SL 2015

Seek and destroyed on the crown (wont do full trim there cuz its got a good inch to inch and a half to nl goal) and dusted the rest. Put on leave in and made 2 flat twists for the night.

I will say as the length evens out and it grows overall I noticed it gets a little easier every couple months to style.
Yeah that's what I'm waiting for. :yep:
did my henna with some cassia today. washed out did a quick dc in the shower, added some leave in and flat twisted in four. My head has been feeling tender since yesterday, so I didnt really bother checking how the color took. will see in the morning.
Wash, DC and did a curlformers set. I also made fsg. My hair feels sooo soft. I'm trying to decide if i want to separate the curls. Loveeee the way it came out. I can't believe how straight my hair turned out!!! This time around I let my hair fully dry. It took about 2.5hrs.

Products used: diluted tressume as a leavein ( I didn't rinse out my DC) and my homemade fsg ( has peppermint oil in it).


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Wash, DC and did a curlformers set. I also made fsg. My hair feels sooo soft. I'm trying to decide if i want to separate the curls. Loveeee the way it came out. I can't believe how straight my hair turned out!!! This time around I let my hair fully dry. It took about 2.5hrs.

Products used: diluted tressume as a leavein ( I didn't rinse out my DC) and my homemade fsg ( has peppermint oil in it).

It came out really smooth. Your curls look like they would bounce all over the place. Light and fluffy.
I feel like the excitement of my hair growth has left the building ever since last year when I did the straighten check and found out how low density my hair is . I think if I had thicker hair I'd feel differently. I want to be shoulder length in a twistout. At least that would bring some volume.

The only thing I'm exited about is that my edges are back from bald city and now reach past my ears. Edges are a good thing to have lol.

Nothing too exciting to report.
Cornrows are boring and frizzy lol.
My next appointment is 11/30 (1 month post). For sure I will extend all future appointments to 60 days.

I ordered a new wig online and it should be here on Monday. I'm sad I have to sign for it, b/c well.. I have a job and probably will not be there.

Anyway, hopefully it is in my possession before Wednesday so I can start manipulating it to my liking.
had weird tacky buildup from a old leave in condish I found under the sink. Decided to prepoo with a dc, avo oil and some essential oils. Will wash out later with my HG sm manuka. I hope my hair never reject this manuka ish :look:

So I've noticed since doing the cherry lola and the clay rinse, my hair has been very hard, lots of curl definition but very hard. Not helping that I didnt wash my hair all week and didnt henna either. I think I'll try a dc for a couple hours with heat to help
Put your pictures up anytime in December. The new challenge starts January 1.

Figure out which week is best for you and take your pictures then.
Thank you.
Yeah I will. Probably during the transition between my next PS.
I feel like the excitement of my hair growth has left the building ever since last year when I did the straighten check and found out how low density my hair is . I think if I had thicker hair I'd feel differently. I want to be shoulder length in a twistout. At least that would bring some volume.

The only thing I'm exited about is that my edges are back from bald city and now reach past my ears. Edges are a good thing to have lol.
Try and maintain positivity. Like my hair is on the high density side but my strands are pretty fine. My sig probably over exaggerates a little coz when I visually compare my hair to others who are and aren't black and outside of my family my hair is always thinner.
So don't see density and some pitfall in your journey. Very rarely does someone have the magical high density, thick strands, normal porosity hair yet loads of women reach great goals.

Also it's great to hear about your edges.
So it's official, I have an iron deficiency. My Dr said I'm 'borderline anemic'. Basically if my iron were any lower I would be. But I'm glad I know what's been causing my hair loss & other issues. I know I won't hit SL this year, but I'm proud of myself for keeping up with my regime for the most part. I'm sure now with the right supplements and continuing with proper hair care, next year I'll hit goal!
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Wash, DC and did a curlformers set. I also made fsg. My hair feels sooo soft. I'm trying to decide if i want to separate the curls. Loveeee the way it came out. I can't believe how straight my hair turned out!!! This time around I let my hair fully dry. It took about 2.5hrs.

Products used: diluted tressume as a leavein ( I didn't rinse out my DC) and my homemade fsg ( has peppermint oil in it).
Your hair turned out beautifully. Hope it is holding up for you.
had weird tacky buildup from a old leave in condish I found under the sink. Decided to prepoo with a dc, avo oil and some essential oils. Will wash out later with my HG sm manuka. I hope my hair never reject this manuka ish :look:
Yea my hurr seems to really like both the manuka shampoo and the coconut hibiscus. Almost out of the manuka one so, for her sake, I will switch back to coconut. :rolleyes:
So it's official, I have an iron deficiency. My Dr said I'm 'borderline anemic'. Basically if my iron were any lower I would be. But I'm glad I know what's been causing my hair loss & other issues. I know I won't hit SL this year, but I'm proud of myself for keeping up with my regime for the most part. I'm sure now with the right supplements and continuing with proper hair care, next year I'll hit goal!

Most definitely! Utuber sistawithrealhair is anemic and she made an amazing recovery. I was shocked at her before and after

No it didn't really last:cry3:. It started to get frizzy. I think I need a stronger hold for my gel. I still have the curls, its just covered in frizz.
I actually got mine to last better when I didn't use anything after DCing and installing the. Curlformer.s. after drying I let them sit for 20 minutes to cool. After take down I put on a light oil. I'm doing my next set the 1st week of December I will make sure I post.
Progress is being made. I can now wash in 4 sections and I can put my hair into 2 flat twist while wet. That's still a bit of a struggle though. It is still quicker than putting in my regular flat twist style.

I need to figure out what I want my go to style to be so I know what I'm shooting for. I originally thought I wanted to do 2 flat twist. But now that I can do them, that really isn't the style I want to do week to week.

I have no idea how I want to wear my hair :sad:
So my hair is growing really well. Im a little away from chin length now. From looking at my old pictures, I have pretty much retained all of my length.

Does anyone have any advice for a strong protein treatment that doesn't involve too much fussing around? I did the aphogee 2 step but it was just too much fiddling around and I don't have a hooded drying. I think I need more protein now that my relaxed is really growing out.
can you rinse them out? who knows what that residue may do to your hair...

I was initially annoyed about the dye transfer but I soon found the funny side smh. I do hope it comes off but I am not too concerned right now. I tried a quick rinse but it didn't do much to remove the colour. I had more joy with some vigorous rubbing:lol: not that I wanted to rough-up my hair and scalp. I need a shampoo really but I'm yet to make the time. Hopefully, it won't leave me balding.
I have ORS replenish conditioner and old formula Megatek on hand so I just add a cap of neutral protein filler to either conditioner. Sit under the dryer to let it get hard and rinse. Gets the job done. (I have natural vs relaxed/tex hair).

Does anyone have any advice for a strong protein treatment that doesn't involve too much fussing around? I did the aphogee 2 step but it was just too much fiddling around and I don't have a hooded drying. I think I need more protein now that my relaxed is really growing out.
So my hair is growing really well. Im a little away from chin length now. From looking at my old pictures, I have pretty much retained all of my length.

Does anyone have any advice for a strong protein treatment that doesn't involve too much fussing around? I did the aphogee 2 step but it was just too much fiddling around and I don't have a hooded drying. I think I need more protein now that my relaxed is really growing out.

That's awesome :) Can you share your regimen? In terms of protein, I use Giovanni reconstructor and also SSI okra reconstructor...
I have ORS replenish conditioner and old formula Megatek on hand so I just add a cap of neutral protein filler to either conditioner. Sit under the dryer to let it get hard and rinse. Gets the job done. (I have natural vs relaxed/tex hair).
That's awesome :) Can you share your regimen? In terms of protein, I use Giovanni reconstructor and also SSI okra reconstructor...
Thank you. I will look into all of those.

I really haven't been doing been doing much. What I've changed is that I moisturise a lot more often. About once a day or every two days on average. I seal with a lot of Shea butter which I wasn't doing before because I had become lazy in ordering some more. I've been using better products that have a lot less chemicals in them. I've been eating better. I started combing my hair every week or so to avoid the build up of shed hairs. I definitely don't have the best regimen but so far my ends have been healthy considering how quick I get slip ends.
So my hair is growing really well. Im a little away from chin length now. From looking at my old pictures, I have pretty much retained all of my length.

Does anyone have any advice for a strong protein treatment that doesn't involve too much fussing around? I did the aphogee 2 step but it was just too much fiddling around and I don't have a hooded drying. I think I need more protein now that my relaxed is really growing out.
I like Komaza's protein. It does suggest that you sit under a dryer but you don't have to.
I was using the Jane Carter Curling Cream for my flat twist but with the colder weather I think I'm going back to MyHoneyChild Type 4 hair cream. My hair is doing well but I need to make sure it stays sealed.