Should I Break My Weekend Dinner Date?

I so over analyze everything...
Taking waaaaaay too this point
it is blown out of proportion..:deadhorse:

KewlKat's right It's just one dinner..not an elopement
I agree with was this at first..:huh: .:realitycheck:
& w/all of you who said he's trying!...

so:callme: ....I'm doing it! :dinner:
I'll meet him....let's see if in person ...he is worth all the fuss
I have a sneaky feeling it'll be fun

:rocker: or at least I will write a song about it for my band:lachen:

:Rose: ...Thank you lovelies
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I support whatever decision you make now. I've got your back.

Aggie!!! you are such a sweetheart....:heart3::Rose:

The other day... I honestly meant to pm you one of these ...on the fly
I said to myself....I've got to send her a hug...and now I know why


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Aggie!!! you are such a sweetheart....:heart3::Rose:

The other day... I honestly meant to pm you one of these ...on the fly
I said to myself....I've got to send her a hug...and now I know why



Awwwww!!! This is so sweet of you kayte. I believe in leaning and relying on the wisdom God has blessed me with in these matters. I give all praise to Him. Thanks for the BIG HUG, as a matter of fact, here's one for you too:bighug:. Luv ya sweetie.
We are on...for next week!

so my friend called me Saturday ..
I'd sent him a lighthearted email
....letting him know that it was okay to try go out
but that he should know if he did not call... I would make other plans

So..we had a great conversation ..nothing was mentioned about last week
or even my email until it was time to get off the phone and
he the way..I enjoyed your email was cute..did you mean it..about going out?

I said sure ..when?

He said Next Sunday
I said what time
he said whenever you want......wherever you want
and then interrupted himself ....I know ...this time I will call you..

I said yeah should know if I do not hear from you I am going ahead with other plans and he said No ....not doing THAT again....
He laughed at himself and then he apologized again and again....
kept saying it was a crazy week...I'm sorry
just kept apolgizing and then we both said how we were looking forward
it was sincere :)

I am attracted definitely looking forward to being with him.
..I'm pysched! and I liked that he was humbled ...very appealing in a guy!....
he was so cute...he was so excited ..he stuttered when he talked to me...
I can tell he's a teeny bit smitten ..
maybe in person..dynamic will change...let you know..what happens

So we are going to that cool Korean restaurant!!!
Looking forward to next Sunday

I also have another date on Saturday with a different it's feeling a little crunched for me...

I can handle it
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We are on...for next week!

so my friend called me Saturday ..
I'd sent him a lighthearted email
....letting him know that it was okay to try go out
but that he should know if he did not call... I would make other plans

So..we had a great conversation ..nothing was mentioned about last week
or even my email until it was time to get off the phone and
he the way..I enjoyed your email was cute..did you mean it..about going out?

I said sure ..when?

He said Next Sunday
I said what time
he said whenever you want......wherever you want
and then interrupted himself ....I know ...this time I will call you..

I said yeah should know if I do not hear from you I am going ahead with other plans and he said No ....not doing THAT again....
He laughed at himself and then he apologized again and again....
kept saying it was a crazy week...I'm sorry
just kept apolgizing and then we both said how we were looking forward
it was sincere :)

I am attracted definitely looking forward to being with him.
..I'm pysched! and I liked that he was humbled ...very appealing in a guy!....
he was so cute...he was so excited ..he stuttered when he talked to me...
I can tell he's a teeny bit smitten ..
maybe in person..dynamic will change...let you know..what happens

So we are going to that cool Korean restaurant!!!
Looking forward to next Sunday

I also have another date on Saturday with a different it's feeling a little crunched for me...

I can handle it

Thanks for the update. Two dates in one weekend. Gone 'head! :grin:
We are on...for next week!

so my friend called me Saturday ..
I'd sent him a lighthearted email
....letting him know that it was okay to try go out
but that he should know if he did not call... I would make other plans

So..we had a great conversation ..nothing was mentioned about last week
or even my email until it was time to get off the phone and
he the way..I enjoyed your email was cute..did you mean it..about going out?

I said sure ..when?

He said Next Sunday
I said what time
he said whenever you want......wherever you want
and then interrupted himself ....I know ...this time I will call you..

I said yeah should know if I do not hear from you I am going ahead with other plans and he said No ....not doing THAT again....
He laughed at himself and then he apologized again and again....
kept saying it was a crazy week...I'm sorry
just kept apolgizing and then we both said how we were looking forward
it was sincere :)

I am attracted definitely looking forward to being with him.
..I'm pysched! and I liked that he was humbled ...very appealing in a guy!....
he was so cute...he was so excited ..he stuttered when he talked to me...
I can tell he's a teeny bit smitten .. Very very good sign here kayte
maybe in person..dynamic will change...let you know..what happens

So we are going to that cool Korean restaurant!!!
Looking forward to next Sunday

I also have another date on Saturday with a different it's feeling a little crunched for me...

