I wish I had her hair!

Definitely beautiful, but I know I could't handle all that hair. If I can sit on it then its too long for my personal taste.
I'm not going to lie. If I was that long as a natural, I would most definitely be wearing it straight all the time. Length is nice, but there's no way I'd be dealing with all of that everyday.
ITS BEAUTIFULLY LONG AND HEALTHY LOOKING! but........ sorry there has to be one.:drunk:( cause number 1- i aint got it to be knockin and number2- if i did have it, i would more than likely take it with no complaints.) that said though. it seems to be missing something---- fullness. idk maybe im spoiled. cause it is far and few in between to see a head of hair like
D SYLLA'S on somebody. but i always want to see it. this girls hair is longer than d sylla's , but it just doesnt excite me in the same way. if that makes any sence:look:.
I would surely take that hair and then MAKE TIME in my schedule to maintain it. And, I think it's a testament to her stylist that it looks like that. He's obviously hip to REAL black haircare. Beautiful!
Wow! I can't believe I missed this one. I can't believe I read this whole thread! :shocked: I found it on google while I was looking for another thread. I'm shocked b/c I feel like I went through their life. She was his wife, then he died. :( So much information.

I like the length and the health. When I reach that length, I will probably get it cut into a nice long waist length style. I am not criticizing her. If she wanted a style, she could cut one or have one cut. However, for me, I would need a part somewhere and some layers.

But definately kudos on the length and health. :worship2:

When my hair gets that long and I have the style and thickness that I want, I'll come back to claim my hair queen status.


Did anyone get her regimen yet?

OMG. So, he died? And she is his wife? She looks so young! I wonder what their regimens were. Wow.
I'm so sorry for her loss. She lost her love. Her hair reminds me of the way I think my hair would look if it were that length. Mine is not terribly thick, but I do believe that with proper hair practices, it could be at her length in a few years.