Single and over 30 means no more wish list

My history: 32, single (have been for a while), no kids.
My wish list: confident, humble, physically fit (those are my only non-negotiables.

I had a conversation with two friends today, one is married has been for 8 years with 4 kids and the other is 25 engaged baby number 3 is on the way. I often discuss my dating escapades with them (mistake number 1). Recently, I have been hanging out with a male friend who is a really great guy and he always takes me to the nicest place BUT he would be classified as obese. He is probably like 125 pounds over weight and I am not physically attracted to him which means he doesn't qualify as physically fit.

Today's conversation went something like this: Babyu21 you need to let go of your list and just give it a try. (they are talking about coloring) I told them I am just not physically attracted to him and they kept saying I was letting the physical stuff get in the way and that he could be the one for me. They both have mates that are very attractive and I just can't stand when people act like because I am over 30 and still single I should let go of all my wants.

The younger person said the only thing on my list should be that he really loves and adores me but that is a given. A troll under a bridge could offer me that but do I want to color with him at night NO.

I was just wondering if any other ladies have people in their lives who tell them this kind of stuff. I don't want him to get his clothes off for me to tell him "ummm no this ain't gonna work".

I mean really, am I at the point where I have to take whatever comes my way. I keep telling them that I will remain single until I find someone who meets my core requirements.

Sorry this is so long but I am really getting tired of having this discussion with folks. I know that I haven't held out this long not to have someone who I want to color with often.

Not to be a total ^&%*( but why would you continue to hang with someone you aren't physically attracted too? That can be 1- misleading; and 2-Your type might see with mr. not your type... just saying

Also, if the weight issue is the only thing keeping your from persuing it, maybe you can suggest working out together or see where he is at(ie, is he content being fat, lazy, doesn't want to lose weight). For instance, the person I'm talking to now has some extra weight on him. When he asked me what I wanted and liked in a man, i told him I like my men fit. He has been going to the gym 1-2 times daily ever since. He wants to be with me enough to make the change.... So you just never know. And I'm 33. I didn't settle.