versitility with long hair. (it was actually cute and I was kind of mad that it grew back too quickly for me to really enjoy the style!)

I do agree that long hair can contribute to your confidence level (if you don't already have it) because some people tend to look twice at women with long hair and if you see someone looking twice, you tend to get a boost. But the same can be said for a person with short hair. If she is already confident in herself, what's going to make that person look twice is HER (personality, looks, etc) and it may not be her hair, but I bet you it boosts her already confident self up to another level!

I used to have a friend that wore her hair cut very close to her head (like a guy) and wasn't interested in having her hair any longer than that. She could care less about long hair. Confidence? That girl had so much of it that she could bottle it, sell it and wouldn't have to work another day in her life. So I would have to say that longer hair does equal confidence for some people and for others, it just comes naturally.
Having long hair doesn't equal having confidence for me but for it does contribute. Someone said it's part of the package and I totally agree. Therefore, when my hair grows long, I'll feel like I have the total package in terms of looks. Also, I wear my hair up all the time which is like the equivalent of having really short hair. I also notice that I get less attention from men as opposed to when I used to wear my hair down. However, that doesn't bother me at all because men are dumb and I think that is a stupid reason to not give a girl attention. Maybe they're thinking like me though...that I don't have the total package:lol:
No, it doesn't.
But everyone has their security blankets.
Confidence should come from the inside, not the outside.
In my case yes. Honestly, I don't like short hair(for the most part) and feel that I look much less attractive with it. Why would I feel confident if I feel ugly?:lol:
My confidence comes from who I am as a person, as well as from my abilities. Long hair is an accessory. I find that when I want to be more "incognito" or if I want people to focus more on my abilities than my hair (like a business situation), I wear my hair in a bun. When I don't mind attracting more attention I wear my hair down.
Mariaat40 said:
My confidence comes from who I am as a person, as well as from my abilities. Long hair is an accessory. I find that when I want to be more "incognito" or if I want people to focus more on my abilities than my hair (like a business situation), I wear my hair in a bun. When I don't mind attracting more attention I wear my hair down.
This is a good point. I do this also, usually unconsciously. I put my hair in a bun or even in a ponytail, in business situations or when I need to be taken seriously. It's interesting how this works.
I don't think one's hair should affect their confidence. Its ok to have a preference and to be proud of your hair. If your hair = your confidence then you don't really have confidence at all. Just my opinion.
lveurslf said:
Does having long hair or the idea of having long hair give you more confidence? I've been asking myself this question and I'm not sure what I think about it. What do you think?

No. :ohwell: Having long hair does not equal having confidence. Many beauty regimen's and alterations for the sake of beauty are all for naught if you do not already love who you are. I don't care if it's make-up, losing 35 lbs., getting your teeth cleaned, growing your own hair out long or wearing a wig....if you do not already have appreciation and love for who and what you are, the "updates" will not help in the long run.

I do think it's a problem however that Black women are always expected to justify or otherwise prove their emotional stability just because they admit out loud that they want longer hair. :ohwell: No other race does this. I don't like short cuts on makes my face look big. :look: And, longer hair is more feminine IMO. Furthermore, healthier hair free of "bought & added" hair is more attractive to me in the same way that clean, white teeth, healthy glowing skin and freshly manicured hands and feet are attractive. :cool:

To me, the person who feels discomfort at seeing a sister with long hair is the one with the self-confidence issue.
lveurslf said:
Does having long hair or the idea of having long hair give you more confidence? I've been asking myself this question and I'm not sure what I think about it. What do you think?

Speaking about confidence in how my hair looks, not how confident I am in myself (my hair has nothing to do with my abilities or what I can accomplish inlife) For me, it's not the length that gives me confidence, but how it looks at whatever length it is. Meaning health and style. Honestly, I haven't been as confident with my hair since being natural as compared to when I had my short 2-3inch crop cut. Why? Because I'm still learning how to style my natural hair to get different looks and I haven't gotten syling down yet, so I am somewhat insecure sometimes when I feel like I can't do anything to my hair or I don't think it looks as good as other naturals that wear similar styles. When I had my chin length bob, I was more confident than when my hair was shoulder length because I loved the style of the cut and how it fell. So again, length isn't a factor in confidence for me...which is probably why I'm never really afraid of cutting my hair....
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