she pulled my hair out to see if it was real?

Ok...almost the exact same thing happened to me accept I was at work.

I was sitting down with my back to this girl...and she walks up behind me and rakes her WHOLE hand thru my hair...starting at my neck and going up! I could feel her fingernails on my scalp! I snapped my head around and said "You and I are not having sex so why are you running your hands thru my hair!!!" :wallbash:

she just laughed. I was just looking at her like, "what's so funny". :nono:

Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks who have no freakin' home trainin and are just rude and inconsiderate!

I've had more than a few people put their hands in my hair without my permission...I just accept it as a part of life and try not to get upset... cause I need peace.
Ok...almost the exact same thing happened to me accept I was at work.

I was sitting down with my back to this girl...and she walks up behind me and rakes her WHOLE hand thru my hair...starting at my neck and going up! I could feel her fingernails on my scalp! I snapped my head around and said "You and I are not having sex so why are you running your hands thru my hair!!!" :wallbash:

she just laughed. I was just looking at her like, "what's so funny". :nono:

Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks who have no freakin' home trainin and are just rude and inconsiderate!

I've had more than a few people put their hands in my hair without my permission...I just accept it as a part of life and try not to get upset... cause I need peace.
im sorry moderator but im so pissed today was a regular day i washed my hair and put it in a ponytail nothing special right at least thats what i thought me and my sister went to wallmart and while were cruzing the hair isle im minding my own bisness lookin at aloe vera :grin: and out of know where this big as ruff scaley grotesk mamed hand engolfs my head and a voice says"OH SEE I TOLD YOU LADIDIASHA THIS SHHH WAS WEAVE "and as i turn around this chic is standin there with 2 good strands off my hair lookin like:blush: and had me lookin like:censored::whip::fistshake::boxing::clubu:and thinkin bout:jail: annd had my sister lookin like she :ohsnap::couchfire: had to phisically pull me out of there and throw me in the car and while she was lookin likethis :giggle: i was lookin like this :angry2: im sorry i couldnt sleep without telling you guys this and i wanted to know has anything like this ever happened to you were you were 2 seconds away from beating somebody down over your hair or something simular ????

ohhhhh and if i ever find that girl that means if you out there reading this you know who you are you gone pay what you owe :deadhorse:

This is totally unacceptable! I would've been ready to file assault charges, lol. I really don't have any words for this, I'm turning red just thinking about it. I'm sorry that happened to you! That's another reason I wear my hair in a bun most of the time, too many people act like they don't know how to keep their hands to themselves. :nono:
Girl, don't sweat it. The only way the h03 could have such nice curly hair on her head is if she cut it from her kootch and glued it onto her head. She has no life cause she all up in wall mart bustin yo bubble with her man hands... I bet her hands smell like feet. Girl, go home and wash yo hair 5 times with Extra conditionner.
Girl, don't sweat it. The only way the h03 could have such nice curly hair on her head is if she cut it from her kootch and glued it onto her head. She has no life cause she all up in wall mart bustin yo bubble with her man hands... I bet her hands smell like feet. Girl, go home and wash yo hair 5 times with Extra conditionner.

Woooooow :lol:

You all have officially scared me. I hope I never get anyone seriously mad at me here, I think yall actually might be able to make me cry. lol
:lachen::lachen:LMAO!!! :lachen::lachen:
I didn't know an afro pick could be used as a dangerous weapon!

shoot, you didn't know? mine was confiscated at security at the airport. never mind the irony in the fact that every afro pick i've ever had has had the peace symbol in the center, it would have been an instrument of war that day. black power fist indeed.
im sorry moderator but im so pissed today was a regular day i washed my hair and put it in a ponytail nothing special right at least thats what i thought me and my sister went to wallmart and while were cruzing the hair isle im minding my own bisness lookin at aloe vera :grin: and out of know where this big as ruff scaley grotesk mamed hand engolfs my head and a voice says"OH SEE I TOLD YOU LADIDIASHA THIS SHHH WAS WEAVE "and as i turn around this chic is standin there with 2 good strands off my hair lookin like:blush: and had me lookin like:censored::whip::fistshake::boxing::clubu:and thinkin bout:jail: annd had my sister lookin like she :ohsnap::couchfire: had to phisically pull me out of there and throw me in the car and while she was lookin likethis :giggle: i was lookin like this :angry2: im sorry i couldnt sleep without telling you guys this and i wanted to know has anything like this ever happened to you were you were 2 seconds away from beating somebody down over your hair or something simular ????

ohhhhh and if i ever find that girl that means if you out there reading this you know who you are you gone pay what you owe :deadhorse:

:lachen:That's right, she gone get you like Riley got Santa, nukka! But seriously, that's some messed up ish :nono:. If I ever come cross her I'll take care of her for you myself, lol. That was so bad it felt like it happened to ME.
Ok...almost the exact same thing happened to me accept I was at work.

I was sitting down with my back to this girl...and she walks up behind me and rakes her WHOLE hand thru my hair...starting at my neck and going up! I could feel her fingernails on my scalp! I snapped my head around and said "You and I are not having sex so why are you running your hands thru my hair!!!" :wallbash:

she just laughed. I was just looking at her like, "what's so funny". :nono:

Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks who have no freakin' home trainin and are just rude and inconsiderate!

I've had more than a few people put their hands in my hair without my permission...I just accept it as a part of life and try not to get upset... cause I need peace.

:blush:...:lachen:Girl, you have some cahones.
I will embarrass people if they stand to close to me. I can't even imagine what I would do in this situation. The closest people have gotten was giving me dirty looks.
Homegirl would have gotten cussed out. That is just crazy. She should have just asked if your hair was a weave. That is more acceptable to me.
OMG.. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!! What made her think she could just paw at your hair like that? The nerve of some people.
Girl, don't sweat it. The only way the h03 could have such nice curly hair on her head is if she cut it from her kootch and glued it onto her head. She has no life cause she all up in wall mart bustin yo bubble with her man hands... I bet her hands smell like feet. Girl, go home and wash yo hair 5 times with Extra conditionner.