she pulled my hair out to see if it was real?

i dont know you guys this really scared me if she could be doing all this and my hairs not even all that long right now what happens when i hit WL is someone gonna run up and cut my hair all off like that woman who worked in the hotel :nono:im already starting to get evil stares from grown as woman and mean side comments like that **** think she cute:ohwell:

WHO got their WL cut off,let me know if I need to be careful now since I'm inching towards WL. I leave me hair down all the time. That would be the day:whip:.
OH it woulda been on. She woulda paid what she owed right then and there b/c I would've jumped on her before I even knew what was going on. I woulda been banned from that Walmart for life still dazed and confused on what happened :lachen:

When you see her again, WHOOP THAT TRICK!! We'll all chip in and bail you out :yep:
i dont know you guys this really scared me if she could be doing all this and my hairs not even all that long right now what happens when i hit WL is someone gonna run up and cut my hair all off like that woman who worked in the hotel :nono:im already starting to get evil stares from grown as woman and mean side comments like that **** think she cute:ohwell:

:look: What woman in the hotel? Do tell.
You guys are too afraid of jail! If someone physically assaults you it is your right to defend yourself. Ride or Die Bishes!
TOO BOLD!!! I consider myself classy too, but sometimes Im sorry you just have to let people know who they foolin wit. I think we all have to decide for ourselves what a situation is worth. Mama always said you have to choose your battles. For me, this would've been worth going to jail because that is not just someone running their mouth saying "oh she think she cute." I've heard comments like that before too in the past and I've been known to reply, "oh sweetie I KNOW I am!" and keep it moving. However this is someone putting their hands on you and causing you pain, pulling out your hair. That's real serious to me. There is no way that she didn't know that what she was doing was wrong. You just don't do stuff like that to people and think that there wont be a problem. It seems to me like she just felt like she could just belittle you. I bet she wouldn't have pulled that mess with big swoll Bertha who arms and neck all tatted up and with Bertha looking like she just got out the PEN last week. :nono: :lachen: Im glad you let her know she made a big mistake. Maybe she'll think twice before she pull that mess on someone else that she underestimates and she gon end up in ER.
ok, after you went through the alphabet, did she say sorry, run for the hills, explain why she lost the last percentage of reality to pull your hair.

I got to have details.

I would be going back to WalMart, waiting and plottin!
no she said something like were you get yo weave from it feels real im telling you it all happened so fast but she just stood there dumb founded while i was blowing her over with my anger and then had the nerve to try to argue back like what she did wasnt wrong :nono:
WHY oh WHY do women think they can put their hands in your head to see if its real????? It has happened to me before I and know how pissed you are right now. Shoot, I'm pissed for you!
Yes this has happened to me before..but I wear weave so I guess I should expect it, but this would have made me super mad too:yep:
I love your post. :grin: I can't blame anyone for wanting to :hardslap: a stranger who puts their hands on them without their permission.
Well, I guess I need to keep on the watch. Whenever I'm out in public, I always wear my hair in a bun except when I leave the salon. Now I have to be aware that things like this can happen. :blush:

It's sad that there are people who are so obsessed with hair that they have to check to see if its real. I have to be alert from now on. :yep:

Somewhere on this board, a woman's hair was cut by this man whom she thought was about to hug her while she was in a restaurant, I think.
It seems to me like she just felt like she could just belittle you. I bet she wouldn't have pulled that mess with big swoll Bertha who arms and neck all tatted up and with Bertha looking like she just got out the PEN last week. :nono: :lachen: Im glad you let her know she made a big mistake. Maybe she'll think twice before she pull that mess on someone else that she underestimates and she gon end up in ER.

OMG!!!! You are crazy!! I thought the comment with 'Touch my hair and I will touch you' was funny. OMG I read this and thought I was going to die!!:funny:

But on the real, I would have had to bust her head. This story sounds familiar though. My great aunt was part Native American (forgot what tribe-it's not the same as ours) and she would be complaining about folks pulling on her Indian girl looking braids all the time to see if they were real. She even said they did it in church!! And this was back in the day!! (she died in 1994). Just think what folks will do now. It's sad...:nono:
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I wish you could have said something to her, if nothing is tell her off and call security b/c truthfully she assulted you. I know I would have said "are you ready to die? You must be pulling out my hair." The she would have gotten bonequisha and the crew and it would have been on. Anywho you did the right thing but oooh !!!!
Sorry this happened to you OP. I'm actually glad your sister was there to keep you out of jail. I totally understand the anger you felt. Something like this happened to me about 20 years ago and I still get angry :clubu: when I think about it to this day. Long story shortened--I completely lost my temper and threw one of those commercial rubbermaid garbage cans that sat outside of the classroom...:nono: Thank God the chick didn't suffer any injuries but she sure was shocked. Had I been a bit more focused with my anger some major damage could have been done...:look:

