this guy is in denial himself and needs to get a life too. Honestly , whats that bs about black woman are in denial oftheir culture features and that whole BLAH BLAH ..I know some are but man how can u say that and 2 secs after say I cut my hair is nappy I dont want tod eal with ir or whatever ...if he was my friend I wouldve smack some sens out of him honestly
You know what, I responded before I even watched one. And I must say, thank you, hair boards. I have made a decision: youtube for santwon is now ONLY for tutorials, tv shows, and music. Thank you very much. Too much HAM for me.
I don't see anything wrong with his video. He is being real on the self hatred in the black community and the acceptance that we are seeking with relaxing our hair from white people that we will never gain from the so called white race. Weither you are relaxed or natural you are still looked at as black from other so called races and wil still face prejudice/racism either relaxed or natural.
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We will have to respectfully agree to disagree.
First I don't hate myself. Second, white folk don't have nothing to do with why women get relaxers. That is just about the same thing as saying that ALL white people who go to a tanning salon want to be black. I want to be looked at as a beautiful black woman I would'nt have it any other way.
What is wrong with his video? If he felt so content that what he is saying is right than why is he hiding on you tube? He talks MalcomX but MalcomX spoke to the people face to face. The things that he did not like about his community(MalcomX), he "went" to those communities and not bashed his own people to get their shyt together, but gave them the knowledge,strength and encouragement to do it. What is wrong with his speech is that he apparently is predisposed to that one boxed in community that he lives in and hasn't been to all black communities, churches, cities, organizations etc..so he doesnt have the credentials to be categorizing a group as a whole, based on their gender and color. Isn't that his contradiction? In one sentence he's preaching black, in others he is speaking against it? To use the bible, taking the Lord's name in vain is what is repulsive. This is not what Jesus had in mind, and he is definately not qualified to step up to the plate until he practices what he preaches. Yes, he has the freedom to voice his opinion but, if this is the case, black women can relax their hair, work, run for president, become billionaires, wear braids, buy weaves, besides portraying the black woman should cook, clean, or settle with letting someone else choose for them based on propaganda. Futher demonstrating that some "black men have nothing better to do than to sit on their lazy asses in they mama house and talk about everybody else.

What has he done for his community if it is that bad?
Is in in the church preaching the community the right way? No. Is he in a school, teaching the right way. Is he going house-to-house helping people? No.

ignorance separates AA people and does nothing to help. Ignorance begats ignorance.


For all he knows, maybe some black people are so broke that they can't afford to buy all the products they need to keep their hair up. Maybe they are so broke they don't have internet, and cable. They can't afford to buy their kids lunch for school everyday. Maybe the ghetto is so bad that the only food at the store is candy, chips, and the nearest supermarket with quality produce, fresh fruits and vegetables are is 20 miles away in the rich neighborhood. Maybe because black men in the past helped their women. Maybe mommie has a relaxer because she has six kids to raise by herself and don't have much time to herself because the baby daddy cannot be found because he is out somewhere laying up with another woman. In his case a white woman(no offense to the bright skinned sistas in the house). Maybe because the way to freedom is live and let live....Please stop me Jesus...

In Responses to his posts, white folk even talking about how ignorant he sounds so there is something wrong with what he is saying and that is lack of quality and class.

Im the quiet type so I am going to shut up now.

I don't see anything wrong with his video. He is being real on the self hatred in the black community and the acceptance that we are seeking with relaxing our hair from white people that we ill never gain from the so called white race. Weither you are relaxed or natural you are still looked at as black from other so called races and wil still face prejudice/racism either relaxed or natural.
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I'm not going to watch the video.

Why doesn't he make a video about black guys and their 360 waves? (Brushing your naps down 500 times a day just to get some waves) Would he consider that a form of self-hate?
To use the bible, taking the Lord's name in vain is what is repulsive.
WOW, I'm glad I didn't watch the entire thing. B/c that's not cool.

But he has a right to an opinion, no matter how ignorant or stupid it may be. lol Good thing he is the very last kind of guy I'd ever want to attract.

Aside from sheer ignorance: he can't dress, has the most annoying speaking voice ever and is way too overweight for my tastes. And don't get me started on the '97 Brandy "Sittin up in my room" walls. He needs an upgrade. He can keep his standards cause he could never pull me nor anyone I roll with.

I love Malcolm X and have studied him thoroughly. He obviously knows nothing about Brother Malcolm. One AA history class doesn't teach you everything, sheesh!
and not only that... address why everytime the white man trying to beat a BM butt down like a slave they come running back home to the black community and black women.

I'm not going to watch the video.

Why doesn't he make a video about black guys and their 360 waves? (Brushing your naps down 500 times a day just to get some waves) Would he consider that a form of self-hate?
Ok I have seen all the videos and I also watched other videos that man made and IMO I think that this man is taking advantage of the freedom that people have on youtube which is to express themselves in anyway or fashion they choose with that being said I am pretty sure this man does not get the attention he wish he could in every day life.
I don't see anything wrong with his video. He is being real on the self hatred in the black community and the acceptance that we are seeking with relaxing our hair from white people that we ill never gain from the so called white race. Weither you are relaxed or natural you are still looked at as black from other so called races and wil still face prejudice/racism either relaxed or natural.

So if this is the case (bolded), what's the point of this convo? Don't women have the right to do whatever they choose w/ their hair for whatever reason? So we should move from the White ideal because hey hate us to an ideal of a Black man who also hates us? LOL...we lose for losing either way, right? It's pretty general to assume that everyone who relaxes their hair is seeking anyone's approval....his, White America, or any "other races". (I love it how "other races" always gets mentioned as if they are somehow incidental) Rather presumptuous.

Besides, the whole line of thought works from the theory that so called natural hair is a sure sign of "self love" and love of fellow Blacks. LOL...hardly. (Did that dude have a process? Doubt it.)

So what of White women who dye their hair blonde, do they hate themselves? Or men who get plugs...or Asians who get curly perms? Does this ONLY apply to Black women w/ perms...not even the so called naturals who spend 24/7 and spend a mint on their hair?

This line of thinking is just another guilt trip designed to dictate to adults to live according to ME. This is just an excuse for an lame attack from some lame guy. Antisocial behavior is far too tolerated when it's directed towards Black women, IMHO.
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So if this is the case (bolded), what's the point of this convo? Don't women have the right to do whatever they choose w/ their hair for whatever reason? So we should move from the White ideal because hey hate us to an ideal of a Black man who also hates us? LOL...we lose for losing either way, right? It's pretty general to assume that everyone who relaxes their hair is seeking anyone's approval....his, White America, or any "other races". (I love it how "other races" always gets mentioned as if they are somehow incidental) Rather presumptuous.

Besides, the whole line of thought works from the theory that so called natural hair is a sure sign of "self love" and love of fellow Blacks. LOL...hardly. (Did that dude have a process? Doubt it.)

So what of White women who dye their hair blonde, do they hate themselves? Or men who get plugs...or Asians who get curly perms? Does this ONLY apply to Black women w/ perms...not even the so called naturals who spend 24/7 and spend a mint on their hair?

This line of thinking is just another guilt trip designed to dictate to adults to live according to ME. This is just an excuse for an lame attack from some lame guy. Antisocial behavior is far too tolerated when it's directed towards Black women, IMHO.

I am sorry sis I can not agree with you on that one. The black women has her head so far up the so called white man and women behind that she neglects her own community. Example, the so called black women relaxes her hair to assemelate to white culture because nappy hair makes her look poor or anti white from what I am hearing from other so called black women. The black man can not fully be a man in America because he sub-ject to another man which is the white man who dictates his every move. The black women is out of order because the black man is out of order from years of oppression in this white society. I know many will disagree, but the negro has been miseducated in America and the only way that we can truly be educated is not from a university, but from the bible and doing research on our history that steams much further than when we came here on slave ships. I am a Hebrew Israelite and so are most of you on this forum and I had to unlearn a lot of lies that I learned about the so called black race in America.

Much Love
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I fail to understand why black people are always dogging each other especially in public. I have yet to see other races go in public and just dog out their race. They may talk about a specific person but I don't hear them say on a public forum "white women this" or "latina women that"

I felt the same way back when Wesley Snipes said that black women are fat, nasty and have attitudes.

Furthermore, this may be a little off subject, but I wonder if some black men are just secretly jealous of black women. Far more black women are pursuing their education and trying to climb society's ladder. Basically, they're doing what needs to be done to better themselves. And where are the black men???

Society already has negative views of black people and when black people go on a public forum like you tube and dog out the whole race in one way or another it does not help us AT ALL. Personally, I find it embarrassing and it pisses me off. :angry2:
I didn't even click the links, but it's sergentwill, isn't it?


Pay no attention to that idiot. He has a SEVERE case of self hate going on.

That's what I was thinking... gotta be... he blasted black women for wearing weaves and gave all the other races a "pass"... stupid kneegrow!
He's got the camera and the mike and he's giving his opinion. If I had the camera and the mike, I'd be giving mine and it would be just a wee bit different. :yep: On a side note, if the only stupid thing he can peg on me is that I have a relaxer, I'd say my decision making abilities are lot less flawed than a whooooooooooooooole lot of other folks :grin: either that or he doesn't know me all that well :look:.
I fail to understand why black people are always dogging each other especially in public. I have yet to see other races go in public and just dog out their race. They may talk about a specific person but I don't hear them say on a public forum "white women this" or "latina women that"

I felt the same way back when Wesley Snipes said that black women are fat, nasty and have attitudes.

Furthermore, this may be a little off subject, but I wonder if some black men are just secretly jealous of black women. Far more black women are pursuing their education and trying to climb society's ladder. Basically, they're doing what needs to be done to better themselves. And where are the black men???

Society already has negative views of black people and when black people go on a public forum like you tube and dog out the whole race in one way or another it does not help us AT ALL. Personally, I find it embarrassing and it pisses me off. :angry2:
And that's the only thing about these youtube videos (and the tendency of some black people to almost delight in trashing one another) that has me doing one of these :scratchch There are A LOT of issues (all of them more important than the hairstyle ELSE chooses to wear) that I could make a video about, but for what? If somebody asks me an honest question, I will DEFINITELY give them an honest answer. I'm just not THAT kind of wrapped up in what other folks do (as long as they don't make their business my business by asking me for time, money, etc.) to take time out of my day to mount a video camera and film myself :blah: :blah: :blah: about other folks' business for 5+ minutes, but I guess that's just me. :look:
I don't see anything wrong with his video. He is being real on the self hatred in the black community and the acceptance that we are seeking with relaxing our hair from white people that we will never gain from the so called white race. Weither you are relaxed or natural you are still looked at as black from other so called races and wil still face prejudice/racism either relaxed or natural.

I see what you're saying. Some of his points, were they worded differently, would be valid. Relaxers are the latest in an evolution of tools used to straighten the hair of black women that did start in slavery, I believe, with the iron. Not because they thought straight hair was easier to style, but because they were taught their hair was ugly. But this guy is not trying to educate anyone; he is trying to insult people which is why any point he makes will be dismissed.
What makes me so mad is not really his opinion...everyone is entitled to that.

It's his hypocritical attitude. He says that black women should not be ashamed of their natural hair and then in the next breath he says that his hair is just too damn nappy so he keeps it cut low. Then on top of that, when he's quoting a movie where the word nappy was used, he has to spell it out like it's a bad word, when he just used it seconds before in a self-derogatory way. :ohwell:

I really wish I hadn't watched that again, he just pisses me off.
Controversy can make you famous!

That’s all he’s looking for. People shouldn’t even comment because that’s what he wants you to do.:yep:
I wasn't the least bit offended. Granted, I don't agree at all with what he has to say. But my self confidence and my self worth as a Black woman are not tied into what his ignorant ass (or anyone else's) thinks. WE are beautiful, dignified, exotic, intelligent, enduring--all those things. Once we start seeing it in ourselves and exuding that self-love to others, then they'll see it and appreciate it too. Until then, don't even acknowledge the silly -ish!
Did Betty Shabazz ever rock a natural hairstyle or her natural hair? Because if she didnt, his hero, Malcolm X, must have had color issues and married a relaxed/naturally straighter haired woman because of his subconscious desire to assimilate :lachen:
Malcolm X most definitely had color issues, mainly due to his parents and their clear issues, which he talks about in his autobiography.
So then why didnt he force his wifey to rock a natural afro once he began his reformation?

If you are referring to his time in the NOI, the women (MGT)are not required to relax or not relax their hair. It just has to be maintained and presentable, even under a headpiece, headscarf or headwrap.
So then why didnt he force his wifey to rock a natural afro once he began his reformation?

I have no idea. It wasn't in the book. Maybe she refused and he accepted. Maybe he had more important things to deal with(like the reformation). Maybe he didn't care. And she wasn't his wifey. She was his wife.
If you are referring to his time in the NOI, the women (MGT)are not required to relax or not relax their hair. It just has to be maintained and presentable, even under a headpiece, headscarf or headwrap.

I have no idea. It wasn't in the book. Maybe she refused and he accepted. Maybe he had more important things to deal with(like the reformation). Maybe he didn't care. And she wasn't his wifey. She was his wife.

I'm not attacking Malcolm or the NOI. The point is that the NOI and Malcolm X, who's proclaimed goal was to resurrect the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of the black men and women of America, woulda ensured that women didn't relax and kept their hair natural.

The fact that they didn't means that someone who wants to evoke Malcolm X or any sort of NOI theology in the "relaxing is bad" debate needs to find some other historical figures/organizations that are in line with their beliefs.
I'm not attacking Malcolm or the NOI. The point is that the NOI and Malcolm X, who's proclaimed goal was to resurrect the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of the black men and women of America, woulda ensured that women didn't relax and kept their hair natural.

The fact that they didn't means that someone who wants to evoke Malcolm X or any sort of NOI theology in the "relaxing is bad" debate needs to find some other historical figures/organizations that are in line with their beliefs.

I know you weren't attacking anyone except the guy on the video, but at that time they were actually trying to preserve the civil rights of Black Americans so the number or Black women that press(were there relaxers then?), was probably on the backburner. The Black is Beautiful, and with it the love for the Afro, happened after Malcolm X.
I know you weren't attacking anyone except the guy on the video, but at that time they were actually trying to preserve the civil rights of Black Americans so the number or Black women that press(were there relaxers then?), was probably on the backburner. The Black is Beautiful, and with it the love for the Afro, happened after Malcolm X.

There were chemicals to prepare the mixture for the hair. The same products used in today's market without all the stuff to make it less harsh on the hair. The product was very strong and was not left on the hair very long. Not quite called a "relaxer" yet but same difference.