So what should I think Now, another job given to someone else-


New Member
This is the email I just recieved. Interview was scheduled for tommorow. Second interview.
Wendy: Dr. Baker had a very successful interview with another applicant and has decided to move forward with offering that applicant the position.
We will have to cancel the meeting tomorrow, but appreciate greatly your willingness and interest in the position.
Wish you all the best of luck moving forward

I am not sure what to do anymore. This is offically God does love me anymore. He must not. In less than a month I have come second and never first. People left and right I know are getting bless and now I get thrown under the bus again. Two weeks ago I had a breakdown about lack of faith about a job I wanted soooooo bad. God said no. Another job interview tommorow before I could get there I was denied. And yet I am told to remain faithful wow. I have no words no emotion. I really dont understand. This walk is serious. I thought he would come through this time but no. I am starting to really question. Three or four jobs and you are telling me no. Come on. You cant tell me this is fair or right. Come on. I am trying to control my emotion really I am. Typing my hands are shaking. Maybe God has turned his back from me. I cant do this anymore. I really cant. I really cant. Why has he forsaken me. Why Why :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

So now as a Christian I am supposed to praise God. Wow I never thought I would be going through this. It is hard to get upset because who am I to get mad at God. I cant speak to him. He is not answering me obivoulsy. I dont know what to do. Ladies I am sick to my stomach. sick I am honestly believing my prayers are coming back void.
I am saying this in LOVE!

to you and yes, Praise God Any how! I am so blessed to come across this today. I am in the same boat applying for work with 3 college degrees and working towards my masters. I get REJECTED all the time now for what ever reason. I don't even question it no more. I applied for over 80 jobs and all I get is no response or rejection letters or I even had employers lie to me about various things.

Just last week I applied for a job and was not given a same day interview or what have you. I told someelse about the job

The Very Next Day they had the interview and got the job and started Monday How do you think that made me feel. I have 3 college degrees and my friend has a High School Dipolma GOT THE JOB IN MEDICAL BILLING
Yes, this friend is my sister in Christ and she felt so bad for me b/c I told her about the job applied b/f her and did not receive it! I rejoiced with her

Do you know my natural reaction was to CRY which I did for about 20 mins. and my other Sister Christ told me she was rejected for this SAME JOB and she has 3 Degrees like me so, we both were praying and saying What God Has for us is for Us! I kept on telling her TRUST GOD!:yep:

Then I go to Church Sunday and we are learning about TRUSTING God!


Inspite of it all I Trust God

I Thank God all day everyday

I am thanking God for my Shelter, Food, and Clothing, my Family and my car and having money. I do not question or ask God I just continue to praise and serve him.

I have been Unemployed since June 26,2008 and God is still carrying me. There are ladies here on this forum who has been out of work for a year with college degree and God is still carrying them.

We must TRUST THE LORD no Matter what! God sees all and he is the only one who knows all! Please still Trust God no matter what! No matter if you do not feel like it b/c if you are subjected to your feelings them we have trouble. Trust in the Lord your time is comming! Do worry about others I used to and it DROVE me Nuts. Your time is Comming just Trust God!


You are a Child of the Most High Living God

God has a CAREER with your NAME on it! Trust Him and Thank Him! For it Thank God for it everyday! Pray Big it will come to pass!
I am praying for you and with you!
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This is the email I just recieved. Interview was scheduled for tommorow. Second interview.
Wendy: Dr. Baker had a very successful interview with another applicant and has decided to move forward with offering that applicant the position.
We will have to cancel the meeting tomorrow, but appreciate greatly your willingness and interest in the position.
Wish you all the best of luck moving forward

I am not sure what to do anymore. This is offically God does love me anymore. He must not. In less than a month I have come second and never first. People left and right I know are getting bless and now I get thrown under the bus again. Two weeks ago I had a breakdown about lack of faith about a job I wanted soooooo bad. God said no. Another job interview tommorow before I could get there I was denied. And yet I am told to remain faithful wow. I have no words no emotion. I really dont understand. This walk is serious. I thought he would come through this time but no. I am starting to really question. Three or four jobs and you are telling me no. Come on. You cant tell me this is fair or right. Come on. I am trying to control my emotion really I am. Typing my hands are shaking. Maybe God has turned his back from me. I cant do this anymore. I really cant. I really cant. Why has he forsaken me. Why Why :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

So now as a Christian I am supposed to praise God. Wow I never thought I would be going through this. It is hard to get upset because who am I to get mad at God. I cant speak to him. He is not answering me obivoulsy. I dont know what to do. Ladies I am sick to my stomach. sick I am honestly believing my prayers are coming back void.

Again, said in love.
Sweetie, but it's like you are EXPECTING that God will not come through for you? Where is your faith? I know that it has been wavering since your last thread. Maybe now is time to chill for a couple of days and IMMERSE yourself in scripture.

Hebrews 11:6:

6But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Deuteronomy 7:9:
9Know therefore that the LORD your God is God,(A) the faithful God(B) who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

Psalm 89

1I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.

"But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.'' (James 1:6-8).

