sick of it, sick of it! (rant)


Well-Known Member
I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!
Awwww :bighug:

I don't even know what to say because I absolutely love your hair.

Hmmmmm...all I can suggest is getting some braids/cornrows without extensions and see if that works for a while. You're supposed to be having fun on your trip, not worrying about hair.

Girl, I'm gonna pray for a hair breakthrough for you because I can feel your frustration.
Sorry to hear that.
To be honest, I love your hair and I think it looks great.
Hope you find something that works for you soon.

[small voice] I like your twists [/small voice]. I'll give you a big ol' hug :bighug: though, because you need it. I think your hair is gorgeous, but I'm not the one dealing with it everyday, so I understand.
Aww, poor Mwedzi! That was the funniest rant ever though because you know all of us have been there! :lachen:
But you know that later this week or next week or the week after, you will:heart2:your hair again!
I know that wasn't supposed to be funny (but it was :look:) and I feel your pain. I don't even try to do "styles" anymore b/c they take too long and don't come out well. The last time I flat ironed my hair (including blow drying it straight with a round brush first) it took me at least 5 hours. And the end result looked like I hadn't flat ironed it at all :locks:. A friend took pity on my and cleaned up my mess with a real flat iron job.

I think your hair is pretty, but I sympathize with the styling woes :hug2: (twists take me about 4 hours too--I don't do them anymore).
You just never know who's stalking YOUR album, mwedzi. You are so creative and do such cute things with your hair and you are a beautiful woman!

I really admire how you switch it up wear your hair like it's an accessory. Your hair truly has some amazing character woman! I just LOVES it :)
Thanks for all the late night sympathies. :kiss: I know it is wee hours where most of you are right now.

Semo, after reading the full thing, I had to chuckle, too.

Okay, but Neith, Bri, Y'all, are you going to look me in the eye and tell me those twists look good. I dare you, I dare you to do it, cuz if you do I'm running back to tell your mother that you lying straight to folks' faces. We grown in here, we know when stuff just don't look right. It's okay, we can say it.

*breathe* I feel a little better. Thanks for letting me rant.
Aww, :bighug: I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your hair. I struggle too even though my hair is fine and is not as thick as yours. I wish I had big thick hair!

I'm sure you've tried a lot of things and I won't even mention twists. Have you washed your hair in braids? That helps me. Also, I just discovered ACV rinses and they help with tangles.

Umm... If you don't want it, can I have it? :look:

Your hair is gorgeous honey stop trippin. It's long and it's thick and it's 100% yours. :yep:

...Oh and :bighug:
I'm sorry to say this, but I clicked on the link and all I saw was a beautiful twist out. I don't know what you're talking about.

I noticed you wear glasses... maybe you need a new prescription? LOL
I can relate, I'm sick of my hair too!

I have even considered..... -big gulp- .....relaxing....

Chile, shut ur mouth.
When I first started on this hair journey (which was 3 months ago) you were one of my
hair inspirations, more for your attitude towards your hair and all the styles your were producing. I lurve your hair and if you dont want it pass it along.......:yep:
But all jokes aside, fully understand where your coming from, it aint easy, just know that there are a lot of us out here in cyberspace who are coveting your hair. Here's a big hug from all of us:bighug:
I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!

I feel ya. Mine takes about five hours to do when I don't flat iron it (that may take longer, but at least I can wrap my hair for the week, and with sabino I don't have to touch it again until I wash it THANK GOD). It's got me eyeing creamy crack. When it's shorter, it's much easier. But 4a longer is just friggin ridiculous to detangle, etc, and its' so think, and...wait, I was starting to rant and I wanted to support you. I had mine put in some cornrows. Not great, but at least i don't have to worry for a while. I washed while they are in. I didn't care how frizzy they get because I just need a break. Sometimes, when I style it, it takes 6-7 hours. I feel like my life is being drained away. So I can't say stay strong because I understand that it's not just about how they look, but how long they TAKE as your hair gets longer.

BTW your twists look fine and your hair is so cute.:yep:

I know that was the only light I could give at the end of the tunnel.
:bighug:... I am soo sorry to hear that. However, your hair is gorgeous and thick, and like someone said before, its all yours. I really commend you naturals that take the time to do it, because it's a job.
Honestly, thats why I havent went natural, not that I don't like it (because I LOVE natural hair), but it can be very time consuming. So when I want that "natural" appearance, I will just get some tiny rod set and spring it out. LOL.
Anyways, I'm glad you were able to rant, and I hope things are better. BTW, you do so much creative things to your hair, so hopefully you can look at those pics in your fotki, and remind yourself of how beautiful you and your hair are!!
I like your twists especially when you dressed them up with hair candy!

It takes me 4-5hrs to do my hair and I'm relaxed :ohwell: but

hope things get better for u!
I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!

A big hug coming at ya! I feel your pain because I have been there. That is why I went back to relaxing. I don't have 5-8 hours to spend on my hair just so that it "only" looks somewhat decent. Life is entirley too short to spend it all on least that is the way I feel anyway. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you find a happy medium with your hair. Don't let it dominate your life. :look:
I KNOW this wasnt supposed to be funny, but I was :lachen: all the way thru your post! It was so cute!

M, your hair looks FINE!!!

Those twists looked fine too!!! You know that twists puff at the roots so its all good. Your hair is beautiful and I just think you were frustrated with it, as we all get frustrated with our hair from time to time.

I hope you feel better this am!!!

And yes, your hair is BEAUTIFUL!

I for one love how big and thick your hair is, but I understand your frustrations hun. I think some of us all feel that way sometimes. I don't even know what to tell you to do with your hair, but I can tell you to think will get better, it usually does.
