she pulled my hair out to see if it was real?


New Member
im sorry moderator but im so pissed today was a regular day i washed my hair and put it in a ponytail nothing special right at least thats what i thought me and my sister went to wallmart and while were cruzing the hair isle im minding my own bisness lookin at aloe vera :grin: and out of know where this big as ruff scaley grotesk mamed hand engolfs my head and a voice says"OH SEE I TOLD YOU LADIDIASHA THIS SHHH WAS WEAVE "and as i turn around this chic is standin there with 2 good strands off my hair lookin like:blush: and had me lookin like:censored::whip::fistshake::boxing::clubu:and thinkin bout:jail: annd had my sister lookin like she :ohsnap::couchfire: had to phisically pull me out of there and throw me in the car and while she was lookin likethis :giggle: i was lookin like this :angry2: im sorry i couldnt sleep without telling you guys this and i wanted to know has anything like this ever happened to you were you were 2 seconds away from beating somebody down over your hair or something simular ????

ohhhhh and if i ever find that girl that means if you out there reading this you know who you are you gone pay what you owe :deadhorse:
OMG!!!! That's not funny, but it's funny as hell....I can't believe that happened. But she would have caught that beat down...sorry.

That chick had some nerve. I don't blame you. I would have been ready to :brucelee: and :boxing: her too. Thank goodness your sister was there to hold you back. I know it's wrong the feel this way but I kinda wish you could have :boxing: her.
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What hood rat trash, I bet. I wish you had the chance to rock that big rough scaly piece of ish. Not really b/c you probably would have gone to jail but somebody needs to bust her head to the white meat.
LMAO@ they gon pay what they owe! You've been watchin Boondocks haven't you? Man people these days, have no manners. You should have gotten krazed right back and slapped her and her friend
The nerve of her........but even more her dumbass still thought it was a weave with 2 strands of your hair in her hand. WTF! You are better than me. Luckily your sis was there, cuz if I was with you, we would've caught a case.
I'm sorry but it would have been over. You are good because my reflexes would have kicked in and I would have dropped her where she stood. :nono: People really have some nerve. Q
OMG!!!!! This is friggin unbelievable.....but unfortunately.....there are idjuts out there that will do this.
That is terrible. I know this may be wrong but I would have cursed her out :censored::swearing: and I would have been loud too. On a postive note your hair must have been lookin' pretty fly:grin: lol.
that is not right, people are too bold nowadays.....i'm sure this would be the next turn of events if this occured to me:arguing: +:catfight: =:jail:
hopefully that never happens.
OMG!!!!! This is friggin unbelievable.....but unfortunately.....there are idjuts out there that will do this.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: at the bolded.

But, OP you a good one. I would've had to go back to pre-Jesus and drop kick ole girl. That was totally disrespectful.
I really don't understand how some people have the nerve to put their hands in someone else's hair. :(
If some greazy piece of hood rat trash had done that to me...OMG, I think my instincts would have kicked in and I probably would have smacked her across the face.

You don't just TOUCH somebody, put your nasty hands all up in someone's head and yank their hair out...a complete stranger at that. WTH was this broad thinking?! :samurai:
People are just out of their minds!!! You should have speedkicked her :moon: right down the aisle!! She wouldn't be touching anybody else's hair after her behind was picking herself up off the floor
My jaw literrally dropped when I read this story :blush::blush: I'm still having trouble believing this story. I woulda wanted to beat the **** outta that witch!!! ...woulda had to make sure she didnt try to pull out the rest of my hair though..
All I can say is WOW!!!!!! That's when you beat that heifers butt THEN call the police and press battery charges because she freakin' PULLED OUT PART OF YOUR HAIR! I definitely feel like you can do a butt kickin' and have HER be the one to go to jail for this one.
i dont know you guys this really scared me if she could be doing all this and my hairs not even all that long right now what happens when i hit WL is someone gonna run up and cut my hair all off like that woman who worked in the hotel :nono:im already starting to get evil stares from grown as woman and mean side comments like that **** think she cute:ohwell:
i dont know you guys this really scared me if she could be doing all this and my hairs not even all that long right now what happens when i hit WL is someone gonna run up and cut my hair all off like that woman who worked in the hotel :nono:im already starting to get evil stares from grown as woman and mean side comments like that **** think she cute:ohwell:

Ignorance. don't let it get to you girl! On a side note, how long is your hair? It's hard to tell from your avatar.