Should Christians Listen To Hip-Hop?

Re: Holy Ghost Filter

I think every song should be judged through the lens of Christ. If it edifies and uplifts, or does it promote sin. What I do is use my "holy ghost filter". If I start to get a feeling that I shouldn't be listening to something I cut it off.

In the case of groups like Bone Thugs and 3six Mafia, it is obvious that those groups are promoting the devil and not Christ.

Others may seem to be promoting Christ, but not in his entirety. That is also dangerous.

Some people can listen to the music and not be affected. For others it encourages sinful desires.

Sometimes the area is gray. For example, a married person may be able to listen to love songs if they encourage or promote desire for their mate. I certianly don't think that gospel music would be the sountrack during wedding night, because the act is fleshly, though approved by God.

I used to listen to hiphop all the time. Now I limit my consumption. The music doesn't lead me to sin anymore, but too much of it is like empty calories. It doens't fill my spirit. I listen to it so I can understand what the young people are listening to, but that's about it.

I don't think that the church should shun those who are promoting holy hip hop--- they need guidance in their ministry to be effective. I tend to believe it is not always the song, but the spirit in the person who made it that makes the difference. I heard a "gospel" song recently that was so full of self worhship it sent chills down my spine. The spirit was all wrong.

Took the words out of my mouth. Also I believe KRS 1 converted to Christianity too. I think christian hip hop is good because it allows kids to rap but at the same time glorify and uplift the Lord. That is all my husband listens too and it blesses me when I listen. I think people are blinded by the majority image of hip hop that is put out there and thinks all of it is bad and that is not the case. Kids are being saved, and coming to Christ because they can still enjoy hip hop and worship the Lord. Q
Ok, I have to say this, after coming off the LSA thread I have to say that most of Hollywood is corrupted. I mean, I believed Craig Lewis at first but then I didn't because this Christian man I trusted gave hard facts to dispute him. But now, I mean it is as if there is no denying it since reading some inside facts about Hollywood.

And also there was this thread about them praying with Beyonce during a show and she was acting as if she wasn't there. If you all know what I mean. Something is right about her and alot of people out there in Hollywood.:nono:
I have to admit I try to stay away from hip hop, but when it comes to line dances, I cant resist--I'm a dancer in my heart...(Cupid shuffle, cha-cha, etc)...but other than that I dont listen to anything secular. Some of it literally makes me sick.
I agree with what has been said previously, if the beat and delivery is hip hop sounding, but the delivery edifies God, then it is ok. If it promotes sin, then it's wrong. Here is some good Holy Hip Hop

This one is my FAVORITE!!!

Oh, and this is coming up on being a favorite--it's my ringback tone

Oh how could I forget this one

I have a son who absolutely loves hip-hop. He will listen and dance to anything remotely him hop. I try to keep his soul filled with music like this. I can't control his likes, but I can influence him so that he likes things of God.
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I disagree 110% with any genre of music being Demonic. I just don't get how music which is something that came from God (not speaking of a particular genre just in general) is demonic. Now, what is demonic or in my opinion goes against my beliefs (cause to me demonic is STRONG) are the messages that disrespect women, glamourize negative lifestyles, etc. but the whole genre? No can't say that at all. It's all in what the message is that goes along with the beats. To me to classify a whole genre of anything as denomic is a S-T-R-E-T-C-H to say the least. There are Christian hip-hop groups and to say they are demonic while their songs are filled with the word is INSANE!!!!

It's all about what is instilled in people and your foundation which should be GOD. What's the difference between when Dottie Peoples proclaims "He's an On Time God" and a christian rapper says the exact same thing. I listen to good music PERIOD no matter the genre. But because of my beliefs I don't listen to disrespectful, immoral, crazy music that pushes a negative message. Other than that, I don't see the problem.'

They said the same thing about Thomas Dorsey's music when music was more "traditional" in the church. And this too shall pass....

