She Updated.....Ateya's Perm day!

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I think everyone knows all of that and agrees with most of what you said. Not all of us walk around baggying all day either. Most of us don't do that.

All that was said is that her relaxer application wasn't one of the greatest. What is wrong with that? We still love her hair otherwise there would be threads about it. If it works for her then great. Just because I don't agree with her relaxer application, it doesn't make her hair any less lovely to me. I just understand that the things she puts her hair through are not things I can do to mine. Thats it. No one here has called her names.

I didn't say anyone called her names.

I was mainly referring to the Youtube comments (come on ladies, we know most of the ones giving her unfriendly suggestions were LHCFrs--) I dont have an account password so I couldn't comment myself, but I saw them and they werent so nice. They werent even saying "this works for me" it was moreso "Youre wrong for what youre doing and this wong work" is the vibe I got from them. I was just explaining why her reggie works for her.
I didn't say anyone called her names.

I was mainly referring to the Youtube comments (come on ladies, we know most of the ones giving her unfriendly suggestions were LHCFrs--) I dont have an account password so I couldn't comment myself, but I saw them and they werent so nice. They werent even saying "this works for me" it was moreso "Youre wrong for what youre doing and this wong work" is the vibe I got from them. I was just explaining why her reggie works for her.

I think that anyone leaving mean comments is wrong.

It's just that there are 7 pages to this thread. The majority of people here ARE NOT the culprits. It seemed as if you were saying that we are all at fault.
You know before I found LHCF I did my relaxers just like her only I pulled it through to the very ends. I just stopped doing that in Feb. You know I don't see all that much difference in my hair since stoping. The thing that actually changed my hair was conditioning. I never conditioned and moisturized until I found this board. I don't know how much overlapping damages hair. It didn't really damage mine and I did this way for about 10 years. I know I would loooooooooove to have hair like hers.
I didn't say anyone called her names.

I was mainly referring to the Youtube comments (come on ladies, we know most of the ones giving her unfriendly suggestions were LHCFrs--) I dont have an account password so I couldn't comment myself, but I saw them and they werent so nice. They werent even saying "this works for me" it was moreso "Youre wrong for what youre doing and this wong work" is the vibe I got from them. I was just explaining why her reggie works for her.

I understand where you are coming from and I agree she is doing what works for her but for the most part, improper relaxer application with frequent overlapping will cause problems. Now when those problems will occur is different for everyone based on their natural hair strength and products used but overlapping will damage your hair. While protein conditioners can help reduce the damage, you can never fully repair damaged hair.

For me personally, since the video is on youtube, I would have liked for the relaxer application to be better since people who might just know be interesting in learning and taking care of their hair are going to see it and they might think that this way is correct. While some might not have a problem, many will if they do the relaxer applications frequently like this.
I understand where you are coming from and I agree she is doing what works for her but for the most part, improper relaxer application with frequent overlapping will cause problems. Now when those problems will occur is different for everyone based on their natural hair strength and products used but overlapping will damage your hair. While protein conditioners can help reduce the damage, you can never fully repair damaged hair.

For me personally, since the video is on youtube, I would have liked for the relaxer application to be better since people who might just know be interesting in learning and taking care of their hair are going to see it and they might think that this way is correct. While some might not have a problem, many will if they do the relaxer applications frequently like this.

and thats all that really needs to be said about that:yep:
I found Lorraine not too long ago too. I like her! :yep: Our hair seems to like the same products. She actually have me contemplating using the Dark & Lovely.

PS: I agree with Tee and Bint. I wouldn't even use Ateeya's relaxer techniques on John McCain's pubic hair. :nono: But if "it works" for you, then that's cool too. Just don't come on the hair board crying cuz your hair broke off lol! J/k!:lachen:
My hair agree with a lot of the products she mention also. Why did I feel like were in some secret club. I said right away, "She is one of us!" :lol:

Is she from New York? I LOVE her accent!
I love her accent too. I knew she had to be a New Yorker!
BTW sometimes if your hair reverts too soon after relaxers it is OK to overlap the next time you relax, it is basically like doing a corrective. Especially if you want bone straight hair all the way down and your hair takes too long to process to being all the way straight. Her hair isnt coming out in clumps because she is clearly doing what works for her (and it worked for me in the past as well).