Psalm 1:3:

3And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Hebrews 10:23:

23Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Sweetie I KNOW it is hard. And I have been prayerful that you will find what you are looking for. Please don't give up. IMMERSE yourself in the word and set aside time every day to pray to God for your breakthrough. There is a saying that it's always darkest before the dawn, and the enemy is trying to get you to give up on God and make it seem that you are forgotten! THAT IS A LIE!
Listen to Israel and New Breed's "I am not forgotten" and Joann Rosario's "I hear you say" these songs will truly minister to you.
Love you in the Lord.
I think the best advice is found right in your own signature-Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord

It is hard not to be discouraged when the circumstances and conditions around you don't change immediately; however, if God told you to ask for something or promised you something, you can't let up until you get it. Most testimonies I have read here show that for a period after you start trying to lay claim to your harvest, your situation gets worse. You get an unexpected bill. You feel sicker than you did before. This is a test to see if God tells you something, and the natural realm shows you different, who will you believe?

Don't let what you don't know and understand overide what you do know.

Thanks crlsweetie912 for the scriptural references!
I am not sure what to do anymore. This is offically God does love me anymore.

This is from your post.. I did not correct it..
in your anguish you know He DOES love you..officially

Have your feelings be angry be hurt pour out your heart to the Lord....
and I hurt for has happened to me
He will still be there..
stop keeping a score board on God dearest..don't do that to Him
don't do that to yourself..just keep going....anticipate
you got to let go of the results.... and you're looking at this wrong

that job was not offered .. means
your job is out there still waiting for you..and you are getting closer some people do NOT get even asked for a second interview
and you are consistently getting asked ..THAT MEANS SOMETHING..
you are misintrepreting the meaning is where you are getting derailed

even when you are sick to your stomach
RIGHT NOW..this is PHD spirituality

do it now.... e-send out another resume in faith.....
keep picturing your ideal Mark it says
say Lord I thou my unbelief

I'll visualize for you....

I just did it

First I was led to say Thank God I love You
thank for this job for this person... joyous and prosrpered
I felt this love as you embraced your new postion and it all made sense
why you journeyed to this point


You could be only one action away from the miracle

much love
Can you ask you ladies a question pertaining to "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.'' (James 1:6-8).

If you have faith and remain faithful how does one truly remain the same when disappointments simply line up and take a blow to your face. I know my walk is different from everyone but not to waverly seems humanly impossible. Once I recieved the email from the guy I quickly went to the ladies room to pray and praise (very very hard to do) .
even the father who had the sick child had to cry out his unbelief
I believe... help thou my unbelief
& Jesus healed him

Once I recieved the email from the guy I quickly went to the ladies room to pray and praise (very very hard to do) .

All you need is the faith the size of a mustard seed
everyone has emotions "wavers" through trials
Jesus groaned & sweated blood
Job did
Naomi did
Hannah did
David did

Do exactly what you did....
pray....... praise.....give thanks.... and take the next right action

You do not have to rely on human power..(that's where wavering can happen)
in fact you cannot rely on human's impossible
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Highlyfavored you need to adjust your resume to reflect the job your applying for. When given an interview don't mention certain things if you really need a job to pay your bills. A medical billing job doesn't require a degree so they won't hire you because they know you will be looking for another gig sooner rather than later. You would in turn be wasting their time.

MsDee I can't comment on lashing out at the man above when things don't work out. Its fruitless.
Trust me, I know how you feel, on a serious level.
As much as it hurt, I stopped blaming God and thought of all the reasons why the jobs I didn't get or were let go from were not right for me. Look at the job like you look at a relationship. You see plenty you want to get with, many you think you would be perfect with, and many who you think fit you so well. Then you praise and pray and get the job, only to find out, flaws and all, it's NOT the one. You tough it out, because there's no new opportunities on the horizon, but at the end of the day either you or that job call it quits on the relationship.

I just took on ChaCha and decided to relax and let someone pursue me.
Out here the jobs don't pay well, require you to be flexible, but are permanently tying your schedule to inconvenience, and will justify why they cannot afford to pay more. When you make 1 little mistake, they want to slit your throat and try to send you packing. When you resign, they blacklist you. I am stuck out here... and refuse to be miserable about it. I enjoy the extra time I'm on here, I enjoy the ChaCha experience, taking more time for me, more time to workout, and more time looking to plan my goals and ambitions.

Maybe you should look into other alternatives God has for you: working from home, writing about this intense experience for a blogsite or in a book, creating a business, returning to school, freelancing, etc. You can even get like me and "refuse to work hard for someone else's dreams" and use that as a justification against why you don't have a job yet- because you are waiting on the best possible opportunity.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad or come off as cheery, but I'm in the same boat as you and while finances are tight, I'm still deciding to CHILL til things work out the way they need to.
Highlyfavored you need to adjust your resume to reflect the job your applying for. When given an interview don't mention certain things if you really need a job to pay your bills. A medical billing job doesn't require a degree so they won't hire you because they know you will be looking for another gig sooner rather than later. You would in turn be wasting their time.

MsDee I can't comment on lashing out at the man above when things don't work out. Its fruitless.

Thank you FireCracker
God is so Good!
My oldest brother was telling me this on Sunday and my Second youngest brother:yep: Was telling me the exact same thing. I was fighting them tooth and nail however, that is so true. I told my brothers what you just said and they were like I told you!:blush:

Thank you! :yep: You always come throught with some Powerful Wisdom and Insigts
Trust me, I know how you feel, on a serious level.
As much as it hurt, I stopped blaming God and thought of all the reasons why the jobs I didn't get or were let go from were not right for me. Look at the job like you look at a relationship. You see plenty you want to get with, many you think you would be perfect with, and many who you think fit you so well. Then you praise and pray and get the job, only to find out, flaws and all, it's NOT the one. You tough it out, because there's no new opportunities on the horizon, but at the end of the day either you or that job call it quits on the relationship.

I just took on ChaCha and decided to relax and let someone pursue me.
Out here the jobs don't pay well, require you to be flexible, but are permanently tying your schedule to inconvenience, and will justify why they cannot afford to pay more. When you make 1 little mistake, they want to slit your throat and try to send you packing. When you resign, they blacklist you. I am stuck out here... and refuse to be miserable about it. I enjoy the extra time I'm on here, I enjoy the ChaCha experience, taking more time for me, more time to workout, and more time looking to plan my goals and ambitions.

Maybe you should look into other alternatives God has for you: working from home, writing about this intense experience for a blogsite or in a book, creating a business, returning to school, freelancing, etc. You can even get like me and "refuse to work hard for someone else's dreams" and use that as a justification against why you don't have a job yet- because you are waiting on the best possible opportunity.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad or come off as cheery, but I'm in the same boat as you and while finances are tight, I'm still deciding to CHILL til things work out the way they need to.

Solid Advice!
That is what my goal is now too if I do not hear nothing from a job 12-31-2008
This below is from Faith's Checkbook...I was moved to send it here
This afternoon on my voicemails..two calls
...a polite a freelancer I need every gig.....
I thought of you! I make cold sales(appearance)calls for my business
every call today....was a rejection....except the other one on the voicemail
confirming an appearance tomm...but every other one flat out cold rejection..and the
polite one rejected me twice and one call hung up in my face and that was
a Christian school!
I talked with my business coach as I do every week ..wrote down some actions..
and took a regroup..but I was so upset from the rejections

in my dream a man made fun of me on the subway and I made fun of him back
of his New York accent and when he walked over to shush me to put his hand on my mouth..I bit his hand ..
Girl...I woke up ....come to find I had bitten my own hand..hard ...
the brown colored part of the

Now getting ready to get back to work thru the evening..with those written
actions I was too exhausted to take earlier ..goin ot do it now
and prayed LordGod what do you want me to do?
get back to what I heard... so working ..
so tommorow... I can prepare for the yes-ses

God's Multiplication Table
Get Faith's Checkbook delivered to your e-mailbox every morning.

A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time. (Isaiah 60:22)

Works for the Lord often begin on a small scale, and they are none the worse for this. Feebleness educates faith, brings God near, and wins glory for His name. Prize promises of increase! Mustard seed is the smallest among seeds, and yet it becomes a treelike plant, with branches which lodge the birds of heaven. We may begin with one, and that "a little one," and yet it will "become a thousand." The Lord is great at the multiplication table. How often did He say to His lone servant, "I will multiply thee!" Trust in the Lord, ye ones and twos; for He will be in the midst of you if you are gathered in His name.

"A small one." What can be more despicable in the eyes of those who count heads and weigh forces! Yet this is the nucleus of a great nation. Only one star shines out at first in the evening, but soon the sky is crowded with countless lights.

Nor need we think the prospect of increase to be remote, for the promise is, "I Jehovah-Jireh will hasten it in his time." There will be no premature haste, like that which we see at excited meetings; it will be all in due time, but yet there will be no delay. When the Lord hastens, His speed is glorious.
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Highly Favored beat me to it!!! :)
I was going to do EXACTLY what she did
Co-signing big-time

LaurynDoll gives AWESOME advice on so many levels

Maybe you should look into other alternatives God has for you: working from home, writing about this intense experience for a blogsite or in a book, creating a business, returning to school, freelancing, etc. You can even get like me and "refuse to work hard for someone else's dreams" and use that as a justification against why you don't have a job yet- because you are waiting on the best possible opportunity.
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Everyone has given you such sound and sage advice, I don't have much more to add, but please don't give up!! I was jobless for over six months, my checkings acct had literally like 1$ in it, I had to "borrow" money from my little brothers change jar just to have enough money for a bus fare, started withdrawing from my friends because I never had any money to hang out, and I felt so depressed and despondent.

I kept sending my resume to so many places, and never even got a call back, I was about ready to call it a day. I wasn't at the point of being angry with God, but was definitely at the "Ok now what?", stage. Like God, you see I'm trying to get my life together, why can't you just give me a break already.

One night I was just praying really, really hard, I didnt' ask for anything, I just kept saying Thank you Lord for providing for me, thank you for my money, thank you for my peace of mind, thank you for my long hours at work, thank you for making a way for me to have the type of life you want for me.

The next day I went out to drop off a few resume's at nearby schools seeing if they needed a substitute teacher as I just got my certificate after procrastinating for months.
I went into one school and the secretary was super rude to me. The next school I went into, everyone there was very friendly and they actually needed a sub for the next day! Long story short, this particular vacancy was for a teacher who is on a long term maternity leave, and they offered me the position until she returns.

Even though it's stressful, I feel like God wanted me at this particular school, and the other jobs that I never got called back for were wrong for me because they weren't in the field that He wants for me- education. (My mothers friend is very spiritual/prophetess and said over a year ago that I am supposed to work with children, but I was very resistant.) And I feel like this job may lead into a permanent position!

So Please, please, please, please don't give up!! Just keep being thankful and grateful for what you can't see yet, but believe that everything you want is coming into fruition! God bless you girl and stay strong!
Hi Kayte,

I just paid $6.50 to subscribe to this forum and answer you. : )
I know how you feel. A couple of years ago. God had someone share with me that I needed to find a new job and study for a special certification. I spent 16 hours or more per weekend studying for a couple of months. The first company I had five interviews, they made an offer Friday and rescinded the offer Monday. I was in shock, but I still had to believe that God would provide for me. I was too shocked to be disappointed.

The second company, I interviewed for 8 hours and then I waited for weeks for an answer, the whole time they are telling me that I will most likely get the job ... then "No".

The third company ... well I got the job. This was a true blessing from God.My salary more than doubled and I love what I do. For me, my job is like a vacation. It is truely a blessing.

Kayte, God loves you and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Sweetheart, please don't question God's love for you. Read the book Jesus Freaks by dc talk. It changed my life. I will never complain about anything in my life ever! We in the US are so blessed and don't even realize it. (Take a weekend missions trip to Mexico and you will never complain again. I can hook you up ; ))God is the only person that will always be on your side. But it's a good thing you posted on this forum, because you received a lot of good counsel from some strong sisters in Christ to snap out of your train of thinking.I love this forum! God is so good! He is great!!!! : ) He is my favorite person!

I'm sure we all have some great testimonies to share, have faith in God's love for you. I'm sure you have many testimonies to share of God's blessings in your life. Don't let a couple of negative experiences make you forget about God's many blessing in your life.

Let me end this post before I highjack this thread, offend a number of people and end up getting banned ... all on my first day.

Kayte, God will meet all your needs according to his riches in glory. He has great plans for you. Remember Joseph, sold as a slave, then thrown in jail for two years when he was innocent, but when God was ready to move He blessed Jospeh richly and blessed almost all the people in Egypt and the surrounding area through Joseph.

For you ... I suggest, get ready your resume, brush up your skill sets, post your resume everywhere and be prepared to receive. If you've got three degrees ... I suggest setting your sights a little higher than medical billing. Don't limit God or yourself. God isn't suffering an economic resession. Girl, I'm using my faith not to get laid off. Because of mergers earlier this year two people on my team with more education, seniority and experience than me got laid off and now I'm going through a second merger with my company ... and believing that my job is safe and secure because God meets my needs according to his riches in glory and I am doing my part by being faithful to my responsabilities. God is blessing me so I can be a blessing to others. God loved me when I was broke ... bankrupt and broke and He gave me some wisdom so I could stop being broke and have some cash for tithes and offerings and sow some blessings. God loves us so much, Kayte, you broke my heart when I read your words implicating God in your circumstance. I pray that you will come to know God's love for you and that the knowledge of his love will keep your heart full regardless of any circumstance you face.

I'm sorry, Kayte, but you can't make accusations against my God and not expect me to pipe up. That's worse than talking about my Momma! I gotta pay my $6.50 and speak up!

Much love and a big hug, Kayte. I'll be praying for you and expecting you to experience God's blessings. I'm confessing that your disappointment will turn to rejoicing and that you will soon be sharing a great victorious testimony.

Okay, now I'm done ... you can ban me if you have to.

Much love,
Hugs to you MsDeeDee, There are a lot of us sisters in Christ who are going through this very thing. It is frustrating, it hurts, and at times it feels like we are being punished for some unknown reason. But we have to continue to hold on to the fact that God has something for us. We have to have the patience of Sarah and wait for God to allow us to birth that thing that he wants to give us. Remember the story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, and Isaac. Sarah was impatient in waiting for God's promise so she took things into her own hands. If you feel like it, do a word study on all of their names using a concordance and you will find that there is a lot of meaning in those names as it relates to us even today. We have to learn from Sarah in that we can't rush God's promise, it will come on God's time--Just know, that even in your frustration and patience, God still has your blessing, but he may just be waiting for your to wait for him. Sometimes God will moved on our behalf when we are at our lowest, when we no longer think we are worthy of the blessing, once we recognize that it is not always in our power to do the things that God says he will do. When we give up and give everything over to God in surrender, he will move. It may not be a move that you expect either.
Hi Kayte,

I just paid $6.50 to subscribe to this forum and answer you. : )
I know how you feel. A couple of years ago. God had someone share with me that I needed to find a new job and study for a special certification. I spent 16 hours or more per weekend studying for a couple of months. The first company I had five interviews, they made an offer Friday and rescinded the offer Monday. I was in shock, but I still had to believe that God would provide for me. I was too shocked to be disappointed.

The second company, I interviewed for 8 hours and then I waited for weeks for an answer, the whole time they are telling me that I will most likely get the job ... then "No".

The third company ... well I got the job. This was a true blessing from God.My salary more than doubled and I love what I do. For me, my job is like a vacation. It is truely a blessing.

Kayte, God loves you and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Sweetheart, please don't question God's love for you. Read the book Jesus Freaks by dc talk. It changed my life. I will never complain about anything in my life ever! We in the US are so blessed and don't even realize it. (Take a weekend missions trip to Mexico and you will never complain again. I can hook you up ; ))God is the only person that will always be on your side. But it's a good thing you posted on this forum, because you received a lot of good counsel from some strong sisters in Christ to snap out of your train of thinking.I love this forum! God is so good! He is great!!!! : ) He is my favorite person!

I'm sure we all have some great testimonies to share, have faith in God's love for you. I'm sure you have many testimonies to share of God's blessings in your life. Don't let a couple of negative experiences make you forget about God's many blessing in your life.

Let me end this post before I highjack this thread, offend a number of people and end up getting banned ... all on my first day.

Kayte, God will meet all your needs according to his riches in glory. He has great plans for you. Remember Joseph, sold as a slave, then thrown in jail for two years when he was innocent, but when God was ready to move He blessed Jospeh richly and blessed almost all the people in Egypt and the surrounding area through Joseph.

For you ... I suggest, get ready your resume, brush up your skill sets, post your resume everywhere and be prepared to receive. If you've got three degrees ... I suggest setting your sights a little higher than medical billing. Don't limit God or yourself. God isn't suffering an economic resession. Girl, I'm using my faith not to get laid off. Because of mergers earlier this year two people on my team with more education, seniority and experience than me got laid off and now I'm going through a second merger with my company ... and believing that my job is safe and secure because God meets my needs according to his riches in glory and I am doing my part by being faithful to my responsabilities. God is blessing me so I can be a blessing to others. God loved me when I was broke ... bankrupt and broke and He gave me some wisdom so I could stop being broke and have some cash for tithes and offerings and sow some blessings. God loves us so much, Kayte, you broke my heart when I read your words implicating God in your circumstance. I pray that you will come to know God's love for you and that the knowledge of his love will keep your heart full regardless of any circumstance you face.

I'm sorry, Kayte, but you can't make accusations against my God and not expect me to pipe up. That's worse than talking about my Momma! I gotta pay my $6.50 and speak up!

Much love and a big hug, Kayte. I'll be praying for you and expecting you to experience God's blessings. I'm confessing that your disappointment will turn to rejoicing and that you will soon be sharing a great victorious testimony.

Okay, now I'm done ... you can ban me if you have to.

Much love,

Hi Newbie,

It is not Kayte she is one of our many sister in Christ warriors.:blush:

It is Ms DeeDee she is the one we are lifting and encouraging as well as one another. I had saw Kayte in your posting and I am like no, no, Kayte is responding too the young lady who posted:yep:

You shared some beautiful advice so please no offense taken:grin:

If you've got three degrees ... I suggest setting your sights a little higher than medical billing

Yes, I am the one with 3 degrees and with my post I applied for over 80 jobs and been unemployed since 6-26-08. All I can do at this point is Trust God:yep: It is all in his hands and time. By me taking the medical billing job, I was just at the point of I will take any thing to survive at this point.

80 jobs I set my sights so high it is not even funny:spinning:. I will tell you this that if I do not find a job by 12-31-08, I am going to do my own thing!:yep:

It is all God's perfect will and divine time. All I can do is Trust God! Your post very encouraging and comforting!:yep:
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I see a lot of people have commented so I won't add much. I will only say if you truly have faith, then do not get discouraged. God may be putting your through a lot, and things may get better, they may get worse..we do not know his plan, we must only follow it. Also (I'm getting this from my pastor but I thought it was so true)..never take a good door when you could have taken a great one. The devil wants you to do that, he wants to to just take any job when you know God has something great for you. Just stay strong, and believe something will work out. The ladies have already given you great advice on your resume and such

God says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Hi Newbie,

It is not Kayte she is one of our many sister in Christ warriors.:blush:

It is Ms DeeDee she is the one we are lifting and encouraging as well as one another. I had saw Kayte in your posting and I am like no, no, Kayte is responding too the young lady who posted:yep:

:blush: Oh, thanks for the correction. Forgive me, I'm new.
I understand your frustration. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and downtrodden. I always try and tell myself, "God hasn't brought me this far to abandon me." Sometimes I just cry my eyes out. It is human to be disappointed and not understand. Sometimes I think of God and us as his whining teenagers. We are in our rooms, grounded and don't see the big picture.

DH was unemployed for some time. At least you have a job right now. Our money was TIGHT. It still is because we will have to recover from that period. He applied for so many jobs that we were sick of writing applications. He went to several interviews. We heard nothing for months. I was so mad. So mad. Then our car was totaled. So now he had no job and no transport to look for one! Ugggh.

Anyway, the job finally came, and he wouldn't have gotten this one if he'd taken any of the ones before. And this one is X10 better. He had to wait and be jobless all that time so that he could get this one when it opened up.

Don't doubt God's plan for you. Kick, scream, cry but believe it's coming.
If you have faith and remain faithful how does one truly remain the same when disappointments simply line up and take a blow to your face. I know my walk is different from everyone but not to waverly seems humanly impossible. Once I recieved the email from the guy I quickly went to the ladies room to pray and praise (very very hard to do) .

Yes, it is hard. It's hard when you can't see what God has lined up for you. Those job encounters could be his preparing you for the real thing, and you will know it. You won't have to grab it. Keep on seeking and it will be given to you. What 'it' is, that's is up to God.

I believe it's okay to feel disappointed and angry. Absorb the blow, feel the pain, cry it out, pray it out, scream it out, breathe it out. Like pain, these feelings don't last long. Once I am through with them, I am usually stronger in faith. Thank you for your post. I've been there and know how it feels.


It's Kayte..:rofl:

I'm not the OP,but I'll sure take the good stuff you promised her

Kayte, you broke my heart when I read your words implicating God in your circumstance. I pray that you will come to know God's love for you and that the knowledge of his love will keep your heart full regardless of any circumstance you face.

I'm sorry, Kayte, but you can't make accusations against my God and not expect me to pipe up. That's worse than talking about my Momma! I gotta pay my $6.50 and speak up!

Much love and a big hug, Kayte. I'll be praying for you and expecting you to experience God's blessings. I'm confessing that your disappointment will turn to rejoicing and that you will soon be sharing a great victorious testimony.

In her defense ..she's done nothing wrong
you are preaching to the choir..she posted here..that is hardly
accusatory... though she is expressing her pain and anger...
how else do you learn faith until you have walked in fire
still on your knees as OP did RIGHT AFTER she got that email
that's Faith,my new sister....NOT accusation

She is expressing her feelings exactly to the RIGHT SOURCE..HER FATHER
and He is listening and loving her..even if humans cannot comprehend
such unconditional love in the natural.. ..well.... God is Supernatural
but He says My ways are NOT your ways or My thoughts are not your thoughts
So He already knows! Already accepts her feelings and her submission
to HIM in posting...

This is of course different than taking His name in vain or profanity
attaching a curse to it etc ..none of which she's done
her first instinct was prayer even in the storm

NOBODY has ever had feelings that did not at some point
question call it accusation ...really it's semantics
...all humans biblical and 21rst century have cried out
Jacob wrestled with him
David.... goodness read the Psalms..Jeremiah ..Lamentations
read your bible..the book of Job...the book of Ruth
Naomi is bitter.She says in the book of Ruth
Do not call me Naomi but..Mara (means) for the Lord has dealt harshly with me
but God blesses her!...she nurses the descendant of Christ!!
from the woman who loves her better than seven sons
God's gift to her even in face of bitter accusations

GOD can handle it..beloved
He's our FATHER
Everyone gets mad or hurt or upset or feels let down

Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? ...

We've all said or expressed this

those who say they have not .... respectfully
are in denial, or lying,

but the good news is God loves us..cherishes us...anyway
He cannot deny Himself and we are HIS
Jesus died for us ..that's how great a love He has complaints and cries
in the storm...what is that to our great Father...
who knows No one is one
and you can take THAT to the bank

Welcome to LHCF ! Your 6.50 is a great investment
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Can you ask you ladies a question pertaining to "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.'' (James 1:6-8).

If you have faith and remain faithful how does one truly remain the same when disappointments simply line up and take a blow to your face. I know my walk is different from everyone but not to waverly seems humanly impossible. Once I recieved the email from the guy I quickly went to the ladies room to pray and praise (very very hard to do) .

MsDeeDee - thank you for posting this, as it has caused me to consider this issue more deeply.

I think unwavering faith is only achievable when the focus of your faith is on Him, rather than on what you see around you. After all, God works in ways we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 says, "now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It is therefore much easier to waver if you're placing your hope and faith on things you can see e.g. having material desires met - because when those things on which our faith is contingent falter, our faith falters as well. This may explain why it is much easier for us to claim to have faith in God when we can see things going right. However, according to Hebrews, faith based on the ‘seen’ is not faith at all.

So, ask yourself on what your faith is actually based? On God alone as your provider and keeper, regardless of whether you get a job or not, or rather on you being able to see your desires being met? Sometimes God closes doors to help us re-examine where our faith lies – to force us to get ourselves out of the picture and shift the focus back on Him. Do you find contentment simply in knowing who He is, even when things do not go as you want them to, or is your faith reliant on you getting what you want (the things you can see)? When we begin to base our faith on the physical manifestation of our desires, it ceases to be faith.

Unwavering faith would thus be believing that even though the world is crumbling around you, and you have no job and things are not going your way (things you can see) - God will continue to provide and care for you in ways you cannot see, because He is just that powerful and faithful. That automatically re-shifts the focus of your faith away from you i.e. needing to work to fend for yourself, to God i.e. complete reliance on Him because you cannot depend on yourself.

By no means am I suggesting this to be an easy feat – it isn’t. I got this in my mailbox today and thought it timely to share with you:


My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

The NIV says:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

[I'm sure you've noted other posters in this thread commenting on how their rejections and closed doors led to even better opportunities, or in other words, their perseverance brought them greater reward, and they therefore do not lack anything]

Why are prayers not all answered instantly? Why don't we always experience the blessings promised in the Bible immediately?

If all results were instant, we could never walk in faith. Without faith, we could never please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

If you always reaped the harvest of your deeds immediately, the incentive to do right and refrain from wrongdoing would only be selfish. No faith, or love for God, would be required.

During delays we have the opportunity to demonstrate whether we really love God, and trust Him, or not.

A delay is a test. Without testing, there could be no reward. God does not test us so that we can fail, but so that we can overcome. He believes we will make it with His help.

We desire an instant manifestation of victory. God's desire is for us to press into Him and His Word and walk in faith until we see victory.

To overcome there must be opposition and struggle. God cannot always shield us from problems without taking away from us the privilege of overcoming.

Victory is sweet. What makes it sweet is that it is not easy.

If we really trust God, time is not a problem. Leave that with God. His timing is perfect and He is dependable! We know He promised, and can never fail -- and that is enough. (You see, that is faith - faith in His promise as a righteous God. That you only need His Word that He will never fail you and that is enough - you don't need physical proof to believe it.)

SAY THIS: I will persevere in faith, and the Bible says I will end up not lacking anything.

Be still and know that He is God MsDeeDee.
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It's Kayte..:rofl:

I'm not the OP,but I'll sure take the good stuff you promised her

In her defense ..she's done nothing wrong
you are preaching to the choir..she posted here..that is hardly
accusatory... though she is expressing her pain and anger...
how else do you learn faith until you have walked in fire
still on your knees as OP did RIGHT AFTER she got that email
that's Faith,my new sister....NOT accusation

She is expressing her feelings exactly to the RIGHT SOURCE..HER FATHER
and He is listening and loving her..even if humans cannot comprehend
such unconditional love in the natural.. ..well.... God is Supernatural
but He says My ways are NOT your ways or My thoughts are not your thoughts
So He already knows! Already accepts her feelings and her submission
to HIM in posting...

This is of course different than taking His name in vain or profanity
attaching a curse to it etc ..none of which she's done
her first instinct was prayer even in the storm

NOBODY has ever had feelings that did not at some point
question call it accusation ...really it's semantics
...all humans biblical and 21rst century have cried out
Jacob wrestled with him
David.... goodness read the Psalms..Jeremiah ..Lamentations
read your bible..the book of Job...the book of Ruth
Naomi is bitter.She says in the book of Ruth
Do not call me Naomi but..Mara (means) for the Lord has dealt harshly with me
but God blesses her!...she nurses the descendant of Christ!!
from the woman who loves her better than seven sons
God's gift to her even in th face of bitter accusations
GOD can handle it..beloved
He's our FATHER
Everyone gets mad or hurt or upset or feels let down

Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? ...

We've all said or expressed this

those who say they have not .... respectfully
are in denial, or lying,

but the good news is God loves us..cherishes us...anyway
He cannot deny Himself and we are HIS
Jesus died for us ..that's how great a love He has complaints and cries
in the storm...what is that to our great Father...
who knows No one is one
and you can take THAT to the bank

Welcome to LHCF ! Your 6.50 is a great investment

I really really agree, God knows my struggles, battles, it aint a true test if everyhing in you doesnt get stretched! I can in no way act like I had it all together all the time, but whew, thank God I can say HE COVERED ME AND BROUGHT ME THROUGH .......YES HE DID!
MsDeeDee - thank you for posting this, as it has caused me to consider this issue more deeply.

I think unwavering faith is only achievable when the focus of your faith is on Him, rather than on what you see around you. After all, God works in ways we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 says, "now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It is therefore much easier to waver if you're placing your hope and faith on things you can see e.g. having material desires met - because when those things on which our faith is contingent falter, our faith falters as well. This may explain why it is much easier for us to claim to have faith in God when we can see things going right. However, according to Hebrews, faith based on the ‘seen’ is not faith at all.

So, ask yourself on what your faith is actually based? On God alone as your provider and keeper, regardless of whether you get a job or not, or rather on you being able to see your desires being met? Sometimes God closes doors to help us re-examine where our faith lies – to force us to get ourselves out of the picture and shift the focus back on Him. Do you find contentment simply in knowing who He is, even when things do not go as you want them to, or is your faith reliant on you getting what you want (the things you can see)? When we begin to base our faith on the physical manifestation of our desires, it ceases to be faith.

Unwavering faith would thus be believing that even though the world is crumbling around you, and you have no job and things are not going your way (things you can see) - God will continue to provide and care for you in ways you cannot see, because He is just that powerful and faithful. That automatically re-shifts the focus of your faith away from you i.e. needing to work to fend for yourself, to God i.e. complete reliance on Him because you cannot depend on yourself.

By no means am I suggesting this to be an easy feat – it isn’t. I got this in my mailbox today and thought it timely to share with you:


My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

The NIV says:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
[I'm sure you've noted other posters in this thread commenting on how their rejections and closed doors led to even better opportunities, or in other words, their perseverance brought them greater reward, and they therefore do not lack anything]
Why are prayers not all answered instantly? Why don't we always experience the blessings promised in the Bible immediately?

If all results were instant, we could never walk in faith. Without faith, we could never please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

If you always reaped the harvest of your deeds immediately, the incentive to do right and refrain from wrongdoing would only be selfish. No faith, or love for God, would be required.

During delays we have the opportunity to demonstrate whether we really love God, and trust Him, or not.

A delay is a test. Without testing, there could be no reward. God does not test us so that we can fail, but so that we can overcome. He believes we will make it with His help.

We desire an instant manifestation of victory. God's desire is for us to press into Him and His Word and walk in faith until we see victory.

To overcome there must be opposition and struggle. God cannot always shield us from problems without taking away from us the privilege of overcoming.

Victory is sweet. What makes it sweet is that it is not easy.

If we really trust God, time is not a problem. Leave that with God. His timing is perfect and He is dependable! We know He promised, and can never fail -- and that is enough. (You see, that is faith - faith in His promise as a righteous God. That you only need His Word that He will never fail you and that is enough - you don't need physical proof to believe it.)

SAY THIS: I will persevere in faith, and the Bible says I will end up not lacking anything.

Be still and know that He is God MsDeeDee.

You Blessed me with this post! :yep: Very Beautiful! God is so Good! This is why I Stand on his word! I in the Natural get very frustrated:wallbash:! B/c of what I :look: at. Instead of the Supernatural that is where it is. My theme is I can be calm only for a moment. After that I have to let it go and not allow my test, struggles and strifes BLOCK MY BlESSINGS - fear, anxitey, depression block YOUR BLESSINGS! B/c that is not what God brings to our table! Thank you so much! I am truly blessed and humbled by your post.:yep:
You Blessed me with this post! :yep: Very Beautiful! God is so Good! This is why I Stand on his word! I in the Natural get very frustrated:wallbash:! B/c of what I :look: at. Instead of the Supernatural that is where it is. My theme is I can be calm only for a moment. After that I have to let it go and not allow my test, struggles and strifes BLOCK MY BlESSINGS - fear, anxitey, depression block YOUR BLESSINGS! B/c that is not what God brings to our table! Thank you so much! I am truly blessed and humbled by your post.:yep:

Without trials and delays, what really would be our incentive to focus on God or realise His relevance in our lives? If everything worked out just like we want it to, we would be distracted by life's daily chores, jobs, relationships etc., which in turn would cause us to believe that all those things are what life is all about. These things would in turn make us focus on ourselves as our own providers, and make it seem as if life revolves around us or other people.

Obstacles therefore force us to re-examine who are we. They remind us that we are only men and ever dependent on God. They remind us who really is in control. They remind us who really orchestrates our blessings, and that however hard we work, or however impressive our efforts, our blessings and successes are gifts from God.

After all, think back on times when the issue of 'faith in God' became most prominent in your life. Most likely when you were struggling, or disappointed, or when you were hoping or waiting on God for something you wanted. The fact that what you wanted was unavailable, or that things were not going as you wanted, most likely caused you to shift your focus from yourself as your own provider of that thing, to God as the only capable provider of what you needed. Think about it. If you had never tasted disappointment - if all your own efforts to produce a result resulted in success, and things always went your way, who would you likely credit for your success? Yourself! When would you ever have a chance to exercise faith and believe God for His promises if you've never gone without?

Delays or rejections make you realise your mortality and dependence on the immortal and powerful God.
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Without trials and delays, what really would be our incentive to focus on God or realise His relevance in our lives? If everything worked out just like we want it to, we would be distracted by life's daily chores, jobs, relationships etc., which in turn would cause us to believe that all those things are what life is all about. These things would in turn make us focus on ourselves as our own providers, and make it seem as if life revolves around us or other people.

Obstacles therefore force us to re-examine who are we. They remind us that we are only men and ever dependent on God. They remind us who really is in control. They remind us who really orchestrates our blessings, and that however hard we work, or however impressive our efforts, our blessings and successes are gifts from God.

After all, think back on times when the issue of 'faith in God' became most prominent in your life. Most likely when you were struggling, or disappointed, or when you were hoping or waiting on God for something you wanted. The fact that what you wanted was unavailable, or that things were not going as you wanted, most likely caused you to shift your focus from yourself as your own provider of that thing, to God as the only capable provider of what you needed. Think about it. If you had never tasted disappointment - if all your own efforts to produce a result resulted in success, and things always went your way, who would you likely credit for your success? Yourself! When would you ever have a chance to exercise faith and believe God for His promises if you've never gone without?

Delays or rejections make you realise your mortality and dependence on the immortal and powerful God.

Again Thank you for being real and keeping it real!:yep:
This is the email I just recieved. Interview was scheduled for tommorow. Second interview.
Wendy: Dr. Baker had a very successful interview with another applicant and has decided to move forward with offering that applicant the position.
We will have to cancel the meeting tomorrow, but appreciate greatly your willingness and interest in the position.
Wish you all the best of luck moving forward

I am not sure what to do anymore. This is offically God does love me anymore. He must not. In less than a month I have come second and never first. People left and right I know are getting bless and now I get thrown under the bus again. Two weeks ago I had a breakdown about lack of faith about a job I wanted soooooo bad. God said no. Another job interview tommorow before I could get there I was denied. And yet I am told to remain faithful wow. I have no words no emotion. I really dont understand. This walk is serious. I thought he would come through this time but no. I am starting to really question. Three or four jobs and you are telling me no. Come on. You cant tell me this is fair or right. Come on. I am trying to control my emotion really I am. Typing my hands are shaking. Maybe God has turned his back from me. I cant do this anymore. I really cant. I really cant. Why has he forsaken me. Why Why :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

So now as a Christian I am supposed to praise God. Wow I never thought I would be going through this. It is hard to get upset because who am I to get mad at God. I cant speak to him. He is not answering me obivoulsy. I dont know what to do. Ladies I am sick to my stomach. sick I am honestly believing my prayers are coming back void.

I understand your frustration. Look into doing one more thing in addition to what these very wise and courageous ladies have told you. Bind Satan! Sometimes he is sneaky enough to try to step in to keep you down. But BIND him in Jesus name and then loose the ministering spirits to see to it that God's Word prevails and then rest on your faith. It will be alright.:yep: