sick of it, sick of it! (rant)

My mouth was hanging open the whole time I read that post because I friggin LOVE your hair! And when I click on the link all I saw was beauty.

But here's a big cyber hug anyway!
woman! :slap: - i mean, er uh :bighug:

you have got a head full of long, beautiful thick hair! i really do empathize with your frustration, but i hope it will soon pass.
Sorry you're frustrated with your hair, Mwedzi. I happen to love your hair, but I can certainly understand you not wanting to spend hours upon hours trying to do a hair style. I don't have that kind of patience.

Again, you have beautiful hair, and I would kill for your thickness ... for real! :yep:
Maye you can put it in an updo I am sure that would look great and you won't have to bother with your hair for a few days. Your twist are very neat and uniform.

Awwwwwww mwedzi girl.........

Your twists are beautiful and so are you!!! You got super frustrated after going through all that drama to part your hair "just right" - why'd you put yourself through all that when they were already perfection?

Stop it!! You've got it goin' on for real!!!

I'm glad you released all that negativity and I hope you feel better in a few days (I know you will!!).

(Remember, you can always go to a trustworthy salon and get your hair professionally straightened. Make sure you get yourself some of that Sabino Moisture Block and use it before you go so your hair to make sure your hair is well protected.)
Hil-ar-ious! I know you didn't mean to be, but your post had me rollin'. I understand about the twists, I wouldn't walk out like that either.

Have you considered cornrows without extra hair? I've seen many with beautiful styles that last a while. Whatever happened to the big buns you used to do? what if you put those twists up in a flexi-8 or updo of some sort? Sorry that you're having such a hard time but I've seen the variety of styles you do and loved them!

I hope you find relief!
Mwedi, you know I've seen your twist outs in person and they are beautiful.

But I don't live with your hair or understand your frustration b/c I've never taken care of my natural hair.

I hope you find a way to be at peace with your hair and be happy with it. Whatever you do to it to make you happy, we have your back!
I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!

:grin:Girl you done :wallbash:ed your head! You've been blessed with all of that GORGEOUS Hair. Embrace and enjoy it. It also looks a little dry, maybe that's why you are having such a hard time with it. Maybe you should consider changing your reggie. I would moisturize it and keep it movin cause it's simply GORGEOUS! I truly love your hair!
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:look: :bighug:

Firstly, I feel you. I soooooo feel you - it takes a good minute to do my hair, too, and I try to think of it as selflove time - otherwise I might 'accidentally' pull a chunk out by the roots.
Secondly, I like your twists. Girl, you can't even SEE your parts to see if they are straight - what you fretting about? (and you know how I am about parts! :lachen:)
Thirdly :bighug: again. I'mma come to Chi and do your hair for you, one of these years, I am. :lol:
I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!

:lachen: I'm not laughing at you. Just the choice of cuss words. I choked when I read the dirty poopypants line.

Your hair looks fine to me. Nice and healthy.
I'm sorry to say this, but I clicked on the link and all I saw was a beautiful twist out. I don't know what you're talking about.

I noticed you wear glasses... maybe you need a new prescription? LOL

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ the bolded

She is cute too, reminds me of Lauryn Hill when she was at her best.
awww... I know what you feel like. Sometimes when I get to this point, I try to figure out if there are other things in my life at that moment that are driving me crazy and am I taking it out on my hair. Most of the time, it's a week before my period and I dont realize that what I have is PMS, and that also makes my hair not do what I want it to do. It's like my whole body is out of whack, including my hair. Usually, this passes within a week. So dont go do anything drastic. It may really be something else and not your hair, and it may be your hair, but either way, it usually passes. So wait it out, cry if you need to or scream, but dont do anything to your hair. I repeat, DONT do ANYTHING to your hair! Trust me! LOL...

Also, I'm a curly natural and if I dont texlax, boy it's a bloody shame. Soooo I use this detangler called Cowboy Magic that I heard about here on teh forum. The stuff is the truth. And the good thing about it is you can work it into a dread like part of the hair, and it detangles it very good, usually two pieces of hair loss, but nothing more. I get these dreads in my hair for not combing everyday or detangling everyday, and they are terrible. This makes them slide right out. You can get it online at the equine suppliers. It is a horse product, but I think it says for humans as well. There's a thread on it if you do a search. For me, it makes a 2 hr detangling about 10 minutes in the shower. I put it in my hair and work it in, and then I detangle under the shower, and once the section is detangled, I put a little more on it and braid that section while soaking wet. It helps for later if I'm blow drying in sections or doing twists or whatever. Hope this helps!
Hey, Mwedzi. I just looked at your Fotki and your hair is beautiful!! I love all the styles you do!! I'm gotta have to try some of those. Whatchu talkin' bout???
Thanks for all the hugs. :love2:

Okay, first I want to respond to the "i can relate" posts. I'm coming back to respond to the others next.

I can relate, I'm sick of my hair too!

I have even considered..... -big gulp- .....relaxing....


Hush yo mouth! Well, every now and then, esp. being on this forum, the thought will cross my mind, too. :look: But just my luck my relaxed hair would be jackedlaxed and I'd have to spend just as much time treating it to get it to not fall out. Also, before you do, see E_Williams' quote below.

I feel ya. Mine takes about five hours to do when I don't flat iron it (that may take longer, but at least I can wrap my hair for the week, and with sabino I don't have to touch it again until I wash it THANK GOD). It's got me eyeing creamy crack. When it's shorter, it's much easier. But 4a longer is just friggin ridiculous to detangle, etc, and its' so think, and...wait, I was starting to rant and I wanted to support you. I had mine put in some cornrows. Not great, but at least i don't have to worry for a while. I washed while they are in. I didn't care how frizzy they get because I just need a break. Sometimes, when I style it, it takes 6-7 hours. I feel like my life is being drained away. So I can't say stay strong because I understand that it's not just about how they look, but how long they TAKE as your hair gets longer.

BTW your twists look fine and your hair is so cute.:yep:

I know that was the only light I could give at the end of the tunnel.

thank you for the understanding! 6-7 hours, you got me beat! Every now and then I may work on it for that long, but after a few hours I stop caring how good it looks and whatever it is at that time is just how it's going to be. maybe cornrows is what i need. i think i'm going to have to put my hair in cornrows or braids with extensions soon. i am really tenderheaded and i know it's going to really hurt me, though. the original reason i went natural was so i could do my hair myself because the salon is torture. but i might just have to drug myself and suck it up.

I like your twists especially when you dressed them up with hair candy!

It takes me 4-5hrs to do my hair and I'm relaxed :ohwell: but

hope things get better for u!

Well, there goes the idea that relaxing is a guarantee to make it faster. Hmm, that's because you're making sure yours looks good. Maybe if I'm willing to walk round looking jacked I could shave some time off of that. :lachen:

A big hug coming at ya! I feel your pain because I have been there. That is why I went back to relaxing. I don't have 5-8 hours to spend on my hair just so that it "only" looks somewhat decent. Life is entirley too short to spend it all on least that is the way I feel anyway. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you find a happy medium with your hair. Don't let it dominate your life. :look:

But then again, you and JCoily make a girl wonder. hmmmm . . .

I've definitely been there, lol....your hair is beautiful!

sorry to hear that, but you know what they say about misery and how it hates being alone.

Hil-ar-ious! I know you didn't mean to be, but your post had me rollin'. I understand about the twists, I wouldn't walk out like that either.

Have you considered cornrows without extra hair? I've seen many with beautiful styles that last a while. Whatever happened to the big buns you used to do? what if you put those twists up in a flexi-8 or updo of some sort? Sorry that you're having such a hard time but I've seen the variety of styles you do and loved them!

I hope you find relief!

Well someone finally said it! Y'all are too nice on this forum. I could post some jumbo coolio twists and y'all would be like "ooh, so thick, they're perfect, quit trippin!" I can't cornrow myself. Practiced, continuously failed. Even bought a nappy haired mannequin to practice and she is back home in the closet right now with some jacked up flat twists on her head. But I have considered getting someone else to do it. It just hurts. :sad:
:look: :bighug:

Firstly, I feel you. I soooooo feel you - it takes a good minute to do my hair, too, and I try to think of it as selflove time - otherwise I might 'accidentally' pull a chunk out by the roots.
Secondly, I like your twists. Girl, you can't even SEE your parts to see if they are straight - what you fretting about? (and you know how I am about parts! :lachen:)
Thirdly :bighug: again. I'mma come to Chi and do your hair for you, one of these years, I am. :lol:

Ah, my hair sister. Maybe I should try your p.o.v. As it is about 2/3 of the way through I find myself doing breathing exercises and chanting. And I wish you would come to Chi to do my hair. But I'm afraid it would hurt. No one's ever done anything to my hair without it hurting.
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I feel your pain, thats why I don't do twists anymore, it takes too long. I just bun it up or when I want it out I will do some curlformes, some natural styles take too long to do and can become frustrating.
I can sooooooooooooooooo understand!!!

I wish every 4a and under would read your post before talking about how great our hair is and how we don't need to relax, we don't need to this that or whatnot.

We don't need to do anything but damn if it ain't hard to deal with 4b hair. VERY DIFFICULT. Telling us that we should just wear braids or cornrows as naturals. Ummmmmmm.......yeah ok....while they are trying out different products to make their curls pop. :rolleyes:

I have a relaxer and it is hella hard just to deal with my ne growth. I am thinking of not relaxing again for a while but the longer I stretch, the more I like....why. It will not get an easier. :(

I think every 4b has moments like what you had. Not because of some deep down internal hatred tied back to slavery and oppression :rolleyes: (like some folks think) but simply because 4b hair is hella hard to deal with. Period.
Sorry for the long post. Jump to the blue if you just want to read about my walking in your shoes. The green are suggestions that might help. The last paragraph might make you feel better.

A few months or so ago, I'd have just read your rant with sympathy, totally oblivious to your pain. You see, my hair stays frozen in a detangled state either in braid or twists. I never undo them to wash. I wash in them. Even my WNGs are of twists. I undo them ONE AT A TIME to immediately redo just to make the base is firmer after some growth. If I do wear my hair out, it's combed out into a fro after lots of S Curl has been slathered on, and that very evening it is careful put back in braids. (Did I mention that it's only ever worn out after being stretched in braids?) I don't give it a chance to detangling is something that was foreign to me.

I got acquainted with detangling the day I wore a twist-out and was too lazy to retwist before bed and just baggied. The shrinkage caused hugging between strands and my usual finger combing w/ nothing on didn't cut it. Had to use condish. But even then, it was child's play as it was only the front area of my head that I use for bangs. It took a while, but it was more fun than frustrating as I watched my hair do cute boing boing moves like a spring. I even toyed with the idea of what a WNG would look like. Was cute but it confirmed why I'd never do it. Those clumps of hair that formed parallel pen springs would be a nightmare to deal with if I had more than just a handful to detangle. But condish and a bit of water made separating them easy so I was able to get my hair back to "normal" and twist it up to what I'm used to.

This weekend, however, I tried something new. Not that new, but something I haven't done in ages. I undid all my twists and put them in big braids. Then I decided to wash in braids. Undoing to comb then rebraiding and so on. You know the procedure. :nono: :nono: No, I didn't have tangles but the work involved. I swear I dunno how you guys who detangle on wash day or wash your hair out so you can comb it manage. It was the longest wash day I can remember. It was so tedious. I am surprised my fingers didn't get wrinkly. Seriously, if I had to do that again--or as often as you folks do it--I'd have to do something drastic like chop it all of. Then as if taking forever to wash and condition and ACV rinse wasn't bad enough, twisting it up was not easy either.

The last time I twisted my whole head afresh--not just undoing a few and parting anew to retwist but starting from scratch--my hair had been in an afro puff. It was covered in S-Curl and I remember actually enjoying doing it. Now because I wasn't going to wear it, I just undid the braids from washing and parted them with fingers in small sections to twist. WTH that took a whole eon, I haven't the foggiest idea. I had to leave my hair in braids and undo one at a time to work on that to prevent shrinkage that would cause tangling. But still it took forEVER! I had learned a trick from JustK :kiss: to part the "nice" parts that will be revealed during styling during my wash, so that was already done. (Big help, JustK! Thx) So I was just grabbing and twisting. I made the twists small coz after that feat I'd just endured, I had no plans of taking them out any time soon. My hair was easy to work with (part with fingers) coz it was still moist. But by the time I'd done half my head, the other half was drying up. :wallbash: Had to make the ACV spritz and occasionally go back to the b/r to do a quick CW to get my hair back to a workable condition. (Coz I don't use products, I needed my hair moist to finger part without starting a fire.) Did I tell you how my comb looked by the time I was done with the wash? Thankfully, it still could part coz I was tryna be creative and do cornrows at the front so I needed a comb for that. I dunno how long it took to twist my hair but to be honest, it felt like the entire day was spent doing my hair. And my hair isn't even as thick or long as yours Mwedzi. So believe me, I totally empathize.

The only advice I can give you, is to go back to doing twist my way (I mean Samanthajones' way :p ) and never ever wash your hair out of twists. Seriously, my normal wash takes less than 20 mins if I'm not DCing. And after that, there's nothing more to do, unless you wanna talk about putting the twists in some sort of style. Otherwise I wash and go.

Also your twists look fine. My twists look worse than yours immediately after I do them and I too don't care for that look. Skinny, wiggly, just not attractive at all. Which is why I immediately dunk them in water (usually do a CW) to make them puff out a bit from shrinkage--that also gives them some weight so they're not just feather light and dead. Washing them and letting them drip dry also ensures that they hang straight and also helps to neaten up the ends as they shrink up and form cute spirals as my hair takes up it's normal pattern. And I don't worry about parting with a comb anymore (thanks to LadyKay for that tip). I only part with a comb the area I will reveal when wearing a style.

Now I know someone like you who changes styles like the world's looking to you for ideas, wearing twists all the time can bore you to death. That's where you have to learn to love wraps. When I can't be bothered with my hair, a baggy and wrap always come to the rescue. Just make sure your hair is braided or twisted.

Perhaps this will make you smile. So I just shared what an ordeal my last wash was and how I was combing sections at a time. My patience was wearing thin at times and I'd not stretch my pen springs before running the comb through--sth I learned I must do when combing my hair unless it's straightened. Needless to say, there was a casualty at the end of my wash: Graphic Image-Parental Guidance Advised

That's why I'm advancing to bone combs. :yep:
Winnettag, JCoily, Semo, S.A.L., Honi I know, right? :lachen: If you gotta suffer, might as well have a laugh while you're at it.

Lady, that style in your siggy is hot. What, did that take you like 15 minutes to do?
Aww, :bighug: I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your hair. I struggle too even though my hair is fine and is not as thick as yours. I wish I had big thick hair!

I'm sure you've tried a lot of things and I won't even mention twists. Have you washed your hair in braids? That helps me. Also, I just discovered ACV rinses and they help with tangles.

Okay, let's trade! :) I have washed my hair in braids, though infrequently. More often I'll wash in tight twists. Esp. because yesterday I had to wash using a paper cup and a dirty bath tub faucet (um, i'm staying at a YMCA in the hood and there's no warm water in the shower at night) so I think I wouldn't have been able to get the shampoo out of braids. But yeah, I frequently wash in twists. It can help some. I've tried ACV rinsing with no noticeable difference.

Umm... If you don't want it, can I have it? :look:

Your hair is gorgeous honey stop trippin. It's long and it's thick and it's 100% yours. :yep:

...Oh and :bighug:

yes, yes you can. :ohwell: but then i get to choose my new hair, too. thanks for the hug!

I'm sorry to say this, but I clicked on the link and all I saw was a beautiful twist out. I don't know what you're talking about.

I noticed you wear glasses... maybe you need a new prescription? LOL

Okay, that was funny. Okay, what's even funnier is that you're saying I need glasses but it's you who clicked the link and saw a twist out. Girl, those are twists! :lachen:

Chile, shut ur mouth.
When I first started on this hair journey (which was 3 months ago) you were one of my
hair inspirations, more for your attitude towards your hair and all the styles your were producing. I lurve your hair and if you dont want it pass it along.......:yep:
But all jokes aside, fully understand where your coming from, it aint easy, just know that there are a lot of us out here in cyberspace who are coveting your hair. Here's a big hug from all of us:bighug:

aw, thank you. I should keep a more stoic front because I don't want to disillusion anyone! Just imagine I never said this *waving hands*woOoOoO, it was all just a dreEeAaAmm.


Awwwwwww mwedzi girl.........

Your twists are beautiful and so are you!!! You got super frustrated after going through all that drama to part your hair "just right" - why'd you put yourself through all that when they were already perfection?

Stop it!! You've got it goin' on for real!!!

I'm glad you released all that negativity and I hope you feel better in a few days (I know you will!!).

(Remember, you can always go to a trustworthy salon and get your hair professionally straightened. Make sure you get yourself some of that Sabino Moisture Block and use it before you go so your hair to make sure your hair is well protected.)

Girl, I was working on that part! I got it pretty straight, too. Unfortunately, it did not disguise everything else underneath. I would get it straightened every now and then, but that stuff hurts! That's why I went natural (in the kinky sense) cuz I was press and curl most of my life.

:grin:Girl you done :wallbash:ed your head! You've been blessed with all of that GORGEOUS Hair. Embrace and enjoy it. It also looks a little dry, maybe that's why you are having such a hard time with it. Maybe you should consider changing your reggie. I would moisturize it and keep it movin cause it's simply GORGEOUS! I truly love your hair!

Aw, thank you. You obviously know how to take care of some hair. I'm not sure what I should moisturize with. I have a list as long as this page of things of things I've tried, and I do have my faves in the bunch. My hair will tend to look dry even when I've put stuff on it. Like right now I have about a small handful of Oyin Whipped Pudding on, if you touch my hair your hands will come back greasy, and with the humidity here it's probably what people would call "soft and moisturized" if they touched it. But it doesn't look shiny unless I have a camera flash, it's pulled taut, or I overload on the coconut oil.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ the bolded

She is cute too, reminds me of Lauryn Hill when she was at her best.

Yay, thank you! Lauryn is really pretty and I used to get compared to her a lot in the 90s. It's been a long time since someone has said I look like her.

awww... I know what you feel like. Sometimes when I get to this point, I try to figure out if there are other things in my life at that moment that are driving me crazy and am I taking it out on my hair. Most of the time, it's a week before my period and I dont realize that what I have is PMS, and that also makes my hair not do what I want it to do. It's like my whole body is out of whack, including my hair. Usually, this passes within a week. So dont go do anything drastic. It may really be something else and not your hair, and it may be your hair, but either way, it usually passes. So wait it out, cry if you need to or scream, but dont do anything to your hair. I repeat, DONT do ANYTHING to your hair! Trust me! LOL...

Also, I'm a curly natural and if I dont texlax, boy it's a bloody shame. Soooo I use this detangler called Cowboy Magic . . .

I won't do anything. I'm too tired to. But you know what, today was just not a good day. I'm really stressed about my dissertation writing. I could hardly sleep last night. I woke up at 4am, got up at 5am to work on, and got even more depressed. Then I logged onto here and ranted about my hair. :perplexed

I can sooooooooooooooooo understand!!!

I wish every 4a and under would read your post before talking about how great our hair is and how we don't need to relax, we don't need to this that or whatnot.

We don't need to do anything but damn if it ain't hard to deal with 4b hair. VERY DIFFICULT. Telling us that we should just wear braids or cornrows as naturals. Ummmmmmm.......yeah ok....while they are trying out different products to make their curls pop. :rolleyes:

I have a relaxer and it is hella hard just to deal with my ne growth. I am thinking of not relaxing again for a while but the longer I stretch, the more I like....why. It will not get an easier. :(

I think every 4b has moments like what you had. Not because of some deep down internal hatred tied back to slavery and oppression :rolleyes: (like some folks think) but simply because 4b hair is hella hard to deal with. Period.

Yes, yes! Why should I rant alone?! I'm glad you've joined me. I am :lachen: at the "telling us to wear braids and cornrows" part. well, i mean, can't say they're wrong exactly, just that doesn't leave us with much, does it? shoot, i'm about to put some braids or cornrows in! But hey, listen to this, the best quote I ever read was on NC with someone with hair not like this telling this one girl in the type 4 group that "everyone has wash and go hair if they just accept their texture". yeah, right. :lachen:
All that pretty hair and you complaining. My friend just told me, "You must really like her hair because you're always linking her page to yours." I had no idea, I must visit your page a few times a month. LOL I'm kinda embarrassed. But for real, you have such pretty hair, but I guess I can understand your frustration.
:huggle: I hate to see you so frustrated. You sound just like me back in the spring--I had just become soooo tired of how time-consuming my hair was. I am happier being texturized/texlaxed but I will tell you my hair is more fragile, I have to be even more careful now than when I was natural. But it does take a lot less time to do. Hang in there, I hope you find a solution soon!
The only advice I can give you, is to go back to doing twist my way (I mean Samanthajones' way :p ) and never ever wash your hair out of twists. Seriously, my normal wash takes less than 20 mins if I'm not DCing. And after that, there's nothing more to do, unless you wanna talk about putting the twists in some sort of style. Otherwise I wash and go.
. . .

Needless to say, there was a casualty at the end of my wash: Graphic Image-Parental Guidance Advised

That's why I'm advancing to bone combs. :yep:

Poor comb. What did you do to it?! The thing is, when I do twists your way, they take longer to do and they don't last for as long as yours lasts. I can wash my hair 2x max with twists done your way. Better than twists done the old way, which didn't allow me to wash my hair at all. Then to take the twists down, comb each one out, and retwist it still takes me at least 3 hours to do. So see, it didn't really help me save time.
sounds like you needed to vent.. so im glad u did it on here.. maybe you need a good cut for them ends and some super cholesterol (spell check) deep conditions.. and also try investing in Paul mitchells silky hair serum.. its does the best for detangling thick hair and it will cut down your detangling dramatically.
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stop trippin! but seriously we all have our days. i didn't look at the pic, but if you are not feelin it, go put it in a pretty puff with a cute flower or headband. i do that when i just can't see to get it together.
Just had to come back to say ya'll are funny, I love how honest everyone is being:yep:, pretending everything is okay when it isn't doesn't help anyone. Can I tell you a secret? Don't tell anyone okay, but when I see hair like yours it makes me miss my natural hair...a lot.
Yes, yes! Why should I rant alone?! I'm glad you've joined me. I am :lachen: at the "telling us to wear braids and cornrows" part. well, i mean, can't say they're wrong exactly, just that doesn't leave us with much, does it? shoot, i'm about to put some braids or cornrows in! But hey, listen to this, the best quote I ever read was on NC with someone with hair not like this telling this one girl in the type 4 group that "everyone has wash and go hair if they just accept their texture". yeah, right. :lachen:

sometimes, I'm just like :rolleyes: to those comments.

those are the same folks who are first to "ooooooo" and "ahhhhhhhhh" over curls, waves and loopty loops on a screen. :rolleyes:

same ones who complain about having to try a million and one products to make their "curls pop." :rolleyes: i ain't never.....

the same ones who only detangle on wash day and fingercomb in between. :rolleyes: you're right....some days it feels like carpet. just that dense.

the ones who only need to moisturize once in a blue moon. :rolleyes:

ummmmm. yeah. those. :rolleyes: if anyone feels you, it's me.
Aww, girl I love, love, love your hair!

I do understand being frustrated sometime. I am hating my hair right now. Especially when most people around me look at someone with 3B hair and tell me I should wear my hair that way. I just look at them and say, "can't you see my kinks and naps? There is no way I can get even close to an imitation of that texture"!!! MADNESS I SAY, JUST MADNESS!