Since writing my own manifesto, I don't starve, I vent.


Well-Known Member
The other night I was feeling really down about my social life, men, my finances, and a slew of other things. My internet went out and then I got even more sad so I decided to pull myself out of the dump by working out (doing squats and using my macbook as my weight because I know I won't drop that! :lol:) and doing some yoga.

While I was doing my own version of yoga (it might not have even been yoga. I was just stretching and breathing) I decided that there are so many different manifestos for different movements. Lupe Fiasco has one for LASERS, Pharrell has one for i am OTHER, and the Black Panther Party was extremely successful in the movement with their's. Why not write my own.

While I was writing I decided to make it 10 points and brief. Typed it up in microsoft word, put a border around it, printed it, and put it on my wall where I look the most; above my hair products. When I finished I felt so relieved. The key is to make each point something you don't do as often as you should. If I put, "go for a walk everyday" when I already do that, then I'm just still in denial of things I need to work on.
So here's mine...

My Manifesto
1. Look to myself for validation
2. Believe in my inner beauty
3. Use my power of decision
4. Rely on God, that's what he's there for
a. Be patient with him as he is with me
5. Keep my standards
6. Recognize all progress
7. Compare myself to myself
8. Take outside of the box opportunities
9. Carry forth solutions
10. Reach Forward.


Every time I catch myself slipping I think about one of my points and apply it. And even if I do feel down and out I vent about it and apply one of my points to move on. Hope this helps someone!
thanx for the tag. i like this. i need to make one for myself, there is so many things i need to work on.
in fact im gonna sit and write one up tonight.
i dont have a printer so i cant print it out and put it on the wall like you did(thats was a good idea) but i will write it all down in my little book i carry in my purse.