Shocking Hair Confessions 2008: The Raw Edition!

Yeah back in 2004 I went 2 months without washing my was the first time I had truly mastered my blow dry flat iron technique and I wanted to savor it. It was disgusting, but it looked good. It didn't smell that bad either (it was winter time and I wasn't sweating). SURPRISINGLY, my hair grew a lot.

I'm not surprised at all! dirty hair grows for some reason!

when I chopped my hair the end of 2005, by the beginning of 2006 I was facing possible breast cancer, and my best friend was dying and sick , I was depressed and walking around with a dark cloud over my head all the time, I didnt wash often, thats when I did that oil wash (my laziness somehow has always produced what seems to be bad hair practices that turn out good somehow , go figure) but while not washing much my hair shot down my back again just like that "finga snap"
Girl, you better share that regimen. That is some great progress. And your hair looks so thick and healthy too!
:blush:Thanks girl.

My regimen:
DC 2/week
Shampoo 2/3 weekly
Mild protein/Hot oil treatments 2/month
Moisturize daily&style(buns,braidouts,pincurls,flat iron,ponytails)
co wash with a good quality con as needed

thats it!no funky growth concotions,no heavy pre-poo,no shea butter, juice and berries,no braids/weaves/falls,no ayurvedic,no secret growth smoothies and definitely no dayum vitamins:lachen:And I still use heat

eta:where is your fotki?I need some new people to stalk
:blush:Thanks girl.

My regimen:
DC 2/week
Shampoo 2/3 weekly
Mild protein/Hot oil treatments 2/month
Moisturize daily&style(buns,braidouts,pincurls,flat iron,ponytails)
co wash with a good quality con as needed

thats it!no funky growth concotions,no heavy pre-poo,no shea butter, juice and berries,no braids/weaves/falls,no ayurvedic,no secret growth smoothies and definitely no dayum vitamins:lachen:And I still use heat

eta:where is your fotki?I need some new people to stalk

:lachen: :lachen:
:blush:Thanks girl.

My regimen:
DC 2/week
Shampoo 2/3 weekly
Mild protein/Hot oil treatments 2/month
Moisturize daily&style(buns,braidouts,pincurls,flat iron,ponytails)
co wash with a good quality con as needed

thats it!no funky growth concotions,no heavy pre-poo,no shea butter, juice and berries,no braids/weaves/falls,no ayurvedic,no secret growth smoothies and definitely no dayum vitamins:lachen:And I still use heat

eta:where is your fotki?I need some new people to stalk

juice and berries!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Oh i forgot some...

I confess I think Lo mani is more damaging (to my hair at least) than running a comb thru it daily

I confess I didnt feel no type of way about putting coochie cream on my head (not even a flinch)

and I confess the only reason I am growing my hair back is because i am too lazy to keep up with the (cute) short look
For the life of me I can't find a SILK SCARF!!!!

I'm in Italy and have no idea where all the silk scarfes are.

So, for the past 3 months I've been sleeping with a reg. old scarf.......probably polyester or something.

Wait: The one I has says satin!!! NEVERMIND!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I confess that I joined a thousand challenges and haven't stuck with one.

I confess that my hair is actually kinda crappy right now, probably because I texlaxed twice in one month only a few days apart.:wallbash:

I confess that I can't wait to be over this hair obsession, and I'm kinda itchin to cut off about 5 inches of relaxed hair.

I confess that now I wanna take breast enhancement pills so my hair grows quick too.

(at the bolded) ME TOO! (and for the boob thing also.... :look:)

I confess that I cowash twice a day (every time I take a shower...which so happens to be twice a day... )

I confess that since cowashing twice a day, and finding LHCF, my combing has gone down to once every 1-2 weeks w/ a wide tooth comb only now

I confess that I actually prefer my WnG's to my straight hair now

I confess that I'm sittin on a bottle of BT (and probably won't start using it until the winter b/c even though I know healthy hair grows no matter the just seems to be more appropriate to have that extra boost in the winter?)

I confess that LHCF actually comes before my homework on most days...which it really shouldn't....:nono: (it just gets to be so darn addicting at times!!!! :lachen:)
oh! and I also confess to being more of a "paying lurker" :sekret: than an actual contributing member....I should probably work on that too :lachen:
i confess.....

i still use grease and i love it (i wash my hair at least 4x a week anyway)
i will put in 2 strand twists and take them out 3 days later and struggle to keep them in that long
i have only done 1 protein treatment in my life
im scissor happy even though i want to grow my hair out
i have pressed my hair 4 times this summer and i live in humid georgia (so the press never lasts)
i have entirely too many products that i know dont do nothing yet i wanna by some more
the bss is my favorite store (seriously it makes me happy...sad i know)
I confess that:

One side of my hair grows way longer then the other and I don't know why.
I sleep in a pony tail without a scarf sometimes.
I don't wash my hair regularly....sometimes I wait until I get major build up.
In the last month,after every wash,I blow dryed my hair.
I use gel....yup something has to lay down them sides.
:blush::blush::blush: Really?

- I wear my hair down everyday
I'm sick and bored to death with
  • braidouts
  • twistouts
  • bantu knots
  • roller-sets
  • simple, plain, flat-ironed hair
  • don't like buns, so don't wear those
  • don't like wearing ponytails, so I don't wear those
ugh! wish I can use my curling iron everyday :wallbash:

- I can't stand that the front of my hair is way shorter than the back. This is why I still consider my hair short (front is APL, back is BSL :rolleyes:)

- I hang on to my raggedy, thin ends for the length :look:

- I really want someone else to take care of my hair :yep:

- I still don't exactly know what my hair likes or how much product I should use :mad: My hair is either coated and weighed down or dry! :wallbash::wallbash:

- I'm frustrated as all hell b/c my hair NEVER shines! :angry2::angry2:
  • coconut oil
  • CHI silk infusion
  • hair polishers
The shine will last for about a few minutes :rolleyes:

I got the same problems girl. U r not alone:perplexed
I confess that:

~After reading this whole thread I want to go buy to boobie pills for some major firmage but more so for the hair growth.

~I'm mad I bought all them d@mn products when I first joined...only to end up loving the ones I make and the ones I used before I got serious about my hair. (DH added it into the budget and he was like:spank:) But it sure was fun to shop :lachen:

~I didn't get the "white film" off my synthetic hair before installing my kinky twists...b/c I was too lazy to deal with wet fake hair nappy a$$ hair....I didn't do no DC first either. :blush:

~I'm mad that I let one fotki comment make me think I still had relaxed ends (despite my intuition)...which lead me to cutting 2 more inches off. Only for my hair to look the same way when those 2 inches grew back. :angry2:

~I tell Dh I'm doing my homework but I really be on here lurking. :look:
hey just a heads up! a few ladies back in the day that wanted shine got it from Vitapoint! yes! Vitapoint!

Oh no I didn't mean you. You just happened to be at the top of my multi-quote.

Have you tried a cellophane treatment? I know that I'm about to do a colorshower job. They make your hair glisten!

thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into it :yep:

I got the same problems girl. U r not alone:perplexed

That's good to know :grin::yep:

I confess that I really just sat here with the dryer (to DC my hair) in my lap while trying to read threads on LHCF :spinning::spinning:
I confess that I:

-tear split ends out of my hair when I see them if i don't have access to scissors (I'm afraid that I won't find the split again)

-trim my hair way too often, but I like crisp ends (my ends are just dry, but I'll cut them before conditioning or moisturizing them) :ohwell:

-Do not comb from tip to root, and I just run my comb through tangles. (fortunately my hair is loaded with conditioner)

-Love/and hate my hair texture at times. The times I love it, I like showing it off, but when I hate it, it gets hidden underneath a wig or bunned up.

-Hate air drying my hair and prefer to do rollersets cuz it makes my hair easier to manage....but I'm lazy so that idea is out the window (despite the fact that I'm on a rollerset challenge for 2008).

-Fantasize about when my hair gets longer :look: I've come to the conclusion that I have a long hair fetish and would love to see long hair on EVERYBODY. Nonetheless, I'm debating on whether or not I would want my hair to get to my goal length :perplexed

-Think the only ayurvedic products that don't suck complete a$$ are shikakai bar shampoo, and vatika oil
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i started ayurvedics 3 weeks ago. my hair has grown out somewhat from the last cut i got and it looks better... but i still hate the shape of it. i am really tempted to straighten it, cut it all even to the shortest layer (collarbone) and call it a day. :look:

pic of my hair today:

really tempted. :perplexed

i need to braid my hair up soon before i do something drastic...
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i started ayurvedics 3 weeks ago. my hair has grown out somewhat from the last cut i got and it looks better... but i still hate the shape of it. i am really tempted to straighten it, cut it all even to the shortest layer (collarbone) and call it a day. :look:

really tempted. :perplexed

i need to braid my hair up soon before i do something drastic...

layers grow out, have someone hide all your scissors
I relaxed my hair a couple of days ago because I began missing the smooth straightness. Although the waves were beautiful, they made severely lumpy buns and fuzzy sideburns at the end of the day. Every day after that I said I'm gonna go into the transitioner's thread and announce that I officially fell off, but chickened out telling myself, no one cares anyway, lol. Someone falls off all the time. Just get back up and try again :ohwell:
I'm seriously considering getting a quick weave would be a cute one though

Sometimes, I really do consider going natural....

I have considered going back to a salon after over 3 years....even set up an appointment.

I MISS HEAT!!! :lol:

I hate the fact that my hair is hard to comb through, sometimes I get so angry I could cry :nono: the longer it gets, the worse it gets...
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layers grow out, have someone hide all your scissors

i already threw out all my hair scissors after messing up my hair by cutting the colored ends off. but at the time i wrote my post, i knew i had to go to the store to buy groceries for dinner... and i knew there was a BSS nearby where i could grab some new shears. :look:

i talked myself out of it, only because it's so humid that once i got outside i didn't feel like stopping at 2 different places :lachen:

i am going to the BSS on Wednesday though... but not for scissors. i'm gonna buy some weave and do box braid extensions. that always buys me a few weeks to think before i chop. :yep:
I confess that I really want to bonelax my hair (I want that swang and these snags on the ends are more hurtful than helpful)

I confess that I hardly ever cover my hair at night

I confess that I am used to seeing alot of "smaller" shed hairs that have no bulbs, but hair is still growing like a weed

I confess that being natural is overrated for my head... don't like it

I confess that I read more and post less (to stay out of drama and being misinterpeted)
I confess that I cut my hair to a couple of inches above shoulders because it was breaking. I confess that I care more about the health and overall appearance of my hair than I care about length. I also confess that I don't ever let my hair grow long because I'm scissor happy. One of my waist-length friends even asked my why I cut my hair so often.
* Hangs head in shame*

I Cocoaluv confess the following:

- I havent slept with a scarf or ANYTHING else on my head in years :look:

I remember when I told Locabouthair about it and she gave me the :blush: look.

- I am falling off my Rollerset challenge. I co-wash my hair 1-2 x's a week but its sooooooooo much easier for me to flat iron and pin curl and just go to sleep.

- I have spent a LOT of money in the past 3 weeks on hair products. I bought a Chi silk infusion, Tressame heat protectant, a big container of hair pins, Tressame conditioner, Mega-tek, a huge tub of nacidit deep conditioner, maxiglide AND a FHI ( I returned the maxiglide though :yep:).

- I'm in love with this section of the board lol :yep:
I confess that being on LHCF made me afraid to relax my hair even semi close to as straight as I like, but today I did it-and I'm not bald :lachen:.

I confess that sometimes I look at the advice on LHCF like advice from my mamma- I know its probably right but I still don't wanna listen.:ohwell:

I confess that I want my hair to be super fly by the first day of classes win the fall so I can swing it one time for the haters.

I confess that I HATE stretching my relaxers.
i started ayurvedics 3 weeks ago. my hair has grown out somewhat from the last cut i got and it looks better... but i still hate the shape of it. i am really tempted to straighten it, cut it all even to the shortest layer (collarbone) and call it a day. :look:

pic of my hair today:

really tempted. :perplexed

i need to braid my hair up soon before i do something drastic...

You are a cutie and so is your hair. Quit trippin', chick.