Shocking Hair Confessions 2008: The Raw Edition!

I confess that I've been doing less and less to my hair out of shear laziness
I confess that I keep it up now because the longer it gets, the harder it is to manage:look:
I confess that I am seriously rethinking any length longer than MBL:look:
I confess that I hardly visit fotkis anymore for inspiration.
I confess that I have become delinquent when it comes to taking vits.

hmmm...I need to get back on track.

ITA with the bolded....FA REAL...
Oh...and I'll add....I confess that I tell people that I'm transitioning one day, but I have my next relaxer marked on my calendar:nono:
I cant
I confess I ALWAYS comb, brush and detangle my hair from roots to tip.

I confess that even though I wants me some waist length hair I get scissor happy every few months and whack off a good two inches or so because I'm so OCD about see through/split ends.

I confess I used my curling iron (on high) on my ends with no heat protectant or moisturizers for a straight week last week because I was too lazy to do my usual bun/braid.

I need my butt beat for that last one. :nono:
I dont trim and Im not about to start,

I ripped out two knots incurred from my twist out attempts and now I'm paranoid I set my grownth back.:sad:
I haven't done any deep conditioning treatments in a long time. I think it's been a couple of years.

As a matter of fact, I don't do much of anything to my hair.
Great thread...

I confess that I love color and that no one can tell me coloring my hair makes me less of a real natural.

I confess that when people ask me if it's my real hair color, I sometimes tell them yes.

I confess I'm pretty tired of doing my hair everyday though my hair probably appreciates it.

I confess I'm patiently waiting until winter when I can buy a bun and braid it up/bun it down until the weather heats up.

I confess that I am not, nor have I ever been, scissor happy and that as a natural, I see no need to trim so I don't.

I confess that I'm tired of buying conditioner so often and that I do clarify at least every 2 weeks.

I confess that my scalp has itched non stop since I started trying to care for my hair and I'm telling myself that means it's growing.

I confess I'm fighting the constant urge to flat iron my hair to see how much it's grown.

Finally, I confess that since in real world standards my hair is long, I love to flat iron it and swing it for the jealous stares.

That is all :-\
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Hi, My name is tallglass and I am a hair addict........

I confess that when I go shopping for new product that I am unfamiliar with, I use it for a week and then return the unused portion as if it was never used.

I confess at times when I did use new product that was expensive, I would pour some in a empty bottle, save it, and then take the rest back for a full refund:blush:

I confess that I sometimes talk to my hair and kiss the ends!

I confess that I sometime lie to my frenemies about what products I use out of fear that their hair will grow longer than mine!:nono:
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I confess that I'm natural, but whenever I envision my hair at my goal length I see myself with straight hair. I see straight ponytails, relaxed looking rollersets, straight hair buns, straight hair hanging down my back and swangin, and blown out twists. I dream of straight hair even though my hair doesn't like relaxers. So I think I'm going to be a natural who press or flat iron a few times each month. :ohwell:
I confess...

I've been discouraged lately. I'm jealous of the sisters here that have had "miraculous hair growth" since I've been a member of LHCF. I know I shouldn't compare my hair to anyone else's but it seems like everyone's hair is growing fast. Except mine.:cry2:

I still haven't started a fotki.:spinning: Hmmm, maybe I should one tomorrow.
This is my favorite smilie :deadhorse:.
Another asty confession... If I see a split end out the corner of my eye and Im somewhere where I dont have scissors... I will break it off or bite it it it doesnt snap off. :ohwell:

OMG, that's my confession! I don't do it really anymore though.
And I confess sometimes I don't do bottom to top for combing...
And I'm terrible at taking vitamins...
And I despise water.....
Sometimes I forget to wrap my hair up
Up untill last week, I was only washing my hair once a week and most times would only oil my hair the same day as wash day....
Hmm...I've read that confession is good for the

I confess

**That I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Its the healthiest and longest EVER yet I'm still not satisfied:look:

**I am SICK of trying to achieve APL. its been TWO years now and I am beginning to believe it won't happen:nono: I'll never stop treating my hair well though:up:

**I still have serious hair envy. I've watched countless ladies on here grow out to BSL, then BC and get right back to BSL ..while I 'idle' in the same spot:ohwell:

**That its time to take the focus OFF the hair and focus on getting my body back in shape:boxing:
I confess I only wrap my hair when its' pressed which is once or twice a year and then I use an old stocking cap tied in a knot.

Sometimes I'm in a rush so I just brush over my hair and reband it.

I prefer to only comb my hair under the shower water using a ton of suave conditioner. after my daughter was born and until recently the only time my hair saw a comb was in the shower.

I'm scissor happy in the summer and my trims consist of 3-5 inches per trim 2-3 times per year

I like having hair to my hips and want it to grow longer but I get frustrated and and cut it back to tailbone legnth.

the refrigerator went out and the food went bad so I used the mayonaise on my didn't smell rotten and it still did its job.

I thought about having my hair thinned at a salon because its almost too thick to put in a ponytail and I'm frustrated.

oh and I'm a homemade product junkie I'm always creating concoctions...and I have like 50 products to my name including at least 5 condtioners and 3 shampoos...sad thing is I never use the new ones just my old time favorites!
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I confess I only wrap my hair when its' pressed which is once or twice a year and then I use an old stocking cap tied in a knot.

Sometimes I'm in a rush so I just brush over my hair and reband it.

I prefer to only comb my hair under the shower water using a ton of suave conditioner. after my daughter was born and until recently the only time my hair saw a comb was in the shower.

I'm scissor happy in the summer and my trims consist of 3-5 inches per trim 2-3 times per year

I like having hair to my hips and want it to grow longer but I get frustrated and and cut it back to tailbone legnth.

the refrigerator went out and the food went bad so I used the mayonaise on my didn't smell rotten and it still did its job.

I thought about having my hair thinned at a salon because its almost too thick to put in a ponytail and I'm frustrated.

oh and I'm a homemade product junkie I'm always creating concoctions...and I have like 50 products to my name including at least 5 condtioners and 3 shampoos...sad thing is I never use the new ones just my old time favorites!

I'm trying to get to where you are! you should share some of your concoctions, I would love to hear about them!
I confess, I don't use all the products in my fotki!!!
I confess, Less is more!!!
I confess, I don't do everything I use to do to my hair but it's still thriving and growing and is healthier than ever!!!!
I confess, I'm just getting excited about my hair but I don't do spot checks when I pass every mirror...yes I do:grin:
I confess, I love grease!!!!
I confess, I don't take my vitamins like I use too I randomly pop pills now!!!
I confess, I never really wear my hair down but when I do, it's a wrap, I act brand new *tosses hair*!!!!
I confess, this is the greatest hair site EVA and thanks to this site my hair is going to be WL!!!!!
I confess that everytime I see a woman with pretty dredlocks, I hold her hostage with the story of cutting my locs in '05.

I confess that I can't remember the last time I washed my silk bonnet.

I confess that I sometimes shake my head to get hair out of my face and I just barely made collarbone.

I confess that I hoard all of the 'good' hair products in my room and give my daughter and stepdaughter the stuff that I don't like. (ooh,that sounds bad)

I confess that I've used my hair brush on my cat.

I also confess that I've used my hair brush on my cat.:grin:

Dang, I'm nasty.
LOL!! I had to read that twice.:lachen:
I haven't done any deep conditioning treatments in a long time. I think it's been a couple of years.

As a matter of fact, I don't do much of anything to my hair.
I confess that I'm envious of your growth especially since you BCed not so long ago. Why doesn't mine grow as fast? :wallbash:
I confess I'm vain about my curls. :look:
Hmm...I've read that confession is good for the

I confess

**That I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Its the healthiest and longest EVER yet I'm still not satisfied:look:

**I am SICK of trying to achieve APL. its been TWO years now and I am beginning to believe it won't happen:nono: I'll never stop treating my hair well though:up:

**I still have serious hair envy. I've watched countless ladies on here grow out to BSL, then BC and get right back to BSL ..while I 'idle' in the same spot:ohwell:

**That its time to take the focus OFF the hair and focus on getting my body back in shape:boxing:
Right there with you.
Hmm...I've read that confession is good for the

I confess

**That I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Its the healthiest and longest EVER yet I'm still not satisfied:look:

**I am SICK of trying to achieve APL. its been TWO years now and I am beginning to believe it won't happen:nono: I'll never stop treating my hair well though:up:

**I still have serious hair envy. I've watched countless ladies on here grow out to BSL, then BC and get right back to BSL ..while I 'idle' in the same spot:ohwell:

**That its time to take the focus OFF the hair and focus on getting my body back in shape:boxing:
This right here is exactly what I am doing, the hair will show up at some point, but I'll be working on the body in the meantime!!
I confess:
I'll never cure my pjism (wait maybe that's a good thing) :grin:
I still haven't clarified yet since starting this hair journey.
Lately, the only time I detangle is the day I relaxed my hair...and thats like every 7-8weeks.
That LHCF has completely replaced myspace for me...I used to be on myspace 24/7 but now I dedicate my time to this site.
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I confess I only wrap my hair when its' pressed which is once or twice a year and then I use an old stocking cap tied in a knot.

Sometimes I'm in a rush so I just brush over my hair and reband it.

I prefer to only comb my hair under the shower water using a ton of suave conditioner. after my daughter was born and until recently the only time my hair saw a comb was in the shower.

I'm scissor happy in the summer and my trims consist of 3-5 inches per trim 2-3 times per year

:shocked: I like having hair to my hips and want it to grow longer but I get frustrated and and cut it back to tailbone legnth.
the refrigerator went out and the food went bad so I used the mayonaise on my didn't smell rotten and it still did its job.

I thought about having my hair thinned at a salon because its almost too thick to put in a ponytail and I'm frustrated.

oh and I'm a homemade product junkie I'm always creating concoctions...and I have like 50 products to my name including at least 5 condtioners and 3 shampoos...sad thing is I never use the new ones just my old time favorites!

I confess that I still know nothing about protein treatments and clarifying even though I have repeatedly asked loabouthair how to do them :nono:

I confess that I am doing a vision board as part of LOA and so far about 8 of the 12 pictures I have cut out so far to be put on the board are hair related....the other 4 are money. Knowing me the money will somehow relate to the hair. I really need to stop :lachen:
I confess that i haven't trimmed my ends since November 07' because I made BSL in the back.

I confess that I know if I get a trim my hair will grow back, but it hasn't been this long in a while and I don't wanna risk it.:look:

I confess that I am past sick and tired of the front of my hair not growing!

I confess that because I haven't gotten a trim my layers have grown out and my hair just hangs there and i don't know what to do with it.

I confess I loathe wearing buns...
I confess that sometimes when I ask questions I feel like people are fussing and can be rude so I don't.
I confess I still don't know what the fraganacle bull I am doing but my hair is growing.
I confess that after I take my braids down I am going to relax my hair.
I confess I am tired of my natural hair.
I confess that my hair stays dry no matter what I do.
I confess I get jealous of people that have mbl length hair and my natural hair is barely bottom of neck lenght.
I confess I want my hair to grow but it is hard to be patient.
I confess I love this site but may not renew my subscription.
I confess that I prefer my hair short
I confess that I leave my conditioner in from Friday to Sunday
I confess that the only reason I’m on these challenges is because I know my hairs grow fast
I confess that I haven’t DC with heat in I don’t know how long
I confess that I hate my texturized hair and I want to relax it, but the relaxer won’t take
I confess that I tie a blue bandana around my head every night/and I don’t know when I washed it last!
I confess that I have not cut my ends at all - since growing it out from a fade

And oh, I confess that I’m still laughing about the plaque! :grin: