Spin-off: "Calling-In-the-One" Success Stories


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

Since the Calling-In-The-One book describes a 7-week program for attract the love of your life, are there any success stories out there yet?

I'm just starting the program and would love to hear some first hand motivation from LHCF. Please share any positive changes that this book and exercises has helped you to achieve.

Don't be shy....
WOW, no one has IMPROVED their love life using these principles! :perplexed

I was expecting ......a few great stories!
Weeeellll.....although I did not get through all of the exercises, I did get a lot of dates and a marriage proposal. I got the marriage proposal from the man that I wanted it from. My love life is exciting and good:yep:
I think a better question to ask is: How many did actually go through the whole book and did all the exercises fully? :)

Here is a post about my outcome - and yes, I did read the whole book!! :grin:


Good luck ladies!!! If you're not ready, you're not ready and there's nothing wrong with that. And if you meet someone special and he's not the one, that's ok too.

I have learned to let go of the control maniac inside of me (well most of her :look: ) and I ry to take every day as it comes...I won't be sitting home alone if my relationship doesn't work out in the future, I'll go right back to reading the book :bookworm: and call in another one :lachen:
Weeeellll.....although I did not get through all of the exercises, I did get a lot of dates and a marriage proposal. I got the marriage proposal from the man that I wanted it from. My love life is exciting and good:yep:

Congratulations!! :rosebud:
Sooooo....have you set a date yet? :)
Weeeellll.....although I did not get through all of the exercises, I did get a lot of dates and a marriage proposal. I got the marriage proposal from the man that I wanted it from. My love life is exciting and good:yep:

I haven't had the success of this SHOWOFF over me :rolleyes:

jk!!! I'm SSSOOOO happy for you! Why didn't you tell us!!! :dance7:

Anyway, I had some "driftwood" that showed up and I dismissed a couple of weeks ago :rolleyes:. I have someone attempting to set me up with someone soon, and I am getting a lot more attention when I go out. I'm pretty pleased with my progress :yep:
Congratulations!! :rosebud:
Sooooo....have you set a date yet? :)

OMG, I just read your results post and we had almost the exact same outcome! We are --->HERE<--- in our thinking about the situation. My stuff just happened so faaaast, that I didn't get a chance to think about or finish the journey through the book. But I was warned that it would go that way by a few people (I posted about it in the original topic), so I was just trying to hold on to myself amid all the activity.

All the right words were said to me also, which was, I agree with you, wonderful! At the point that I was at in my relationship, there was only one thing that he could have said that would be right: "Will You Marry Me?"......happily, that is what he said!!! Now if we don't make a decision on the ring soon, I might have to break camp and read the entire book to call up a new man, just like you said!
Weeeellll.....although I did not get through all of the exercises, I did get a lot of dates and a marriage proposal. I got the marriage proposal from the man that I wanted it from. My love life is exciting and good:yep:

Congrats Fuchsiastar, this is what I'm talking about!

Are you still reading the book or was it just a jumpstart for your romance mojo?
I haven't had the success of this SHOWOFF over me :rolleyes:
jk!!! I'm SSSOOOO happy for you! Why didn't you tell us!!! :dance7:

You are toooo funny!! Girl, I didn't tell anyone because he didn't ask me "right".....and I am letting go of all of that control stuff, but "right" to me does include a ring already picked out, I don't care how much "it felt like the right time, at the right moment, in the right place", as he says.
Also, I didn't say "yes"....I said "I will think about it"....and this was months ago, and i haven't given him an answer yet.....I don't consider myself officially engaged, because engaged women wear rings. He told me that he was going to take me to Italy and ask me again properly, so when that happens, that is when we can have a virtual engagement party up on here:yep:

But we are back together and very happy, so the book does work. And if I don't get that trip to Italy before the fall, I will be reading that book again and getting me another "The One"!!!
I think a better question to ask is: How many did actually go through the whole book and did all the exercises fully? :)

Here is a post about my outcome - and yes, I did read the whole book!! :grin:


Good luck ladies!!! If you're not ready, you're not ready and there's nothing wrong with that. And if you meet someone special and he's not the one, that's ok too.

I have learned to let go of the control maniac inside of me (well most of her :look: ) and I ry to take every day as it comes...I won't be sitting home alone if my relationship doesn't work out in the future, I'll go right back to reading the book :bookworm: and call in another one :lachen:

Thanks FlowerHair!

Your words of wisdom are so on point!
Anyway, I had some "driftwood" that showed up and I dismissed a couple of weeks ago :rolleyes:. I have someone attempting to set me up with someone soon, and I am getting a lot more attention when I go out. I'm pretty pleased with my progress :yep:

Great news, Much2much41!

I think anything that makes us more comfortable and open to LOVE is a success! Sometimes, you have to get clear about what you don't want (the driftwood) so that you can recognize the keepers!
Oh, all of the transformation was definitely due to the book. It made me more aware of myself, how I contributed to a relationship, and what I really wanted out of a relationship. I also went through a few hiccups through the process that taught me well. There were four guys that popped up on the scene (some were not so great) when I was going through the exercises, but the one that I really wanted just happened to be the one that also really wanted me....and I'm happy about it.:grin:

I have actually been thinking about going through the book again to get clear on my needs and expectations while I am in my current relationship. I think the book is great and well worth working through.

Congrats Fuchsiastar, this is what I'm talking about!

Are you still reading the book or was it just a jumpstart for your romance mojo?
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:bump::bump:I really didn't mean to kill this one, although I am good for killing a topic:ohwell::sad: Ladies, please continue to share, I wanna hear some more good stuff! CITO and the 30 day encouragement thread are absolutely wonderful tools to get your relationships in shape:yep:
Weeeellll.....although I did not get through all of the exercises, I did get a lot of dates and a marriage proposal. I got the marriage proposal from the man that I wanted it from. My love life is exciting and good:yep:

Wow.... that is great, so are you engaged now?

ETA... I just read the entire thread. I am so happy for you. Congratulations.
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