Single Ladies (or those are keeping their options open), lets take a step...


Active Member
So here's what i'm thinking. When u're single and looking to meet someone, it is a good idea to:
- place yourself in environments where are are prospects to meet
- have a circle (or person) who u're on the same page with to explore the different avenues of meeting prospects

I say this because if u have the avenues to meet prospects but your current social circle / group isnt very condusive (i.e. most of them are not single / looking to meet people or they are but aren't willing to put in the effort or initiative, or they are jealous and or very competitive, not trust worthy etc) then it is harder to meet new ppl. Also, if u do have the right ppl to go out there with but are just going to the same place / type of place, then u are limiting yourself.

My suggestion here is, we can start our own 'meet up' type initiative where we discuss and exchange ideas here on LHCF and then we can meet up in our local areas go out and try / implement these ideas.

This should be a fun, positive initiative where open minded people who want to try this and give it a go can be a part of.

I know we all have our firends and circles who we hang with but sometimes its hard to get them on the same page for various reasons and then we might be limited or stuck for the most part. Cos with me for instance, with my single friends, i sometimes find that they may want a certain specific type of guy (e.g. someone from their church), or some may not be willing to try out some recreational sport / other activities to get out there and socialize, the timing / scheduling may not be right, they may be waiting at home for God to send them their dream guy with a white horse at their door step etc. Therefore, its not always easy to get out there frequently.

So let me know what u think / who would be interested in this initiative and lets see if we can start something here. Doesnt have to be anything complicated - just a group of people with a common interest or goal trying to create condusive social netowrks to mutually benefit everyone. With no money / fees cos i dont think thats necessary.

(kinda like the local area meetings but this would be more planned with a purpose and possible theme... we can plan some fun themed events and have fun with it ;-D. )
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I'm interested!

NYC checking in. :)

Are there any age reuirements?

Nope, no age requirements to join this group :-). The only time age might be a factor is if a certain activity or venue specifies one; in which case, we can figure out how to handle it.

I'm glad we're getting some members. Hopefully this will help us change things for the better :-D
I'll help you ladies with whatever I can! I'm not really looking right now, but I LOVE this idea! Count me in.
I'm in it...It would be great if we did meet ups..but just a group of LHCF going out on the town.

I'm in ottawa. But I believe i can find the man of my life in Boston for some reason
I'm glad we're getting more members and its good that we're putting our locations in our posts; that way, its easier to figure out how to form our local groups. I'm in toronto, ontario btw.

Any other recruits?
Sounds like a great idea! I don't get out at all and all of my dates are through the net in some way. I need to expand my options :yep:
we seem to have quite a big group for NY so far. Lets wait a while and see if we get more members especially for other areas and then we can start forming the various groups and actively planning our activities / events.