Slow growers unite 2014

Do you have a recipe?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

Her original recipe I believe is 2 T KKNT + 2 T AVG + 2 tsp castor oil + 2 tsp jojoba oil.

Her original recipe is good but instead of 2 T AVG, sub it out with 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of marshmallow balm.

I sort of had to fake it. But I used 2 T As I Am leave-in. + 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of marshmallow balm just to adjust the ph. Then I put in 2 tsp of Hairveda Shikakai, 1 tsp hazelnut oil and 1tsp Castor oil.

I don't think my oils are right because I still seal with something else. But I was just playing around. So far it is working for my hair which is a first.

The marshmallow balm is potent. Next time I won't buy such a large jar because I can only use 1/4 tsp to 1 T at a time. I threw it in the fridge to keep for a while.
Today is wash day. Im looking forward to a really good scalp massage. I only wash/cowash once a month so when I do I really enjoy it.
This sounds exactly like me, and I actually made it to 4 yrs with my last hair journey before I had to cut it to a fade again last August. The last time I had a relaxer was 9 yrs ago

Do you mind disclosing the condition you have? mine is a mix of seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis @randi415

That's so funny I have the exact same skin conditions!! For almost 3wks now I've been treating it with raw honey. Someone in the SD thread posted a bunch of links about treating it with honey and it's working nicely.
If I find any hairstyles I will let you know.

I have some styles saved on pinterest you might like

Not sure where your styling level is.

Thank you! Not to toot my own horn (OK maybe a little lol) but I've been braiding hair since I was 14 and I can recreate almost any style. I'm very talented when it comes to styling natural hair or any type of hair without using chemicals, I leave that to the professionals.


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I'm trying to find some more creative styles I've done but I don't have many in this phone because I got kinda lazy when my hair got long enough to bun.
I was really creative and styled often when I began my journey. I'll try to post a few more when I get to work tomorrow, I have pics from my old phone saved on my computer.
randi415, this is going to sound like a dumb question, but do you have to comb your hair out before you start braiding it for style number 1? I want to try more styles like that, but this board scared me into thinking that anything other than finger combing will leave me bald. :lol:
randi415, this is going to sound like a dumb question, but do you have to comb your hair out before you start braiding it for style number 1? I want to try more styles like that, but this board scared me into thinking that anything other than finger combing will leave me bald. :lol:

Yes, I do comb my hair out. I do a combo of both finger detangling and using a very wide tooth comb or paddle brush. Then I stretch it overnight. I only use a comb or paddle brush on wash days I use my fingers the rest of the week.
I shampood and did a dc last night. I noticed a few broken strands (mid shaft). I haven't done anything different so im gonna blame it on stress and my body recovering from sickness. Sigh. I hope my body and hair make a full recovery soon. As a slow grower I can't afford to have any breakage
Switched up flat twist styles. This new one should be faster and easier and allow me to cleanse my hair more often.
It seems like I've been at the same length for over a year. I lightly trimmed a few weeks ago and noticed that I still have about 2" to go before I hit APL. Granted it takes about 7 months for me to grow 2", but sheesh!! My hair needs to get it together especially since I PS 24/7.

Made the horrible horrible mistake of looking at MahoganyCurls's latest growth journey montage she recently posted :pullhair: It looks like in 2 years she went from dang near a fade to past APL.

I'll be at 2 years post BC in July and my crown has got like 3 inches before it even sees SL. WTH?

Yea, she got unicorn hair but I can still be irritated. :look:

Made the horrible horrible mistake of looking at MahoganyCurls's latest growth journey montage she recently posted :pullhair: It looks like in 2 years she went from dang near a fade to past APL.

I'll be at 2 years post BC in July and my crown has got like 3 inches before it even sees SL. WTH?

Yea, she got unicorn hair but I can still be irritated. :look:

I'm with you. I'm going to erase from my mind when I cut off my hair and pretend it was just 3 months ago :yep:
I think I may have grown 2 inches since January. My top grows faster than everything else. The roots need some color. The white (not silver) (or gray) is too prominent. I have to hide this.
I had to do a trim this weekend, thinking about leaving LHCF, YouTube and every other internet hair thing alone next quarter. Sure I will continue with my regimen, but I'm thinking about putting my focus into something else. I have a new guitar that's been sitting in my den since last October, maybe I'll actually
Learn how to play it. Write a song about my slow hair growth or something.
Still slow growing... it heps that I only wear my hair out once every 3 months. Im getting my hair done for my bday next month and I cant wait!
For the last few weeks I'd been doing these honey treatments and Co washing every other day. I noticed my edges looking a little thin so I decided to cut back to two treatments a week.

This Sunday I was doing my normal weekly DC and noticed some 1/2 inch strands so immediately I thought breakage but as I took a closer look I noticed they're all over and is not breakage is new hair! My hair seems to be getting denser! Not only am I a slow grower I have a mixture of thin/thick strands and low/medium density.

My hair seems to be the opposite of most my hair thrives w/ more rather than less manipulation. Protective styles and cleansing a few times a month causes my hair to shed and scalp act up. Cleansing frequently and styling a few times a week (combing/detangling only when I DC) makes my hair happy which makes me happy because I love to switch up my doo. :)
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Hi ladies! Anybody doing any length checks for any challenges?

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
I just don't understand why my hair grows so much slower than the average. It's really discouraging at times. I was expecting some real progress, but my hair looks just like it did in January and March... I am very happy with the softness, strength, shine, etc. I just want it to hurry up and grow so I can cut off my damage and have thick even hair. I have short pieces all over from when I overlapped color in November :(
I just don't understand why my hair grows so much slower than the average. It's really discouraging at times. I was expecting some real progress, but my hair looks just like it did in January and March... I am very happy with the softness, strength, shine, etc. I just want it to hurry up and grow so I can cut off my damage and have thick even hair. I have short pieces all over from when I overlapped color in November :(

I have just about stopped paying attention to length. Prettymetty

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
I just don't understand why my hair grows so much slower than the average. It's really discouraging at times. I was expecting some real progress, but my hair looks just like it did in January and March... I am very happy with the softness, strength, shine, etc. I just want it to hurry up and grow so I can cut off my damage and have thick even hair. I have short pieces all over from when I overlapped color in November :(

I know how you feel. I had to trim 1 - 1.5 inches and although I needed it, the fact that my hair grows so slow makes me feel so discouraged!

I'm still praying for a summer growth spurt!
I wouldn't call it a length check but I will be taking new pics for the SL challenge. I'm not really doing length checks. I'm just looking at getting to more flexible styles. Instead of getting to SL I'm more focused on getting to a better puff, more flat twist styles and getting the back into a banana clip.
I'm so done with this length checking. It is really discouraging me. At least some of you are APL and BSL already. Although my nape is now at APL, my edges are barely NL, the front just started hitting my chin. It gives that weird mullet look when i wear my hair out. I need to keep pinning the front in some way. That's why i stopped taking pictures of my hair.
I've been focusing on my body lately. I almost did not renew my subscription last month.
I didn't say earlier because.I didn't want to jinx it. However, I've had growth improvement.

Started taking a Women's multi vitamin about 6 weeks ago. Not only have I had almost an inch of growth, but the pains I felt in muscles and bones I thought of as part of aging is gone. I also sleep like a rock which was the opposite. It's also obvious when I've skipped my vitamin for a cpl days.

Obviously deficient despite an excellent diet of organic fresh fruit, veg and very low sugar and carbs.

Saying all that, unless your doc objects, I suggest taking a regular multi to help with hair AND whole body.
I'm looking in the mirror and seeing my hair growing lol I'm just leaving it alone and keeping it moisturized and it's growing finally.
I did a scalp massage today. it was so relaxing. We spent the better part of the day at the beach. The beachy air makes my hair feel amazing. So soft and smooth. I wouldn't mind living on a beachfront property :)