Sexually Active Christian Singles

It's not us "casting" judgements. God has already judged it first. So I don't see anyone here judging it. We are calling it as we see it. SIN. Doesn't mean we are perfect and we have never claimed to be.

But if the subject is fornication and you are not fornicating it doesn't call for someone to accuse you of being perfect and dig up some sin you are participating in and use it as a shield to deflect the truth you are offering on the current subject.

Nothing but the truth has been stated here.
God says it's wrong.
You can bring all the other sins that are not the topic of this post into that still doesn't negate the truth. Fornication is a sin against your own body and you don't have to be perfect to offer up that truth nor does it mean you are putting yourself out there as perfect.

Nobody is perfect and I don't see anyone stating they are. Can we just acknowledge that?

Right on sista!
It's not us "casting" judgements. God has already judged it first. So I don't see anyone here judging it. We are calling it as we see it. SIN. Doesn't mean we are perfect and we have never claimed to be.

But if the subject is fornication and you are not fornicating it doesn't call for someone to accuse you of being perfect and dig up some sin you are participating in and use it as a shield to deflect the truth you are offering on the current subject.

Nothing but the truth has been stated here.
God says it's wrong.
You can bring all the other sins that are not the topic of this post into that still doesn't negate the truth. Fornication is a sin against your own body and you don't have to be perfect to offer up that truth nor does it mean you are putting yourself out there as perfect.

Nobody is perfect and I don't see anyone stating they are. Can we just acknowledge that?

I am not trying to deflect the truth, nor give a list of my other faults... The point I was attempting to make was that it is easy for us as Christians to find a sin and use it as a divider. A sin is a sin, I totally agree, however there is a lot more that goes in to those actions that we on the outside can see.

If we try and reach those who do a particular sin, it is a lot harder to connect with them by pointing them to a verse and telling them that it is wrong (especially if they are not believers). Most of the time it isn't "just sex" or it isn't "just drug use" there is a background and a mindset that needs understanding.

I am not trying to downplay what God says. However, it is our walk with God that brings us closer to Him and changes our ways. Not those around us who like to constantly remind us what is right or what is wrong.
Well i just went through something with a guy i was feeling. I have been celibate and talked to him about it, but as a christian he still says he can't see himself in a relationship with me and us not having sex on the regular. but i can't compromise, so i texted him that. I just have come too far in my walk to take on that causal sin. It hurt at first, the connection seemed real, i give it to God, he never fails me.
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I have a lot of questions on this based upon some of the posts in another thread plus my discussion with my niece in her 20s who is a Christian and still a virgin. Most of the single Christian men she meets are sexually active and can't believe she is not. Very hard for her.

Is this notion contradictory? Under what circumstances is it acceptable (to you) to engage in premarital sex? Do you consider it a sin? Is abstinance too lofty a goal in 2009?

Let's discuss.

I think that the notion can be contradictory, for instance, if they are pressuring her to do something she is not comfortable with. I don't really recall seeing in the Bible that premarital sex was a sin but if anyone can show me some verses I can evaluate them and ask for guidance on the meaning.

I don't believe abstinence is too lofty a goal but it is a struggle especially when you see Christian marriages that participated in premarital sex whether or not they repented later for it (if they believe that it is a sin).
Oh ok.

Its easy for you because its not your battle. Not your struggle.

Yes God's word speaks against fornication/pre-marital sex. But, it also speaks about our sins and how we all fall short of his will. Did not Christ die on the cross for our sins. God knew that we were going to sin at some point. If not, he wouldn't have sacrificed his son.

With that said. Yes premarital sex is a sin and should be reserved for marriage. Is it contradictory/hypocritical for Christians to fornicate? On the surface yes. But the life of Christianity is not so black and white. None of us are perfect. I believe most of us have to battle our flesh on some level EVERYDAY, whether it be sex or anything else that is not of God. Even Paul wrote about it "when I would do good, evil is present with me"

Is there ever a time when it would be acceptable? According to God's word, no. Is it too lofty of an idea in this day and age. No. But for those who choose to do so. It may be a very difficult thing to do.

ITA. It is very difficult.:look:

IT is called crucifying your flesh. Which is very hard to do, but I reserve judgment on anyone.
I think abstinence is possible if you have good self-control AND lack of temptation. Although lately, I'm starting to doubt that anyone really practices abstinence and the joke is on me.
It's easy because I finally realized that I was making it hard on myself. The first 6 months were difficult but I was hanging out at home and getting too comfortable for my own good. Once I got it down, I haven't had any problems since.


I commend you, so many young women your age do not have that frame of mind. I didn't , so I think that's great congrats:grin:and I hope you do hold out until you are married. Blessings!
"Devote" Christian hypocrites that like to chuck bibles and scream damnation to others yet have premartial sex, lie, cheat, steal and have 2-3 different baby daddies and make me laugh (I've met too many that fall under one or all of the categories).
2-3 different baby daddies...
those are always the ones that are the most judgemental...
i just ignore them cuz usually i can't understand what theyre saying anyways cuz they can't speak proper english lol
I agree with you that righteousness only comes thru Christ but I disagree that all sins are equal - that actually isn't biblical. Sexual immorality is stated as the only sin one commits against his/her own body...which I've always found to be a thought provoking statement, but that's for another thread I suppose.

What about suicide?