How To Seduce A Guy At Work

I couldn't bring myself to do it. There's just something about him that makes me know that asking him out is a huge no. I gave him the gift, and it did cheer him up. He's been walking around like a peacock. :giggle:

We exchanged some emails, and I noticed that at the bottom, he wrote some letters with a slash mark in between. I couldn't figure out what that was supposed to mean, but then later realized that he put our initials together. :lol: If he was someone that I had met online, I'd shun him.

Anyway, he has my number. He has to make the next move.

Your work is done. You went a little above and beyond and the ball is now in his court. So forget about it and what ever will be, will be.
I'm feeling this opportunity slipping away . . . If he finds someone in his new space, you'll never know what could have been :(

I kind of feel like I'm the opportunity that he might let slip away.

umm wth? DO IT!

I just couldn't fix my mouth to say it. Maybe before the 3 weeks when things were more light-hearted.

Your work is done. You went a little above and beyond and the ball is now in his court. So forget about it and what ever will be, will be.

Are you saying a gift was too much? IA, about forgetting about it. I just needed him to know that I am open.
Are you saying a gift was too much? IA, about forgetting about it. I just needed him to know that I am open.

No Chica, not at all. You found a way to do something extra (thoughtful) that was comfortable for you. I think you accomplished in your own way what what we were suggesting by asking him out. Giving him a going away gift (small token, hopefully :lol:) was perfect! If he doesn't take the ball and run with it, that will be his loss. Good luck! :crosses fingers:

ETA--By "above and beyond" in my original post, I meant above and beyond your normal rlp with him. Sorry for the confusion!
I kind of feel like I'm the opportunity that he might let slip away.

I just couldn't fix my mouth to say it. Maybe before the 3 weeks when things were more light-hearted.

Are you saying a gift was too much? IA, about forgetting about it. I just needed him to know that I am open.
maybe text him? do you have his #?
:lol: No way! I'm done. I'm just going to focus on Christmastime, and go on with my life.
Aww this is a cute thread. I'm in a similar-ish position, although my work crush isn't moving dept or anything. I think that the gift was a lovely gesture and if he's really the traditional type, he'll get it together and ask you out if that's his goal.
wait how did he know?

I didn't want to post that part because it was extremely awkward, but I'll do it... This is just some of what happened. I saw him in one of the break rooms, and he had a big, fat black band on his finger. It was on his right hand, but I freaked out, thinking that maybe he was one of those married guys who don't usually wear a ring. Then I thought, maybe he lost weight, and he's wearing it on whatever finger that fits. Then I thought maybe he is one of those fools who pretend to be single. I cringed inside, thinking that I had just given a gift to a married guy! He never mentioned being with anyone. I was 100% sure he was single. Basically, I was going crazy.

Later, I texted him, and told him that I thought he was single. He said, ?? I am single. Then that other part happened where he came to talk to me. He seemed really excited.
I didn't want to post that part because it was extremely awkward, but I'll do it... This is just some of what happened. I saw him in one of the break rooms, and he had a big, fat black band on his finger. It was on his right hand, but I freaked out, thinking that maybe he was one of those married guys who don't usually wear a ring. Then I thought, maybe he lost weight, and he's wearing it on whatever finger that fits. Then I thought maybe he is one of those fools who pretend to be single. I cringed inside, thinking that I had just given a gift to a married guy! He never mentioned being with anyone. I was 100% sure he was single. Basically, I was going crazy.

Later, I texted him, and told him that I thought he was single. He said, ?? I am single. Then that other part happened where he came to talk to me. He seemed really excited.
Did you reply after he said he was single?
I didn't want to post that part because it was extremely awkward, but I'll do it... This is just some of what happened. I saw him in one of the break rooms, and he had a big, fat black band on his finger. It was on his right hand, but I freaked out, thinking that maybe he was one of those married guys who don't usually wear a ring. Then I thought, maybe he lost weight, and he's wearing it on whatever finger that fits. Then I thought maybe he is one of those fools who pretend to be single. I cringed inside, thinking that I had just given a gift to a married guy! He never mentioned being with anyone. I was 100% sure he was single. Basically, I was going crazy.

Later, I texted him, and told him that I thought he was single. He said, ?? I am single. Then that other part happened where he came to talk to me. He seemed really excited.
girl so you making moves in silence now? :p thanks for filling us in!
Men are dense. :yep:

Yeah, I was like, how could you not know?


So...We've been talking every night. The first night, he called me and asked me a bunch of personal questions. It never occurred to me that he might have dealbreakers. :confused: He said he wants to start dating me as soon as he gets settled with the transfer. He makes it sound so formal.

I might have a new man for the new year! Btw, we live in the same city, and he doesn't have to move. I just won't see him every day at work.
*update* I am having a problem with my guy. He works too much, and we have not been on a real date. I did not believe that he was as busy as he says, but he showed me his yearly planner and his calendar. This guy works at least 70 to 80 hours per week. He is ambitious when it comes to his career. I am very attracted to him. He is tall and a bit bow-legged like a cowboy. :drool:

But I don't think he is giving me enough attention.
@Ipanema I agree to fall back. But if you have that feeling that he really likes you... then don't give up on him too soon.... Stay connected by calling and texting... In the meantime, date others while you wait around a little longer. However, I would not tell him that you are dating others though.
*update* I am having a problem with my guy. He works too much, and we have not been on a real date. I did not believe that he was as busy as he says, but he showed me his yearly planner and his calendar. This guy works at least 70 to 80 hours per week. He is ambitious when it comes to his career. I am very attracted to him. He is tall and a bit bow-legged like a cowboy. :drool:

But I don't think he is giving me enough attention.

Are you sitting around waiting for him to make time for you? Or are you living your life so that HE knows if he wants a shot he needs to prioritize wanting to know you?

Don't let your crush give him credit he hasn't earned. Get busy with whatever you suppossed to be working on right now (work, school, dating others). Make him earn the right to your time. Showing you a planner means nothing (unless for example he's an accountant and he's gearing up for busy tax season through April). President Obama made time to eat dinner with his daughters almost every night.
Are you sitting around waiting for him to make time for you? Or are you living your life so that HE knows if he wants a shot he needs to prioritize wanting to know you?

I actually haven't been doing either of these things. I have no choice but to live my life because I have a lot going on. But he is almost a workaholic.

:scratchchin: I think I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to sit down with him with his planner (and my planner), and have him schedule some time for us. Then I'll fall back. :supergrin:

Btw, I know I'm being non-LHCF-y right now. I know the man is supposed to come along on his personal plane, and then trip over himself straight into my bosom. Then I'm supposed to slap him in the face, and then he offers his other cheek to be slapped while professing his love for me with a ring in his hand.