Haddasah For human interaction reconnect with friends and family or make new ones also find a hobby and get social around that maybe a bible study but be careful not all bible studies or prayer groups are with Jesus and are cults at best self serving money hungry at worst satanic.
The thing with this guy is you need to put him and yourself to the test. You say he's spiritual which means he's already open to these spiritual ideas. Actually there's hope for even the most jaded person then even where he is now he can understand that you want more. He's proposed 2x and called it off? He's inconsistent and immature I'm not saying he's a bad person he's just not there yet and you need a man who is at least on the right road knows what he wants and is willing to man up and commit. Maybe he's your future husband maybe not but put him to the test.
So you also need to work on yourself here spiritually mentally emotionally physically and financially like I said start studying the word of you don't have time to join a bible study or prayer group do it yourself get study guide and go to it. Get some other hobbies as well volunteering or working out classes for something you like etc. After repenting and confessing to God go in hard with prayer and fasting and study. Don't just fly through the verses give it time to sink in and get some understanding and ask a higher up in the church who is trustworthy if you have any questions.
Also you said you've had some suicidal thoughts that can only be broken through fasting and prayer that's a demonic stronghold in your life mentally and spiritually you need to take care of that ASAP so a weekend fast prayer and praise and knock it out of your life in Jesus name.
To help during this fast prayer say the 7 penitential psalms Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143 And pick out 7 psalms of praise and adoration to the Lord and say those at the end of each day to thank God for your healing and deliverance. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Let this guy know where you stand on purpose and that this is what it takes to be with you tell him you're not putting all the blame on him cause you both got tempted which is natural God created us we are sexual beings and you cannot get control over it until you acknowledge and accept it. Figure out what you want in a man your husband tell this guy that you've rededicated your life to Jesus and promised to do things in his way especially concerning romantic relationships.
Now you tell him that you can't hang out or be friends with benefits or F buddies (you weren't) Whatever other terms people have for casual dating and casual sex with no purpose or plan
If he meant all those things he said and the proposal and he wants to be with you he should respect your beliefs and step up and please don't contact you if he's not ready for a real committed relationship (if he wants to mess around or make out etc) in this manner tell him to look up biblical courtship of he's got questions where you got all these ideas from. Don't sit around and answer those questions for him also he may also have other work to do on himself in his life before he's ready for real commitment. If you want send him the links to some biblical manhood and courtship vids I will post below.
And look it up yourself before you speak to him so you know what your talking about. Then stop taking his calls for a while make him work for your attention and time if he wants you like he says he will show you that he's getting with the program because he's thought it over and he will move heaven and earth if he doesn't then you've just weeded out a imposter to the king you want as your husband Amen !
Oh check out these books Real Love
If you really loved me
10 things women do to ruin their lives.
And the engagement episode of 19kids and counting. The Duggars Found it
Now about the impure thoughts those are going to come just don't entertain and dwell on those thoughts were supposed to be attracted to each other but we're to keep it within the right context keeping the physical and touching to just holding hands no making out not staying late home alone etc. it's bound to get out of hand if you and he don't set up boundaries and stick to them. God Bless
Look up Psalm 31 Both men and women should read this Psalm it's actually directed to young men on how to choose a wife.
Videos Biblical courtship
http://youtu.be/AP6cc2aBecE http://youtu.be/cbL5qtRgO84 http://youtu.be/JGx9b5T8SeY
Biblical manhood
Videos for you alone on biblical womanhood