New Member
Yeah back in 2004 I went 2 months without washing my was the first time I had truly mastered my blow dry flat iron technique and I wanted to savor it. It was disgusting, but it looked good. It didn't smell that bad either (it was winter time and I wasn't sweating). SURPRISINGLY, my hair grew a lot.
I'm not surprised at all! dirty hair grows for some reason!
when I chopped my hair the end of 2005, by the beginning of 2006 I was facing possible breast cancer, and my best friend was dying and sick , I was depressed and walking around with a dark cloud over my head all the time, I didnt wash often, thats when I did that oil wash (my laziness somehow has always produced what seems to be bad hair practices that turn out good somehow , go figure) but while not washing much my hair shot down my back again just like that "finga snap"