"She's bugging, she know that's a Curly Weave!..." My Vent!

However, co-signing with Msa and also thinking what would F4s do?
Honestly I think i'd fall into the trap of proving it to them and telling them how I grew it and then NOT tell them how...
*evil laugh.......evil laugh....evil laught*

After you dismissed them, I just pictured you struttin' away with a knowing hair flip with Jill Scott in the background singing:

"Haaaaaate on me, haters...." (butI'mtheatricallikethatandmylifehassoundtrack):lachen::lachen:

...see if they had just acted like some civilized individuals, they may have gotten a workable regi out of the conversation. But alas, ignorance is bald.:look:
Your hair is tha bomb, you look super cute girl!

But me, I woulda had to prove them h*'s wrong and watch them scrape thier chin up off the ground.

I'm with her... Hell I still have some growing to do I know... And I would have flung ole girls arm so hard it would have dislocated her shoulder! :nono: pray for me... :lachen:
to good to be for real "

someone posted this and it is true. your'e hair looks so perfect. I don't think weave checks will ever happen to me because I like messy, big hair. Even if my hair was super long they'd KNOW it was mine because noone with a weave would ever wear it wash and go/big and kinky like I'm going to...HAAAAAA
Kill their comments with kindness.
You just deal with it a person at a time. I have much respect for the way you handled each of those extraordinary H.A.M's!!