I can handle it

Wow kayte, I am sooooo excited for you....thanks for sharing this with us. Setting things straight right from the start are like building blocks that most often determine the outcome of impending situations. I am glad that you both came to some common ground and are able to move forward now. I am also excited to hear how it goes later:grin:...
girl how are you meeting these gents? online site?

juss wonderin

saturday date is an artist..writer...director and single parent
I met him casually through another artist
at some arts function ...or what have you

sunday's date..PHD from online

I meet guys offline in the arts community...and go out occasionally
been asked out from guys at temp work assignments...
...right now most of the guys are from online..

I think that'll change as I become less reclusive..
as this year and last was devastating
with loss.... grieving my father's death and other close loves..dear friends

and only recently re-entered dating ....:yep:

I'll post my dating profile pictures!..create a photo dating album
the online guys like the tunic pic in the siggy..a lot....
but there's also one of me in a tube
and of me ..b/w..w/shorter hair.they like..
I'll post them
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Wow kayte, I am sooooo excited for you....thanks for sharing this with us. Setting things straight right from the start are like building blocks that most often determine the outcome of impending situations. I am glad that you both came to some common ground and are able to move forward now. I am also excited to hear how it goes later...

I thank the wisdom of you and of the lovelies..cas sometimes I can get crazy

I am also excited to hear how it goes later...

I will tell... ALL :phone:
I agree that not calling can set a woman off-kilter and uncertain. Because who knows the date is still on? With some men, it's not a fixed date until they call with the details. With other men, they look at you like you're crazy if you say you thought it wasn't still on because they hadn't called. But the thing is, on a first date, you don't know what kind of man you're dealing with. So you assume the worst. And if a man asks you out, you don't want to call up and ask, "So where are you taking me?" It's a bit... pushy.

On the other hand, i might have picked up one of his calls today and just pleasantly explained why I made the decision to do other things.

Second, I wouldn't read too much into his not calling. I wouldn't assume that he was a bad guy, or had issues, or "stuff". Guys compartmentalise. They might really like a girl, set aside a day to see her, and don't really think of calling her in the meantime. Or sometimes they assume. They assume that by dating they have somehow marked you off as their territory, so you wouldnt make any other plans when they've already booked that spot. It's kind of the way when men call your phone (my phone anyway - I don't have caller id), they don't want to say who they are, because they assume that you recognise their voice, because assume they are the only kng in your jungle...
I agree that not calling can set a woman off-kilter and uncertain. Because who knows the date is still on?
I don't regret at all... the action of not going ...and by that ...setting boundaries...

Second, I wouldn't read too much into his not calling.
yep....I think in some respects I over reacted.. took it too personally....

i might have picked up one of his calls today and just pleasantly explained why I made the decision to do other things.

this happened last week...and no didn't want to talk to him...then
don't feel bad about that decision either

but happily going out with him next Sunday
stay tuned ;)
Not even six o'clock......


I was in shock.....:spinning::blush:

....will post the DATE
Sunday nite:yep:
Okay date number 2 just called to confirm Saturday
I can see why he didn't want reveal more about the date,,it sounds very special..
I've gone out with him before ..
(he took me to the B-day place in my LHCF album)

no more bumping ..:nono:
I just thought it was cute that BOTH weekend dates BOTH called on the same night to confirm...:yep:
it's an abundant universe ..Praise God

We are going to an authentic Greek restaurant...:dinner: sounds so cool!
aesthetically the he descibed it...sounds like a dream
he said every greek dish in the city you've ever had is like nothing compared to this's like where you eat the food and say....ahh so this is how the Greeks re--aa--ll-y cook and he knows I eat evidently pick your fish ..alive.... oooh squeamish..:spinning::drunk:.

then a lounge nearby for after drinks.:drink:..:drink: gingerale for me!
and then an avantegarde late night theatre in the village

my hair had BETTER behave this weekend
Okay date number 2 just called to confirm Saturday
I can see why he didn't want reveal more about the date,,it sounds very special..
I've gone out with him before ..
(he took me to the B-day place in my LHCF album)

no more bumping ..:nono:
I just thought it was cute that BOTH weekend dates BOTH called on the same night to confirm...:yep:
it's an abundant universe ..Praise God

