Sexting/emailing naked pics...

Not say that your man is cheating but my ex did the same thing and best believe he was cheating with all of the naked females he had in the phone nasty
He's 29.

I'm extremly torn b/c this is the only real problem we have. He hasn't physically cheated on me. He just has this virtual need. He told me that it had nothing to do with what I'm doing or not doing, but it's just something that he likes to do.

He is right!

this is about him and not about you. You have to decide if this is the kind of man that you want in your life. He has told you what he is about and what he values.

What do you value in a relationship? Is this acceptable to you? If not, then what are you going to do?
He's 29.

I'm extremly torn b/c this is the only real problem we have. He hasn't physically cheated on me. He just has this virtual need. He told me that it had nothing to do with what I'm doing or not doing, but it's just something that he likes to do.

He knows them all. I asked him what would he do if one of them wanted to have sex and he said that he would tell them that he had a girl.

You can't possibly believe this....He is cheating. Period.
:imsorry: but your man got straight :busted: for looking at:blondboob :moon:on his:user:. He needs to :hand: all of his :pinocchio . He knows he:kissing4: that girl. There is no need for your to feel:ill: and :crying3: because you deserve better. My advice...:flush: all his excuses and :hand: confronting him on the matter it is like :deadhorse:. If it were me I would:computer: then I would:hardslap:for thinking I would believe his :pinocchio. I :crystalba that you will be extremley:yahoo: and stress free when you finally find a :goodone:. Tiss All
I cracked up at your smileys.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Girl that is cheating, I had to write a paper on it and the research says that it almost always escalates to the real thing. I would even venture to say that the women would not be sending him those pics if he had not asked for them, verbally thru email or otherwise. Anything involving another female that requires sexual energy being taken away from your relationship and giving it to her is cheating. Just think about it. I found the same thing in my (now ex's email). Do you really trust him anymore? Without trust what is there?

IA 100%
OP...I don't know how you are feeling so I won't say you should do this or that...but just think about his response.....

He needs this to prevent him from cheating on you. So his mindset isn't one that tries to be faithful

These women, that he knows and I'm sure speaks to ....are so comfortable with him that they would send nakid /semi nakkid pics of themselves???

a) most times:look: if you are sending naughty pics it's because that area has been explored ALReADY...... Would you send pics like this to guys that you know( and where never involved with) ? just friends with or co workers???? THAT S!!!! IS CRAZY:nono: These women are VERY comfortable with him and that only happens 2 ways....they are spending or have spent time with him and they are tempting him in a way

b) If they are "just friends" why isn't he being clear with them......I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND....I'm NOT interested in you cheeks or your hooha:ohwell: ANd you gotta wonder what types of chicks just send pics of themselves to someone they aren't involved with...What else will they do??

IDK....This is not cool....becareful and protect yourself is all I can say....

I would suggest he call this last women on the phone and tell her to stop
( if you want to stay with him) and see how the conversation should be on the other line to hear her reaction.....If you want to have some peace of mind about this women....... the others :ohwell: IDK
I believe what the Bible says not to get all Christian or start a debate, if a man looks as a women and has a desire for her he has (cheated) committed adultery with her in his heart. And the heart is treacherous so is desire for other women. So I would say it is cheating.
Infidelity is a violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship, which constitutes a significant breach of faith or a betrayal of core shared values with which the integrity of the relationship is defined. In common use, it describes an act of unfaithfulness to one’s husband, wife, or lover, whether sexual or non-sexual in nature.

There are two areas in a close relationship where infidelity mostly occurs: physical intimacy and emotional intimacy. Infidelity is not just about sex outside the relationship, but about trust, betrayal, lying and disloyalty.[1]

Sexual infidelity refers to sexual activity with someone other than the partner one is committed to. Sexual infidelity in marriage is called adultery, philandery or an affair and in other interpersonal relationships it may be called cheating.

Emotional Infidelity refers to emotional involvement with another person, which leads one’s partner to channel emotional resources such as romantic love, time, and attention to someone else.[3]. With the association of multi-user dimensions the level of intimate involvement has extended from in-person involvement to online affairs.

Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others, [1] Cheating implies the breaking of rules. The term "cheating" is less applicable to the breaking of laws, as illegal activities are referred to by specific legal terminology such as fraud or corruption. Cheating is a primordial economic act: getting more for less, often used when referring to marital infidelity.
fantasy world ..I call it sickness

call me a psycho... but thats just enough for me to stomp him while hes asleep.
I don't believe him at all! How do one start getting naked pics from females he knows? "Hey girl, you have a great body so, will you send me some G-shots?" "I love my girl, by the way will you consider texting me some naked pics of yourself?"

OP, I know you want to give him the benefit and that you love him but, I don't know about this?
He knows them all. I asked him what would he do if one of them wanted to have sex and he said that he would tell them that he had a girl.
So they don't know that he already has a girl? :rolleyes:

And pay close attention to his answer...

He didn't say "No, I would not have sex with them."

He just said "I would tell them I have a girl." That answer doesn't mean he wouldn't have sex with them...

And I agree with firecracker. Those women would probably have sex with him regardless of him having a girlfriend or not. Trust me, there are plenty of women out there who are like that. If they are comfortable enough to send sexual pics and text messages, they won't mind having sex with him either.

And this man is TWENTY-NINE years old! He knows what he's doing and it's not right and shouldn't be tolerated at all.
Women he's intimate enough with to receive nekid pics from, but not intimate enough for them to ALREADY know that he has a girl & that those pics cross a boundary . . .

Cheating & most likely beyond emotional. If you don't think so, ask to meet these friends.

Gurl. . . . people always tell us who they really are. It's up to us to listen.
I consider this cheating...and even if I didn't, judging from the extent of the problem, he has probably already slept with some of these women. Watching porn is one thing; receiving naked pictures (from multiple women whom you no personally, no less,) is entirely another. He has the nerve to act like he's doing you a favour by not cheating on you? He's thirty years old; he knows what he is doing is completely inappropriate.

Let him keep the pictures and get rid of him. He is worthless and you deserve better.
Ladies. Do you consider this cheating or extreme flirting?

I ask b/c my boyfriend received a text in the middle of the night about 6 months ago from a girl and I picked up and clicked on the phone and a picture of her bending over in a thong. We argued about it and I eventually let it go b/c he hadn't texted her to ask for the pic. This also opened up the conversation about saved pictures in his phone. He had saved naked pics over like 5 years. He described this as his fantasy world, and I was upset but decided to let that go as well. A couple of months ago he forgot to close out some windows and I saw where he was getting and sending naked pictures even though he said that he was going to discourage the behavior. He said that most men do it and this was his way of not cheating on me. My main problem though is these aren't random women. This are women that he sees all the time, women that he has close access to. So what happens when the pictures aren't enough anymore?

What do you ladies think of the situation?

What's the hel*&%? :barf: Not only this is unfaithful and disrespectiful, he has an issue.
He is right!

this is about him and not about you. You have to decide if this is the kind of man that you want in your life. He has told you what he is about and what he values.

What do you value in a relationship? Is this acceptable to you? If not, then what are you going to do?

What she said here is very good.
If he has to stop himself from cheating on you, by showing his parts and enjoying temptation, then you might want to scale back on calling yourselves monogamous.

I'm not saying leave him, or give him an ultimatum but that's telling you something. You need to listen, and possibly open things up for a minute.