So, We Recently Had That Thread On Jamaican Men And Their Antics...


Well-Known Member
I briefly mentioned this tech dude who recently left my company. Let me share the whole tea.


Let's call him Lenny. Lenny tried it on with every single woman he came in contact with. He literally flirted with every woman regardless of race, age, or attractiveness levels. However, he'd have months where he'd be fixated on one person and would give them most of his attention. Then he'd get bored and move on to the next. Usually the fixation was on whoever was the most recently hired woman. However, his fixations came and went with older members of staff. Like me for example, when I was first promoted to supervisor he became fixated with me again for a few months because he said that my new power made me extra attractive to him.

So he would harmlessly flirt but, basically, if you didn't show disgust in any way then he'd take it as a sign to start harassing you, saying super inappropriate things to you in the workplace, inviting you over to his house. I'm so shocked that this guy didn't ever have sexual harassment complaints against him, honestly, especially considering he did this with white women too. I do think he did it worse to black women though.

But he was always complaining that he'd worked for the company for so long and had never been promoted. So I think the company knew how he was and that's why he never progressed. Because how are people gonna take you seriously and promote you to management level when you spend half your work day chatting up women? Plus, you're a sexual harassment lawsuit risk!

Anyway, so my work friend (let's call her Vicky) became Lenny's fixation. And we thought he'd get bored of her after a while BUT she was actually flirting back with him and then she revealed to me that she actually liked him!

Sidenote: Lenny's Jewish (black Jamaican jew). Vicky's Muslim (Eritrean).

So they were getting closer at work to the point where everyone assumed they were together. They weren't though. They just 'liked' each other. We went to Ibiza and I shared a room with Vicky, and Lenny was just always around Vicky and always coming to our room. Then after a drunken night out with some other workmates in Ibiza I came back to our room and interrupted them kissing.

So we came back from Ibiza and they were sort of dating, I think. She told me she went over to his house on the weekend a few times and that they talked everyday, and at work they were constantly together. Ok cool. I thought maybe Lenny actually really liked Vicky. But...he didn't stop his flirting with other women.

A few months passed and they sort of drifted apart a bit but they were still good friends. So they continued talking every day but you could see that the 'romance' was no longer there. She told me that she didn't want to be with him because she's ready to settle down and he isn't. He told me that she said he has to marry her and convert to Muslim if he wants to be with her and he doesn't wanna do all that.

So then it was business as usual with him. He moved his attentions on to the next new girl. Vicky left and started another job but they still kept in contact. Her new job isn't far from ours so they even still went for lunch together every day. She said that they still speak to each other every day either by phone or by WhatsApp.

Ok, backstory done.

So Lenny left the company a couple of months ago. He told me the only thing holding him to the company was the fact that he didn't have his papers. He'd then got his papers so he was out.

The few weeks before he left he told me he had a girlfriend. I specifically remember him saying something to me about a 'Mrs' and I was like, oh, you've got a girlfriend now? And he laughed and didn't deny it. And was even talking about her to me. And I also saw him wearing what looked like a wedding band on his left ring finger and when I asked him if it was one he told me, no it wasn't, and that someone got it as a gift for him in Jamaica. He also told me he recently bought a house and he's fixing it up himself.

Anyway, after he left the company the other tech guy who worked closely with him mentioned something casually about his wife -


We were like, say what now? He's MARRIED? Dude was like, yeah didn't you know? He's been with her for about 3 years now. Then I asked this other dude who's friends with him outside of work and the other dude was also like, Oh yeah, Lenny's married. He got married in Jamaica last year. I've met his wife.


So I tell Vicky all this. That 2 sources have said he's married. About the fact that he told me he had a girlfriend. The fact that he was wearing what looked like a wedding band. She says she'd never seen him with a wedding band and they used to go for lunch every day. I was, like, I've seen him wearing it around the office so he must have taken it off before he went to have lunch with you.

She called him to confront him about all this because they literally speak everyday and she was confused as to how he could hide that he was married from her. She was like, he'd message her good morning, they'd message each other back and forth late at night, how could he do all that with his wife around? And she said if it turns out he is married she is done with him because everything he told her must have been a lie.

So she asked him and then told me what he said.

Lenny denied denied denied. So, apparently, what he said was, every single person was mistaken. I was mistaken that he told me he had a girlfriend, he was actually talking about his ex... That guy was mistaken and he was talking about his aunt's wedding in Jamaica not his own... The other guy was talking about his ex when he said they'd been together for 3 years... Everyone had got the wrong end of the stick. He basically had an answer for every single question she fired at him. And he answered without skipping a beat. Plus, he was all laughing about it and saying how ridiculous it all was.

So Vicky believed him, obviously. I was just like, well, if you're sure, girl. Whatevs. So that was the end of that.

We had our work Christmas party Friday before last. Other guy who had no previous involvement in all this (J) comes up to me and is like, "Yo, did you know Lenny was married?! I went to other workmate's baby's 1st birthday party and he was there with a woman. First thing he says to me when he sees me is 'J, meet my wife'."

Let me post transcripts of convos now because this is getting tiresome to type out lol. transcripts coming up in the next post...
oh man, that is crazy but I'm not even surprised.
I have an unexpected wife story too- :look: yours is more interesting though.

I had this guy trying to flirt me up and talk to me awhile back. I hadn't known him for long but my friends have known him for years- he's been in their circle for awhile. I didn't flirt back because I wasn't all that interested. But every time I saw him he was flirting up a new girl. The following year he pops up with a wife that hes been married to for years. Crazy. Even my friends that have known him for years never knew he was married. smh.
This guy wasnt Jamaican though, he's a vincy I think.
J : Which M? tall one?

Me: he said K and M must have misunderstood him. yeah. french tall one.

J: mate the plot thickens. K acted like he never knew

Me: So tell me what happened at _____ baby’s bday. WHAT???

J: this could be a tv soap so many twists and turns

Me: K is the one who told S first. then S told me. then i asked M coz he speaks to him outside of work and M said yeah he’s married

J: listen. i told K that i had met Lenny’s wife and he tried to act shocked, but could see he wanted to laugh. maybe Lenny had words with him about it

Me: yeah he prob did. spill the tea from the party!


J: listen. ask G who was printing pictures at _____’s party

Me: nah tell me man

J: none of this came from me

me: i won’t say nothing

J: someone was taking pictures and someone was printing them at the party. husband and wife ting. *eyes emoji*

Me: lol! but did you actually get it from Lenny himself that that was his wife?

J: situated by the entrance so EVERYONE saw her. sheena. i came and found you at the party and asked you innit. i was in shock

me: looool

J: i been here 3 years, seen Lenny in action in my buildings. original MR LOVER MAN SHABBA

me: loooooool ok, but did Lenny CONFIRM it himself? Out of his mouth?

J: my face may have ended his marriage. first thing he said to me was J, meet my wife. my face dropped

me: omg! is she white or black?

J: white woman

me: loooool omg. i think i’m gonna have to ask him you know. see what he says


J: but i have a theory. i believe Lenny is innocent

me: go on. what’s your theory

J: ok my theory is Lenny has wanted out of this company for a while. suddenly he gets his papers and is able to leave and work. marriage is one way to get those papers…


J: i may have a photo

me: show me!

J: nah only got one of the back of her head

I messaged lenny on WhatsApp

me: Lenny Smith, i have a question for you

Lenny: Sheena “all that and more” Vee. What’s the question?

me: do you have a wife?

****he took a loooooong time to respond****

Lenny: haha, you learnt from the last time. i bet i can guess why you asked me? because i gave one of the rumour spreaders a taste of her own medicine? tell me Sheena, what do you think?

me: lol what rumour spreader? And you haven’t answered the question...

****that was last week and i haven’t had any response since loooool*****


me: he still hasn’tt responded. i’m not holding my breath lol

J: i’m still working on the image of his wife. K won’t tell me her name. i know it begins with a B

me: lol! i want that pic dude

J: i’ll get it. it’s bugging me now. it’s so weird because the very first thing Lenny said to me was “J meet my wife” didn’t even say hello to me or greet me, was just meet my wife, I think to make sure i didn’t say anything out of turn

me: yeah yeah loooool

J: i was with my kids and usually people will greet the kids or say hello to them or whatever but he was just straight away meet my wife


Vicky: he phoned me last week tuesday. we were just chit chatting. was waiting for him to bring it up but he didn’t…so i did

me: lol

Vicky: he still says he’s not married. i told him i think he’s married for paper work, n it’s coincidental how he got visa and left work and rumours of marriage start around the same time

me: looooooool what did he say?

Vicky: he said it was his friend’s wife… the friend that owns the house he’s fixing… and i told him i think it’s her house and they’re married and he’s fixing it up… but he said it’s not true

****note: a few months back Lenny told me that HE’D bought a house and he was fixing it up himself but he told Vicky he was fixing up his FRIEND’s house smh I even congratulated him and everything so i know he said it was his own house****

Vicky: and he said he told G on purpose cos he knew she’d go tell everyone or something… but i told him everyone said it not just her and he asked who ‘everyone’ is, but I didn’t say J


I told J about me and Vicky’s convo up above

J: he’s just too deep in the lie to turn back now i guess. gone past the point of no return

me: lol true

J: why would anybody tell them lies to G as a joke? and why would the woman participate in said joke? sounds like a lie a school boy would tell. can’t be telling such lies to adults and hope to get away with it

me: for real

J: i spoke to husband and wife and they told me about the house, what work he’s doing, she told me how far he had got blah blah blah. no mention of it being anyone else’s house


And that's all folks!
Forgot the last little bit of convo between me and Vicky:


The lies he must have been feeding Vicky :nono:. He knew that if he told her he was married or whatever there was a risk she wouldn't speak to him again so he made sure to keep her completely out of the know. But he was fine to tell other people bits and pieces of info.

But what I don't get is, why did he not think it could eventually get back to her? Or maybe he didn't care if it did seeing as he thought he could just tell her anything and she would believe him.

She also said that when she was asking him about all this he started trying to guilt trip her, saying, he's a private person but he chose to open up to her and now she's believing all this rubbish about him.

Basically just trying to emotionally manipulate her into believing him. Ugh. He's a creep.
The lies he must have been feeding Vicky :nono:. He knew that if he told her he was married or whatever there was a risk she wouldn't speak to him again so he made sure to keep her completely out of the know. But he was fine to tell other people bits and pieces of info.

But what I don't get is, why did he not think it could eventually get back to her? Or maybe he didn't care if it did seeing as he thought he could just tell her anything and she would believe him.

She also said that when she was asking him about all this he started trying to guilt trip her, saying, he's a private person but he chose to open up to her and now she's believing all this rubbish about him.

Basically just trying to emotionally manipulate her into believing him. Ugh. He's a creep.

Has Vicky been to his house. What does Lenny look like? What does Vicky look like?
Girl! I can't deal with this mess! :lachen:

The crazy thing is it isn't a "Hot Topic" in the family I have been around them for years even went on vacation with his daughter more than once. It has never been brought up and my friend only brought it up because she is addicted to Lifetime Tv and they had a similar show and I was saying how unrealistic these Lifetime shows are. Like I have known the family for over 25yrs and it has only been brought up 2xs

Oh and since nationality/race is related he is black & recently native not like way back in the gap native like family members that were alive and he met lived on the rez.

I'm sure if Sheena stops pressing the issue they will remain friends and in 20 years they will still be togther.
Has Vicky been to his house. What does Lenny look like? What does Vicky look like?

Yeah she said she has. Not the house he's currently fixing up though. His previous apartment.

Vicky is pretty with a bangin pear shaped body. Hips for days but tiny waist. Late 20s. I think she turns 30 this year.

Lenny is ok looking I suppose. But you can tell he's older. He looks good for his age coz he's black but you know when you can just tell. He has slight crows feet when he smiles and his style is not the business. I have no idea how old he is though. He never even used to tell us when it was his birthday. But I assume he's in his 40s.
Yeah she said she has. Not the house he's currently fixing up though. His previous apartment.

Vicky is pretty with a bangin pear shaped body. Hips for days but tiny waist. Late 20s. I think she turns 30 this year.

Lenny is ok looking I suppose. But you can tell he's older. He looks good for his age coz he's black but you know when you can just tell. He has slight crows feet when he smiles and his style is not the business. I have no idea how old he is though. He never even used to tell us when it was his birthday. But I assume he's in his 40s.
I was trying to find a reason Vicky would accept this foolishness. I am stumped, lol