Some Dating Tips for 2008


Well-Known Member
I got this from Advice Chick on EURweb. That woman is funny

1. Don’t date a man’s “potential.” If he currently ain’t ish, you cannot change him. Let him get his stuff together and look for you when he does.

2. Stop having sex in hopes of a relationship. Relationship first, then “relations.”

3. No sex without protection. Some men are nasty as hell. You’d be surprised where their wang-wang (and mouth) has been. I know some ladies are foul as well, but that’s for another discussion.

4. Stop introducing your kids to urry man you meet. Honestly, he doesn’t know you yet, and he’s not interested in meeting your kids. Plus, he just might want to get at your lil girl (or boy) in a sexual way. Sick, I know, but it happens.

5. Watch your girl. Two’s company and three is a crowd. Don’t have nobody always sitting round you and your man. Trust.

6. Stop doing so much for a man who isn’t your husband. Save something special for your wedding night! Y’all tell me everything, and y’all having freaky sessions and all kinda ish with a man you barely know! Stop it right now!

7. Love yourself as you are. You’re the only you there is. Accept your past failures and flaws. Celebrate your accomplishments. Toot your own horn. Today is all we have. Embrace it. Face it.
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They are all on the money...but #6 sticks out to me. I see sooooo many women doing this, it is sad....he got you and susie q up the street acting like a wife and he is thinking he is Big Willy when he aint ish :rolleyes:
Loves it! Im going to copy and save to keep as a reminder because I keep dating "potentials" instead of someone already there.
oooh, can we add some?

8. Never let a man think that he's the best you've had so far. If he does something spectacular for you, you can be appreciative without making him think you're not used to being treated like a queen. I've always made this mistake. A guy would do something really romantic for me, and I'd go on and on about how wonderful he is and how no other guy cared and didn't do this for me. If he thinks that you are easy to impress, he might take advantage of that. A man should always work to please his woman, just like a woman should always work to please her man.
Wow, this is a great list! If I may, allow me to add some:

8. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Stop telling yourself that a man is "deep down inside" really who you want him to be. Listen to him, face the reality of how he treats you and others, and see him for what he is.

9. Break the cycle. Does the last guy who did you wrong eerily remind you of the first guy who did you wrong who eerily reminds you of your father? Don't go from man to man with issues, especially issues with men, unresolved. Make 2008 the year you finally take care of your inner demons and move forward as a new woman.

10. Become a rule maker, not a rule taker. Stop letting a man run his agenda and steer your relationship to your detriment out of fear of losing him. Realize that a man who makes decisions selfishly and without consideration for their impact on you is a man who does not care about losing you.
Wow, this is a great list! If I may, allow me to add some:

8. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Stop telling yourself that a man is "deep down inside" really who you want him to be. Listen to him, face the reality of how he treats you and others, and see him for what he is.

9. Break the cycle. Does the last guy who did you wrong eerily remind you of the first guy who did you wrong who eerily reminds you of your father? Don't go from man to man with issues, especially issues with men, unresolved. Make 2008 the year you finally take care of your inner demons and move forward as a new woman.

10. Become a rule maker, not a rule taker. Stop letting a man run his agenda and steer your relationship to your detriment out of fear of losing him. Realize that a man who makes decisions selfishly and without consideration for their impact on you is a man who does not care about losing you.

Girl I love these, I encourage everyone to add to the list. We all can use some kind of dating help.
11. Clearly state your intentions as to get a feel of whether or not you and the guy are on the same page. Im not saying tell the man you are ready for marriage and to bare his children on the first date but let him know that you are looking for a serious/not serious/whatever type of relationship so you two dont waste each others time. Dont sit there and think you are dating this man for fun while he thinks that one day you two will be walking down the aisle together.

12. Do NOT give up your girlfriends for a guy (or girl) you are dating. Lord knows how long he will be around but your friends are forever. and PLEASE dont only call your friends to talk about your new boo....we dont only want to hear about him :nono:
11. Clearly state your intentions as to get a feel of whether or not you and the guy are on the same page. Im not saying tell the man you are ready for marriage and to bare his children on the first date but let him know that you are looking for a serious/not serious/whatever type of relationship so you two dont waste each others time. Dont sit there and think you are dating this man for fun while he thinks that one day you two will be walking down the aisle together.

12. Do NOT give up your girlfriends for a guy (or girl) you are dating. Lord knows how long he will be around but your friends are forever. and PLEASE dont only call your friends to talk about your new boo....we dont only want to hear about him :nono:

I really love the 11th one, because I've made a similar mistake. Once you're on the same page, it's easier to weed them out.

13. This is an old one, but never be too available. Some men take advantage of this. Even if you never have anything to do, don't allow a guy to pull you out of the house to spend time WHENEVER he decides to call. Dates should be planned ahead of time and you should both make time in your schedule for it. Occasionally one of you might hear about something going on in town, and may wanna meet up at the last minute. But the general rule is that a man should make time for you in his schedule, and vice versa. Many times when a guy has the habit of calling you on a whim, it's because one of his other plans didn't go through.
all of these are very truthful and ive been using them...and i think with some maturity and me getting older i follow more of these rules more now than anything..and especially with me dating more...

i dont deal with a man that doesnt have is ish together or not doing something for himself--ask the last guy i met online how that turned out..i got sick of his persistent *** and told him straight up look u dont have ur ish together for us to even pursue a relationship together when you do get ur ish together and if im available holla at me and i might think about giving you another chance. So ive moved on..dont give him a 2nd thought.

dont be available all the time--thats something my Mom always tell me. So what if i dont pickup that phone every evening at the same time that he thinks that im at home and ready to talk to him. Its no urgent need, if it was he would leave a message if it was a emergency. And sometimes im tired and worn out from being at work.
I love this list and the extra tips you ladies have added. Everything's so true! more tips:

-watch how he treats his mother and other female family members. That's how he'll treat you in the future.

-Does your family like or hate him? Find out why they hate him and decide accordingly.
another thing see what his friends are like. Most of time even though there are some that may have 1 different wild hoeish friend there are going to be the others that have similar personalities and cant always be on there p's and q's. So whats a night of bowling with his friends and there girls or a 1 double date just to see how they talk and act toward the guy your dating.
I got this from Advice Chick on EURweb. That woman is funny

1. Don’t date a man’s “potential.” If he currently ain’t ish, you cannot change him. Let him get his stuff together and look for you when he does.

This is soooo true.
I really love the 11th one, because I've made a similar mistake. Once you're on the same page, it's easier to weed them out.

13. This is an old one, but never be too available. Some men take advantage of this. Even if you never have anything to do, don't allow a guy to pull you out of the house to spend time WHENEVER he decides to call. Dates should be planned ahead of time and you should both make time in your schedule for it. Occasionally one of you might hear about something going on in town, and may wanna meet up at the last minute. But the general rule is that a man should make time for you in his schedule, and vice versa. Many times when a guy has the habit of calling you on a whim, it's because one of his other plans didn't go through.

Sista!!! U hit the nail on the head with this one b/c i have this one male "friend" who does that NO MORE 2008 is MY YEAR!!!!
14 ) Do not make the mistake that the partner ship is 50-50% ; IT should be should be 100% + 100% ; one shouldn't enter a relationship in hopes to be completed!!! You are a whole person and he should be too- if not some bad things can happen
another thing see what his friends are like. Most of time even though there are some that may have 1 different wild hoeish friend there are going to be the others that have similar personalities and cant always be on there p's and q's. So whats a night of bowling with his friends and there girls or a 1 double date just to see how they talk and act toward the guy your dating.
This is a very good one!
Originally Posted by redRiot
I really love the 11th one, because I've made a similar mistake. Once you're on the same page, it's easier to weed them out.

13. This is an old one, but never be too available. Some men take advantage of this. Even if you never have anything to do, don't allow a guy to pull you out of the house to spend time WHENEVER he decides to call. Dates should be planned ahead of time and you should both make time in your schedule for it. Occasionally one of you might hear about something going on in town, and may wanna meet up at the last minute. But the general rule is that a man should make time for you in his schedule, and vice versa. Many times when a guy has the habit of calling you on a whim, it's because one of his other plans didn't go through.

Sista!!! U hit the nail on the head with this one b/c i have this one male "friend" who does that NO MORE 2008 is MY YEAR!!!!

me too!!! and he did it again this past glad i didnt go rushing out on a date with him:(