Should Christians Listen To Hip-Hop?

I was praying about music and its influence on Christians.

And I was thinking about how church-going folk had big time problems with Ray Charles and other innovators of R&B soul. They termed the music "sin music" or "devil music." I used to say, "Oh, they were just being judgmental!" and not think anymore of it.

But now I have to wonder though. Was there truth in what they were saying?

I am aware of how certain hip-hop or R&B songs affect me.

And I can see how hip-hop influences my Christian boyfriend. He is a loving, sweet spirit. But when we would see each other, I would know when he had been listening to rap because of the way he would act towards me. It was a subtle change but it was noticable and made me uncomfortable

I really like this topic! Keep the thoughts and ideas coming....

EbonyEyes said:
. He even mentioned how Color Me Badd's "I wanna sex you up" made quite a few girls lose their virginity.

Is this the same DVD?

:eek: Really? My girlfriend told me about the ex dvd a few months ago, January actually, and I've been wanting to check this out. Now I'm really going to try and look into it.
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EbonyEyes said:
My roommate had mentioned a DVD where this reverend talks about subliminal messages in hip-hop and R&B. He was talking about witches chanting in songs. He even mentioned how Color Me Badd's "I wanna sex you up" made quite a few girls lose their virginity.

Is this the same DVD?


Yes, that's the one. He actually has two DVD's out now. :)
EbonyEyes said:
My roommate had mentioned a DVD where this reverend talks about subliminal messages in hip-hop and R&B. He was talking about witches chanting in songs. He even mentioned how Color Me Badd's "I wanna sex you up" made quite a few girls lose their virginity.

Is this the same DVD?

Yes Ebony this is the same DVD. This is part one of the series (there is a part 2).


He spoke on this becuase Kevin (the black guy with the braids in the group Color Me Bad) went to one of Rev. G. Craig's sermons on "The Truth Behind Hip Hop Music" and gave his very life to Christ that night. :angel:

Later come to find out he was dealing with "42" demons!! :shocked: Kevin's wife called Rev. Craig hysterically stating that her husband was dealing with demons and they were causing him to crash his car while he was driving. Rev. Craig was given an assignment by God to go to Kevin's home and drive out the demons. It took 3 days to rid Kevin's body of the demons...Rev. Craig was also told by God to write down 3 of the demons names. 1 of them being "witchcraft". This demon stated that they placed an incantation on the song "I Wanna Sex You Up" in the recording studio so that it would be a number 1 hit. At that very moment, Kevin came too and confessed that the song "I Wanna Sex You Up" lead 100,000 girls to give up their virginity!! :shocked:

Kevin is now a saved and a minister spreading the Good News. :angel:

This and soooo much more is on the DVD. I've seen it twice already and I learn something new everytime I watch it. :)
I am really bothered about the sex you up song. I began having a problem with music after listening to behind the music specials on vh1 and watching how some of our favorites songs came out b/c of luck, someone being high, a mistake or some other very odd reasons. It pains me to know that they have also put spells on songs. It just reminds me that the devil ain't playing.

Ok give us more spoilers ladies, I might leave music alone after this. By the way how did they come up with the number of girls wo lost their virginity to the song? Is there a survey out there? :lol:

Kevin is now a saved and a minister spreading the Good News. :angel:
Good for him, but what about those 100,000 of girls.
Hello HoneyHips, :wave:

I forgot how Kevin (Color Me Bad member) came up with the number of girls losing their virginity, but I will find out when I see the DVD again. :yep:


There was a part on the DVD where Rev. G. Craig Lewis spoke on DMX (which means Dark Man X) and the cover of his CD "Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood" where he's covered in blood (like Jesus). But was even more cryptic was on the cover of the album the "M" in DMX is over his head like devils horns!! :shocked:

Check it out (And you can click on his cd to view a bigger picture.):

I never knew this. Rev. G. Craig Lewis also said that DMX has a song on the album with Marylin Manson!! Not sure if anyone has ever heard this song or not, but the background is eerie. As a matter of fact, Rev. Lewis said that he has a recording studio and this type of musical background could not have been created!!
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I remember that CD and song. My boyfriend at the time and his sister would not let me listen to it. They didn't want to influence the sweet Christian girl. :look:

What I wonder about stuff like, the DMX cover, and the Bone Thugs and Harmony cover (this guy talked about them too right?) is if they, the artist, know what they are doing, or is it all by coincidence? I also wonder how much is it speculation on the authors part, like the Jayzz reference. How does he know what Jay's intent was? Did he interview him?
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Maybe he wanted it to look like he was being baptised in the blood of Christ. Or not that he was Christ. Or is the former the reason why it is wrong? Help me out y'all, I can explain away things so easily, and later it turns out my initial thought was right.
Honeyhips said:
I remember that CD and song. My boyfriend at the time and his sister would not let me listen to it. They didn't want to influence the sweet Christian girl. :look:

What I wonder about stuff like, the DMX cover, and the Bone Thugs and Harmony cover (this guy talked about them too right?) is if they, the artist, know what they are doing, or is it all by coincidence? I also wonder how much is it speculation on the authors part, like the Jayzz reference. How does he know what Jay's intent was? Did he interview him?

Hey HoneyHips, :wave:

I see what you are saying, but this can't be a coincidence. And even if it was why would they want to play with the devil like that. :nono: Yes, the Rev. Lewis also spoke on Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony as well. That tripped me out as well. Becuase I always found thier music to be very luring and if they are pulling you into the music. They also smoke weed on stage and in the recording studio.

No, I believe they know what they are doing becuase the devil is very crafty and Satan will find sneeky ways for people to worship him. :nono: Now say there is someone out there that does not know who Jesus is and saw the cover of Lenny Kravitz cd or the DMX cd, the person will get a mixed up messege and might think wrongly of who Jesus Crhist is what he's done.
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I can't imagine why anyone would want to play with the devil either which is why I was wondering if the M above DMX's head was done by "accident" by the person creating the cover, but the devil knew what he was doing, or they knew exactly what they were doing. Which if they did, why, or did they not know how sneaky, and deep playing witht he devil can be. Like people who dabble in witchcraft, and pyhsics and they think it is harmless. I know nothing happens by "coincidence"though. You are right, the devil knows exactly what he is doing. I guess I wonder if people know what the set up is, or that they are being set up. Ok, I'm rambling now. :lol:
I can't say what Christians should and shouldn't do, because I can't judge anyone else on their actions, but I'm a Christian, and I listen to hip-hop, pop, rap, country, gospel, rock n' roll, etc. There are some songs that I don't listen to depending on the content, (and some artists I don't listen to period base on their appearance and known actions, e.g. Marilyn Manson, Korn, Kiss, etc) but I feel like I'm frontin' by listening only to gospel (that's not the only kind of music I like) because I'm saved, because I know I love me some New Edition and Earth, Wind and Fire. :look: Some music is obviously satanic, though. Satan was in charge of music (so to say) in heaven, (making the radio/air waves a prime means of temptation and corruption) so you really have to filter what you listen to (and watch for that matter).
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Jewell said:
I can't say what Christians should and shouldn't do, because I can't judge anyone else on their actions, but I'm a Christian, and I listen to hip-hop, pop, rap, country, gospel, rock n' roll, etc. There are some songs that I don't listen to depending on the content, (and some artists I don't listen to period base on their appearance and known actions, e.g. Marilyn Manson, Korn, Kiss, etc) but I feel like I'm frontin' by listening only to gospel (that's not the only kind of music I like) because I'm saved, because I know I love me some New Edition and Earth, Wind and Fire. :look: Some music is obviously satanic, though. Satan was in charge of music (so to say) in heaven, (making the radio/air waves a prime means of temptation and corruption) so you really have to filter what you listen to (and watch for that matter).
Does New Edition and Earth, Wind and Fire make you think about God and the things above? Does it give him glory to listen to music that may seem not satanic like the sexual, hateful, music? What degree or extreme does the music have to be to be considered satanic? Someone may like to watch tv, but that could be taking away time from reading the Bible. Someone may like to listen to all types of music, but does that music uplift the name of Jesus? Not putting you down at all...just questions for thought.
These are good questions for thought! But, I have to say that I have been sick throughout my life and I don't have to listen to gospel to think about what God has done for me and how blessed I am to be alive today. I don't watch much TV, so I always have time to read and study my Bible. Poohbearm you're very concientious, and I appreciate it. :)
Jewell said:
These are good questions for thought! But, I have to say that I have been sick throughout my life and I don't have to listen to gospel to think about what God has done for me and how blessed I am to be alive today. I don't watch much TV, so I always have time to read and study my Bible. Poohbear, you're very concientious, and I appreciate it. :)
This is true! :up: I don't have to listen to it either to show that I'm a Christian or anything of that nature. I think most of the ladies here do not think they must listen to gospel music just to think about God, it's just that gospel or Christian music would be an alternative to listening to hip-hop, rap, r&b, etc. I can think about God and how he's blessed me without gospel and Christian music so I know what you're saying! :yep:
Poohbear said:
This is true! :up: I don't have to listen to it either to show that I'm a Christian or anything of that nature. I think most of the ladies here do not think they must listen to gospel music just to think about God, it's just that gospel or Christian music would be an alternative to listening to hip-hop, rap, r&b, etc. I can think about God and how he's blessed me without gospel and Christian music so I know what you're saying! :yep:

I agree Poohbear. :up: I chose to listen to gospel over hip hop music any day. I go by this scripture:

Psalms 100:1 - A Psalm for the thank offering. Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the lands!

To me, according to this, we all should glorify Him through music and thanksgiving. The only problem for me with listening to hip hop & R&B music are the lyrics. It's hard to glorify God while I'm listening to sex, drugs, etc. There's a conflict there. In the past I can recall being mad and listening to heavy rock or rap and it would get me all revved up. :mad: Music influences us. Weither positive or negative. It's like my Pastor says, "TRASH IN TRASH OUT"

Question: If you had something to say to the entire world, what would you say? :think:
sugaplum said:
Question: If you had something to say to the entire world, what would you say? :think:
What would Jesus do? Would He listen to hiphop, rap, r&b, pop, rock, and alternative music?

But it would be difficult to ask the entire world that question because the ENTIRE world either doesn't believe in Jesus or doesn't place Jesus as high as we hiphop, rap, r&b, etc would be fine with SOME of them.
Poohbear said:
Does New Edition and Earth, Wind and Fire make you think about God and the things above? Does it give him glory to listen to music that may seem not satanic like the sexual, hateful, music? What degree or extreme does the music have to be to be considered satanic? Someone may like to watch tv, but that could be taking away time from reading the Bible. Someone may like to listen to all types of music, but does that music uplift the name of Jesus? Not putting you down at all...just questions for thought.

Earth Wind and Fire has songs that make me think about God. Songs like "Keep Your Head to the Sky," "Devotion," and "Open Our Eyes." These are very spiritual songs and EWF is a very spiritual group. I wish there were more groups like Earth Wind and Fire.
Poohbear said:
What would Jesus do? Would He listen to hiphop, rap, r&b, pop, rock, and alternative music?

But it would be difficult to ask the entire world that question because the ENTIRE world either doesn't believe in Jesus or doesn't place Jesus as high as we hiphop, rap, r&b, etc would be fine with SOME of them.

What would Jesus do? Would He listen to hiphop, rap, r&b, pop, rock, and alternative music?

ITA!! :up: I know all about free will. I should elaborate more on the question, if you were offered a recording contract to make music, what would you sing? What would your song be about? What would make your music/song different from the rest?

I'm sure that all these rappers and r& b artists thought this over but decided to do what the "world" wanted to hear. :ohwell:
SoniT said:
Earth Wind and Fire has songs that make me think about God. Songs like "Keep Your Head to the Sky," "Devotion," and "Open Our Eyes." These are very spiritual songs and EWF is a very spiritual group. I wish there were more groups like Earth Wind and Fire.
Oh okay. I've never heard Earth Wind and Fire songs. When she mentioned New Edition, I thought EW&F was similar to them.
sugaplum said:
What would Jesus do? Would He listen to hiphop, rap, r&b, pop, rock, and alternative music?

ITA!! :up: I know all about free will. I should elaborate more on the question, if you were offered a recording contract to make music, what would you sing? What would your song be about? What would make your music/song different from the rest?

I'm sure that all these rappers and r& b artists thought this over but decided to do what the "world" wanted to hear. :ohwell:
I would sing whatever makes a joyful noise unto the Lord like you and I said in a previous post!

That's so true that many music artists that we have today chose what the world would most likely wanna hear and sing what would make them the most money. You sometimes wonder if some of these artists thought about singing for the Lord after saying "First, giving an honor to God Who's the Head of my life" when they receive a music award or something...:look:
Poohbear said:
I would sing whatever makes a joyful noise unto the Lord like you and I said in a previous post!

That's so true that many music artists that we have today chose what the world would most likely wanna hear and sing what would make them the most money. You sometimes wonder if some of these artists thought about singing for the Lord after saying "First, giving an honor to God Who's the Head of my life" when they receive a music award or something...:look:

That is so true Poohbear. :) Life is so full of choices and Christians should choose the one that is most pleasing in the eyes of God. :)
SoniT said:
Earth Wind and Fire has songs that make me think about God. Songs like "Keep Your Head to the Sky," "Devotion," and "Open Our Eyes." These are very spiritual songs and EWF is a very spiritual group. I wish there were more groups like Earth Wind and Fire.

I know about some EWF. I was in a black high school band, and that is all they play. After the Love has Gone, Boogie Wonderland, September, etc. They have some pretty decent music. To me, they fall in that category with people like India Arie, where the music is pretty good and for the most part is not degrading, but doesn't mean you don't have to watch for it. You noted that they are very spiritual, well people of many different cultures and backgrounds are. The question you must ask yourself, is whose spirit is leading them? Being spiritual and being lead by the Holy Spirit is two different matters. Here is an excerpt from their website:

Serpentine Fire

[size=-1]"A[/size][size=-1]lthough we were basically jazz musicians, we played soul, funk, gospel, blues, jazz, rock and dance music which somehow ended up becoming pop," Maurice recalled. "I wanted to do something that hadn’t been done before.
[size=-1]We were coming out of a decade of experimentation, mind expansion and Cosmic awareness and I wanted our music to convey messages of universal love and harmony without force-feeding listeners spiritual[/size][size=-1] [/size][size=-1]content."[/size]

[size=-1]Now after examining their website which is filled with all sort of zodiac symbols and Egyptian references (not saying anythings wrong if you have to have an appreciation for African culture :)), you have to really ask who are they serving? The reason I brought this up is b/c it is these types of music (somewhat spiritual) is that which puts us as believers in a situation where our spirit is open to things that are not of God. And I love me some EWF, India Arie, and a variety of other artists of different genres, who for the most part, have "positive music". Listening to such artists occasionally, hey to each his own. But you must be extremely careful in what you are constantly listening to and meditating on. For me, I see a lot of Christian artists who make wide genres of music whether it be rap, jaz, neo-soul, etc., who utilizes the creativity of music to give glory to God, who often don't get the support of believers b/c they are not as popular as other secular or Christian artists. And to these is where I personally choose to support, not only b/c they need it, but b/c they are spreading the gospel, and by supporting them, I am helping to spread the gospel. [/size][size=-1]

Sweet C said:
[size=-1]Now after examining their website which is filled with all sort of zodiac symbols and Egyptian references (not saying anythings wrong if you have to have an appreciation for African culture :)), you have to really ask who are they serving? The reason I brought this up is b/c it is these types of music (somewhat spiritual) is that which puts us as believers in a situation where our spirit is open to things that are not of God. And I love me some EWF, India Arie, and a variety of other artists of different genres, who for the most part, have "positive music". Listening to such artists occasionally, hey to each his own. But you must be extremely careful in what you are constantly listening to and meditating on. For me, I see a lot of Christian artists who make wide genres of music whether it be rap, jaz, neo-soul, etc., who utilizes the creativity of music to give glory to God, who often don't get the support of believers b/c they are not as popular as other secular or Christian artists. And to these is where I personally choose to support, not only b/c they need it, but b/c they are spreading the gospel, and by supporting them, I am helping to spread the gospel. [/size][size=-1]

Very good points you made in this paragraph! :yep:
blaxalrose said:
I'm a Christian, but I am not feeling all of the points here...I just think sometimes folks are stretching to make a point. I mean folks think Al Green's songs are evil, but he's singing about love and happiness. I see nothing wrong with listening to Aaliyah. To each his own. Every artist, whether they be secular or Christian has their struggles.

Maybe it's a matter of focus/religious doctrine in some churches, wasn't in mine. I am not a fan of degrading music by any stretch of the imagination. But I do think some folks are fanatical with their looking down on secular music. And I think folks stretch looking for evil things.

DMX for example, I don't think his cover had anything to do with anything evil. DMX's imagery to me had more to do with his obsession with dogs, and dogs ripping enemies apart. He closes each of his shows with a powerful pray. If dude ever got himself on track, who knows what he could do for the kingdom.

Lenny Kravitz, I took his whole album as being a "nod" to speak to Parliament's Baptism in the Funk. The concept where music can be a moving and spiritual experience.

I think alot of things are misinterpreted because people don't know/or care to know the whole story behind the artist's intent.

I don't think either cover rises to the level of that artist who put dung on religious pictures a few years back in New York. That was pure disrespect...or even the some of stuff Madonna did a few years back.

Kudos! Another great post, Blaxalrose!
blaxalrose said:
DMX for example, I don't think his cover had anything to do with anything evil. DMX's imagery to me had more to do with his obsession with dogs, and dogs ripping enemies apart. He closes each of his shows with a powerful pray. If dude ever got himself on track, who knows what he could do for the kingdom.

Well to me it seems like DMX's album cover was quite disturbing. :nono: He is drenched in blood to mimic the Savior. And I found it interesting how the the letter M in DMX over his head on the album cover looks like horns. To me this is very wrong. Dogs ripping enemies apart? Not a pretty picture at all!

So he closes each of his concerts with a prayer but whom is he praying to? I've come to realize that just because someone says God in a prayer that that individual could be praying to someone else entirely.