We are going to an authentic Greek restaurant...:dinner: sounds so cool!
aesthetically the he descibed it...sounds like a dream
he said every greek dish in the city you've ever had is like nothing compared to this's like where you eat the food and say....ahh so this is how the Greeks re--aa--ll-y cook and he knows I eat evidently pick your fish ..alive.... oooh squeamish..:spinning::drunk:.

then a lounge nearby for after drinks.:drink:..:drink: gingerale for me!
and then an avantegarde late night theatre in the village

my hair had BETTER behave this weekend
Enjoy yourself to the fullest Princess:yep:
:update: :dinner:
the cancelled date

I had gotten his phone call on Wedenesday
before I checked for this email which came after
Thanks for the note. It was great talking to you ; I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I went to the website of the restaurant: it looks like a beautiful place and the food seems quite delicious. Appears to be a great choice.

We'll touch base during the week. I'll call you Wednesday, if that's OK, just to confirm. I don't remember if we picked on another day to call. If you prefer another day for me to call, let me know.[/I]

Isn't that sweet ...

okay so
He called at 5pm Sunday to reconfirm

I liked very much the man who showed up......
He looked just like his picture and was funny and charming and
Ijust dumped my stuff frilly scarf,purse and jacket in his arms
while I butoned a sweater and he was so sweet and charming and liked my scarf and I said oh..reaaaallly?
and he put it on! a joke..wrapped it around his neck..
he wore it all the way to the restaurant

We went for a short walk first in my neighborhood
I pointed out my favorite places and then we walked on to the restarant only a few blocks from my house..great rapport...very friendly very complimentary of me're lovely you're beautiful.....

we passed a tiny fancy jewelery boutique with handmade old fashioned pieces...and Phin (the date said) I want to buy you something
pick what you want
median price was about a over a hundred..
I was like oh that's so sweet ..but it's a little pricey here
and he said don't worry about that..I want to do this..
something special for you

No way I was going to have this guy purchase a 100.00 necklace
on my first date even though he said pick what I wanted

I found could pick/choose 3 different ones ...
three beautiful hand made hair scrunchies for under 20.00... I said thank you to God..
and he picked out the third one

I was enthralled by then
what a lovely surprise and I LOVE my designer scrunchies ...

Dinner WAS amazing .. the restaurant is perfect for a date romantic..good food ..quiet
He looked at the menu and said everything looks so good ..will you choose for us? I chose the Prix fixe and he said we should order more as it's vegetarian.......and again I chose
Dinner was $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....

Oh! I forgot when we came in they gave us a table I did'nt like and
I said do you have a table more private and the waiter shook his head and then Phin walked up to him took him aside quietly
and suddenly we were
at another table :grin:

We had a long fun long flirtatious dinner
held hands ...he chided me for giving him a hard time
he already asked me a few times to see me again
I mentioned there a literary reading in two weeks
He said TWO WEEKS ??? I wanted to take to dinner this week

we did have one serious talk..I told him I was seeing other people
..he looked upset and I explained that I didn't want to be in a
relationship by default
that instead of only dating one person I liked... I was dating a few
and if it comes to a committed relationship both people
will have made it a concious choice rather than kinda happen into it
he understood but still dint like it ...:nono:
I said look when I'm with are the one who I wanbt to be with
still unhappy :nono:
well..that's how it is...... tho

we then went later to a lounge I ordered a hot chocolate
and I showed him my picture book .....
and a magazine I'd edited and talked some more
I knew I was going to let him kiss me:drunk::rolleyes:
Great night!

I like him... attracted ...not taking it seriously
just enjoying a new respectful friend..(def gentleman)
his email.....

Last night was for me great, so very lovely and fun! Every part of it.
Thanks also for showing me your beautiful book and magazine. I would have liked to have read your poems in the collection as well. And it was so much fun buying you the little presents. I'm so happy that you found them sweet.

Looking forward to talking to you on the phone some time soon, if that's OK, We have so much in common, which is very important to me, and we seem to get along great in many respects. Looks very good to me!

A bien tot (till soon, in French),

My Saturday date was also amazing ..greek restaurant
Tapas place later with friends
the avante garde theatre :perplexed:ohwell:
I wish there was a getting sick to your stomach icon
oh ..that was awful

STELLAR treatment by BOTH dates
very very blessed
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Thanks for the update! It sounds like you had a great time. :) Phin sounds like a real gentleman.

I wonder what he said to the waiter to get you a better table. Smooth move.
The old saying "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" isn't always true! :nono:

Aren't you glad you gave him a second chance??? :eh:

Glad you had a great time, you deserve it sis!
Thanks for the update! It sounds like you had a great time. Phin sounds like a real gentleman.
I wonder what he said to the waiter to get you a better table. Smooth move.
He totally believed in spoiling and taking GOOD care of moi
me likey :)

Aren't you glad you gave him a second chance???
yessssssssss.... :grin:

Wow, I really enjoyed reading this make being single sound so fun.

Hmmmmm it has its ups and downs. I must say I am on an UP
thank God....multi-dating is FUN :drunk: but a little like :spinning::drunk::blush::lick::rolleyes:

Great thread and I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time- with both dates!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!

I turned down a third date for Monday with a NYCfirefighter. .who is HOT
Too overwhelmed..and there are more.....g-u-y-s!!!! I keep turning down dates....too much!!

I did pray on this ..God gives
in abundance :yep:

Phin sent this today

By the way, you have a very lovely voice, and it's made more wonderful by the words you say, for you're a wonderful and accomplished person.
I love to talk with you. But even more, I so much loved the time we had together -- it was magical! So, genuflecting, I do hope that some times you do wear the blue and the two other scrunchies, a symbol of my affection for and admiration of you. You're great and very cool.

NYC girls who want a cool place for dinner this is the restaurant.. it's Korean vegetarian.. have to take your shoes off and sit in a pit ..very romantic
Genuflecting? Wow this guy is making me consult the dictionary!

I know. Lol.

me,too! :lachen: :lachen:

he's a Phd in has an excuse for trotting out the BIG words
BUT....he's not the only one
the firefighter!!!..:blush:

I can't remember the email exactly
but he said some thing like...I enjoy reading your poems
very proleptic visions....

I was like pro-lep....whaaaaaaaaat?:huh:
I could even respond....
and then I told him...I am embarrassed to admit..but

guess...I have to brush up on my grammar and english and what-not:bookworm:

I STILL do'nt know what that word really means:rolleyes:
me,too! :lachen: :lachen:

he's a Phd in has an excuse for trotting out the BIG words
BUT....he's not the only one
the firefighter!!!..:blush:

I can't remember the email exactly
but he said some thing like...I enjoy reading your poems
very proleptic visions....

I was like pro-lep....whaaaaaaaaat?:huh:
I could even respond....
and then I told him...I am embarrassed to admit..but

guess...I have to brush up on my grammar and english and what-not:bookworm:

I STILL do'nt know what that word really means:rolleyes:

That's a deep word. I'm over here meditating on the word, it's meaning and the best way to incorporate it in my vocabulary. Lol.
Well he finally called for our dinner date for tonight...Sunday..just now
I was home but did not pick up the phone..I let the machine get it

He 12:55 pm..Sunday....only a few hours from the time
we were sposed to get together...

from over a week of not from hearing from him
n-o-t-h-i-n-g ..
I'm laughin typing this

Three questions three guesses..

am I going on this lame-$#@ date?
am I returning his call?

y'know...the sad thing is I know he was all excited and it would have been fun
there was a connection....lot in common..attractive..a couple of my friends are reading their fiction tonight
it would have been great to take him and there's awesome Korean restaurant I just found about last night while out w/friends who showed this place. (by the way the male in the group said dont settle for that nonsense ) take your shoes off ..looked really cool when my friends and I stuck our heads in...

ah well.....for the next guy...

but.....I ...
it's too bad... :(
no second chance granted either

I'm late, but I think you should have gone. Approach new dating scenarios like friendships. Nothing more. You guys had chemistry and you said yourself you knew it would have been fun.
He totally believed in spoiling and taking GOOD care of moi
me likey :)

yessssssssss.... :grin:

Hmmmmm it has its ups and downs. I must say I am on an UP
thank God....multi-dating is FUN :drunk: but a little like :spinning::drunk::blush::lick::rolleyes:

I turned down a third date for Monday with a NYCfirefighter. .who is HOT
Too overwhelmed..and there are more.....g-u-y-s!!!! I keep turning down dates....too much!!

I did pray on this ..God gives
in abundance :yep:

Phin sent this today

By the way, you have a very lovely voice, and it's made more wonderful by the words you say, for you're a wonderful and accomplished person.
I love to talk with you. But even more, I so much loved the time we had together -- it was magical! So, genuflecting, I do hope that some times you do wear the blue and the two other scrunchies, a symbol of my affection for and admiration of you. You're great and very cool.

NYC girls who want a cool place for dinner this is the restaurant.. it's Korean vegetarian.. have to take your shoes off and sit in a pit ..very romantic

She DOES make being single sound fun! This is sooo nice! :yep: