sick of it, sick of it! (rant)

I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!

:lachen:I know I'm not supposed to find entertainment in your misfortune, but that was funny. Actually, the whole post made me lol. Lord forgive me for laughing. :lachen: Okay, now that I'm composed, I think your hair is pretty. If it's bothering you that much maybe you can have it done at the salon or starighten it for a week or two for a change of pace.
there, there...

c'mere...let momma give you a hug


your hair is BEAUTIFUL (you know it is) we ALL fall out of love with our hair from time to time...that is the nature of the beast called growing-your-hair-to-its-longest-lengths :yep:

and i agree with semo, that post made me :giggle: :look:

hang in there, hun! :bighug:

eta: i COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from! while i was transitioning it would take me no less than 60 minutes to COMB OUT my hair (not including any styling) and once i ended my transition with RELAXING it now takes me 10 difficult minutes :yep: :lol: here is another :hug2:
and since CUTTING is clearly NOT an option, there ain't nothing wrong with loosening up them coils with some relaxer if you need to...
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Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?!

You had me cracking up at the first hair-slam lolol but "ugly-booty hair?" :lachen:
Before you get desperate and cut or relax it, why don't you get braids for awhile? Here are two styles I love:


Your post cracked me up. :lachen: The hair slams were priceless.:lachen: I guess because that's how I've been feeling about my grass. Girl I was close to changing my name to Ihatemuhgrass. :lol: We're working it out with Miss H. Silky being the mediator.

BTW I like your grass. Hang in there. :bighug: