She wants to see my picture on HIS phone.


Well-Known Member
My bff asked me how I would feel today if some woman my husband worked with wanted to see a picture of me on his phone. This happened to her...and I don't know.

I would imagine that my husband is mature enough to know how to handle a woman/women. But I can't really imagine how I would feel if he actually showed some woman a picture of me on his phone. I'm not sure what to tell her. She's been married for awhile. I hope she knows and trusts her husband. He seems like a nice guy and trustworthy.

To me this speaks of a woman flirting with her man. Why is this workmate so close to her husband and having such a non-work related conversation? Oh, she told me that at first the woman asked her husband if he had married a white woman (she's black). Then she or they asked to see a picture of his wife. This doesn't sit well with me. But I don't know what to tell her. She's kinda a hothead and will go off, whereas I stay pretty calm and then speak my mind. They seem like a happy couple.

Any thoughts on this? I just want to hear from other women.
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It could be innocent curiosity or it could be something not so innocent.

The husband needs to make heads or tails of the situation and govern himself accordingly...
Well, as far as me and my male co-workers, I ALWAYS like to see a picture of there spouses or signifigant others. For ME, it has NOTHING to do with trying to push up on my co-worker, I guess I am just nosey like that lol!

Honestly, my work group is pretty close and we are ALWAYS sharing stories about our personal home life. Not anything bad, just telling different stories. I always like picturing who it is that is being talked about in my head.

Shoot, now that you post this, I need to turn around and ask my co-worker if he brought me in the picture of his parents. He has been going on and on about a certain issue he has been having with them and I told him to bring me a picture so I could "see" who it is that we keep talking about.

Now that you mention it, I may be weird lol, but rest assured that none of my request come from a shady place or an attempt to flirt with an involved co-worker.
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i guess i'm not fully understanding the issue.... would it be better if the coworker asked to see his wife's picture if he kept it in a frame on his desk?... is the problem that she wants to see the wife's picture period?...
I don't see the big deal with this. Before cellphones people carried pictures of their family in their wallets or had pictures framed on their desk at work.

The woman could be interested, but asking to see a picture is no indication.

I kinda don't like it when people volunteer to show me their family cause I'm scared of what they might look like. :look: :eek:
I have tons of non-work related conversations with men (married, fiance, girlfriend, and single) at work [I also work with a lot of men]. Work is not always that pressing or interesting. I dont want your man (no Alicia K. complex :look:), we just letting the boring hours pass. Geez...

If you said, Oh girl was like I can treat you better or I look better than her...thats not so innocent and he needs to check her but...she only asked to see her. IDK maybe thats me.

I think its overreacting a bit. Check her when she starts disrespecting or comparing them two.
I'm not getting what the problem is. To me its the same as picking up your framed picture off his desk. Is there more to this story?
I would want to see the picture, especially if he talks about her a lot. Simply putting a face with a name. It most definitely would not be flirting, just being nosey... Or bored at work trying to pass the day by making simple convo. After getting off work the picture would be a distant memory.
Not sure I gather the problem...unless she was trying to say she's prettier than his wife and he should leave her immediately...then yeah, she's just curious and wants to know. Working 8 hours a day with folks will not lead to work only conversations.
Sounds like she's trying to size up the competition:look: I need to stop:lol: What does race have to do with it though, what race is the wife, the hubby, and chick wanting to size up...I mean see the pic:look:
What's wrong with having non-work related conversations with a co-worker of the opposite sex? I don't see the problem. People are going to talk to each other at work.

As far as showing the picture, He could have been telling the woman how beautiful his wife is, and she wanted to see her.
Thanks for this post. Nope, it doesn't sound crazy. I guess it would be different if her husband worked in an office. But he's a service person, like UPS. So he sees the same groups of people weekly or daily. I guess it is similar. She hasn't talked to me about it again, so hopefully it's one of those things that she can let slide. I'm pretty sure she talked it over with her husband by now, cause my girl friend is not one to let things stay on her mind. She speaks her mind. I just hope the next time I go over their house isn't burned down to the ground. Hopefully, her husband handled this better than she explained it to me.

Well, as far as me and my male co-workers, I ALWAYS like to see a picture of there spouses or signifigant others. For ME, it has NOTHING to do with trying to push up on my co-worker, I guess I am just nosey like that lol!

Honestly, my work group is pretty close and we are ALWAYS sharing stories about our personal home life. Not anything bad, just telling different stories. I always like picturing who it is that is being talked about in my head.

Shoot, now that you post this, I need to turn around and ask my co-worker if he brought me in the picture of his parents. He has been going on and on about a certain issue he has been having with them and I told him to bring me a picture so I could "see" who it is that we keep talking about.

Now that you mention it, I may be weird lol, but rest assured that none of my request come from a shady place or an attempt to flirt with an involved co-worker.
I personally think that she was trying to size up the competition. My girl is very pretty, so she has no worries in that department. Her husband is in the service industry, these are not his "coworkers" these are people he delivers stuff too and may see two or three times a month. They only know his name because he wears it on his uniform...not the same as the people you work with for 9 hours a day.

I have framed photographs on my desk of me and my hubby.

QUOTE=kbragg;11195452]Sounds like she's trying to size up the competition:look: I need to stop:lol: What does race have to do with it though, what race is the wife, the hubby, and chick wanting to size up...I mean see the pic:look:[/QUOTE]
Nope, the conversation went exactly like I mentioned, they asked did he marry a white woman? He said no. Then they asked for a picture of his wife from his cell phone.

Thanks for all your posts guys. At this point, I'm hoping that they have settled the issue and I have already talked it over with my husband, since it's never happened to us, I want to make sure we both know how to handle ourselves with over-interested non-coworkers. I think that this is one of those things where you just have to trust your mate to handle it.

What's wrong with having non-work related conversations with a co-worker of the opposite sex? I don't see the problem. People are going to talk to each other at work.

As far as showing the picture, He could have been telling the woman how beautiful his wife is, and she wanted to see her.
Well, as far as me and my male co-workers, I ALWAYS like to see a picture of there spouses or signifigant others. For ME, it has NOTHING to do with trying to push up on my co-worker, I guess I am just nosey like that lol!

Honestly, my work group is pretty close and we are ALWAYS sharing stories about our personal home life. Not anything bad, just telling different stories. I always like picturing who it is that is being talked about in my head.

Shoot, now that you post this, I need to turn around and ask my co-worker if he brought me in the picture of his parents. He has been going on and on about a certain issue he has been having with them and I told him to bring me a picture so I could "see" who it is that we keep talking about.

Now that you mention it, I may be weird lol, but rest assured that none of my request come from a shady place or an attempt to flirt with an involved co-worker.

me too. i work within a small office of only four people so i see kids pics, sports stuff, all that. one of my technicians wife comes in to chill from time to time. so i don't find anything odd about it.
To the OP, it's funny you mentioned that her husband is a service men. My S/O works for UPS and he used to always tell me stories about the things women would say to him as he was making deliveries and how much women like men in there UPS "browns" (uniforms). He usually stays on the same route or works the same few routes all the time so he comes to "know" some of them. I used to think he was just trying to make me jealous (in a playful way, not seriously) when he would tell me how forward they would act towards him. So one day, he called me and had his bluetooth in and did a series of deliveries while I listened. Ummm... He was NOT LYING!!! I was like, "Ohhhhh HECK NAW!!! Where you at! Where you at! Tell that chick I'm on my way down there." I was only playing with him and he was cracking up as he was trying to make his deliveries. But it was CRAZY lol!
Nope, the conversation went exactly like I mentioned, they asked did he marry a white woman? He said no. Then they asked for a picture of his wife from his cell phone.

Thanks for all your posts guys. At this point, I'm hoping that they have settled the issue and I have already talked it over with my husband, since it's never happened to us, I want to make sure we both know how to handle ourselves with over-interested non-coworkers. I think that this is one of those things where you just have to trust your mate to handle it.
Actually this can be looked at in 101 ways. It could be she just wanted to put a face with a name if he constantly talks about his wife, or like Kbragg stated, she could be sizing up the competition, or just plan curious as to what does he look for in a female.

If there was a new female employee in my building other females would make it their business to find this new female and size her up. It happened to my friend when I got her a job in my building.
So tell your friend not to worry because she is holding the prize :yep:
Sounds like she's trying to size up the competition:look: I need to stop:lol: What does race have to do with it though, what race is the wife, the hubby, and chick wanting to size up...I mean see the pic:look:

That's why women pull those stunts. They want to size the wife up. Even if they do not want to have an inappropriate relationship with the husband, they still want to see if the wife measures up to the standards they imagined. Case in point - the coworker thought the wife was white. She already had an idea of what she thought the wife should look like.
Interesting question OP...

Just recently a co worker of my hubbys asked to see a pic of me as well and he mentioned it to me to see what I thought about it.

Like someone else mentioned.. the work place isnt all about work all the time.. ppl actually converse about other stuff.. i.e. family etc.. so with this chick.. I said I didnt care.. IMO she wanted to be able to put a face with who it is that my husbands always talking about.. so I didnt have a problem with it

BUT in the back of my mind (and I eventually told hubby).. I thought.. ok this chick is sizing me up and trying to see what kinda chicks my hubby likes because from what hubby tells me about her... she enjoys the cat calls the other male co-workers send her way..whereas hubbys doesnt go that route with her... I could be wrong, but I kinda doubt it :shrugs:
It could be that he speaks of his wife so fondly that they innocently asked to see what she looked like. I would go the same for children. Or, she could just be nosy and wants to see if his wife is ugly, or pretty, or physically looks like she deserves to be dating him. Is he really good looking? You know how women can be.
I am not sure this is something to worry over. I have shown my husband to male friends and they have shown their wives/SO to me...:yep:

My bff asked me how I would feel today if some woman my husband worked with wanted to see a picture of me on his phone. This happened to her...and I don't know.

I would imagine that my husband is mature enough to know how to handle a woman/women. But I can't really imagine how I would feel if he actually showed some woman a picture of me on his phone. I'm not sure what to tell her. She's been married for awhile. I hope she knows and trusts her husband. He seems like a nice guy and trustworthy.

To me this speaks of a woman flirting with her man. Why is this workmate so close to her husband and having such a non-work related conversation? Oh, she told me that at first the woman asked her husband if he had married a white woman (she's black). Then she or they asked to see a picture of his wife. This doesn't sit well with me. But I don't know what to tell her. She's kinda a hothead and will go off, whereas I stay pretty calm and then speak my mind. They seem like a happy couple.

Any thoughts on this? I just want to hear from other women.
I personally think that she was trying to size up the competition. My girl is very pretty, so she has no worries in that department. Her husband is in the service industry, these are not his "coworkers" these are people he delivers stuff too and may see two or three times a month. They only know his name because he wears it on his uniform...not the same as the people you work with for 9 hours a day.

I have framed photographs on my desk of me and my hubby.

QUOTE=kbragg;11195452]Sounds like she's trying to size up the competition:look: I need to stop:lol: What does race have to do with it though, what race is the wife, the hubby, and chick wanting to size up...I mean see the pic:look:

Evidently they have had a conversation because ur friend's hubby knows how other men approach this girl. Even if she is hungry, I would not worry. It's not that serious especially since her DH told her about the incident...unless he wants her to be upset:ohwell: