My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!!!)

My mother has a different texture than mine (2A I believe) so I don't think that she could relate. All I know is that when I started with a new regimen when I discovered lhcf, all I can remember is her saying : "oh you're washing your hair again?" , whenever the water would start running in the laundry room : "you're washing your hair again? you're not suppose to wash your hair so much... your wasting the water!!".
I don't hear her say that much anymore now that my hair is longer :scratchch
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

My mom was on me about how much I washed my hair, why I kept putting all this stuff in it..."why don't you wear your hair down, I hate that bun!"

My hair grew like wildfire during the 7 weeks I bunned, conditioner washed and MTG-ed.
I showed my mom my hair tonight.
She now has me putting together a regimen for her hair.
She's a BELIEVER! :lachen:
Plenty706 said:
My mother told me if I did this my perm would fade:lachen: :lachen:

No, my mother has never taken a chemistry class.

That is the one that used to get me too...if you wash your hair every week you are going to strip your perm!!!:lachen:
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

WomanlyCharm said:
My mom was on me about how much I washed my hair, why I kept putting all this stuff in it..."why don't you wear your hair down, I hate that bun!"

My hair grew like wildfire during the 7 weeks I bunned, conditioner washed and MTG-ed.
I showed my mom my hair tonight.
She now has me putting together a regimen for her hair.
She's a BELIEVER! :lachen:

Haahaa another convert. Yeah once they see how good your hair is doing then they can't stop asking you questions.
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

LOL, thanks ladies!! I had to get that off my chest...I just sit back and laugh when its all over with....I remember when i told her about this board, she told, me that you all were on here LYING to me... "Ppl will tell you anything just to see what u'll do"

I was like :( But Now I just laugh it off...........
*Dee* said:
"you're washing your hair again? you're not suppose to wash your hair so much... your wasting the water!!".

I get this one too when I'm home visiting my parents. My mom says that I should wash my hair at the gym and "waste all their water."
She will see the results of the care your hair is receiving and will come around.

My mom was very hesitant when I became a LHCFer. She didn't want to admit that my hair could be any longer or better than it was. And my sister told me that my hair had reached it's limit at shoulder length because it is kinkier than hers (meaning that only type 2/3's can grow long hair).

Now they are beleivers, and my Mom is growing her hair too.
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

Okay y'all want to hear a crazy one? During a family therapy session, my mom told our WHITE therapist that she was worried for me (crying hysterically and all) because I washed my hair too often and that I never oiled my scalp! I was too embarassed and the therapist was looking at us like WTF? To this day she still bothers me about my hair, but now she's the first one to say why don't you wear your hair down? It's so long!:whyme: :ohwell:
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

Alli77 said:
Okay y'all want to hear a crazy one? During a family therapy session, my mom told our WHITE therapist that she was worried for me (crying hysterically and all) because I washed my hair too often and that I never oiled my scalp! I was too embarassed and the therapist was looking at us like WTF? To this day she still bothers me about my hair, but now she's the first one to say why don't you wear your hair down? It's so long!:whyme: :ohwell:

**staring** **blinking** **staring** .... :ohwell: That is probably THEEEE most hilarious little story about our moms and our hair that I have heard since being an LHCF member! Bless your Mommy's HEART! :angel: I just cannot IMAGINE! Did you laugh? How did you react? Lordy have mercy! :p
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

Alli77 said:
Okay y'all want to hear a crazy one? During a family therapy session, my mom told our WHITE therapist that she was worried for me (crying hysterically and all) because I washed my hair too often and that I never oiled my scalp! I was too embarassed and the therapist was looking at us like WTF? To this day she still bothers me about my hair, but now she's the first one to say why don't you wear your hair down? It's so long!:whyme: :ohwell:

OMG!!!! That's hysterical! :lachen: :lachen:
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

Alli77 said:
Okay y'all want to hear a crazy one? During a family therapy session, my mom told our WHITE therapist that she was worried for me (crying hysterically and all) because I washed my hair too often and that I never oiled my scalp! I was too embarassed and the therapist was looking at us like WTF? To this day she still bothers me about my hair, but now she's the first one to say why don't you wear your hair down? It's so long!:whyme: :ohwell:

What did the therapist say??? Or did the look say it all?? :lol:
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

CantBeCopied said:
**staring** **blinking** **staring** .... :ohwell: That is probably THEEEE most hilarious little story about our moms and our hair that I have heard since being an LHCF member! Bless your Mommy's HEART! :angel: I just cannot IMAGINE! Did you laugh? How did you react? Lordy have mercy! :p

OMG at the time it was not funny! But like a day later my BF and I were laughing our a$$ off! My mom is pure drama!
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

BabyImaStarr said:
What did the therapist say??? Or did the look say it all?? :lol:

The look definitely said it all! THat poor therapists was like 'huh?'
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

Nita81 said:
Ahhhhh mothers......they'll touch a nerve like no one else can!!!!:lol:

Ain't that the truth! I love mine dearly but she can work my nerves to the bone! :lol:
If your mom doesn't have time, why don't you offer to also do your mother's hair for her. Buy her the things that will help keep it nice when you're unable to do it. Try crown and glory. Braiding and keeping it that way for two months is inexpensive and it's easy to moisturzie on a daily basis. She'll be able to do that. You can help her wash and saturate it weekly.

Her hair will grow and she'll be proud, because you made it grow. She'll also be proud, because you cared about her hair, as much as you care about your own.

Whenever my mom is around, I do her makeup, or brush her hair, or tell what outfit looks good on her. I love my mom, I would help her grow her hair.
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

When I first found this forum my mum used to tell me that I'm washing my hair too much blah blah blah...
Finding this thread has made me realise that she hasn't said anything about my hair for a long time. It's not long yet so she still won't take my advice but hopefully by the end of this year my hair will be the longest it's ever been.

This story is the funniest **** ever....

Okay y'all want to hear a crazy one? During a family therapy session, my mom told our WHITE therapist that she was worried for me (crying hysterically and all) because I washed my hair too often and that I never oiled my scalp! I was too embarassed and the therapist was looking at us like WTF? To this day she still bothers me about my hair, but now she's the first one to say why don't you wear your hair down? It's so long!:whyme: :ohwell:

eta: Oh yeah I bumped for updates
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

My mother is the same way! I wash 2 to 3 times a week and twist my hair every night. Because of this, she thinks I'm obsessed with my hair. Granted, I may be a bit obsessive, I know that what I'm doing is not excessive and has helped my hair more than ever. Back when I was relaxed, she never said anything when I went weeks without washing and applied heat daily. I'd rather wash DAILY than put heat on my hair daily. People can be so set in their ways and so closed-minded.
Re: My mother argued me down that my hair is gonna fall out if I wash it weekly(rant!

this is wonderful!! i told my mom I wash my hair 2 TIMES A WEEK and she was like "all that water isn't good for your hair!!" Scary.

When I was 11 or 12, I remember I'd go WEEKS AT A TIME (like, 6-10 weeks!) without washing my hair/having my hair washed. See?? Ignorance can get around the world twice before the truth even has time to put its pants on.