Man--my catholic school days were hard. :lachen: But for real--when you become an adult and "grown folks" do it to you--I'm just going to say it takes God! I mean it! It really takes God!!! :pray::yep:
I would have :deadhorse:that :moon: , Oh boy I would show her :dazed:

I with aj1121.................we would have caught a case. Dang!! shyt like this never happens to me!!! I would be soooooooooo READY to beat some can take the girl outta da hood......but you cant take the hood outta da girl..:ohwell:
that is not right, people are too bold to me:arguing: +:catfight: =:jail:
That is hilarious and probably the best use of emoticons I've seen so far!!

On the subject at hand...yeah. That is cause for a beat down. And I'm not even a fighter, but the past few months of mess I've been going through, she might have taken me over the edge...I just for the life of me would not reach out and randomly touch someone. I don't know why people think it's ok to do so.
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If that was one of my peeps with me, WE would have been strokin' sista girl. I'm tellin, girl I'm pumped up to fight for you......UN UH WHERE SHE AT!!:lachen:

And I don't think you would have went to jail, unless you killed her. But a good ol' self-defense beat down could have been explained to the police.
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im sorry moderator but im so pissed today was a regular day i washed my hair and put it in a ponytail nothing special right at least thats what i thought me and my sister went to wallmart and while were cruzing the hair isle im minding my own bisness lookin at aloe vera :grin: and out of know where this big as ruff scaley grotesk mamed hand engolfs my head and a voice says"OH SEE I TOLD YOU LADIDIASHA THIS SHHH WAS WEAVE "and as i turn around this chic is standin there with 2 good strands off my hair lookin like:blush: and had me lookin like:censored::whip::fistshake::boxing::clubu:and thinkin bout:jail: annd had my sister lookin like she :ohsnap::couchfire: had to phisically pull me out of there and throw me in the car and while she was lookin likethis :giggle: i was lookin like this :angry2: im sorry i couldnt sleep without telling you guys this and i wanted to know has anything like this ever happened to you were you were 2 seconds away from beating somebody down over your hair or something simular ????

ohhhhh and if i ever find that girl that means if you out there reading this you know who you are you gone pay what you owe :deadhorse:

DAYUM... I am so sorry, the boldness of people scares me. I thought it was bad years ago when a lady in WALMART...asked me what type of hair I had in my head [it was mine], but to invade your personal space that is assault.

On a side note, I love your siggie. I hope they continue to push Nattie, and not punish her for her non-barbie cut out curves.
Police Report

The suspect stated that after the victim pulled some of her hair out in an attempt to see if it was real, she decided to see if the victims teeth were real or not. The teeth were recovered and victim is seeking treatment. Although we consider this to be a case of self defense we would like to state that the suspect showed no remorse and stated she would most likely do the same if it happened again.

All jokes aside, I know we shouldn't repay evil with evil but this would have truly been a test for me. It is dangerous to be walking around with THAT much nerve in your body. :nono:
Police Report

The suspect stated that after the victim pulled some of her hair out in an attempt to see if it was real, she decided to see if the victims teeth were real or not. The teeth were recovered and victim is seeking treatment. Although we consider this to be a case of self defense we would like to state that the suspect showed no remorse and stated she would most likely do the same if it happened again.

All jokes aside, I know we shouldn't repay evil with evil but this would have truly been a test for me. It is dangerous to be walking around with THAT much nerve in your body. :nono:
Yeah, the right person was with you. Cuz if it hadda been me, it would have started with some yelling, and then I would grabbed a handful and yanked it off her head and seen how she liked it. And that probably would have only escalated things and the next thing you know we're pouring bottles of conditioner down her throat and stabbing folks with afro picks. I mean, I know in the grand scheme of things 2 strands of hair is not that important, but the whole act was the epitome of disrespect and, well, I would have had to teach her some manners.

:lachen::lachen:LMAO!!! :lachen::lachen:
I didn't know an afro pick could be used as a dangerous weapon!