sick of it, sick of it! (rant)

:giggle: you're funny

Chile, this is the struggle of our hair, doesn't seem to be fair to me. But this texture that is uniquely yours is part of what makes your beautiful (because your hair is and so are you). Kiwi's hair is like that. I just twisted her hair up pretty much in the same style as yours a few days ago and yes it's already puffy and fuzzy. I just redo a few every day to maintain the upkeep.

Hang in there mamacita! We all love your hair if that helps.
Well, there goes the idea that relaxing is a guarantee to make it faster. Hmm, that's because you're making sure yours looks good. Maybe if I'm willing to walk round looking jacked I could shave some time off of that. :lachen:


Um, yeah, didn't you see my thread earlier this week?:lachen:When I was relaxed, it took forever to do my favorite things. Now that I'm natural, it still takes forever to do my favorite things.:rolleyes: I think we thickheads just have to realize that regardless, we have to put in work.:yep:
Ah, my hair sister. Maybe I should try your p.o.v. As it is about 2/3 of the way through I find myself doing breathing exercises and chanting. And I wish you would come to Chi to do my hair. But I'm afraid it would hurt. No one's ever done anything to my hair without it hurting.

:( :bighug: Again! That sucks that you've never had your hair done and it not hurt - that's just wrong, I tell you! Though..... *thinks* actually, I've had people help me take down my twists, and that didn't hurt - otherwise..... I don't think I've ever had anyone do my head without it hurting, either - except for myself, of course, and my head is still throbbing once I'm done - but it feels good. :look: Or maybe I'm just a masochist. :lachen:
I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!

I think your hair is really pretty. I am sorry you are having difficulties with your hair. I think your texture is gorgeous. I think I told you that before. I also appreciate your candor regarding your difficulties. My natural friends have been very candid with me, letting me know that natural hair (and they are 3's, except 1, who has a texture about like yours) is difficult to maintain, in fact more difficult some say than relaxed hair. Other naturals may disagree.

But you have to do what works best for you and your hair. Obviously having natural hair is healthier (at least for the scalp!!) than having relaxed hair. And obviously you are making a more emboldened statement about your acceptance of self than someone who consciously relaxes every twelve weeks like myself (I'm speaking for me here only, don't get mad at me folks).

I wish I had your courage, to embrace my natural hair in all its beauty. My parents comments are so horribly negative regarding anyone whose not relaxed bone straight (I've had my mother forcibly run her fingers through my new growth and go (why didn't you at least press that mess if you are letting your relaxer grow out so long) because I'm wearing a hat mother, and didn't think it worth the time to flat iron my newgrowth when no one is seeing right now but you, daddy, and hubby, and I'm trying to minimize heat usage)) that I truly wonder if they ('rents not hubby) would think I were "ugly" if I chose not to relax. I'd love, love, love to go natural to say 'freak them' and what they think but I don't have the courage! I know what they say about others.......and wow, they made a comment about someones natural hair that made me tearful that I still haven't posted, AND I'M RELAXED...

I THINK YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS. AND I LOVE YOU FOR HAVING THE COURAGE TO ROCK IT! Maybe it is taking a little longer to do, but at least you can manage your texture. If there is a ban on relaxers, once my 4 silk elements perms (which I hope will last a calendar year) hahhahah are gone, then I am up a "GUM" tree......I don't even know how to manage my curly new growth once I'm at week 12.

The hair in your siggy is ssoooooooo beautiful. And I'm not trying to put it on you to use your hair as a vessel to change the way society looks at our hair, both relaxed, and non-relaxed, but look at it this way, you are secure and confident in who you are, and it makes your beauty shine so much more brightly. You are attractive in your siggy.......and your hair is a part of that equation..

Be encouraged.

Off topic, I know what you mean about braids. They can hurt. But if they will keep you at peace with your natural hair so you don't do something rash and relax, I would put them in even though they hurt.

Here is a hug for you! It will get better.
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What you talkin bout Mwedzi! LOL Your hair is the bidness!!! I recently was doing a hair bashing ceremony a few days ago, but some unrefined shea butter stopped me in my tracks! The comb just glides right through now :grin:

I notice when I cuss at my hair, it acts up even more so I decided to uber moisturize it instead, then my hair loves me!
Poor comb. What did you do to it?! The thing is, when I do twists your way, they take longer to do and they don't last for as long as yours lasts. I can wash my hair 2x max with twists done your way. Better than twists done the old way, which didn't allow me to wash my hair at all. Then to take the twists down, comb each one out, and retwist it still takes me at least 3 hours to do. So see, it didn't really help me save time.

When you say the twists don't last more than 2 washes, do they all unravel or just some. Because it is inevitable that some will unravel after a wash. Also, why not redo them just a few at a time. Why do you need to do them all? The only time I do them all is if I have a nice movie or a series of shows I like that can keep me occupied for a bit so I am not just focusing on my hair. Also I don't comb (might be why my comb lasted as long as it did :lachen: ) I unravel with fingers as my video shows. Separate the strands as shown and then retwist. I think the more you twist, the faster you get. I timed myself the last time I did twists--not last weekend when it took forever--but the last time I twisted my entire head after wearing a puff and it took just a little under an hour, call it an hour. They were probably about this size. The set I did now were slightly smaller and more which might've added to my frustration with the time it took to do it all! BTW, the smaller twists do not unravel as easily as the fatter ones.

As for the comb... That's what happens to combs if I just run them through my hair when it is not stretched out with one hand so the coils aren't wrapping around each other, or when it is not drenched in water and conditioner. Or if I undo a braid with a comb and dig deeper than I should out of impatience--another reason it's safest for me to use fingers to undo braids.
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Winnettag, JCoily, Semo, S.A.L., Honi I know, right? :lachen: If you gotta suffer, might as well have a laugh while you're at it.

Lady, that style in your siggy is hot. What, did that take you like 15 minutes to do?
It took like, 5 minutes to do. You can do it in the same time too!!!! :yep:
Um, yeah, didn't you see my thread earlier this week?:lachen:When I was relaxed, it took forever to do my favorite things. Now that I'm natural, it still takes forever to do my favorite things.:rolleyes: I think we thickheads just have to realize that regardless, we have to put in work.:yep:

Cosigning as I'm heading off to start my 3-4 hour fingercoiling session :ohwell:
im sorry but ur hair always looks good!!! but we all have hates about our hair types if its not one thing its another but i kno sumtymes u jus get fed up...things will get better!!! ((( hugs )))
Lady, it would take me 10 minutes to make each part. :lachen:

Thank you, Mahogany. It's a shame your parents feel that way and it's transferred some to you. Natural hair is beautiful (if difficult). A million examples on this board to prove them wrong.

Nonie, they don't unravel. I wish. After a couple of washes, they start to lock up. Kiya, didn't you say you twist this way but you also can't wash repeatedly in these twists?
Awwww, I feel ya.

I haven't twisted in a month and half.

Today I got a hump in the front and an afro puff in the back, it took me about 5 minutes because I wanted the hump to be perfect. I'm sick of twists and braids. My hair is very fine, but as soon as my twists and braids get wet they lock up...on the first wash.

Would loose styles work better for you?
Lady, it would take me 10 minutes to make each part. :lachen:

Thank you, Mahogany. It's a shame your parents feel that way and it's transferred some to you. Natural hair is beautiful (if difficult). A million examples on this board to prove them wrong.

Nonie, they don't unravel. I wish. After a couple of washes, they start to lock up. Kiya, didn't you say you twist this way but you also can't wash repeatedly in these twists?

Urmhrm. :yep: Though, I haven't tried recently. Kinda scared to. :lol: They might, after months of my detangling/stretched process stay 'set' in their individual twisthalves, but I dunno.
Now, my problem is more fuzzies than locking, though, and getting my hair wet makes the fuzzies worse, so it's a lost cause, either way. One week is my max. *sigh*
Urmhrm. :yep: Though, I haven't tried recently. Kinda scared to. :lol: They might, after months of my detangling/stretched process stay 'set' in their individual twisthalves, but I dunno.
Now, my problem is more fuzzies than locking, though, and getting my hair wet makes the fuzzies worse, so it's a lost cause, either way. One week is my max. *sigh*

You don't like the fuzzies? Imagine that's what I love about old twists. My twists are so skinny that they ugly to me when freshly done. Now after a few weeks, the fuzzies come and my hair just looks fluffy or sth like a cute tarantula. I actually took this close up coz of the fuzzies.

When you CW or wash twists, don't you just squeeze them lovingly like you'd do human hair extensions?
You don't like the fuzzies? Imagine that's what I love about old twists. My twists are so skinny that they ugly to me when freshly done. Now after a few weeks, the fuzzies come and my hair just looks fluffy or sth like a cute tarantula. I actually took this close up coz of the fuzzies.

When you CW or wash twists, don't you just squeeze them lovingly like you'd do human hair extensions?

That's not fuzzy, hunny. That's just fluffed. If my hair looked like that after I washed it - ch. I'd do my hair once a month. :lol:

And I actually don't have a single picture of my hair fuzzy, either (and that's saying something!). I'll take one tonight, when I go home, so you can see what I mean - my fuzz is flyaway, oddly enough. So, each twist looks like it's suffered a mild electric static shock, or has goosebumps, or something.
:lol: It's another reason why I wear my twists up almost all the time - I can 'smush down/slick back' the fuzz nightly with my scarf. :lol: Lasts about til I get to work, if that long, and then they rise and start to party. Maybe if I started using gel to do my twists again, that would keep them in check, but I don't like how my hair feels with gel in it, anymore.
mwedzi, I just love your hair (as apparentely everyone who responded to this thread). You're one of the reasons I can't commit to locing right now. Your rant ALMOST scared me (between my laughing moments). My hair is only about 5 or 6 inches so it's smooth sailing. And because it's short I still have time to see how you guys handle this. In the mean time...I ain't scared and I'm just keeping my eyes open to see what fierce style you'll rock next. :)
That's not fuzzy, hunny. That's just fluffed. If my hair looked like that after I washed it - ch. I'd do my hair once a month. :lol:

And I actually don't have a single picture of my hair fuzzy, either (and that's saying something!). I'll take one tonight, when I go home, so you can see what I mean - my fuzz is flyaway, oddly enough. So, each twist looks like it's suffered a mild electric static shock, or has goosebumps, or something.
:lol: It's another reason why I wear my twists up almost all the time - I can 'smush down/slick back' the fuzz nightly with my scarf. :lol: Lasts about til I get to work, if that long, and then they rise and start to party. Maybe if I started using gel to do my twists again, that would keep them in check, but I don't like how my hair feels with gel in it, anymore.

OK two questions:

  1. Do you twist on wet? My wet twists don't hold as well as twists I do when my hair is dry and actually the immediately look like they're old after I'm done. (I'll try to do a comparison so you can see, if I remember tonight.) They also aren't firm but soft. Put rather awkwardly, they're weak as if done by someone whose fingers were hurting. I'm referring to twists done on damp hair.
  2. Secondly, when you twist each strand by itself, do you hold it close to the overlap point and twist tightly enough so that the two strands almost want to wrap themselves around each other w/o your help. I don't know if you see this effect in my vid demo, but when I twist the two strands, there's no chance of hair getting lose. That's why my twist-outs aren't fluffy at all. (I am actually getting sick of my twist-out look already! I used to get excited about the wavy locs look but every now and then I too want a fluffy one too dammit! But I'm not about to twist the way you do to get one, so I'll just have to get over it.) Looking at that twist-out, you can see that the way I twist, there's no chance of any fuzzes peeking. Methinks you do yours too loosely.
(Can you take a close up pick of a freshly done twist too? Do one on dry hair and one on wet and take a pic. See if that makes a difference.)

ETA: I don't think product is necessary to get twists to stay. I don't use anything with mine. In fact, I often wonder if product isn't responsible for the "locking" people complain about if they leave twist in for long.
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OK two questions:

  1. Do you twist on wet?
  2. Secondly, when you twist each strand by itself, do you hold it close to the overlap point and twist tightly enough so that the two strands almost want to wrap themselves around each other w/o your help?
(Can you take a close up pick of a freshly done twist too? Do one on dry hair and one on wet and take a pic. See if that makes a difference.)

ETA: I don't think product is necessary to get twists to stay. I don't use anything with mine. In fact, I often wonder if product isn't responsible for the "locking" people complain about if they leave twist in for long.

1) No - always on dry hair. Taking my hair out long enough to twist it while still wet = horrible tangles as the part I'm not dealing with shrinks up as it dries.

2) Hrm. Interesting. I might not do mine that tight. My twist outs look like yours though, if I don't fingercomb it like I usually do once I take it down.

This is a picture of a fresh done twist - it looks like this for about a day. :lol:


Thinking about it, I'm certain they aren't as tight as yours, but I don't know if I could make them that tight - even if I start really tight, my hair 'swells' right back up, and they get fluffy.
I went through a horrible phase with my hair and getting so sick of wearing a bun daily, I got so frustrated that I chopped it off, that didnt help nothin, cause I was still only doing buns after that, then I actually missed the length and how it wrapped nicer before I cut:wallbash:

I made peace with my hair, its limitations and boring aspect , settled my soul on wanting change all the time and learned to just appreciate my bun. it was glorious! no more upset, my hair takes forever to do, I made peace with that too, it just is what it is, I have since passed previous lengths and now my only styling option is the pony tail, and pressing is a two day process, that I just aint doing to myself often. its work, its boring and its a pain in my booty but I learned to just make peace with it, I mean I was forced when I realized there just were no other options for me

This is just a phase girl and this too shall pass and you are an inspiration to so many and your hair is thick and healthy and gorgeous! I pray you make peace with your hair again soon:yep:
1) No - always on dry hair. Taking my hair out long enough to twist it while still wet = horrible tangles as the part I'm not dealing with shrinks up as it dries.

2) Hrm. Interesting. I might not do mine that tight. My twist outs look like yours though, if I don't fingercomb it like I usually do once I take it down.

This is a picture of a fresh done twist - it looks like this for about a day. :lol:


Thinking about it, I'm certain they aren't as tight as yours, but I don't know if I could make them that tight - even if I start really tight, my hair 'swells' right back up, and they get fluffy.

They certainly aren't as tight as mine. But they look chunkier than mine which is a nicer look. When I do my twists and you press them, they aren't spongy. They are hard like a rope. Yours look like you could squeeze them and change them from having a circular cross-section to an oval one and then they'd spring back to circular. Mine don't give when freshly done.
They certainly aren't as tight as mine. But they look chunkier than mine which is a nicer look. When I do my twists and you press them, they aren't spongy. They are hard like a rope. Yours look like you could squeeze them and change them from having a circular cross-section to an oval one and then they'd spring back to circular. Mine don't give when freshly done.

Yeah - mine are VERY spongy. The only way to get ropes, for me, is a braid - and a tight one, at that. Anything loose is spongy. They get a little more solid after washing/getting wet, but they are still springy.

Our hair is so fascinating!
Aww, i feel your pain. Your hair is gorgeous but i know sometimes when you deal with it you feel it is everything but gorgeous. When I feel that way I flat iron and ignore it for a couple of weeks. And I don't do twists anymore, just Even though I loved the look it was contributing to the madness.

Hope you feel better, don't do nothing drastic (like me) till you've thought it out.:bighug:
Mwedzi :buttkick:

I love your hair! You, tocktick , nonie and justkiya are my hair inspirations!

I get frustrated with my hair sometimes, and thats when I have to put it away in twists until I feel inclined to do anything with it. And you have 10 times more hair on your head than me so I'm sure it is a hassle but it'll be okay! Hopefully the frustration will pass.
Thank you, Mahogany. It's a shame your parents feel that way and it's transferred some to you. Natural hair is beautiful (if difficult). A million examples on this board to prove them wrong.

I know it is!! But ladies like you give me hope. Really each one of us who makes a conscious decision to go natural does in some way impinge on their mental state in some way. At least they know there are people out there comfortable with their texture, and embracing it, even if they chose not to be so welcoming towards the trend.

I love your texture, all our textures, and like I said wish I had the courage, and patience to rock it in all its natural glory. You are fierce!! :)
2 days have passed on and i am sure when you look back at this you will laugh your head off:yep:. Your rant is so funny! I totally understand where you are coming from.

I am sending this rant out to hair cyberspace. I just need someone to read it, note it, maybe do a little of this :bighug:, and that's all.

I am so %$@! tired of my hair. I am sick of it, sick, sick, sick of it. I HATE it, do you hear me, I hhaaaaaaaate it. Curse you hair, curse to the fiery underworld (it's hard complying to the no cursing rule when you want to rant). I am sick and tired of hair that takes me hours to do, I hate it! I washed and detangled and put into fat twists to dry yesterday and it took me 2 hours total, which is good for me, but not good enough. You hear that, hair, not. good. enough.!!! I hate that my choices are to either spend hours on my hair or to shave it down like a dude. That's some bullfeces right there, that's what that is. Don't even say twists to me. I do not want to hear the word "twists" come out of anybody's mouth, okay. Cuz you know why? my twists are *****. No, no, forget this bullfeces about it's normal, it's all good. That's a lie, a dirty dirty poopypants lie! This right here, this is ugly! This is not "alright". And this took me 3 or 4 hours to do! Why in the world am I spending so much time for some ugly-booty hair, huh? Uh uh, I do not want to sit and spend that much time with my hair, it is refriggingdiculous to spend that much time doing hair. What in the world?! And it doesn't cut down on the detangling time, either. I spent about an hour and a half detangling hair that I had worn out in a twist out all week. That's normally what it takes for me to take hair out of twists and detangle anyway. Where's the time saving, huh, where is it?!?! I know I have to accept my hair texture cuz it ain't gonna change. But on a day like today I hate it. I want the "difficult" type 3 hair that takes 10 "difficult" minutes to do, that's what I want. Booo, to my hair, boooooooooo! What next, sit down for 8 hours so someone can torture me and I can fight back the tears while they braid fake hair into mine?! I guess that's next, yep, guess that's what I have to do, stupid hair. Booo!