Spensha Baker's HAIR!!!!!!!!!!

yup she's got some Niko's cousin hair alright, so does the Natural girl in the green shirt in the background
It's funny that the only girl who has natural hair in the video (she had puff) - I could barely even see her - is the only one that got a negative comment; that her puff was a bother......

The singer is pretty.
Yeah she's an LA girl... It likely is all hers, I have seen the SICKEST heads of hair out here. I feel so unworthy, lol.

Yes her hair is lovely and I love her song!

I've heard so much about California/LA hair, what is the deal? Is it the weather, or are people more health conscious thus growing prettier hair?
One of her songs just came on my online radio and what is the first thing i asked when i saw the album cover for Out Loud: Is that her hair? :drool: Somehow, when I see the real thing I just know it. Before sharing I google her name, Spensha Baker, and "hair" and up pop this threads. Nothing passes by y'all :lachen: I figured I'd bump. This is where I'm trying to get to by the end of 2011 Lord willing.

