"Hair" Confessions

I completely neglected my ends this year and recently had to cut off about four inches of parched hair. :mad:
So I am no longer bra strap and must start over again. :ohwell:

On the bright side my fresh cut curls are thick, bouncy, and healthy looking again. I'm hoping I can make up the length with generous daily doses of MSM, bioton, and flaxseed oil. Wish me luck! :lol:
I confess I am obsessed with my hair. I know it is not that crazy coming from a hair forum but I am really and truly obsessed.

I will not go to a stylist that won't use my products and do my hair the way I want it. And the moment a hair stylist says "You need a trim", I leave. If I am already getting my hair done I nicely refuse and never go back.
Another one after reading about the buns: I sometimes bobby pin in a track to make mine fuller. And, yes, people are ticking me off with this bald-headed stuff! Bald folks don't have buns!! (Minus those with the jacked-up, fake doughnuts) I'mma show these folks Thanksgiving and Christmas!!
I confess, that I have not washed my hair in 7 days, I was trying to wear it cornrowed for 4 weeks, with a half wig, the itches have taken over,I will be washing, and DC'ing, tonight,:yep: I also confess, I am afraid to not where a protective style with out some type of add in, is their a support group for this:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
This is a cute thread.

I confess:

if I don't have to leave the house, I don't bother combing my hair

I once went more than two weeks without washing my hair (not so long ago) :lol:

I miss my bob style from back then

I'm surprised my hair is still long and thick because I don't always take good care of it :look:

a lot of times I dislike doing my own hair

I confess that I decided to go natural and wore a weave to transition and now that I am fully natural and I love my natural hair I am weaved up still..lol…and will be relaxing my hair soon.. so in all honesty I never really wore my natural hair out that much.. not more than 3 days at most…I remember when I decided to go natural and my hair was already long..so now yesterday I went to the salon. STRICTLY TO TAKE OUT MY WEAVE AND touch up the color I have in my hair AND ROCK MY NATURAL HAIR BUT WHY TODAY I AM WEARING A FRESH NEW WEAVE….KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT WAS NOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSE TO GO DOWN—MY STYLIST IS LIKE GIRL YOU HAVE TOO MUCH DAMN HAIR SO MUCH SO THAT SHE BRAIDIED THE WHOLE THING UP AND IT WAS SO MANY DAMN BRAIDS TO SEW DOWN SO THAT SHE COULD DO THE WEAVE- SHE WAS COMPLAINING THE WHOLE TIME LIKE YOUR HAIR IS SO THICK NOW AND LONG WHY IN THE HELL, WHEN WILL YOU WEAR YORU NATURAL HAIR.. I AM LIKE NEXT TIME—NEXT TIME ( i say this every time i go).. here it is I am telling my girls I will be rocking the natural all winter blah blah and here i am today with a fresh weave…WTF ... but this will prob be the last time because my hair has grown so much and the bulk that the braids create under the weave is crazy...when they see me they are gonna be like mmmhmmm..and I am going to smile and be like yeah so.. are you guys hungry….? LOL...

I confess that although I just joined this forum, I'm already worried I'm going to want my short hair back. I cut my hair this summer into an asymetric bob, but it was chin length on one side and touching my shoulder on the other, no bangs, they just swept across my face... did it myself in a whim and rocked it HAWD!!! Put it this way, people would stare and it was flowing and beautiful! Tons of compliments, so much I became uncomfortable. I had a Halle cut years ago and got the same reaction. I NEVER get that when I have had long hair.. What's the deal man? I am mourning the loss of that and am sooo afraid I'm a closet short hair lover! Therefore, making me a real poser on this forum and with all the ladies here.. Y'all gonna find me out and expagate (sp?) my tail! Seriously blow up my spot! Everytime I get to shoulder length, I want to cut it. I"m afraid that when I reach my goal, BSL, I'll want my sexy back... I dunno.. Im skerd! :( I dont even know what my own real intentions are and if I can do this thang!
I confess that I don't think I'm going to make it past a 10 week stretch without relaxing even though my stretch is supposed to be 16 weeks.

I confess that I just finished blow drying my hair about 20 minutes ago.

I confess that I think I'm gonna get a bald spot from playing with this one spot where my new growth is.

I confess that I hold my head back so that I can feel my hair on my back if it were BSL right now!:lol:
I confess that I have no idea what I am doing with my hair and really wish I could just have one of you great long thicky healthy hair folks to take care of it FOR me

I also confess that I TRULY believe my hair is NOT growing and just wont!!

I also confess that I, too, look at the length of my hair probably once a day

And I confess that I pray for my hair to get to brastrap by next year

Thats it.... :grin:

Oh yea! And like most of us, I am hair obsessed but have truly been trying to get over it by not visiting LHCF daily, maybe just like every other day...sometimes...
Oh another confession

I confess that I simply WILL NOT press my hair because I feel it is EXTREMELY short, and not thick, and just horrific!! I really feel my hair is horrific because its not brastrap and flowing full of health.. so I don't even want to see it straightened especially after my trim I had in September!

Okay... wooh... I needed to express that...great thread!
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Jewelle I feel you! But you are beautiful with relaxed hair and you will look amazing as a natural! Guys adjust to your confidence level, if you like it, the right guy will love it :D

But I feel you on the transition though....I confess that my transition was MUCH easier because I was on a personal spiritual challenge to not date for a year and just focus on my relationship with God....I was walking around looking like :eek: as I learned to deal with my texture...I am sure that I didnt attract any men walking around looking like buckwheat:look: . My pastor was like "Um...Im only telling you this because you are a daugther to me...but you need to do something with that head of yours." :ohwell: ...That was a wake-up call so I started paying more attention to my styles even if I wasnt trying to catch a man, "no heat" and "transitioning" were no longer an excuse....
:lol: You made me laugh bsfg:D Thanks so much, I am really going to work on being happy with my new texture and work the transition, no more excuses:armyhat:
I can't believe you pastor said that to you though:eek:
Forgive me ladies for i have sinned:

i refuse to give up heat. i use it at least once a week

i also get the itch to get the Halle Berry cut just because i know it'd look fierce on me

i'm afraid to go natural because i don't wanna go through the long transition process and besides i'd be wearing my hair straight everyday anyway

i don't oil my scalp as often as i should

i scratch my scalp with the end of my comb sometimes
I confess that although I'm five months into the transition, I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I'm concerned that I will lose my mid back length. I want healthy hair that I can wear curly or straight.
I confess the following:

I've become addicted to trying different conditioners for cw's.

I'll probably go back to braiding my own hair. Chances are I'll braid it up for Christmas.

My itch to start locs is long gone.

Unless I'm going to work, my hair is covered in a scarf.

Speaking of scarves, I need to get new ones.....

.....along with a couple of new satin pillowcases.

Two of my friends recently told me they'll beat my @$$ if I go back to using chemicals in my hair.

I really don't give a f**k about having perfectly "done" hair. That has turned about to be a huge personal relief because I'm not doing anything that puts me at risk for damaging it.
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I confess that I am addicted to trimming and I have trimmed about 15-20 times this year :eek:.

I confess that I am disappointed that my progress is sooooooo slow and I am jealous of my peers' progress (Shoulder length heads). But I also know it's my fault because I trim so much.

I confess that I am afraid I won't make shoulder length by the end of the year.

I confess that despite the top three confessions, I LOVE my hair!
~Nigeria~ said:
I confess that I am addicted to trimming and I have trimmed about 15-20 times this year :eek:.

I confess that I am disappointed that my progress is sooooooo slow and I am jealous of my peers' progress (Shoulder length heads). But I also know it's my fault because I trim so much.

I confess that I am afraid I won't make shoulder length by the end of the year.

I confess that despite the top three confessions, I LOVE my hair!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Girl, it's like you took my confessions right out of my head - I mean EVERYTHING you said is EXACTLY how I feel. WE are hair confessions twins.

I cannot put my scissors down. :( I know my hair has grown well, but it is only a little longer than it was this time last year. :(
I confess that NOT ONE PERSON in my family has seen my hair down in
3 years. Every time I go visit they ask me how long I have grown it out to. I always wear it up around them.

These are the confessions that I have been dealing with lately. I am starting to get discouraged now that I am at shoulder length. I've heard that this is one of the most difficult phases when growing hair. I am scared that I won't get as much great progress and I am becoming very paranoid when it comes to my hair. The thought of cutting it has crossed my mind so much lately. I want to reach my next goal (APL) so bad but I keep feeling discouraged. :(
belle_reveuse28 said:
I confess that although I just joined this forum, I'm already worried I'm going to want my short hair back. I cut my hair this summer into an asymetric bob, but it was chin length on one side and touching my shoulder on the other, no bangs, they just swept across my face... did it myself in a whim and rocked it HAWD!!! Put it this way, people would stare and it was flowing and beautiful! Tons of compliments, so much I became uncomfortable. I had a Halle cut years ago and got the same reaction. I NEVER get that when I have had long hair.. What's the deal man? I am mourning the loss of that and am sooo afraid I'm a closet short hair lover! Therefore, making me a real poser on this forum and with all the ladies here.. Y'all gonna find me out and expagate (sp?) my tail! Seriously blow up my spot! Everytime I get to shoulder length, I want to cut it. I"m afraid that when I reach my goal, BSL, I'll want my sexy back... I dunno.. Im skerd! :( I dont even know what my own real intentions are and if I can do this thang!
I confess that I don't wanna wash my hair. I have a lot of new growth, but its only been about 7 weeks and I want to wait until at least 8 weeks before I relax again.

Last week I washed and rollerset my hair and the newgrowth got pretty flat, but not as straight as I'd like. I had a to go on a business trip so I flat ironed my hair and it came out very well. So... now I don't want to wash cuz I'll have to start over again and I want to avoid flat ironing.

:ohwell: Its always a struggle between doing what's best for my hair and looking as 'good' as I'd like.
I confess...

I've been using more heat lately

I'm really self consious about people thinking my hair is fake

I get sick of doing my hair...especially rollersetting. I love the results, but it's so tedious
Ambitious1013 said:
These are the confessions that I have been dealing with lately. I am starting to get discouraged now that I am at shoulder length. I've heard that this is one of the most difficult phases when growing hair. I am scared that I won't get as much great progress and I am becoming very paranoid when it comes to my hair. The thought of cutting it has crossed my mind so much lately. I want to reach my next goal (APL) so bad but I keep feeling discouraged. :(

Hang in there Ambitious, I'm enjoying watching your progress :grin: !!
You'll be past APL in no time. Have you tried straw setting or roller sets? That would give you a shorter look without the commitment and it would be gorgeous with that hair color too!;)
I confess that lately I have been using a brush :eek:

I confess that I am always buying new shampoos and conditioners although I have a cabinet full of them and better ways to spend money:eek:

I confess that I get really excited to deep condition :)

I confess that I comb my hair like 5 times a day :eek:

I confess that I am obsessed with my hair :grin:
JewelleNY said:
I confess that, although I am transitioning, I could relax at any given moment:ohwell: I confess that I feel I really won't be able to find a BF right now with my transitioning and if I do relax it will be only to meet a guy.

I confess that I worry that I will look hideous as a natural:( and that if I go back to relaxers I will be a failure and shame to my race:violin:

Girl I know exactly what you are talking about!!! Before LHCF, I transitioned to natural by wearing braids all the time. But I hadn't worn natural since 3rd grade, so I had no clue what to do with it. Eventually I learned to do twists. I went crying to a male friend about how my natural hair affected my self esteem, and I would never get a man with it.

But I did!!, He loved my hair, and would help me twist it. Eventually I relaxed it.... - I wouldn't have relaxed it probably if I knew of LHCF. He likes it relaxed too. (we are married now)

So there is hope, keep on with your natural hair-those who are doing natural - especially with the tips on LHCF,

any man would be stupid not to want a woman with Gorgeous natural hair

My confessions: I use a boar bristle brush on wet hair to get my roller sets nice and smooth. I tried to stop, and just use a fine tooth comb, but its too hard... I haven't lost thickness that I can tell, but I may need to re-evaluate and compare the amount of hair that comes out with combing vs. brushing.
ritzbitz78 said:
Girl I know exactly what you are talking about!!! Before LHCF, I transitioned to natural by wearing braids all the time. But I hadn't worn natural since 3rd grade, so I had no clue what to do with it. Eventually I learned to do twists. I went crying to a male friend about how my natural hair affected my self esteem, and I would never get a man with it.

But I did!!, He loved my hair, and would help me twist it. Eventually I relaxed it.... - I wouldn't have relaxed it probably if I knew of LHCF. He likes it relaxed too. (we are married now)

So there is hope, keep on with your natural hair-those who are doing natural - especially with the tips on LHCF,

any man would be stupid not to want a woman with Gorgeous natural hair

My confessions: I use a boar bristle brush on wet hair to get my roller sets nice and smooth. I tried to stop, and just use a fine tooth comb, but its too hard... I haven't lost thickness that I can tell, but I may need to re-evaluate and compare the amount of hair that comes out with combing vs. brushing.

aawwww, I love that story, it gives me hope:D I'll keep on trying, Mizani is still sitting in the corner but she will just have to chill:cool:
I confess that at this stage in my hair journey... I REALLY HATE MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whew, that feels better.

Also... I have been flat ironing my hair almost daily for the past two weeks:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ladies! I couldn't take it anymore! My hair is looking horrible at 12 weeks post. I started by just doing the roots with a roller set, but my hair looked so poofy that I took it on to the edges...Now I can't stop!

As my hair texture changes, I am getting more and more lazy. I need some HAIRapy!
Thank you amr501!!!:) I truly appreciate your encouraging words. I bought some smaller rollers on Friday so that my hair won't touch my shoulders (me being paranoid again :lol:). I am going to rollerset with them tonight.
amr501 said:
Hang in there Ambitious, I'm enjoying watching your progress :grin: !!
You'll be past APL in no time. Have you tried straw setting or roller sets? That would give you a shorter look without the commitment and it would be gorgeous with that hair color too!;)