Abortion vs. Fornication vs. Homosexuality vs. Divorce

I love to separate church and state.

Many of the issues we discuss are not only moral but philosophical issues, scientific personal etc. Some of them cannot be proven with 100% certainty one way or the other.
Let's take abortion. I have always been pro life but I recognize:

some people define, from a medical standpoint with persuasive argument that life begins at implantation.

some people define, from a scientific and/or christian standpoint that life begins at conception

some people define from a scientific/ moral argument that life begins at sperm or even ovum and hence condoms are abortive...

I read a very compelling article from a pro life stand point called the use and misuse of the bible. I will post the link here later. It gave no clear answers but challenged conventional thinking on each side of the debate.

Even when we define life at beginning at one point, at what point is it worthy of the same protections as a fully-developed human being?
in the old testament children of less than one month were not considered of the same value as human beings 2 mos. and older.
yet Psalms seems to imply we are people from conception....

I tell you that read is a good read.

At the end of it all, my point is, we don't agree on all issues, Christian and non alike. A lot of times our choices are very heavily influenced by religion, but we must be careful at which point we step in and legislate versus letting people choose for themselves. Especially in this country where laws are so heavily-rooted in constitutional protections of privacy and liberty.

We don't want to slip and slide into Shar'ia law.
Abortion is such a permanent solution for a woman's temporary problem. There are viable choices that don't bring death to one of the human beings involved including Adoption.

The abortion debate is not as simple as that.
People on the other side of the argument will tell you that is not a human being you are talking about. (not my view, but let's go there arguendo)

Also, it is not as simple as freedom of choice versus imposition of limitations.
We all know this standard does not apply to prostitution, euthanasia and suicide among others.
Abortion is such a permanent solution for a woman's temporary problem. There are viable choices that don't bring death to one of the human beings involved including Adoption.

It's viable for healthy white babies. Babies of color are passed from foster home to foster home and raised in the system, not adopted.
I think adoption is wonderful.

Open adoption is even better.

But I do think people romanticize the idea of adoption.