SO or DH before or after LHCF?

When did you meet your SO or DH?

  • Before LHCF

    Votes: 42 84.0%
  • After LHCF

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I was wondering, did you meet your SO or DH before you found LHCF or after?

For those who found him before LHCF how does he feel about your hair journey and your new hair lifestyle? Does he support you?
Um technically after since I joined in 05 but didn't post till 07. If we're counting by actually posting then before. :P We didn't see each other in person or start going out till after.

He loves my hair whatever way I wear it as long as I wear it out for him. =) He likes playing with it and if my hair is curly running his fingers through my new growth which he calls "curls."

He grew his hair out for me, actually. Used to keep it buzzed. HE can buzz it again in the spring, it's too cold. :lachen:

:giggle: I told him I liked to have something to hold on to.
I met DH way before joining LHCF (about 10 years). He thinks I spend too much time on this forum, but he's noticed a difference with my hair. Just the other day, I flatironed my hair (I've been wearing twistouts forever) and he said "Wow, your hair got longer. How did you do that?" I couldn't help but grin.:grin:
Maybe I'm slow, but what doesn FH mean?

FH = Future Husband

I met DH before LHCF, and he just laughs/gives me the side-eye with all my creations/mixations and so forth. Otherwise, though, he doesn't have much to say about my hair.
I met SO after LHCF. He thinks it's silly how much time I spend on the forum. :laugh: But he likes the attention he gets from being in my Fotki. He doesn't care how my hair is, but he's wanted me to wear my natural hair out for awhile now. I just haven't been able to get it into a suitable style yet.
When I met DH I was natural. I texlaxed after I met him because I kept breaking combs and brushed and couldn't get them overseas fast enough. But my hair was usually in cornrows so he never knew the difference. I cut off the relaxer and put it back in cornrows and have been natural ever since.
Met DH before.
I'm usually only on here at work and I don't talk really talk about hair away from the forum, so he does'nt think anything about it.

He probably only knows about it from me going to meetups and telling him where I'm going and why I'm bringing a bag of hair products.
A little bit before because I had signed up for this site but then after because I didnt really explore/post the board til 07.
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I met DH way before LHCF. I was relaxed back then. He is supportive of my hair journey, but he thinks I spend too much time on the site :rolleyes:
My hubby is my biggest supporter. Whenever I'm cooking something, he always asks if it's to eat or for my hair:lachen:.
Before... He hates my buns.. but thats cause I not all that good @ them YET! :grin:

But everything else he loves esp me not caring if I get my hair wet in the shower...:blush::rolleyes:
I've been DH way before LHCF. He supports me with whatever I do, but he hates the time I spend on here. I do too, so I've cut it down by more than half. :grin:
I met SO before LHCF

He calls the hair forum a revolution disguised as a hair forum lol.

He is supportive but he had a hell of a time when I did the big chop.
I also met my SO before LHCF. I think that my hair was one of the physical attributes that he loved the best.
I met him about a year before I found LHCF when I was still wearing BSL weaves:lachen: and my own hair was shedding and breaking like crazy. Anyway, one day after finding the board, I told him that I was going to grow my own hair to waist length. He looked at me strangely and said okay and he's been supportive ever since:yep:.
I met my SO before LHCF, but since I'm new here, of course. He is so jealous of this site, as if I'm on a dating site.
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Way before LHCF.

He knows me already when it comes to my hair. It's like normal around here. He doesn't really make any comments about it. But recently, when I had it out and brushed, he said "wow, you've really done well with your hair."