We have some popular members relaxing over and over again within weeks who we have been able to accept... but we want to tear into this girl for overlapping a little when she relaxes? Did I miss something? Was she doing an Aphogee treatment mixed with Henna and Cholesterol or something? Did she rinse with Listerine?
Jesus take the wheel. Let me give you a hug lady. :kiss: We are not tearing into in her here. We are basically saying, "Most of use wouldn't do it that way."

To the bold, her hair didn't revert. It's impossible. She had basically no new growth. Did you see the new growth? Seriously?? I honestly thought, "Why is she relaxing right now?" But from her previous videos, I see it's out of habit. She sticks to her timeline. But hey, that is her. I saw the video and K.I.M. (Keep It Moving) **Now, I know you might have meant that people in general and just her to the bold. I'm only commenting on what I saw on her video.

And to the red, that's in another video. :lachen::lachen::lachen: j/k
I understand where you are coming from and I agree she is doing what works for her but for the most part, improper relaxer application with frequent overlapping will cause problems. Now when those problems will occur is different for everyone based on their natural hair strength and products used but overlapping will damage your hair. While protein conditioners can help reduce the damage, you can never fully repair damaged hair.

For me personally, since the video is on youtube, I would have liked for the relaxer application to be better since people who might just know be interesting in learning and taking care of their hair are going to see it and they might think that this way is correct. While some might not have a problem, many will if they do the relaxer applications frequently like this.
That's it, That's it, That's it!!! :yahoo:Where is my big cosign picture when I need it?
This is all I have been saying about this. Bless her heart.
We all know there are plenty of ways to "do you" and I'd like to see how well she is "doing her" a year from now. We all know that sometimes it takes time to show detriments in a reggie....thinning hair, onset of breakage at weak points from overprocessing/overlapping dont happen over night. If she gets to BSL with that same reggie of relaxing and heat(alluding to her other vids) then I would gladly say she is "doing her":yep:. There are way too many chicks walking around with shine and bling and swing whose hair doesnt ever make it past SL to pretend to turn a blind eye to the deficiencies of her reggie in the videos she presents under the guise of "doing her".
BTW sometimes if your hair reverts too soon after relaxers it is OK to overlap the next time you relax, it is basically like doing a corrective. Especially if you want bone straight hair all the way down and your hair takes too long to process to being all the way straight. Her hair isnt coming out in clumps because she is clearly doing what works for her (and it worked for me in the past as well).

We have some popular members relaxing over and over again within weeks who we have been able to accept... but we want to tear into this girl for overlapping a little when she relaxes? Did I miss something? Was she doing an Aphogee treatment mixed with Henna and Cholesterol or something? Did she rinse with Listerine?

Thank you!!! Don't let people get some knowledge, they get on that high horse. It's what works for her, people! :spinning:

She even stated that her hair was growing out, nicely. So she must be seeing some progress from what she is doing.

I am not referring this to you all, I actually don't even have a relaxer (did ya'll see that comment where someone had to tell her it was not a PERM? LOL) so it doesn't matter to me.

Also, she didn't even pull it all the way through to the ends. looks like she just went a bit past the NG (however much she had), works for her, though...

Lorraine even told her she did a noce job in the comments for all 3 vids. :shrugs:
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I dont think she frequently overlaps though. I think she even mentioned that just happened because she couldnt make it to her stylist or something. I didn't overlap everytime (before I would do it every few relaxers) and only did it over the hair that reverted and my NG just because I could tell the diff).

Yes I recognize that improper relaxing is problematic, but I also recognize that for some textures the only thing you can do to get your hair straight up and down is to overlap/do correctives every once in a while. Doesn't work for everybody, and I think she pointed that out.

I understand where you are coming from and I agree she is doing what works for her but for the most part, improper relaxer application with frequent overlapping will cause problems. Now when those problems will occur is different for everyone based on their natural hair strength and products used but overlapping will damage your hair. While protein conditioners can help reduce the damage, you can never fully repair damaged hair.

For me personally, since the video is on youtube, I would have liked for the relaxer application to be better since people who might just know be interesting in learning and taking care of their hair are going to see it and they might think that this way is correct. While some might not have a problem, many will if they do the relaxer applications frequently like this.
We all know there are plenty of ways to "do you" and I'd like to see how well she is "doing her" a year from now. We all know that sometimes it takes time to show detriments in a reggie....thinning hair, onset of breakage at weak points from overprocessing/overlapping dont happen over night. If she gets to BSL with that same reggie of relaxing and heat(alluding to her other vids) then I would gladly say she is "doing her":yep:. There are way too many chicks walking around with shine and bling and swing whose hair doesnt ever make it past SL to pretend to turn a blind eye to the deficiencies of her reggie in the videos she presents under the guise of "doing her".
^^^You know I sure was thinking this too.:yep: ^^^
I dont think she frequently overlaps though. I think she even mentioned that just happened because she couldnt make it to her stylist or something. I didn't overlap everytime (before I would do it every few relaxers) and only did it over the hair that reverted and my NG just because I could tell the diff).

Yes I recognize that improper relaxing is problematic, but I also recognize that for some textures the only thing you can do to get your hair straight up and down is to overlap/do correctives every once in a while. Doesn't work for everybody, and I think she pointed that out.

See this is maybe where we differ. I don't agree with that. If you are constantly having to overlap to get consistency then you might need to reevaluate the type of relaxer you are using, your relaxer preparation, and your technique.
We all know there are plenty of ways to "do you" and I'd like to see how well she is "doing her" a year from now. We all know that sometimes it takes time to show detriments in a reggie....thinning hair, onset of breakage at weak points from overprocessing/overlapping dont happen over night. If she gets to BSL with that same reggie of relaxing and heat(alluding to her other vids) then I would gladly say she is "doing her":yep:. There are way too many chicks walking around with shine and bling and swing whose hair doesnt ever make it past SL to pretend to turn a blind eye to the deficiencies of her reggie in the videos she presents under the guise of "doing her".

Great post.
Just because people are making an observation or questioning what she does with her hair doesn't mean that anyone is on a high horse.

Now if people are saying innapropriate things, gooing over there and preaching to her/harassing her in any way THAT is crossing the line.

Simply observing, discussing and questioning is NOT a bad thing in my eyes.

I sincerely hope her hair does continue to thrive :yep:
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Just because people are making an observation or questioning what she does with her hair doesn't mean that anyone is on a high horse.
Now if people are saying innapropriate things, gooing over there and preaching to her/harassing her in any way THAT is crossing the line.

Simply observing, discussing and questioning is NOT a bad thing in my eyes.

I sincerely hope her hair does continue to thrive :yep:

See this is maybe where we differ. I don't agree with that. If you are constantly having to overlap to get consistency then you might need to reevaluate the type of relaxer you are using, your relaxer preparation, and your technique.

But you don't agree because its not you. For me, I havent had enough relaxers in my lifetime to sit around and try every single one and change up techniques. So when I found something that worked I stuck to it, and my hair was fine (until I colored a few years back). I did a corrector at least twice a year and relaxed every month and a half or so. I dont think that at all falls under the word "constantly."

And this girl gets her hair relaxed by a stylist for the most part, so overlapping when she does it herself (which isnt often) is not constantly either.

Anyway, just like I recongize that some people baggying all the time is a crock for me... I also accept that most people on this site think its great. I mean plenty of people break "The Rules" and come out fine, showing the rules dont apply to everyone. I guess Im just not sitting back waiting for her hair to fall out just because she isn't following the classig LHCF regimen.
i just don't understand why there always has to be some kind of argument over what somebody [who could care less about any of our opinions] is doing to their hair. i didn't know becoming a member of lhcf made you a hair saint ... but i must've been wrong, maybe they'll have a salon after me.
Just because people are making an observation or questioning what she does with her hair doesn't mean that anyone is on a high horse.

Now if people are saying innapropriate things, gooing over there and preaching to her/harassing her in any way THAT is crossing the line.

Simply observing, discussing and questioning is NOT a bad thing in my eyes.

I sincerely hope her hair does continue to thrive :yep:
Neith, I am not talking to you, babes. You weren't sarcastic and your right, it is nothing wrong with pointing something out. But, to be sarcastic and saddity? Which in my eyes some comments were, is uncalled for.

Some people need to remember that giving your opinion is not an obligation. Seems like everytime soemone says, check out so and so, people have to go evaluate them and that needs to stop, IMO.

Fabulosity- I won't be making any vids either. :nono: I don't care if my hair goes down to my butt in a year! I will keep it to myself.
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i just don't understand why there always has to be some kind of argument over what somebody [who could care less about any of our opinions] is doing to their hair. i didn't know becoming a member of lhcf made you a hair saint ... but i must've been wrong, maybe they'll have a salon after me.
:lachen::lachen: I remember that college girl that used grease in her vids, she was dragged through the mud for the grease and her hair was BSL or a bit shorter.
But you don't agree because its not you. For me, I havent had enough relaxers in my lifetime to sit around and try every single one and change up techniques. So when I found something that worked I stuck to it, and my hair was fine (until I colored a few years back). I did a corrector at least twice a year and relaxed every month and a half or so. I dont think that at all falls under the word "constantly."

And this girl gets her hair relaxed by a stylist for the most part, so overlapping when she does it herself (which isnt often) is not constantly either.

Anyway, just like I recongize that some people baggying all the time is a crock for me... I also accept that most people on this site think its great. I mean plenty of people break "The Rules" and come out fine, showing the rules dont apply to everyone. I guess Im just not sitting back waiting for her hair to fall out just because she isn't following the classig LHCF regimen.

No one is doubting that the so called "Rules" don't work for everyone. Rules are only the rules when they work for you. This site has proved that there is more than one way to skin a cat so to speak. I do things that some people here probably can't do and shouldn't do given their hair and what they do to it. Even then I don't have a problem with them disagreeing with that.

Given what relaxers do to your hair on a chemical level, it isn't healthy to keep putting the same section of hair through that type of chemical trauma. This is true for any type of processing, relaxing, perming, coloring whatever.

No one is sitting back hoping her hair falls out because she doesn't do what "We" do. Heck what is it that "We" do anyway? There is such variety in regimes here that is extremely hard to narrow down concrete rules.
Neith, I am not talking to you, babes. You weren't sarcastic and your right, it is nothing wrong with pointing something out. But, to be sarcastic and saddity? Which in my eyes some comments were, is uncalled for.

Some people need to remember that giving your opinion is not an obligation. Seems like everytime soemone says, check out so and so, people have to go evaluate them and that needs to stop, IMO.

Fabulosity- I won't be making any vids either. :nono: I don't care if my hair goes down to my butt in a year! I will keep it to myself.

Girl , this is child's play, I got some hateful comments for real, they cant hate on my hair directly or anything I did with it, so they hate on me and insult me

Ateya's hair is beautiful nobody can dispute that fact, people are just giving their input on things they see and things in her regimen. I do believe she bears at least some level of responsibility just by putting out a video on applying a relaxer-I think people are just calling her on it.
Girl , this is child's play, I got some hateful comments for real, they cant hate on my hair directly or anything I did with it, so they hate on me and insult me

Ateya's hair is beautiful nobody can dispute that fact, people are just giving their input on things they see and things in her regimen. I do believe she bears at least some level of responsibility just by putting out a video on applying a relaxer-I think people are just calling her on it.
I think everyone is pretty much in agreement over this (not that she cares:lachen:) I crack up thinking about how we be back and forthing with each other and the video folx usually don't know/don't care :lachen:
Neith, I am not talking to you, babes. You weren't sarcastic and your right, it is nothing wrong with pointing something out. But, to be sarcastic and saddity? Which in my eyes some comments were, is uncalled for.

Some people need to remember that giving your opinion is not an obligation. Seems like everytime soemone says, check out so and so, people have to go evaluate them and that needs to stop, IMO.

Fabulosity- I won't be making any vids either. :nono: I don't care if my hair goes down to my butt in a year! I will keep it to myself.
What, you talking about me up in here? What?? :giggle: Just joking.

I am still low-key mad at Neith for making me watch that Afro perm. Why, just why did she do that. Bless her heart. I really hope that was a video from the 80's.
Girl , this is child's play, I got some hateful comments for real, they cant hate on my hair directly or anything I did with it, so they hate on me and insult me

Ateya's hair is beautiful nobody can dispute that fact, people are just giving their input on things they see and things in her regimen. I do believe she bears at least some level of responsibility just by putting out a video on applying a relaxer-I think people are just calling her on it.

I understand, believe me I do but, I guess for me, if someone has a regi I don't want to follow or looks like it sucks balls, I don't feel obligated to comment. I keep it moving. :shrugs: I like her hair's swagger so she could care less what we say, anyway.

Girl, it is child's play compared to how you got hated on. With all that hair, I wouldn't offer ou a word of advice, what you do is working for you and your daughter.:drunk:
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