Confessions of the hair board :) 2014

Lets see:

I've over twist outs. I like they way my hair looks with them and they easily last a week these days but I have to make the twists smaller to do that and that takes more time than I want to give

Sometime I want to relax and just keep a low maintenance short cut

What's a length check? lol. I don't do them cause I feel like I'll be disappointed. I just want to be SL unstretched but it seems like it'll take for-ev-er

I can't see myself in a wig or paying my left arm for a sew in.
- I go in a slump several times per year when I just don't care and hair is quite annoying

- I've bunned for so long that I feel awkward & clumsy when wearing my hair down

- My stash overwhelms me at times yet I keep buying, although not as often as I once did when starting my HHJ
1. I've lessened my hair obsession big-time. I am more into big hair than long hair. So, I don't care that much about shrinkage.

2. I pretty much deep condition or co-wash my hair when I feel like it.

3. I use an apple cider vinegar and water mixture once a month as my shampoo and that's it. It works for me.

4. I am terrified to use heat now that once a year straightening is okay. Even then, when my hair's straightened, I would rather have it back to curly.

5. I wouldn't mind wigging it for a while, as long as the braids under it aren't tight or hurting my edges.

6. The only constant is moisturizing and sealing my hair either daily or every other day. As mentioned before, everything else is on an as-needed basis.

7. I only comb my hair when it's wet.

8. My hair is primarily in a bun, twist-out, or puff. All those styles out there are cute; but, I'm challenged and go for the easy way out.