Shoulder Length Challenge

determine3 said:
quick question. what is the true length of shoulder length:ohwell: I mean, I've seen ppl with hair at the nape of their neck say they are shoulder, and some who are actually past their shoulders say shoulder length.
for me, i consider a person's hair length to be the longest point it reaches. My hair is layered, and it's chin length at the top, but reaches down to 3'' from BSL in the back. that's the length i consider it to be since that's the longest part.
I know this is a dumb question but where is the measuring point that determines shoulder length?
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VWVixxen said:
I know this is a dumb question but where is the measuring point that determines should length?

That is a good question because technically my hair has now been touching my shoulders since my touchup a few weeks ago.

But, I just don't feel that it is the full shoulder length that I am looking for, especially when I have it really curly.

i definitely can tell that my hair is thicker than when i started and fuller. It is getting closer to collarbone now. i need a trim though cause i see splits and it is very dry and tangles easily. I have been detangling weekly to help with this and i think it is under control at the moment. This weather has me shedding like crazy and all dry. It is not long enough in it's natural state to put into a bun or pony- i would have to blowdry it straight which i am not ready to do at this point.
I'am in too
i want to be there by mid- summer
i post my starting pics in jan
i was 3inches at that time
right now my hair are in cornrows( i post pic of my cornrows)
i don't know when i will take them out
i will post new pic then

hair goal: I want hair like my lil one by next year
(i post pics of her hair too)

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I'm in... but i feel like i'm watching paint dry :grin: . i definitely can tell a different-in the way that my hair is responding since-i've been apart of this board--which hasn't been long yet, my goal is for Dec 06 to be there-
Hey ladies i wanna wish u lots of hair look. when you get there, have the satifaction of knowing its only gonna grow longer and longer!

it was hard for me to maintain my shoulder length hair as i used to wear alot of fluffy jumpers, so i'll add some 2 cents and say wear it up as often as u can when it reaches there otherwise u will encounter some really annoying problems with your ends. ok i'm out xXx
Great advice CandyC. I am in....., hair is at neck..., looking to jump to Shoulder length by Dec 06.
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Hi Ladies,

Just checking in. I'm struggling with my hair growth as I recently relaxed my hair after a three month stretch and now it will not stop shedding. Of course the relaxer was too strong and patches of hair fell out.

My hair was so healthy and full before the my ends are very thin as my breakage is mostly at the nape of my neck. Even though I wear protective styles daily to promote growth I think I'm on the verge of cutting my hair.

I want to stay positive but this is a definite setback and makes me wish for more natural days.
Candy_C said:
it was hard for me to maintain my shoulder length hair as i used to wear alot of fluffy jumpers, so i'll add some 2 cents and say wear it up as often as u can when it reaches there otherwise u will encounter some really annoying problems with your ends. ok i'm out xXx

Candy_C, I know what you mean. I have been having problem with my hiar rubbing against coats and sweaters. I am still neck length when I keep my hair curled sot hat helps, but I cannot wait for the weather to warm up. I know that will be easier on my ends.

At the rate I am growing now, I will make shoulder length before my goal date, but I think summer and spring is a great time for this length challenge.
I'm getting there ( btw: you may have known me as championgurl previously)

The back rests on those muscles between my neck and my shoulders, and the fron, I dunno. It seems to be pretty stubbor no matter how much MTG I use :perplexed

I will be posting pics soon, no digi cam of my own, so I wil lhave to wait till my sister comes for her next touch up so I can take some with her camera.

Happy Hair Growing to all of you on this challenge, as I know reaching/ passing SL can be the most challenging phase for many.

I don't know what's going on with my hair. I've had some serious breakage from protein overload and I'm in the process of trying to correct it now.

I know my hair is growing but I think it it's more so trying to repair itself at this point. I'll see how far past collar bone I am when I get my touch up in 3 weeks.

I wanna join the shoulder length challenge. The back of my hair has creeped down my back a little not alot and my sides are to my neck but the front (my bang is to my nose and I want it to be shoulder length also.
My goal was to see if my hair could be shoulder length by july anyway so I'm in..
You can count me in! My hair is neck length and growing like crazy. I think that I will join this challenge, but I am not sure if July will be ideal for me. I think I'll go a couple of months longer(September).
hotlusciousl said:
I'm in also! My starting point is posted in my photo album. I'm currently wearing braids now. I just got them on christmas eve. Hopefully by June I will be shoulder length. Last relaxer on the 7th of Dec. I'm going to try and stretch till April maybe even June. Pics of braids also in album.

Good luck ladies!

I am with you. I haven't relaxed since December 6, 2005. I think I am gonna shoot for June. If I like it then I may go further.
My last relaxer was Dec. 9th. I'm going to stretch until May and will get a touch-up right before graduation!
19sweetie said:
My last relaxer was Dec. 9th. I'm going to stretch until May and will get a touch-up right before graduation!

Me too! I haven't had my hair out since November. I'm currently stretching now. I believe I'm at week 20. So I'm gonna get a fresh relaxer and a roller set for graduation. Gotta look cute when I walk across the stage May 21... :lachen: Then I can finally say goodbye and good riddance to the University of Maryland for making my life a living hell for the past 4 years. :lachen: Congrats on graduating 19sweetie!
I don't think I will have shoulder length hair by June/July. I just got a "trim" and my neck is kinda long so...:lol:, it might take a few more months.
I was/am going for June 06 for shoulder lenght---but I may not make it either.
But--if i can have it by the end of the Summer---I'm happy!
I'm in... better late than never ;). I think I can make shoulder length by June/July.

My regimen:
-- wash every 2 days
-- oil with coconut or jojoba daily
-- mtg & wrap at night
-- protein shakes & vitamins daily
-- deep condit/steam 1x/week
Oh I'm so in!! I haven't had a relaxer since J anuary and I'm trying to go til May. I will prob have an avatar or siggy pic on here soon so you can see what I'm working with! My hair is just sprouting out of my head so I might actually be at shoulder length by May, or maybe I'll do a trim when I relax and try to be there by June. Either way, SHOULDER LENGTH HERE I COME! :driver:

Regimen: Keracare products are my friends!!
Wash every 5 days
Alternating ACV rinses and Protein (Keraphix or Emergencee)
Lightly flat iron roots with FHI to keep new growth managable
Moistuirize Daily or 2x a day if needed
Wear hair pinned up
Tie up at night with satin scarf and sleep on satin pillowcase
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Hey Ladies,
I am down for this challenge. My hair was originally a healthy shoulder length but after damaging my hair with bleach and color, I had to cut off about two inches last month. I hope to reach full shoulder length by September this year. My grows pretty fast and I've been taking Exotic Allure vitamins for about two weeks so this goal seems doable. I am also doing sew in weave every two weeks. I will also wash every week with a Olive Oil deep conditioner. Good Luck everyone. :newbie:
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