Skinny guy thick girl, can it work?


New Member
I've been dating a guy for like a month now and he is sooo skinny! I'm used to dating someone my size or bigger and this guy weighs 115 and I weigh 170. He is seriously the skinniest guy I've met my age. Can we work out because I really like everything about and he's very attractive but I worry about things concerning his weight and other everyday activities.

Is there anyone out there who has been with someone extremely skinny and it work out??
If you want it to will. Weight has absolutely nothing to do with it IMO. If you are attracted to him...then that's all that matters.

To answer your question though I dated someone who was extra skinny (125 pounds soak and wet) and we were together 6 years.
I can't imagine a man weighing 115 unless he is extremely short.

Hopefully he is taller than you. Height can make up for extreme skinniness in a man.

Also personality and the way he treats you is most important.
My freshman roomie is dating a guy who is very slender (he looks like a teenager) and she is quite full herself. They have a daughter and it seems to work.
I dated someone that was extremely skinny and it didn't work out but, it wasn't because he was too skinny.

Does his skinniness affect your physical attraction to him?
"thick" or obese?


Despite what may "seem" to be...

"like" not even talking about "love" defies all ...

if it's right...nothing else matters

You can ask, but when you find that "one", it will transcend color, creed, physical appearance, finance, reason... and maybe even common sense.

Real talk...
I think a relationship is less about what size each person is and more about how each person feels about their own and their partner's size. If you're happy with yourselves and each other, great, but if one person is unhappy with themselves or the other person, that could be a problem. Like if a girl of ANY size is insecure about her shape and she is with a skinny guy, his size might make her feel self conscious whereas she might not care if she was okay with her proportions. It's all about perception and acceptance.
If Momma June and Sugabear can work it out, Yall will be ok. LOL. OP do you mind that he is skinny. I will bet he weighs more than 112. What celeb body type is he close to. Maybe the rapper, TI?
If Momma June and Sugabear can work it out, Yall will be ok. LOL. OP do you mind that he is skinny. I will bet he weighs more than 112. What celeb body type is he close to. Maybe the rapper, TI?

More like wiz khalifa. Hes 5'9 115 Lbs. maybe that can give yall some perspective on how skinny he is. I'm 5'7.
Of course it can work!!

Skinny guys love thicker women.

Is he a good man, hard working and honest? Those are the type of things you should be looking for, his weight is not important. Besides, when you marry one day and you start cooking for him he might put on some weight lol.
Of course !

I don't see why it couldn't work ,attraction goes beyond physical appearance .
I noticed Skinny men are often attracted to full figured women.
If you want it to will. Weight has absolutely nothing to do with it IMO. If you are attracted to him...then that's all that matters.

To answer your question though I dated someone who was extra skinny (125 pounds soak and wet) and we were together 6 years.

:yep:Same with my sister! She dated a guy for 6 years, he was skinny and she is plumpy:).