Many things, like music, came from God. The problem is the pollution of those things by satan.
Did you have a music class? All arrangements/rythms are not good (innocent, healthy) in music. Message with words or not, certain types of music lead to depression, murder, fornication... and not glorify God. For example, one classical music can bring you in the upper room, and another one can put you very down.
I liked some hip hop, some of its still makes me want to get up and dance, but I always feel guilty about it. When I go out with friends and we dance and we are having a good time I am the only one sitting there feeling guilty and uncomfortable. I can't even enjoy myself until I had a few drinks and I am not a drinker so you know when I drink it goes right to my head but I drink so that I can pretend to fit in and enjoy myself. I believe that that is God talking to me. I just keep thinking its me feeling insecure or something but I was always the one who was so relieved when it was over. I have aton of songs on my IPOD that I wanted but don't even listen to. I only listen to the gospel and inspirational music I think I am going to delete all of the secular music off of there. Why pretend anymore it way to much work. I am happier not listening to that type of music. Oh and its true my mind does wonder when I listen to secular music it makes me think of different relationships that I was in or I see myself at the club trying to make so and so jealous get real who cares about that stuff, but thats what I am thinking when i am listening to secular music, even sexual situations as well. Its just to much I rather be praising God and raising my hands while I am driving then bouncing in my seat to some R&B

This is a great thread. I'm struggling with this at the very moment. I love my Maxwell, my India Irie, my Jill Scott and so on and so on. Reading this thread has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I know that if I am to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, indulging in such listenings will have to cease.
I've come a long way since I posted in this thread I don't listen to any R&B music or participate in any club or party situations. I do go to weddings and thank God the weddings I go to the people are saved and they do listen to secular music but only the kind that is safe no cursing or downgrading or any of that just fun.
Every believer has their own convictions. Some people feel affected by things differently than others... Music is a really touchy subject, but then again plenty of people who "only" listen to gospel also have sex and go to the club... What about drinking? I drink a glass or 2 of wine every now and then, cuz I like it... and I'm a Christian... but I am responsible.. Follow your own personal convictions and don't give in to your weaknesses. Alcoholics don't go to bars, Ex-strippers don't need to wear revealing clothing, and myself, a recovering big girl, need to stay away from fast food... If you feel a conviction, listen to God talking to you. Don't judge others for theirs.

This is a great thread. I'm struggling with this at the very moment. I love my Maxwell, my India Irie, my Jill Scott and so on and so on. Reading this thread has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I know that if I am to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, indulging in such listenings will have to cease.

I feel bad for you, and I am concerned with your message because it says several things... Are you so weak that you can't listen to India Arie telling people "I am not my hair" or Maxwell talkin about loving a woman? These are all parts of living, and I know God doesn't want you to be a robot, to lack feeling. Now if hearing "I am not my hair" causes you to "stumble" then I will pray for you, cuz that really just sucks, I couldn't live like that. And sorry if I sound a bit harsh, I am typing fast... I believe that music is a God-given therapy, and in my hardest times, listening to these such artists has made me feel better, and that doesnt mean I wasnt listening to gospel at the time either...

If you're "struggling" with this, that could mean God is working on you for some reason or another. It may not necessarily mean he doesn't want you to listen to certain music but moreso your conviction about something else. ....and getting you to change the types of music you listen to could be the way he can get your full attention or focus. I pray he helps you with this struggle.

Stay blessed.


This is a great thread. I'm struggling with this at the very moment. I love my Maxwell, my India Irie, my Jill Scott and so on and so on. Reading this thread has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I know that if I am to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, indulging in such listenings will have to cease.
I feel bad for you, and I am concerned with your message because it says several things... Are you so weak that you can't listen to India Arie telling people "I am not my hair" or Maxwell talkin about loving a woman? These are all parts of living, and I know God doesn't want you to be a robot, to lack feeling. Now if hearing "I am not my hair" causes you to "stumble" then I will pray for you, cuz that really just sucks, I couldn't live like that. And sorry if I sound a bit harsh, I am typing fast... I believe that music is a God-given therapy, and in my hardest times, listening to these such artists has made me feel better, and that doesnt mean I wasnt listening to gospel at the time either...

Sweetie don't feel bad for me or concerned. If anything, pray for me. I'm sure that you have read through this thread and have seen many others thoughts on this particular subject. And by reading this thread you should know that I'm not the only one who is feeling or has felt this way. We both know that India's "I am not my hair" is not her only song. She has many.

And yes, Maxwell does sing about loving a woman, but why in the world would who is trying to live wholehearted for the Lord, a woman who has chosen to abstain from sex until marriage listen to Maxwell sing about 'Til the Cops come knocking' and not feel the least bit guilty? Yes at the moment my flesh is weak because at times I do get the 'urge'. Listening to Maxwell will not help that at all. I'm sure you've heard Jill Scott's 'Crown Royal and Ice'
Nuff said.

Not listening to secular music will not stop me from living but much of the music does not glorify the Lord or anything else for that matter. Much of the music is plain ol' ridiculous.To be honest, those three artist that I pointed out plus maybe two are three more are really the only secular music I listen to on a regular basis. I'm not perfect nor will I ever be. And I would be lying to sit here and say that I will NEVER listen to another R&B song again. I ask you to please not call anyone else weak because you feel as if you are that strong of a Christian that you cannot be broken.

God bless you.
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Bobby Jones' Let Talk Church was discussing this very topic about 2 weeks ago. Sorry if that was already posted. As a Christian I still listen to some R&B music. Now songs like Birthday Sex and songs like that I just can't listen to. I listen to more of the older stuff anyway. But what about the gospel artists that sampled beats from secular songs? Do you not listen to it because of the beat? I can hardly imagine a married couple that want to be intimate listening to a Christian love song while in the midst. I wouldn't even feel right.
Sometimes it’s not just the lyrics. A snake can make its way through the tiniest of cracks and so can the devil. Sometimes it’s not just the lyrics in music. The devil can come in through the beat or through the demeanor of the artist. Karen Carpenter sang a lot of songs about love and her voice was so beautiful and clear….almost flawless and yet even in singing about love there is a sadness that comes across in her voice. I was listening to one of her songs not too long ago and I noticed that I became a little depressed. The sadness was getting to me. Do you remember the song by Prince “The Most Beautiful Girl In the World”? Beautiful song, beautiful lyrics, but his appearance in the video is frightening. The red outfit, heavy eyeliner, weird hair (and this is coming from a big admirer of Prince and his talents). Our local gospel radio station just started airing a program in the evenings (not sure if it’s syndicated or not). It comes on at a time when I am getting my toddler ready for bed. Before this program came on getting my daughter ready for bed was peaceful. Her room felt peaceful, she and I enjoyed the music coming from the radio, she went to sleep with no problems….there were no issues around bedtime. Since this program started airing bedtime is not as peaceful as it once was. The first week that the program was on she would be rowdy, uncooperative and everything was a struggle. It went beyond typical toddler behavior. I know my child and these actions were out of the norm for her. I know the difference between her regular temper tantrums and something else being wrong. This was different. The first few nights I let it go and just dealt with it. Then I realized that it was the music that was coming from the radio. The loud talking, the “gospel” music with a hip hop beat. It was throwing her off and making her rowdy.
I love all types of music from classical to R&B. But as my walk with Christ increase, I find that I have to stop listening to certain music because of the lyrics or the beat of the music. Is it easy......NO, do I give in.......SOMETIMES! I'm not at the point whereas I want to delete the songs off my IPOD. But I'm finding that I'm slowly but surely getting a grip.
I strongly feel that Hip-Hop music is demonic, and it didn't take G.Craige to show me that.

It's just so nasty, vile, filthy, and disgusting, there is nothing apealling about it at all.

My distaste for it goes way back:

Back in 1993, I remember KRS-1 came and performed in my town.
A friend of the guy that I was dating knew KRS1 personally and so he went backstage.
He came back that night, telling us that Kris was explaining to him that the Black man is god, and was giving his list of reasons based on what Kris taught him that night.

My then boyfriend debated him for hours then we finally left it alone.
That was my first taste of the 5% nation, I just didn't know it then.
So yeah, KRS1 is a true 5%er( OT:did y'all know that his son committed suicide about 2 weeks ago?)

Back in 1998, right before I stopped listening to secular music,
I was listening to the radio and something EXTREMLYsexuall came on, unedited.
So I called the local radio station that was playing the song with the sexually explicit lyrics (it was little Kim, I believe)
I spoke with the radio station manager(a white man) about why would he be playing that.
He said that it's what his listeners want.
So I said,"Who is your target audience?"
He said, "18-24 year olds"
I asked him to be more specific.
So he finally said, "18-24 year old African-Americans."

I asked him, "What about the kids who tune in, should they be exposed to that? What about your kids? Do you have your station playing for your kids to listen to at the breakfast table?"
He actually insulted my intelligence and said, "Yes"
I just thanked him for his time and hung up, and have never listened to that station since.

I had a good mind to start a petition to ban this station, but did not follow through with it.
To this day, I denounce it every chance I get.

I despise Hip-Hop and everything associated with it.
I see it as a plot of the enemy to keep souls away from Christ, away from God, a distraction that leads to him.
I've written papers in college about the negetive effects of this music.
I look at our black children, our black women, our black men, society as a whole, and I can see the toll that this culture has taken on us.

I DO want to start an anti-hip hop movement.
I break and burn Hip Hop CD's if I find them in the hands of any youth in my family, they all know this about me.

I want a national ban, by the people, not by the government, sorta like what's happening now with the N word.

As a Christian, I cannot stomach Hip-Hop.
I can't support what it stands for: profanity, vulgarity, drugs, sexually immorality, degredation,etc.
My spirit just won't tolerate it!

I have three children, ages 19, 14, 10 and they know why we do not listen to Hip-Hop nor participate in it's culture.

For example:
My children do not have peircings and tatoos and
I do not clothe my children in "urban wear"
(Baby Phat, Phat Farm, Roca Wear, Applebottom,etc).

I want nothing of that culture reflected in our life and/or lifestyle.


I also do not allow BET, MTV, VH1 in my home, so videos are a no-go as well.
Sounds like I feel... :yep:

:kick: It gets one of these in my home and family....
Sometimes it’s not just the lyrics. A snake can make its way through the tiniest of cracks and so can the devil. Sometimes it’s not just the lyrics in music. The devil can come in through the beat or through the demeanor of the artist.

Karen Carpenter sang a lot of songs about love and her voice was so beautiful and clear….almost flawless and yet even in singing about love there is a sadness that comes across in her voice. I was listening to one of her songs not too long ago and I noticed that I became a little depressed. The sadness was getting to me.

Do you remember the song by Prince “The Most Beautiful Girl In the World”? Beautiful song, beautiful lyrics, but his appearance in the video is frightening. The red outfit, heavy eyeliner, weird hair (and this is coming from a big admirer of Prince and his talents).

Our local gospel radio station just started airing a program in the evenings (not sure if it’s syndicated or not). It comes on at a time when I am getting my toddler ready for bed. Before this program came on getting my daughter ready for bed was peaceful. Her room felt peaceful, she and I enjoyed the music coming from the radio, she went to sleep with no problems….there were no issues around bedtime. Since this program started airing bedtime is not as peaceful as it once was.

The first week that the program was on she would be rowdy, uncooperative and everything was a struggle. It went beyond typical toddler behavior. I know my child and these actions were out of the norm for her. I know the difference between her regular temper tantrums and something else being wrong. This was different. The first few nights I let it go and just dealt with it. Then I realized that it was the music that was coming from the radio. The loud talking, the “gospel” music with a hip hop beat. It was throwing her off and making her rowdy.

Music has a spirit... :yep: It can be good.........................or bad.
Hello all,

This thread is right on time. While my husband and I listen to gospel hip-hop like Cross Movement and the Ambassador, we don't allow any other media in our home other than DVD's and monitored computer time. There are way too many negative influences in the media and we have chosen block anything that may prove to cause our chidren to struggle spiritually.

I remember being around 12 and constantly thinking about sex or boys or men and it wasn't because my mother didn't take care of me. She was very strict. It was the music. That was the only area she didn't guard. The song that initially messed me up was "I Wanna Sex You Up." I could not get it out of my head. Between Silk, Boyz II Men and all those over groups who sang love ballads, I was messed up. For over 10 years, things relating to sex were a struggle for me until I stopped listening to the music.

Now that I'm raising my daughter, I see she loves music as well, so we monitor and allow her to listen to gospel, and children's songs. Another poster mentioned, "Garbage In, Garbage Out." That is the truth.:yep:
I feel bad for you, and I am concerned with your message because it says several things... Are you so weak that you can't listen to India Arie telling people "I am not my hair" or Maxwell talkin about loving a woman? These are all parts of living, and I know God doesn't want you to be a robot, to lack feeling. Now if hearing "I am not my hair" causes you to "stumble" then I will pray for you, cuz that really just sucks, I couldn't live like that. And sorry if I sound a bit harsh, I am typing fast... I believe that music is a God-given therapy, and in my hardest times, listening to these such artists has made me feel better, and that doesnt mean I wasnt listening to gospel at the time either...

If she says she has personal convictions then all we can do is pray for her. And you picked out the best of their songs, she could've been talking about these lyrics:

Every time you come around, something magnetic pulls me and I cant get out
Disoriented, I cant tell my up from down
All I know is that I wanna lay you down

Every time I let you in, abracadabra magic happens as we swim
Higher and higher finally we reach heaven
Come back to earth and then we do it all again

or Maxwell's lyrics:

If I'll spend the nite with you
you and me what we gonna do
a temporary nite for two
don't change a lonely afternoon

I know for an unmarried woman like myself, it's difficult to hear these songs over and over again without getting a little heated. So, I'll just support her in whatever struggle she may have through prayer.:yep:
Sweetie don't feel bad for me or concerned. If anything, pray for me. I'm sure that you have read through this thread and have seen many others thoughts on this particular subject. And by reading this thread you should know that I'm not the only one who is feeling or has felt this way. We both know that India's "I am not my hair" is not her only song. She has many.

And yes, Maxwell does sing about loving a woman, but why in the world would who is trying to live wholehearted for the Lord, a woman who has chosen to abstain from sex until marriage listen to Maxwell sing about 'Til the Cops come knocking' and not feel the least bit guilty? Yes at the moment my flesh is weak because at times I do get the 'urge'. Listening to Maxwell will not help that at all. I'm sure you've heard Jill Scott's 'Crown Royal and Ice'
Nuff said.

Not listening to secular music will not stop me from living but much of the music does not glorify the Lord or anything else for that matter. Much of the music is plain ol' ridiculous.To be honest, those three artist that I pointed out plus maybe two are three more are really the only secular music I listen to on a regular basis. I'm not perfect nor will I ever be. And I would be lying to sit here and say that I will NEVER listen to another R&B song again. I ask you to please not call anyone else weak because you feel as if you are that strong of a Christian that you cannot be broken.

God bless you.

Girl I feel you on this! I heard Crown Royal and the whole beat, lyrics just make you want to have sex. I was driving with one of my friend's one day and heard a song and the guy keeps saying something about having sex on his birthday. I go into the bookstore and they are playing the same song and then at the gym also. All he says is "Birthday sex" and "I want to go to your hooooo-useeee." They chop the words up but you can imagine some young person hearing this over and over again sex, sex, sex makes them want to have sex.
Girl I feel you on this! I heard Crown Royal and the whole beat, lyrics just make you want to have sex. I was driving with one of my friend's one day and heard a song and the guy keeps saying something about having sex on his birthday. I go into the bookstore and they are playing the same song and then at the gym also. All he says is "Birthday sex" and "I want to go to your hooooo-useeee." They chop the words up but you can imagine some young person hearing this over and over again sex, sex, sex makes them want to have sex.

I hate that Birthday Song with a paaaassion. I was in class with a bunch of seventh graders (12 years old or so), and they were singing that song non-stop, I was about ready to smack some sense into those children!..vent.

I still listen to secular music, and would be lying if I said that I haven't bounced my head a time or two to J.Foxx's "Alcohol" and the like. I know in my mind and spirit that 95% of the music played on radio stations geared towards our people is pure junk..mindless negativity inspiring junk. I'm working on it...filtering out certain madness from my life. I know that if I feel guilty after bopping my shoulders and shaking my butt after listening to something, that it needs to be turned off.

I've come to be extremely concerned after working with youth and seeing how deep the musical influence is on is most definitely a great force of spiritual manipulation for the good or bad.